missnikki-domgurl · 3 days
When a GurlsInc gurlfriend (ok...and Staff Member) starts helping on Tumblr!!
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If you're looking for an awesome place to meet some new gurls just like you follow the link...https://discord.com/invite/VSBs3mcx
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missnikki-domgurl · 4 days
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Lots of forums and topics... Come join the fun on our GurlsInc2.0 server!!!
😘Reblog to share with all the gurls!!!😘
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missnikki-domgurl · 5 days
Things Nobody Else Says to Sissys
So Im gonna...!!
This is for all sissygurls, but definitely the new and inexperienced ones. So, here's some opinionated straight talk and things to ponder for all you sissys. Normally Id post things like this on my blog over at the Spaces GurlsInc HQ, but i figured Id put it here for a change... So anyway...
As gurls, every one of you is unique, different, and beautiful. But you all are also MUCH alike. Youve all gone through similar good and bad times. You've struggled. Doubted. Fought with shoe sizing charts. Hidden your gurly side. Struggled with eyeliner. Come out to people and faced rejection. Asked yourself if you were pretty enough. Lost close relationships. Cursed garter clips. And a thousand other things. And, you all share a love of femininity.  With so much in common, why arent we all closer, and communicate more?? Ive done lotsa research, and found trends we should work on!! For instance, on Tumblr, did you know most sissys have less than 10 other sissies in their Inbox!! (I have THOUSANDS!!) Also, most gurls dont have another local sissy bestie. Thats a shame!! Almost a crime!! We need each other!! And, we are sooo much fun!! Trust me, if you havent gone to another gurls house, and with her n maybe others, gotten dressed, had drinks,traded stories and outfits... OMG, if you've never heard:
"Gurrrrrllll... Come here hunny, this dress and these heels will look sooooo good on you!!", LOL, then youre missing out!!
So, instead of holding out on a saturday for some "guy" to come use you...how about spending the time with another gurl (or three) instead?? And btw, if its the naughtier events you crave- no problem. That meme about sissys fucking on the first date... Yeah, we know this- its pretty real 😈🤣!! While most gurls claim to be sub/bttm, the majority statistically lean more verse. Which means, if you have an oral fixation and want to practice your skills, no problem- open wide, throat filled, mission accomplished!! Gurls will be happy to let you (many/most of us still dig that!!). And, if you need to get bent over and devastated, thatll work too. Theres plenty of good, capable dick that hides in panties. Sure, some gurls just wont, or are caged and maybe tiny... But hey...TOYS!! Gurls always have plenty!!  And plus, spending time with other sissys helps you build your network... Maybe your new sissy friend knows a guy with the monster you've been craving. BOOM!! The hookup! Also, that network can alert gurls about bad or abusive ppl to avoid. YAY, NIGHTMARE AVOIDED!! Or, maybe new friends know someone who can teach makeup skills and yours still... suck. SHAZAM, beauty coach!! Of course for new and inexperienced sissys, meeting with a "regular guy" straight away is super scary, and lots of bad experiences happen that way. If youre meeting other gurls, hey, they're JUST LIKE YOU!! So theres no weird pressure or degredation, etc... (➡We want to nurture and help new gurls grow, NOT scar them and scare them away!!) You will understand each other!! And most gurls are really kind, so newbs really should meet other gurls as they grow into their new persona. This is where younger gurls can/should turn to older ones for expeience and help, too. Dont be an age snob, theres lots you can learn from them!! (and looking at you, older gurls... You should REALLY be taking new/younger gurls under your wing and helping them!!!) Oh, and these sissyfriends will always be there for you, unlike the guy you met that was only interested in your ass for 3.2 seconds and split. Im just saying, there are so many possibilities left unfound. So many opportunities lost. Our community is a MASSIVE resource for everything you could want or need!! So utilize it!! Sure, other gurls arent for everyone, but just think about it!! At the very least, SUPPLEMENT your inbox and friends list with some other sissys today!! Stop spending your tumblr time exciting the unwashed masses of drooling "men", and connect with someone who will love, understand, and appreciate you!! And yeah, LOL, that will fuck on the first date, 🤣 but only the way you want!!
Hope i didnt irritate too many ppl, i know "regular guys" will probably crucify me, and Im not targeting or picking on them per se, but this is somthing i just had to say... Because I have lived it and believe it!!
Btw, all that ⬆⬆ is the meaning and reason behind GurlsInc and the network id like to build...with your help... So thats it. Love to hear your thoughts...
Have a great gurly day!!!
     -Miss Nikki 💖😘💋
Please REBLOG often so all gurls get to see this!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 5 days
Gurl, youre still not there, meetin' other gurls, sharin tips n tricks, makin new friends, and doin so many things to help in Leveling Up your sissy game?? Well you better fix that right now!! GurlsInc2.0 is waitin for ya!!💖
REBLOG so all your femme sisters know where to meet you at!!!💞
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missnikki-domgurl · 6 days
Bored. Any ASKS out there??🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
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missnikki-domgurl · 7 days
Blast from the past, but its still the plan!!
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Part 2 of ??🤷
*An ongoing chat/interview with yours truly and Samantha Spikes, as we try to explain GurlsInc and answer "WTF is GurlsInc?", and all your other questions...
➡Sammi: So that seems good, but for trans or cd gurls that already have friends or dont really need assistance, why would they want to be involved??
  ➡Miss Nikki: A great question!! Wasnt really ready for that one... (*laughs)... So, Id say that for those gurls that dont really need any support... Well, odds are, they've had some in the past. I dont think there are too many Level Five gurls in the wild that got there completely on their own. Im not saying its not possible, but itd be the exception for sure!! So, there are a few reasons those successful gurls should be involved. First they're a wealth of knowledge. They've been through all the trials and errors. They've learned everything from makeup to navigating dating sites to best gurly shopping sites to the more intimate and naughty experiences of whats good or not, to knowing what local gurls and/or men are worthy of their time(or not), and soooo much more!!  Second, the friends and support network they have that helped them achieve success...well it can help other gurls too!! The friends they've made and the help they've gotten can be passed on. So why not share it?? When an experienced gurl joins, she potentially brings five, ten or who knows how many other helpful people with her.  Now heres the catch, and my answer to it might be unpopular but...(*shrugs): Experienced gurls who dont need us NEED to be a part of this because....well... Its kinda like Pay it Forward. Gurls might not like to hear it, but your success likely means that you owe SOMEONE... and you should be putting back into the community by helping others. If you've had gurly success, then you also surely have memories of struggles and failures. So why not help an aspiring gurl through those tough times??? Don't be selfish with your time and experience!! (*finger pointing) There are people out there that NEED you!!
  ➡Sammi: That sounds good, but it also is probably a tough sell. Do you have any other incentives in mind??
  ➡Miss Nikki: Oh it IS!! It certainly is, but I know most gurls have big hearts, and Im going to have to use that against them for the greater good. Oh my, that sounds kind of terrible doesn't it haha?? But...its just..well its just the right thing to do. So for right now, the incentive is just warm fuzzies, and "badges" in our site. But in the future, as we grow, I can certainly see more perks added, ranging from public recognition and awards, to inter-group promotions, and someday even financial compensation. Id like it to become, well... Umm, think of it like the old BigBrother/BigSister programs!! And I certainly want to ensure that every gurl is recognized for her contributions and achievements, regardless of her Level. So as we grow, so will the incentives.
➡Sammi: Financial compensation?? So you want to pay gurls??
➡Miss Nikki: Oh absolutely!! Thats obviously far, far in the future, but yes!! Certainly gurls should be helpful out of kindness and willingness to share, but lets be real, theres nothing like money to make things happen!! As actual chapters form and the GurlsInc structure solidifies, I actually envision much more than just token compensation. Imagine positions that could someday become full time, and actually pay real, competitive wages!! Imagine being paid to be an expert sissy!! Warm fuzzies AND a pay check!!! Who doesnt want THAT??? (*huge smile) It can happen, but its all dependent on everyone out there to unite in our cause. Again...strength in numbers!!
To suffer through even more, but to understand more about GurlsInc...Stay Tuned!!
Of course, REBLOG to help spread the awareness of GurlsInc!!
-Miss Nikki💖😘💋
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missnikki-domgurl · 7 days
So turns out we're a lil behind schedule, but plans havent changed!!! If you arent a GurlsInc gurl yet, fix that now!!
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  Part 1 of (??)🤷
So, after making a half dozen posts that just didn't really do what I wanted, I figured a different format than my usual captions was the way to go.  So I turned to my old friend Samantha Spikes to just ask the relevant questions that you might have about today and the future. Sure, I was kinda prepared for her, but not completely!! So this will end up being a multi-post topic. But a topic every gurl should know about. So Ill let Sammi take the interviewer role and see how many blanks we can fill in...!!!
  ➡Sammi: So obviously 'what is GurlsInc?' is a huge question!! So to start, how about answering that in twenty words or less??
  ➡Miss Nikki:  Yikes!! Ok... Umm... GurlsInc is a pseudo-fictional organization that intends to become (*counting fingers) THE single network and resource for all trans/cd/sissy gurls. Phew I made it! (*laughs)
  ➡Sammi: Ok so lots to unpack. You said pseudo-fictional... What do you mean by that??
  ➡Miss Nikki: Well, I know where we are today, and it DOES exist, but its not a legal corporation or anything, yet. I know where I want it to be in a year, five, ten, etc, but thats all hopes and dreams. Many of my Tumblr captions are about the future GurlsInc, some real, some just for fun. I mean, I don't think we will ever start building Fembots, but then again... (*laughs and shrugs) But as for now, its just me and about 150 gurls who have joined because they like at least some of my ideas.
  ➡Sammi: So you intend for it to become a legitimate business then??
  ➡Miss Nikki: Oh absolutely!!! Right now its just me investing time and a few hundred a month into it. But yes at some point, we HAVE to become an actual business. Im not sure of the actual structute yet, and Im looking at different models, including a non-profit, but thats still in the future, and will have to involve consultants and lawyers- not somthing Im honestly looking forward to!!!
  ➡Sammi: So when do you expect to get to that point??
  ➡Miss Nikki: I'd like it to be tomorrow!! Yesterday would be better!! (*laughs) But honestly that largely depends on the community. There's strength in numbers, and we are nowhere near that threshhold. Not only do we need lots more members, but I need a handful of gurls that are willing to give their time to help me grow this until we can hit that threshhold. Of course we also need a solid income base, and a lot of gurls showing willingness to give to their community that will show the viability of it all, and again, that comes with numbers. So its kind of a waiting game for the right time and the right people. But Im hopeful its coming, and I already have some gurls that could be that core that makes it all happen.
  ➡Sammi: So, thats now... What do you see in say, five years??
  ➡Miss Nikki:  Thats actually when this should really be snowballing!! By then, our dedicated site will be really working!! I DO expect the new site mid-summer this year by the way. So at five years we will be an actual company, and... (* looking at notes) Well actually I have four and six year projections, but... At four years, we should have approxinately three thousand members, and fourteen official chapters. At six, we project sixty five hundred, and twenty chapters!! Whats really exciting, is that un that four to six year window, we are actually giving back!!! While the estimates of cashflow are pretty widespread, I know that by then, we WILL be giving assistance to members of our community. Whether its higher dollar transition assistance, counseling, etc, or just the ability to take new gurls shopping for some wardrobe items or makeup, we WILL be putting money into the community at some level!!
➡Sammi: So where will these chapters be??
➡Miss Nikki: Well Id expect them to be in the 14nor 20 largest US cities. Obviously urban areas will have the higher, closer concentrations. Now before you ask- Im not just looking at the US. I want this to be global, but so far, stastically, thats what Id expect. Ive met gurls from every continent, so theyre out there, itll just take more time.
  ➡Sammi: So what's the main focus of GurlsInc?? Financial assistance??
  ➡Miss Nikki:  Well Id say thats half of it. The other half is the networking.  You know as well as I do that having connections with other gurls is super important!! There are sooo many different sites and apps, but creating the number one place for cd/trans gurls... Imagine if we could connect fifty, or seventy-five or eighty percent of all gurls in one place!! Imagine even the rural gurls being able to find others closeby!! I know there are so many that feel isolated and alone, and need a friend or three in order to have the support to continue their journey. So its definitely about the networking, too. Now, follow it full circle... Umm... Imagine a GurlsInc member reaching out to befriend someone, and then connecting her with GurlsInc for assistance as well!!
  ➡Sammi: So that seems good, but for trans or cd gurls that already have friends or dont really need assistance, why would they want to be involved??
  ➡Miss Nikki: A great question!! Wasnt really ready for that one... (*laughs)
So to suffer through more of this, but get an understanding about GurlsInc, stay tuned!!
Of course, REBLOG to help build awareness of GurlsInc!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 7 days
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An international network. All cd/tg gurls, all sissys... All at your fingertips. Need a local gurl to help teach you makeup?? Looking for another gurl to go to the club with on saturday?? Want to explore your bi urges for a first time?? Want to be the focus of a wknd GB but don't know who to trust or invite-and need some other gurls input or a chaperone?? Feeling depressed and just want to chat with someone who understands?? Are you about to have a purge, but want to be talked out of it, or maybe just need someone to take your femme things for a while??
These and many more scenarios all are fixed by having sissy friends. The way that all gurls can have that is by becoming part of the network. Then sharing it. A single place for every gurl to be found, and to find others. There are millions of you.
Become part of a solution. Join GurlsInc, and get on the GurlMap today!!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 26 days
Hi hi 😍🥰 so into like the advice and inspo u share! It’s totes like perfect for a wanna be dumm dumm like me
Well thanks hun!!! I try to be real and give the best advice and help I can!! Im glad youre into it, and finding it useful!! You better message me... maybe theres somthing specific I can be of assistance with!!!
-Miss Nikki
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missnikki-domgurl · 26 days
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Be an overachiever!!
Special privileges are possible if you excel in your GurlsInc Training!!! One of the Instructors might just have you along for extra duties, or might just keep you for herself!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 26 days
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Are you Femme, but not super subby??
GurlsInc has a place for you!! Future openings in these Depts:
*Content Creation
*Academy Faculty
*Sissy Acquisition
*Corporate Espionage
*Political Influence
*Social Media Influencing
Plus, Miss Nikki can always use a stunt double!!
Inquire Within!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 26 days
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Dont worry. She will teach you...
Lets be real...theres a true need for brick n mortar sissy schools!! How many of you agree?? How many of you would go in a heartbeat?? How many wouldnt resist (much) when you were abducted off the street and sent to one??
Online Academys are kinda handy, and GurlsInc will be forming one this year, but its just a stepping stone on the way to future locations, across the globe, that will feminize and mass produce the future... A mostly gurly population...😈
REBLOG if you need this!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 26 days
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Stop letting things stop you. Just do it.
Find local sissy friends for help. Join GurlsInc. Get on the GurlMap. Find an Owner. And jeez...just STOP thinking so much!!!
You know what you want, gurl!! So get out there n get it!!!
Dont know how??? Ask me!!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 27 days
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Dont do it alone!!! All the gurlyfriends and help you need awaits you at GurlsInc2.0!!!
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missnikki-domgurl · 27 days
Evidently the link only lasts a week... Sorry if you tried to join but the link had expired!!!
REBLOG so all you wonderful, sexy femmes can join n connect!!!
See y'all there gurls!!!💕😘😘
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missnikki-domgurl · 28 days
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Working Gurls #4
The GurlMap™ was working pretty well, but Miss Nikki demanded that, somehow, GurlsInc would posess a master list of EVERY sissy, cd, and femboi. So....
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missnikki-domgurl · 28 days
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Working Gurls #3
Although the GurlsInc Academy was turning out lots of feminine operatives, once the capabilities were in place, it was time to speed up the process...😈
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