misslawyer · 3 years
DASH & LILY’S BOOK OF DARES SENTENCE STARTERS  :   quotes taken from the 2010 novel ‘dash & lily’s book of dares’ by rachel cohn and david levithan.
“i’m  told  there’s  no  going  back.  so  i’m  choosing  forward.”
“it’s  only  a  game  if  there  is  an  absence  of  meaning.”
“i  want  to  believe  there  is  a  somebody  out  there  for  me.”
“i  want  to  believe  that  i  exist  to  be  there  for  that  somebody.”
“you  think  fairy  tales  are  only  for  girls?”
“you  think  fairy  tales  are  only  for  girls?  here’s  a  hint  —  ask  yourself  who  wrote  them.”
“yes,  girls  want  their  princes,  but  boys  want  their  princesses  just  as  much.”
“the  important  people  in  our  lives  leave  imprints.”
“luckily,  i  always  travel  with  a  book,  just  in  case  i  have  to  wait  in  line  for  santa,  or  some  such  inconvenience.”
“i  am  horribly  bookish,  to  the  point  of  coming  right  out  and  saying  it,  which  i  know  is  not  socially  acceptable.”
“you  want  meaning?  well,  the  meanings  are  out  there.  we’re  just  so  damn  good  at  reading  them  wrong.”
“what  if  love  isn’t  a  yes-or-no  question?”
“well,  sure,  who  doesn’t  need  a  boyfriend?”
“well,  sure,  who  doesn’t  need  a  boyfriend?  but  realistically,  those  exotic  creatures  are  hard  to  come  by.  at  least  a  quality  one.”
“it’s  hard  to  answer  a  question  you  haven’t  been  asked.”
“it’s  hard  to  show  you  tried  unless  you  end  up  succeeding.”
“we  believe  in  the  wrong  things.”
“i  love  snow  for  the  same  reason  i  love  christmas:  it  brings  people  together  while  time  stands  still.”
“i  find  i  very  rarely  live  up  to  my  words.”
“i’m  told  there’s  no  going  back.”
“i’m  trying  hard  to  see  how  this  is  germane.”
“i’m  gauging  your  honesty.”
“what  is  the  last  periodical  you  read  methodically?”
“what  adjective  do  you  feel  the  most  longing  for?”
“let’s  say  i  have  a  hundred  million  dollars  and  offer  it  to  you.  the  only  condition  is  that  if  you  take  it,  a  man  in  china  will  fall  off  his  bicycle  and  die.  what  do  you  do?”
“do  you  think  abraham  lincoln  was  a  homosexual?”
“are  you  a  museum  goer?”
“when  you  see  a  flower  painted  by  georgia  o'keefe,  what  comes  to  mind?”
“that’s  just  a  transparent  ploy  to  get  me  to  say  the  word  vagina,  isn’t  it?”
“i  want  to  believe  that,  despite  all  evidence  to  the  contrary,  it  is  possible  for  anyone  to  find  that  one  special  person.”
“the  universe  doesn’t  decide  what’s  right  or  not  right.  you  do.”
“somewhere  between  a  friend  and  acquaintance  —  a  frequaintance,  as  it  were.”
“maybe  it’s  not  the  distance  that’s  the  problem,  but  how  you  handle  it.”
“with  all  due  respect,  if  you’re  [AGE]  then  i’m  a  fetus.”
“are  you  going  to  be  playing  for  the  pure  thrill  of  unreluctant  desire?”
“making  love  without  noise  is  like  playing  a  muted  piano  —  fine  for  practice,  but  you  cheat  yourself  out  of  hearing  the  glorious  results.”
“you  bookish  little  pervert.”
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misslawyer · 3 years
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BETTY COOPER - 5x06; Back to School
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misslawyer · 3 years
“         You’ve got me,         ”               he assures her,  a small smile pulling the corner of his mouth.  Danny leans his head forward,  lightly pressing their foreheads together as he   s i g h s .  There was part of him that wanted to let himself   l e a n .   To let her be there for him the way she offered.  And if it were another argument with his dad,  or his brother.  If he’d just had a bad day,  or he was feeling  insecure  about his career,  he   would   lean on her.  But this was something he’d never leaned on  anyone  for.  Even now,  years down the road it felt wrong somehow.  Like if he talked about her,  it would somehow taint her memory.  However,  as he stands with Zoe this close,  one hand on his face and the other behind his neck,  he can’t help but wonder what would happen if he did.
What would happen if he told her about Hailey?  How they’d met,  how she was the only reason he did   r e m o t e l y   well in school.  How they’d fallen in love.  How when he thought of his future,  she was always going to be in it.  How they fought that night,  and how they had been on the precipice of   breakup.  How he’d gone to his friend’s that night to blow off steam,   only for the following morning to be only the second worst day of his life.  The worst day being the day they discovered her body.  How he’d lost not only the girl he loved,  but an entire future.  How he’d lost his home in more ways than one.  What would she say if she knew how much it   w e i g h e d   him down?  Would she still want to be with him?  He   doubted   it.
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Danny pulls his head back and opens his eyes to look at her,  studying her face as his hand at his hand moves to rest lightly on her hip.                   “         All of me,         ”                   he adds, the words weighted like a promise as he holds her gaze.  Because he means it,  she does have all of him.  She just doesn’t need to feel the weight of all that entails.  At least not right now.  With that,  he closes limited space between their faces to kiss her softly.  It wasn’t so much a  distraction  as much as something he   n e e d e d .   The closeness that she declared,  he needed to believe it.  Minutes ago she’s been set to  throw  him out,  and he couldn’t even say she’d been  w r o n g  to want to.  He’d talk to her about Hailey one night.  He’d work himself up to it.  When he  knows  that she isn’t going to be  scared  off by the feelings that still lingered.  When they were both ready.  Because he just   i s n ’ t   yet.  And he can only hope the softness of his tells her what he means.  that he  trusts  her.  He’ll talk to her.  Just not  tonight.
      there was a time when she had been scared to let him in. a time where a friendship and a fleeting crush was all she could think this was, in case he hurt her -- or even worse, she hurt him. it had been terrifying to think, that despite the few times she had let him in close, she could let him in fully. zoe had almost run away from it. she hadn’t let her walls down for many people in between leaving home and having a full-time career as a successful attorney. not many people could even get that close to her. but she was thankful that it was danny to managed to break them all down, that she could be a version of herself with him that she hadn’t been in a long time. sure, they still fought and they weren’t perfect, but who was?
there’s a small smile that pulled at her lips as she presses her forehead against his, eyes fluttering shut. hailey’s case was something that would still weigh between them. that, and the questions still left unanswered, of who was the true killer and what exactly had she been to danny, in the past. but for now -- she’d leave them unanswered, at least the latter. it was in the past and like what her parents had been to her, it was something that could only be answered with time. what zoe was going to focus on was how she felt about the boy in front of her and what she could do about a case that had been left in the dust.
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     a breath slips past her mouth as her eyes open, tilting her head to look him in the eye. ❛  and all of me.  ❜ she says slowly, a bigger smile pulling at her lips. her gaze dips down towards his mouth and her eyes flutter shut once more as his mouth meets hers. her hand tangles into his hair at the nape of his neck and she kisses him gently, letting her mouth fall open under his. zoe let the regret of her actions earlier tonight convey in the way she touches him, an unspoken apology woven in the way she pulls herself closer to him. it’s not long before she pulls away and she smiles at him again, pressing her lips together. ❛  let me make it up to you for what i said earlier.  ❜ she glances over at the couch before raising an eyebrow at him. ❛  how about you pick a movie and i’ll order the best pizza you’ve ever had? and no talk about work or any case, i promise.  ❜
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misslawyer · 3 years
request for you to not be a bitch
request denied
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misslawyer · 3 years
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER SENTENCE STARTERS  :   random quotes taken from the television show how to get away with murder (2014-2020).
“you  know  more  about  me  than  most  people.”
“you’re  messing  with  the  wrong  bitch.”
“me  not  paying  attention  to  you  is  the  best  compliment  you  could  ever  get.”
“because  i’m  trying  to  protect  you  like  always.”
“better  to  have  no  father  than  a  bad  one.”
“i’m  just  trying  to  disconnect.  be  happy,  or  something.”
“i  stole  it  from  the  bar  i  work  at,  so  don’t  actually  think  i’m  that  nice.”
“think  carefully.  everything  after  this  moment  will  not  only  determine  your  career,  but  life.”
“make  me  out  to  be  the  villain  if  it  helps  you  sleep  at  night.”
“that’s  how  you  get  away  with  murder.”
“i’ve  been  good  for  so  long,  now  i  just  want  to  be  bad.”
“i  look  nice,  i  know,  but  that’s  just  my  face.”
“i-i  have  to  go  to  work,  and  i-i’m  a  little  worried  that  you  might  be  a  sex  addict.”
“i  kind  of  had  a  weird  night.  could  use  a  drink.  or  ten.”
“you’re  a  better  person  than  me  and  if  i  don’t  deserve  to  die,  then  you  definitely  don’t.”
“when  in  doubt,  shut  your  mouth.”
“you’ll  only  have  yourself  to  blame  if  it  ends  badly.”
“our  entire  relationship  is  an  apology.”
“i’m  just  saying,  why  don’t  we  do  something  normal  for  once,  that  is  not  sex?  like  have  breakfast  or…  or  do  the  crosswords  or  whatever  it  is  that  actual  couples  do.”
“smile  or  go  to  jail.”
“you  call  it  crazy.  i  call  it  winning.”
“get  me  some  chocolate  chip  cookies.  i  hate  all  this  healthy  food.”
“we’re  all  bad  people.  that’s  the  only  thing  we  have  in  common.”
“you  ready  to  fail  like  your  dad’s  condom?”
“you’re  not  as  good  a  liar  as  you  think.”
“i’m  so  freakin’  mad  i  wasn’t  born  gay.”
“why  is  your  penis  on  a  dead  girl’s  phone?”
“judge  me  if  you  want.  just  do  it  while  we’re  carrying  the  damn  body!”
“what’s  the  opposite  of  midas  touch?  because  that’s  my  gift  of  turning  everything  around  me  into  ass.”
“listen,  we’ve  had  some  nice  dates.  we  danced,  but  i’m  being  accused  of  murder.  any  sane  person  would  run  for  the  hills.”
“i  want  to  feel  bad  for  you,  but  i  don’t.”
“i  deserve  love,  like  everyone  else.”
“you  finished,  or  you  gonna  kill  me?”
“you  want  my  help,  first  you  need  to  help  me.”
it’s  over  boo-boo.  pack  your  knives  and  go  home.“
"the  knife  was  a  nail  file.  there’s  no  crime  in  staying  flossy.”
“they’re  coming  for  us.  it’s  not  if,  it’s  when.”
“i’ve  never  killed  anyone  in  my  life,  but  try  me.”
“i’m  just  sorry  you’re  so  dumb  that  you  think  i’d  believe  you.”
“no  more  murder.”
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misslawyer · 3 years
“ she’s pretty when she looks scared for her life. ”
“ i am going on the choo choo. “
“ we’re all drunk, but she’s Drunk … my sister is not drunk. she’s 10. “
“ I would ask if she’s good, but she is Not Good. “
“ my mom is very concerned about the balloons. “
“ — more acceptable than your banana nonsense. “
“ I shall never drink your nonsense. “
“ You’re one to talk Ms Alcoholic Milk. “
“ i am awake - but at what cost ? “
“ he was so sneezy and sniffly, and he got lots of eye boogies. “
“ was it because he was…. red, perhaps ? “
“ you ever just… blow on your cats ? “
“ she has no business bein this nakey. “
“ i’m loving this lasagna discourse. “
“ loaf cat with mustache. “
“ learn how tasty coffee is ! “
“ nomnom tasty coffee. “
“ go do the learning ! “
“ i’m just a baby bitch boy. “
“ it would be so much cooler if her hair was brain. “
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misslawyer · 3 years
They’re standing outside on the steps of the police department, and beyond the asphalt margins of the parking lot, everything else seemed to disappear into a fog of foreignness. Diffusing into a daubed pastiche of a scenery he can’t recognize - like a generic postcard from nowhere - framed in the curled, acrid wisps of smoke twining around his vision. The fog seemed to be nearing. In the corner of his eye, even the slant blade of sunlight fracturing the windshield of a squad car had begun to have a strange shine to it.
It seeps to where they stand. Two strangers laminated on a nowhere postcard. In her voice, echoing where she wasn’t from, an unmistakably ingrained New Yorker cadence of speaking to be heard, echoing in the acoustics of her bearing- sharp lined and tin suited in a distinction lawyers he’d come across here weren’t. Rustin’s deliberating silence amplifies her voice, she will be heard. Sarcastic, she’d deliberated. Erasing a verbal boundary with her own.
There’s some kind of absurdity he can’t name, and it seeps in the swell of enervation whistling through the sighing flare of his nostrils. “Your business.” he repeats, the insistence of the way she had announced it rolled and clamped around the cigarette hanging in the corner of his mouth, contemplating as if he might just throw it on the ground and snuff it beneath the turn of his heel. “Alright.”
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“Doesn’t sound like you’re makin’ it yours.” he blinks and turns,  the bulwark of her folded arms matched against his face, flint-eyed. “Plead your case.”
        she got a bit more involved then should be allowed for her career. lawyers, or well in her case, attorney’s could question police and other witnesses, as well as review evidence concerning the case. but zoe took it a bit further then that. nothing that would seem ... illegal or an act against her job, but if the judge found out -- she may get in trouble. she was very passionate about the cases she took on, about the people she was helping in either aiding or fighting against the suspect. there was nothing more she hated then doing the bare minimum for a case and losing anyways.
so ... here she was. standing outside a police department in a town she doesn’t know well, biting back the scathing remarks to a detective that was practically blowing smoke in her face. to be fair, she’s gone against worse men then him. and this one she actually wanted on her side. ❛  i didn’t think i stuttered.  ❜ she deadpans, blue eyes narrowing in his direction. he tells her ‘ alright ‘ but she has a feeling he’s just saying that so she doesn’t get riled up.
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     her gaze narrows further at his words and zoe purses her lips, fingers tapping lightly against her bicep. plead your case. there was nothing she did better. ❛  i’ve got word from my contacts that mr. barnes’ lawyer has plans to get rid of key witnesses to the case -- by request of his client, of course. i want your help, and your resources, to figure out what they plan on doing and when. if they succeed in eliminating the witnesses, this case will fall apart. and no evidence, no matter how damning, will be able to pin the crime on him.  ❜
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misslawyer · 3 years
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RED  HAIR:  the  crown  you  NEVER  take  off.          [    .    .    .   ]          independent  &  selective,   canon   divergent   ADDISON  MONTGOMERY  .  written  by  jenna  .  established  2  /  25  /  21  .
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misslawyer · 3 years
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               ❝ I don’t see the fuckin’ problem with what I did. People do far worse shite all the time, shootin’ people and breakin’ in and all of that, and I’m the one havin’ to deal with all of this? Look at it honestly, I wasn’t hurting anyone. ❞ Except the cop that he’d punched, but, well, it didn’t hurt, he’ll say. Being a celebrity got him all sorts of free things, so he doesn’t understand why that doesn’t extend to being above the law. ❝ You know deep inside that this is all a sham, you just won’t admit it. ❞ His face twitches ever so slightly, betraying his annoyance with this rigmarole.
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      she presses her lips together, her thumb rapidly tapping against the side of her hand. ❛  of course you don’t see a problem with what you did, because you think you’re above the law.  ❜ if being rational won’t help, then she’ll just have to be blunt. ❛  no ones above the law, not even those who pay off those that can get them scot-free. how do you think your fans would feel knowing that you served no punishment for what you did, while those who are caught with a singular gram of weed are thrown behind bars for years.  ❜ she raises an eyebrow. ❛  what i know deep down is that the law is the law. and despite all the records you’ve sold, you’re just a kid who fucked up and refuses to admit it.  ❜
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misslawyer · 3 years
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Wait, what did you say you were doing again? Uh… night jogging.
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misslawyer · 3 years
He   s c r u n c h e s   his face slightly at the use of his first name before blatantly  grimacing.  While he didn’t really have  i s s u e s  with his name,  it wasn’t something anyone in his life sans his  grandmother  called him.  Even his parents had only ever reserved the use of it for when he’d been in trouble as a kid.  So,  like the mature adult he is,  he sticks out his tongue at her as his only reply to her use off his name,  before opting to let her finish as he picks up his drink to take a long pull from his straw.  He drops his elbows on the table to lean on it more   fully   as his knee continues to   b o u n c e   beneath the table.  Biting down on the straw,  he listens to her as she speaks,  his smile only    g r o w i n g  at her interest in coming along.                                 “         Sounds like a   deal   to me,        ”                                 he replies,  still biting down on the straw as he   grins   at her.
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Danny isn’t sure whether the place they’d rented allows  pets,  but he didn’t really care.  The were a band anyways,  if you didn’t expect them to break at least a few of your rules,  why bother letting them rent the space at all?  He releases the straw from his teeth to take another sip before dropping the cup back onto the table and running his fingers through his hair.  Dropping his hand back on the table his expression turns   thoughtful,   the excitement still evident on his features,                                 “         Okay so it’s me,  you,  Mimi and the guys.  This is gonna be  C R A Z Y .        ”                                 The smile on his face grows as he looks back to her,  fingers   a i m l e s s l y   drumming on the table as he continues.                                 “         It’s a working vacation for us so obviously we have to focus on the  music,  but we do that best when we’re having fun so we were planning on going a little while.  I know Joey is bring his girl and Benj so this is   p e r f e c t ,    it’s gonna turn into a   real   party.        ”
       biting down on the straw between her teeth, she shoots him a smug smile as he stuck his tongue out at her. while she had no problem normally calling him danny, there was something satisfying about using his full name when she teases him. honestly ... it was the reaction for her. zoe hums in contentment and she places her almost empty cup back onto the table, wrapping her hands around the base. ❛  good. the boys can finally meet her.  ❜ she can’t help but smile back, the corners of her mouth curling upward. she had no problem with leaving her two year old cat at home, but this was an entire week away. besides, mimi would love to see something that didn’t contain the four walls of her apartment.
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      she moves one hand from her cup and rests her elbow on the table, cupping her cheek into the curve of her palm. blue eyes watch danny with interest, a soft smile spread across her lips as she takes in his movements. as she watches his excitement grow, she can’t help but think about how glad she was that he wasn’t like a lawyer. they didn’t get excited like this, and they definitely didn’t encourage others to actually take a vacation. he was good for her. zoe had too many days where she got stuck in her own head, but danny helped her stay out of it. ❛  how crazy are we talking?  ❜ she raises an eyebrow. ❛  even if i spend my whole vacation listening to you guys play, i wouldn’t complain. you know how much i love your music. and seeing how it works behind the scenes actually sounds incredibly fun.  ❜
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misslawyer · 3 years
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    can we talk about how pretty she is or
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misslawyer · 3 years
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Just an appreciation post for this outfit
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misslawyer · 3 years
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Once it was all out in the open, she let Zoe process. It didn’t take her long and Amelia was a little surprised she believed it all         not that it wasn’t all true, but it did sound a little farfetched when she went over it all again. Still, it was good she believed right off the bat, it would make the rest of the situation so much easier. Casually, Amelia moved to take a seat, crossing one thigh over the other to get comfortable. ❝ Not if he wrings your neck first, darling, but that’s where I come in. ��� She shrugged her shoulders a little bit. She wouldn’t get into her extensive and bloody history; Zoe would put two and two together and have a gist of who Amelia was and what she did for a living.
❝ It’s gonna sound weird but that’s why I want to help you. ❞ She tapped her fingers on the counter before green hues returned to look upon Zoe. ❝ There’s so few good people in the world and I think you’re one of the good ones. ❞ Her tone was more sincere now, less casual. ❝ I don’t take it personally that you wanted me behind bars, you probably still do. I orchestrated the whole thing.so I could get you put on my case so I could see if you were worthy to keep alive… Besides, I never really liked anything easy.❞
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❝ My name is Amelia by the way. ❞
      it wasn’t that this situation wasn’t ridiculous, because it was. the only thing that made it plausible was that jacob had never been subtle about his hatred for her, not since their boss had hired her on. she didn’t think he’d resort to killing her but, well ... she’s not actually that shocked. her gaze follows kate as she seats herself into a chair and she crosses her arms over her chest, looking unimpressed. ❛  oh go ahead. seat yourself.  ❜ she deadpans with a sigh.
her brow furrows as the other woman talks about how she thought zoe was one of the ‘ good ones ‘. while she wouldn’t exactly describe herself as that, but more so that she just wanted to do her part to help. whether that was putting her life on the line to help put a corrupt businessman behind bars, or to help a grieving mother get closure from her son. blue eyes narrow as kate continues and she sighs once again, pressing her index to her temple. ❛  of course the whole case was a set-up. why wouldn’t it be?  ❜
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    she stares at her further, pursing her lips. ❛  so ... your name isn’t kate then.  ❜
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misslawyer · 3 years
His eyes remain on hers,  even as she looks away towards their    l i n k e d    hands.  It really was a tale as old as time.  Using the past as a reason to close the walls around you.  He’d done it   himself   in a lot of ways,  but the bigger difference for him was he  did  let people in.  But through   m u s i c .   It was another language for him,  that allowed him to process how he felt in the only way that ever   really   made sense to him.  Zoe didn’t seem to have that.  His hand around hers tightens slightly in   a s s u r a n c e   as he leans his face a little closer to say,                          “         I   get   that.  But you have to know  …  I’m   never   going to hurt you.        ”                          
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He keeps his eyes on her face,  the   f r o w n   on his face unwavering as he studies her expression.  He’d always hated moments like these.  When people he cared about were in  pain  and there was   nothing   he could do to help.  At least nothing that actually involved action.  His brow furrows slightly in thought and then rise as the idea   s t r i k e s .                           “         If you don’t want to talk about it  …  I can show you how   I   talk about the shit that’s just too hard to say,        ”                          he says,  watching her expression carefully as he adds,                          “         Maybe  it can help you too.        ”
         it wasn’t like distancing herself did any good. it wasn’t the solution that she thought it was -- not when the end result ended up being lonely nights with her cat and watching happy couples with green envy settling in the pit of her stomach. she wanted what her parents stole from her. the normal childhood, the happy memories ... not the walls that took a wrecking ball to break down. ❛  but what if i hurt you?  ❜ she laughs bitterly as her gaze zeroes in on his warm eyes, her brows furrowing together. ❛  i have issues, danny. things that take more then a night to fix. i can’t promise you that i won’t break your heart.  ❜
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     she doesn’t want to. she wants nothing more then to hold the memories of tonight into a happy bubble and kiss away the frown on his mouth, holding him as close to her heart as humanly possible. but she can’t promise that tonight will be their always. that she won’t end up driving him away in the end with only herself to blame. zoe bites down on the corner of her lower lip and glances down at their hands again, his larger hand intertwining with hers. ❛  ... okay.  ❜ she says finally, meeting his gaze. ❛  i trust you.  ❜
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misslawyer · 3 years
not me listening to old taylor swift songs as i reply to @dannyreese
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misslawyer · 3 years
i still hate y’all bitches who say oc x canon shit is cringe like bitch you have ANY idea how flattered i would be if someone made an oc for my fantasy world? how utterly PSYCHED my ass would be they loved a character so much they fleshed out one themselves just 2 be with one of mine? fuck y’all haters
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