Inner Alchemy
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One day we wake up and realize that the paradigm in which we are living- isn’t working anymore. At all. Things are different now and not only are our old ways not working, we feel disjointed, disconnected, dissatisfied, afraid, dis-empowered, fragmented, miserable and devoid of the freedom and power that is our BIRTHRIGHT. There comes a time when we’ve had enough, and we finally stop trying to frantically re-arrange our external realities and adopt the willingness to get *real with ourselves internally, because we realize it’s the only way. We turn the spotlight inward and command from ourselves the ability to link in with what we NEED in order to evolve, to transcend; to OWN our power. We decide it’s time to feel free, whole and fully alive. We decide that we want and NEED to connect with the source of ourselves. We turn our attention inward and stop playing victim- victimized by life, by “others”, victimized by our own minds/belief systems, and give ourselves permission let go of our limitations, lack and perceptual distortions- regardless of what appears to be happening in our lives. We stop playing small (because in fact, we are large beyond contextualization) and we STOP being held under by uncomfortable life situations, as we connect into the inner alchemy which comes along with the Awakening process. We stop seeing external situations as something happening “to us” and become aware that on some level, we, our selves, are creating the exact circumstances we *need in order to clear all that is out of alignment within us. We USE uncomfortable situations to expand, to clear, to transcend, to align and to become resonant with Divine order. As a result, we link in with our HIGHEST self aspect (who is actually us.) We give ourselves permission to become more masterful, more powerful and MUCH more blended with the Universal Intelligence that was being blocked by the very aspects we’ve been holding within our psyche’s, bodies, vibration and patterns of perceiving and thinking. It’s the inner misalignments and old patterns and beliefs that we hold within which cause the re-occurring patterns and uncomfortable internal and external situations that occur (and will continue to occur until we see, feel and clear out anything that’s incongruent with inner harmony. That which is within, will be shown to us without- especially if we’re being stubborn, turning a blind eye or being dishonest within ourselves. As alchemists, we use ALL to re-empower our evolution. For some of us, we don’t even have a choice anymore. We sink and spin into the downward spiral of unconsciousness and it doesn’t feel good at ALL when we’re not doing our inner work. When we’re being honest we KNOW when we’re not stepping up sacredly for own selves, for others and for the planet as a whole. We stop procrastinating, we take our foot of the breaks and we jump, we clear, we open, we soften, we LOVE, we allow soft/deep breath to become the foundation that supports our experience of expansion and forward momentum. The trajectory of our experience, as alcehmizers, becomes an experience of potential, potency and limitlessness. But, it’s our choice, choice by choice by choice within the moment to moment continuum of creation we, ourselves our weaving. The magnitude of transformation which occurs when we sit squarely in the seat of our own Divine sovereignty is profound, powerful and essential if we’re destined to reach into the absolute fullness of our own grand evolution. Alchemy is key. Trust, love and patience will pave the way into the wide open space of where we were ALWAYS meant to exist. i love you. read more here: http://www.thealchemyofawakening.com/…/from-victimized-to-…/ Soulful Mentoring & Awakening Support @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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What an important time for so many of us. Evolution is being accelerated within many. So many energies moving in and out, different spectrums of ourselves being ignited, felt, resolved- consciously and deep inside. Anything unresolved or suppressed is surfacing, not just emotionally/vibrationally, but showing up as shifts or curve balls in our external lives to trigger us into beautiful new levels of understanding, awareness and expansion. Look, see, feel, open yourself- become aware of anything that’s been unconscious. Honor your Divine process, all is well. Allow distortion to clear in leu of clarity and calmness. This is alchemy at its finest. Bring awareness back IN, observing from the inside out, instead of the reverse (because all needs to be in the reverse in an awakening) and you will move through your phases more quickly, efficiently and with more grace and finesse. Many of us are moving into much higher vibrations, these vibrations clear the path of our own evolution and allow us to hold higher states of consciousness, awareness and power. The power may feel overwhelming or cause you to experience fear because the mind doesn’t understand. The mind will resist, and contract our bodies and channels and try to control. This experience can feel uncomfortable, but only when you aren’t relaxing into it. Dance with it and it will become your lover. The lover of all lovers, the Beloved of all is YOU. Use your mind to ease into it, allow it to open, flow…..spread. Soften. Align. Love. Breathe deep. And, as always….give yourself permission to let go into the unknown of the next phase of your own self. All is safe, all is well, all is GOOD.
I love you.
Soulful Mentoring and Awakening Support @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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Authentic power has its roots in the deepest source of our being. An authentically empowered person is incapable of making anyone... or anything a victim. An authentically empowered person is one who is so strong, so empowered, that the idea of using force against another is not a part of his or her consciousness....... - Gary Zukav
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Touching into our Sacredness
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Touching into the vulnerability of our own Sacredness takes tenderness, gentleness and a special kind of softness that requires trust and a feeling of safety. Rather than forcing our way into the source of ourselves, it’s much easier to sort of melt our way in. We dissolve through our rigidity, our resistance, our fear, our confusion- and just relax into the momentum of the stream of peaceful potency that exists naturally within the core of our experience. I know, it may seem foreign to a lot of people, but it takes practice, patience and “time” according to how much resistance, fear, stubbornness, and rigidity we’ve been carrying within our experience. There’s a let go involved that scares the human piece of us, which is why we need tenderness and trust, because what’s on the other side of the let go is unknown and makes us feel out of control. However, the apex of our sacred potential is what exists on the other side of the let go. Within the apex is the same intelligence which causes the sun to rise, buds to blossom and seasons to change. The more we morph with the apex, the less we have to figure it all out. We gain the ability to tap into a space where ego/mind and our sacred stream sort of blend together so that we ‘get’ to just be, rather than think (and think and think and think) all of the time. We get to become one with our own inner wisdom and “intuition”. Once we do, a type of harmony and inner alignment embody our experience aliveness. Yes, life will have its contrasts and polarities, but when we remain in vulnerable connection with our own sacredness the polarities become gifts we alchemize instead of horrors that we just have to endure. We also remain *much more peace-filled when the polarities/upgrades and "lessons" do arise♥
Sending Love
Soulful Mentoring and Awakening Support @www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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Wisdom Rising
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Wisdom Rising. Calling forth deep, ancient, wisdom into New Earth Existence is the mystical anecdote during this time of planetary transformation. A Spiritual Revolution is quivering and rumbling just under the surface, can you feel it? Many thousands of us are waking up, becoming aware, tuning in, increasing our sensitivities, enhancing or connection, our power and our inner knowingness. We are uncovering our Divine gifts, standing in them and rooting ourselves deeply within our natural ability to transcend that which no longer serves the pulse of Universal Intelligence. In fact, it's that very same pulse which is beginning to obliterate the density of disaccord. disarray and disharmony within and "without". It has begin within the microcosm of our own selves- the ripple is spreading. Chaos into order is encoded within the mechanics of the Universe. May we rise into the truth of what we truly are and spread the vibration of our knowingness to affect the macrocosm; this is why we exist in this place in this now. May we be of service to that which is true, may we dance into the rhythm of the pulse without resistance or fear. May we *allow wisdom to RISE. Soulful Mentoring & Awakening Support @www.thealchemyofawakening.com Artist: Isabel Bryna
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Rocking, undulating, flowing.... Carried by rhythm, Cherish the streaming energy Flooding your body As the current of the Divine
Oh Radiant One, Ride the waves of estatic motion Into sublime fusion Of passion and Peace
~Vijnanabhairava Tantra
Soulful Mentoring and Kundalini Support @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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The *Alchemy* of Evolution & Awakening
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Once upon a time, and before my awakening, I lived so deeply inside of my own mind, I literally thought I was my thoughts, and I thought all of my thoughts were fact. I thought a lot about the past, feared the future, and deciphered what was happening in the present through the distorted lens that was my mind. I was so hypnotized by what was happening in my head, I had no concept of what it felt like to be deep inside the nuances of my own body, inside of my vibration, and had little to no experience of the vast reservoir of love that exists in the central column of my being. I didn’t at all ‘get’ that my way of thinking was disconnecting me from source, from my peace, or from everything I longed for in life. I didn’t understand that my way of thinking was actually preventing my prayers from finding their place in my life, nor did I understand that I was existing inside of a mind that was oppressing, suppressing and pinching off my infinite POTENTIAL. Inside out really is the *only way to exist as we move the dynamics of our awakening. So, be ready to step up with courage and self love if you want to play this game. In fact be ready for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. An ORGASMICALLY miraculous existence is awaiting your arrival, and I say this from experience- not opinion. Once upon a time, and before my awakening, I lived so deeply inside of my own mind, I literally thought I was my thoughts, and I thought all of my thoughts were fact. I thought a lot about the past, feared the future, and deciphered what was happening in the present through the distorted lens that was my mind. I was so hypnotized by what was happening in my head, I had no concept of what it felt like to be deep inside the nuances of my own body, inside of my vibration, and had little to no experience of the vast reservoir of love that exists in the central column of my being. I didn’t at all ‘get’ that my way of thinking was disconnecting me from source, from my peace, or from everything I longed for in life. I didn’t understand that my way of thinking was actually preventing my prayers from finding their place in my life, nor did I understand that I was existing inside of a mind that was oppressing, suppressing and pinching off my infinite potential. Inside out really is the *only way to exist as we move the dynamics of our awakening. So, be ready to step up with courage and self love if you want to play this game. In fact be ready for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. An ORGASMICALLY miraculous existence is awaiting your arrival, and I say this from experience- not opinion. Throwback.... In the innocence of very early childhood, our time of Beloved innocence, we embraced the unique experience of our own aliveness. LOVE was the center point from which our joy and enthusiasm radiated brightly. We felt free to explore, with delight, all of the magnificent gifts life had to offer us. We expanded into new terrain with absolute courage, never fearing what that new terrain might bring. Because we were filled with certainty that undiscovered pleasure was awaiting, we never second guessed ourselves, life, or the people around us. It felt wonderfully safe to occupy the whole house of our being, as it was uncluttered with life's experiences that we began to gather and store over time. The decent from magnitude into smallness began little by little as life literally infiltrated our innocence. The rooms of our house began to fill up with the undigested clutter of experience until we had no choice but to close and lock the doors. One by one the rooms filled, the doors were locked and we, in turn, occupied less and less of our own BRILLIANCE. Having moved out of the territory of our wholeness, we began to live in the confines of our minds. We strategized that creating stories about life felt much safer than actually experiencing life. Much of the time those stories were about the past or the future and, almost always, those stories were heavily influenced by the clutter that crowded the rooms inside the house of our being. Since most of us had not been taught how to clear or extract nourishment from the clutter, we began to fear its presence. We may have intuited that the clutter was causing us to behave in ways we didn’t understand, but without having the necessary tools to assimilate what life had given us; avoidance became the preferred strategy for survival. Sadly, the authentic connection we once had with our deepest selves has become but a distant memory. Through years of collected clutter, as well as layer upon layer of resistance and avoidance, many of us have lost the ability to reach into the depths of our own brilliant aliveness. We don't understand how to fully nourish ourselves in a way that satiates our deepest hunger. Instead of sourcing our lives from a state of fulfillment, we continue to re-live and attract the same patterns and circumstances we've always had. Most importantly, we've forgotten how to align with wholeness because the walls we've built to protect us from our clutter have fragmented our experience of completeness.Clearing out internal house is a *very important part of the awakening process. In fact, it gets to the point where we have NO choice if we are to live in peace. Inner congruency is ours to own. OWNING the now.... It’s through the womb of authenticity that inner FREEDOM is born. When we begin to allow ourselves to authentically connect to the banquet of nourishment that life our Divine self has provided for us, we radically shift our experience of aliveness. We begin to locate ourselves in the world of thriving, instead of the world of depletion and starvation that most of us have become accustomed to. By making an extraordinary commitment to greatness, we can relinquish thoughts and beliefs that separate us from our completeness and re-instate our connection to ourselves, other human beings, and life as a whole. It may sounds easy, but it does take work, Beloveds.However, the rewards are beyond anything you can possibly imagine. In order to re-establish connection, activation, expansion, genius alignment and a deep sense of resonance with you awakening self, you must center yourself in a new way of being. A new way of thinking and BELIEVING which supports, instead of negates, your ability feel synergized, whole and deeply fulfilled is what's being asked of you. You will remove years of suffering if you go this route and choose for yourself to intimately dance along with your own awakening process. This is part of your EVOLUTION and your DIVINE right. You *already possess within you UNFATHOMABLE amounts of potential and POWER, whether your mind allows you to believe this or not. ANY piece of you which isn’t allowing you to believe the truth of your own Divine potential is coming from the lack your ego loves to harbor and cling to. Lack has to go. Love has to come. When this happens, the light will crack you open and the prayer of all prayers becomes yours for infinite. The CROWN of creation *caresses your existence forevermore.
Read much more here: http://www.thealchemyofawakening.com/…/inside-out-is-the-o…/ Deep Soulful Mentoring Sessions and Kundalini Support @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the depth of our own aliveness will we discover the INFINITE POWER of our light. -bb Www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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The promise of being committed to your own evolution
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I consistently have clients, who, when going through some of the more difficult phases of an awakening ask me WHY, why am I doing this- is it really worth it? This HURTS! The definite answer is YES. Yes, an awakening takes work. No, it’s not always easy. However, as we remain COMMITTED to the practice of our own evolution, the trajectory of our transcendence becomes a type of poetry that continues reciting and expanding its own self endlessly. The Universe provides for us SO many opportunities, people, signs and arrows which point us towards what we need to do, how we need to change and what directions to take in order to free ourselves from suffering. As we move through our processes, we experience a *radical departure from the version of ourselves that we once knew ourselves to be. The powerful potential that exists within our human experience is enormous. It’s absolutely astonishing what’s available to us, but becomes less astonishing the more we become accustomed to the miracles which consistently fall out of thin air as we continue to do our inner work. The level of openness we begin to experience at the start of our journey does not dissipate, but continues to expand and deepen over time. The level and depth of vibrational sensitivity continues to increase exponentially; in fact, it’s a type of sensitivity that reaches beyond words. New channels through which we receive input develop, and the input we receive opens us to new WORLDS of understanding. The understanding we gain is sometimes far beyond what we can fathom within the context of our old ways of understanding. A profound shift in perceptual awareness; including our experience of color, sound, sensation and taste is heightened beyond measure. We become embodied by a type of love that is so potent and so complete- sometimes, all we can do is weep. Our capacity to open into incredible amounts of joy, euphoria and delight is astonishing to the logic center within our brains, and the amount of time we can sustain high levels of vibration continues to lengthen. We grow, expand and mature emotionally, then morph into type of spiritual maturity that enhances every aspect of our realities. We begin to emanate a type of resonance that others respond to through the resonance we develop and a very deep, profound and safe relationship with humanity, which may have been missing from our lives prior to our awakening, connects us very deeply to “others”. We experience incredible bouts of creativity that we never had before and often NEED to spontaneously connect into this creativity in order to release some (or much) of the vibration, joy, delight and bliss that courses and meanders through us. One of the grand highlights of this process is that we begin feel infinitely and intimately connected to the flow of Universal Intelligence. Over time, we become illuminated from within, and I mean this in the most literal sense. We no longer feel ourselves as connecting to source, we feel connected AS source. We can perceive and discern the relationship between things that are happening on many levels all at once through the new channels of perception we develop. Through these channels we morph with the grace of Unity which greatly intensifies insight and clarity. In other words, we no longer experience randomness, only relevance- even if it takes us a few days or weeks to understand and integrate our lessons and upgrades. However, as we move through our process, the amount of time it takes to digest and integrate lessons shortens. And, the lessons themselves enhance our experience of expansion. The whole of our lives become a meditative process, and all scenarios and situations weave together to form a tapestry of growth, expansion, evolution, euphoria and understanding. A tapestry of Unity cocoons our experience in a very profound way. New gifts continue revealing themselves day by day as result of the commitment we make to our own spiritual processes, and these gifts become more splendid and spectacular as “time” unravels. Infinite streams of gratitude eventually embody our awareness as we receive these gifts and the gratitude itself illuminates the winding, spiraling pathways through this experience we call life. I write these blogs to give value and context to your experience. I write even when it makes me feel vulnerable to share so openly, because I know it will assist others when they feel lost, scared and confused. So, if you’re in the middle of a unique awakening experience right now, I send you love, courage and encourage you to have faith. Faith that all IS well. Faith that your life is a gift, your experience is a GIFT and that you are Blessed beyond anything I could possibly articulate within these blogs and the experiences I share with you. Your Blessedness is YOURS to discover and when you do- your entire reality will shift.
I love you. read more here: http://www.thealchemyofawakening.com/…/the-promise-of-rema…/ Crystal Toner Soulful Mentor and Kundalini Specialist @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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Diving into the deepness of the waves of your Awakening
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How to be with the HUGE waves, oscillation of vibration, frequency, tones, and infinite knowledge that continues to embody our experience every few days, hours or weeks. Relaxing through it is hugely important. The more you tighten around it, the more uncomfortable it will be. Let go to win should be the mantra. Just leggo! It's *only energy, and the energy is there to bring you home. The other mantra, which you may need to repeat again and again while allowing your body and vibration to melt into one another, is that everything is OKAY. Loving self honesty and using your mind to take you out of fearful contrative thoughts and mind based distortions is super helpful. Holding on does NOT help. Consciously clearing does. It helps immensely. Gently use your will to shift your perspective about what's happening, even if you don't understand it. Confusion will cause you to go into overwhelm, as will trying too hard to figure it out. Believing this experience to be a problem will birth problems. Believing that something outside of your own self is "attacking" you is purely egoic. This is the real you presenting itself to you- ready or not. Rest if you can- a lot. If you can't, move, exercise, go out into nature and don't forget to eat. Fasting during times of huge waves makes it much more intense. For me, I lay very still and allow the entirety of the experience to embody me. It feels so good, so pure, so euphoric, so magical, so profound. It feels like home, a home I've missed very much for a very long time. Visions and knowledge come very easily when you allow the waves to embody you. Beautiful poetry wafts out of the Pineal gland and meanders through your frontal lobe and down through your being, while blossoming brightly through all of your centers. The Poetry makes us glow. My experience of these waves is very common now and and have taken precedence over all else. Nothing else really can matter when you're in the thick of the waves, or in the thick of an awakening. All things that used to matter so much, don't anymore. All of the mindless pitter patter begins to cease. You start to get to use your brain and mind in a way that synergystic with the whole of you. The only thing that begins to matter is what's happening in your vibration. Surface level endeavors loose all meaning, in fact, it almost becomes impossible to participate in surface level 3-d expereince. A lot has been coming up for many people within this newest round of opening since last week: expansion, frequency, oscillation, upgrades, old "stuff" that needs to be cleared or placed into different, more open and expansive perspective. If your not already there yet, I might as well tell you that it will get to the point where most, if not all of your life begins to exist on the level of vibration and frequency. A whole new operating system takes over, our job is to learn how to man the controls via connecting with our Divine innate knowledge. Our knowledge morphs into a space where we gain the ability to encode life (in a very deep and complex way) from the level of vibration and frequency. It's like learning a new language and it's REALLY awesome when we aren't allowing our minds to freak out. So many unique developments unfold as our awareness increases. Whole new pathways of sensory perception develop. It takes practice, trust, patience, presence, self forgiveness and giving one's self the permission to be a novice, to make mistakes, to not always understand. Having a guide makes it easier. All of this isn't always easy, I'm going to keep it real. But, it gets more and more magical over time. WHO KNEW what's really available within the human experience?! It's unfathomable. Why didn't they tell us? It doesn't matter, I guess all things are in perfect order as the Universe is concerned. Chaos into order is a pattern consistent in nature. Patterns, or fractals of patters repeat. Keep remembering not to forget that ALL comes back to vibration, EVERY piece of every second, swims, melts and dissolves us into our own evolution. For all of you out there chasing a Kundalini, know that it’s not a half time endeavor- it takes ALL of us once it opens, we can't pick it up and put it away when it's convenient. That's not how this works. EVERYTHING changes, but not necessarily in "bad" ways, since nothing is either bad or good in the eyes of the Universe. Only humanity judges bad and good. Back to the waves though, because there have been lots of them lately. Big ones. These waves bring radical transformation. You may not even know who you are or who you've become from one moment to the next. Be okay with that. If you resist the sea of change that has befallen upon you- it won't feel so good. If you allow, it will be profound and pleasurable beyond anything I could possibly articulate. Try to disallow overwhelm, although it's difficult sometimes- the force of the waves is incredible and can be forceful and will affect us in all types of unusual ways. Unusual to the mind, anyway. Especially until the mind begins to accept fully that this is what and who we are now. This is our reality. Try to be masterful when you can and alchemize whenever possible. Alchemize what your thinking, alchemize old patterns, alchemize perspectives, alcehmize the way your body is channeling the waves. Don't fight, try to eliminate the stubbornness within your ego, instead ask your ego to blend with your experience, since experience itself is actually "God". Allow yourself to feel orgasmic within all of this, it's okay. The Universe isn't doing all of this to torture or punish us, we are *allowed to injoy. We do our work, then we get to enjoy. Then the "work" becomes less and less and the nectar becomes more and more. I love you. Crystal from the alchemyofawakning.com Deep soulful mentoring upon the path of awakening. Kundalini and Ascension support available
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It's a rare breed of human who can blend a free spirit, a decisive nature, a deep respect for life, love for adventure, and an uncompromising sense of integrity into personal evolution. Such individuals hear the HEARTBEAT of wholeness. ~Js Soulful Mentoring & Awakening Support @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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Expanding through judgment
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One of the quickest ways to move through your own awakening is to become acutely aware of your own judgments. Judgments, especially about others, can be a quick doorway into your own psyche, blockages and the emotional/vibrational incongruities that separate you from our highest self aspect. There are so many things about ourselves we hide, don’t want to see and block. Because of this, we actually call forth others so that they may show us to us, the more conscious we are, the more clearly we see. More often than not, if we are judging others, it’s an arrow pointing inward.  It’s common that the traits we judge harshly about others, are the very same traits we, our selves, actually own. It takes self honesty and self love to ask ourselves if we carry the same trait which we are judging in others, or why we are judging others in the first place- what’s being triggered? Why are we feeling so reactive? The more emotionally charged a judgment is, the more we are being asked to look at our own selves and grow/heal/clear some way. In an awakening, humility is key and takes a lot of courage, even though it doesn’t seem that way. Humility, as regards others, means to stand shoulder to shoulder with humanity, neither above NOR below. Many people confuse humility with shame, but as you move through this process, the Universe will undeniably present to you the dynamics of humility in a way you cannot ignore. How can you not stand humbly before the vastness of a truly mystical experience of life?
The judgments we hold about our own selves, especially when they are critical or based in lack do not serve us. Lack, in any form- never serves our higher good. Critical self judgment separates us from the source of our own life force. It’s one thing to look at the traits, behaviors and belief systems that are dissonant from the knowledge we hold in our heart- and to shift those behaviors back into resonance, but we do it with self love. It’s so much easier to love ourselves back into resonance rather than to hate our way there. In fact, we cannot hate our way into higher states of being. Every time we clear a judgment we invite more light and vibrational expansion- guaranteed. Clearing judgments expands consciousness.....always in and all ways.
The further we move through an awakening process the more quickly we have to shed judgment. Judgment is of the ego, and although the ego isn’t the enemy, it confines our experience of expansiveness. Judgments about reality, about life, about others; judgment about how far we can REALLY go within the context of our own evolution is all based in limitation. A limited view of ourselves OR of reality is like a straight jacket. If you’re in full on Kundalini/Ascension, you all ready know that what you judge one week according to the reality that’s presenting itself to you will shift drastically within hours, days or weeks. Fluidity is key, judgment is a prison.
read more here: http://www.thealchemyofawakening.com/uncategorized/transformation-through-judgement/
soulful mentoring & kundalini support @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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Oceans embrace the continent. Space welcomes the Sun. Embrace yourself this generously. Form your arms into a circle And cherish the arising of serenity. Attend to the birth of something new. Thoughts *dissolve into peace. As you become the One who embraces ALL
Soulful Mentoring at thealchemyofawakening.com
art: holly sierra
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Spiritual Isolation
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This is an important topic for many of us. Although, I do give credit for people who are able to live in community forums to grow, expand, share and transcend in group settings. Personally, I was not one of those people. For the first four years of my awakening, it was so intense, I had to withdrawal. What I was experiencing was so incredible, so unusual,and sometimes so very raw, that not many people around me could relate. I wasn’t even sure if I was going insane in the beginning.  I gave up trying after the first few months and let a lot of people go, I cocooned myself and went into silence and stillness. Not only that, but I needed to withdrawal into complete silence to dissolve my models, connect with my vibration, expand myself, work through and clear my cultural and familial constructs, my past, and my belief systems. I needed to divorce my experience from main stream thinking/consciousness, which became increasingly less sensible to me the more I aligned with the organic blue print of my OWN Divine truth. I needed to anchor in my own version of truth, and I needed solitude to do that, so there is a time where this is appropriate. I was expanding and dipping into new levels of consciousness and it felt very vulnerable, when I went out to run necessary errands, I felt exposed and naked and couldn’t employ the same defenses or armor that I once had, which my mind told me kept me safe. The more I tried to employ those strategies, the more I’d suffer. So, when I’d go out, I felt naked and exposed and unsure of how to “protect” myself and my vibration from the matrix of mainstream thought systems prevalent within our society. I didn’t understand that I could own my OWN space and choose to hold my own vibration no matter what, it has taken practice and is definitely a process that requires patience, self love and trust in the Universe.
There’s a lot of controversy around “protecting” one’s one vibration. Lots of people like to create bubbles around them, but in my experience, that bubble creates dualtiy and limits my experience of unity and expansion. After living in India for a few years, I came to understand that a lot of the contemporary belief systems around “dirtying” ones own vibration stemmed from ancient (Asian) Indian belief systems rooted in the caste system, since the caste system was entirely constructed around the purity of one’s own vibration and the belief that some held higher vibration than others, and that those of a lower vibration could lower or dirty those in the higher caste with “higher” or ore pure vibrations. All of this is based in duality and separation, which is something the human mind LOVES to do. I’m not suggesting that we should constantly hang around in very low vibratory situations that don’t support our vibration or values, but, as far as living life, sharing our gifts and stepping back into life in a harmonious way, the caste system way of living does not serve our highest good, or the highest good of the planet.
As far as the empathetic point of view, I do believe in empathy, I also believe in compassion, but I also experience that through practice and observation, I have the ability to hold my own space and remain OPEN, even in the face of others who are totally “human” and closed hearted. I can usually master my own open-ness, even in the face of ignorance or at the very least ground myself in my belly and heart and adopt the thruth that ALL beings have Divinity existing within them and that all beings are part and parcel of me. I try to open my heart and connect to others in that way, instead of going into their humanity with them, because then I’m lowering my own consciousness and it become an ego to ego interaction which isn’t very comfortable to me these day. There are other layers of this to explore too, which is that we, ourselves, are choosing to shut down or feel affected, and often we are feeling affected by others because they are triggering us, they are triggering something deep within us that we don’t want to see, and instead of investigating the trigger, it’s a lot easier to blame how we’re feeling, or shutting down and lowering our ‘own’ consciousness based what’s happening outside of us. This is a result of the ego not wanting to face the hidden parts of our psyche. The parts that keep the ego and old identity cemented into place.
I love you.
To read more, click here: http://www.thealchemyofawakening.com/uncategorized/10759/
soulful mentoring on the path of Awakening @ Thealchemyofawakening.com
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Native of Eternity
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Native of Eternity. At home in Infinity. Breathing immortality. Let the words sing in every cell. Oceans of Splendor. LUMINOUS energies of creation. Pulsating everywhere- always. Hear these astounding words continually. Each phrase an activation and Invocation. Let the sound ripple through you. Resonate with the all-pervading hum of truth And know, every fleeting moment is Supported by Forever.
~~Vijnana Bhairava tantra
Soulful metnoring upon the path of Awakening @ www.thealchemyofawakening.com
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"What is the power of a woman who has opened to the sacredness and Divine truth of herself? What happens when she has the courage to bring the inner light outwards? What transpires when she softens her hard edges, plants her bare feet on the soul of the earth, opens her sacred channels to the Ancient Ones and declares, "Yes, I am ready to be seen." She changes everything she touches." -WWS ❣thealchemyofawakening.com
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