missphase · 2 years
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I’ve been working outside, and looks like im coming back soon
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missphase · 5 years
i love this, thnak you so much <3 it’s one of my favorite outfits :3
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Fanart for @missphase
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missphase · 6 years
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her wedding song is the spiderman 2 pizza theme
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missphase · 6 years
Where can I find you?
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missphase · 6 years
Yeah bye im gone.
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missphase · 6 years
she’s so extremely beautiful <3
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A Link Bust.
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missphase · 6 years
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missphase · 6 years
Invite me to your discord
Patrons only, sorry.
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missphase · 6 years
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Cave shenanigans with Sonic the Adventurer
Tumblr flags the full version so here only gets the inferior one. Check my Twitter for the actual thing https://twitter.com/SonicPhase
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missphase · 6 years
Super random out of character question. Do you roleplay back and forth with people like I do or only roleplay as an ask blog. I always wondered.
I only do it for askblog, i think it’s the least unhealthy for my otherwise obsessive life
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missphase · 6 years
How's busby doing?
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Who the heck knows? I heard they’re making new games or... whatever. Or that my name is a cheeky stage code. *sigh* Who even uses stage passwords anymore?
That cat should be lucky I didn’t file any copyright claims...
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missphase · 6 years
Marry f**k kill! Girlfriends edition! Vanilla, Rouge, and Amy!
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I’m not gonna say “kill” about any of them, guys, come on 3
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missphase · 6 years
Is Amy still mad at you?
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*sigh* Yup.
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missphase · 6 years
What are your thoughts on that Eggette/Omelette character going around the net? The one that people say is either Eggman's daughter or niece. I ask because you seem good with kids if you dont mind me saying.
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Oh! I remember that! That was cute! You fans are so creative sometimes!
She oddly looks like Eggman’s actor’s own little daughter, sort of. I think that’s what surprised me the most about it.
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missphase · 6 years
just to be sure so you've been the sonic from sonic advventure DX till what game? or had there been even more sonics? of yes what games had been yours?
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Rush is the last game I worked in, alongside the little bits I’ve given in Shadow the Hedgehog, which came around at the same time. I was also in that new-fangled game they released in 2006, but it was such a development hell that it came after all the other games I actually worked in later than that. So that game is the last game I WAS in. 
In fact, when they game came out, it was so different than the script I was given. I think they changed the story and wrote it around the bits they filmed with me. There was that one bad guy that killed my character and that was not in my script at all. They just did a lot of heavy editing with my footage to tie that character in my story.
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missphase · 6 years
Was it embarrassing doing a lot of the commercials and stuff for the games and merchandise?
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I mean, it is just customary to do cross-promotional stuff. They’re done by way amateur people under way smaller budgets. You feel embarrassed by a lot of mishaps happening behind the camera in the first place, so much so you don’t focus much on what line they feed you.
No commercial took any of us more than a day to film. We always used to shoot them and move on with our lives. I don’t remember any of them, a lot of the products I filmed for aren’t even being sold anymore? I think there was a macaroni ad or something? No interesting story to talk about, really. Just incompetent people trying to make a buck.
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missphase · 6 years
Do you like your current breast size, or are you thinking of getting them bigger?
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B-bigger?! I like them the way they are, and I haven’t heard of any complaints so far.
I just think they’d get a bit too uncomfortable - it’s already plenty difficult to squeeze them in my outfits, or find good and durable bras. I guess I have to note that they’re actually a bit bigger than what I intended them to be, but I love them a lot now. They make a lot of guys happy
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