me as a writer: Oh no I can’t write that, somebody else already has
me as a reader: hell yes give me all the fics about this one scenario. The more the merrier
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...I found the “girl falls into middle earth” fic I wrote when I was 11
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Made some Gandalf big naturals art :)
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[ID: art of Gandalf in his LOTR outfit, but in muted trans flag colors and with the neckline lowered to show his cleavage. He is holding up a large sign that says “It does not matter whether you pass or not.” /End ID]
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I just want you all to know, that if and when this site does experience a real exodus and/or get sunsetted for good, even if we don't keep in touch I'll remember you so fondly. You're the online equivalent of the other kid on the beach where we built sandcastles together; the girl at the campsite where we explored the trees. You're the drunk person who shared kind words in the bathroom at the club, you're the talented artists at the life drawing class or the poetry night in a city where I don't live anymore. It makes me sad that maybe in the future our paths won't cross so easily, but even when we leave this little shared piece of cyberspace, carried away on our briefly intersecting trajectories, just know I still love you
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Javert Off The Track…
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A Dark Chase
Needs A Silent Hound…
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Let Others Rise To Take Our Place
Until The Earth Is Free!
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To The Barricade!
Will The World Remember You When You Fall?
The World Remembers.
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Y’all 🫶🏻✨🔥!!
Tomorrow I’m off to Paris for a week! (And then road trip to Monet’s garden in Giverny and the northern coast iihhh!)
So do my fellow Les Mis nerds on here have any recommendations for where to go in Paris?!?
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okay so this post is wrong but what the heck it’s a Tumblr post, right, it’s mostly a joke, only it’s so perfectly echoing an idea I’ve seen elsewhere too, from actual paid critics and academic critiques, that Hugo “wasn’t writing for emotional teenagers”, that he’d be horrified by fandom, that he was too High and Erudite for the likes of  screaming theater kids and emotional teenagers
y’all. Y’all. 
Victor Hugo knew what fandom was.  And he absolutely LOVED it. 
Keep reading
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And when I searched for eternity in the most temporary places, I found melancholy as my forever companion.
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“I'd like a drink. I desire to forget life. Life is a hideous invention by somebody I don't know. It doesn't last, and it's good for nothing. You break your neck simply living.”
- Grantaire
Les miserables
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V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
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Another thing I think people miss about Valjean and Javert is that they view Valjean as the emotionally honest/open/expressive one, while Javert is the dishonest "closed book" who is impossible to read. In the novel it's almost the opposite, at times? Javert is compulsively honest; he's repeatedly described as being so honest that his entire soul is visible on his face, or so honest you can look into his eyes and see all the way to the bottom of his conscience. He's physically incapable of pretending to feel things he does not feel or believe things he does not believe. He is literally unable to lie. Yeah Javert generally expresses his emotions in restrained, stoic, austere, controlled ways (except when expressing glee/fury during arrests)-- but he is honest about them. He may not break down weeping in Madeleine's office, but his entire soul is visible in his face when he earnestly (if stoically) discusses his failures.
Jean Valjean is an excellent liar, out of necessity. He's often described as being utterly opaque and unreadable. If Javert's entire soul is visible on his face, then Jean Valjean's face is often blank. He needs to play the part of the Respectable Polite Bourgeois perfectly or he will be discovered and dragged back to prison, and so he plays the part very well. One of his greatest assets is that he has a perfect "pokerface" in moments of great tension and distress, which helps him defuse conflicts or evade suspicion. His politeness/strict control over his emotions/tranquility are described as his defense mechanism, the shield he uses against people who are trying to hurt him. He is serene, he is polite-- he lies constantly and no one ever knows who he is or what he's thinking. I think the scene in Madeleine's office where Javert is trying to get himself fired really shows the difference between the two of them, for me? Javert and Jean Valjean are both obviously very good at restraining and controlling the way they express their emotions.
But Javert is entirely earnest in this scene. He's not breaking down and weeping, but "his entire soul is visible in his face." He doesn’t lie. He is utterly sincere in everything that he says, including his hilariously deranged rants about hating kindness. Jean Valjean spends the entire scene lying. In "Tempest in a Skull" we see that scene from Valjean's point of view, and are explicitly told that everything he says/does is out of terror of the "great danger" Javert represents. He’s attempting to remain as calm and polite as possible, because that's what "Unsuspicious Bourgeois Madeleine Who Has Nothing To Hide" would do. He spends the entire scene being insincere. Jean Valjean isn’t emotionless: he IS kind, and sweet, and often feels genuine care/pity for other people. I think the line "he smiled to avoid speaking and gave to avoid smiling" (and the way he breaks into people's houses to give them money) is a good summary of the way Jean Valjean's genuine kindness rubs up against his terror of sincerely connecting with other human beings.
But, except in rare instances of extreme emotion, Jean Valjean is also very hard to read.
He's calm, tranquil, serene, mild, kind, pitying, polite-- and he is opaque.
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The final season of lost really said that the people you love will bring you back to yourself and that all of the characters we loved and grew attached too that had died were waiting unknowingly for everyone else to be with them. That season! Said that until they were all together none of them would move on. And also that Hurley should be in charge and we made fun of it!!! We had the audacity to call it confusing when it is the most beautiful wrap up to a show. And watching it back changes everything!! Having the flash sideways (the true flash fowards) alongside them all running and screaming and mourning that is catharsis. The whole time everyone else was waiting on that plane, they couldn’t land until everyone was there. And then they couldn’t move on until everyone was ready. The true found family, the care and thought behind their reunions. The way they all cry as they remember. When will your favorite show ever?!????
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Being a whore for symbolism the idea that “the cynic and the idealist will be the last to die, and when they do, at the same time, they will be holding hands" (les amis/les mis) makes me want to throw up. The idealist (Enjolras) convinced that he has just killed a group of boys for nothing. The people did not rise and he has failed. Yet the cynic (Grantaire) who had never believed that the revolution would succeed followed the idealist into death anyways. The cynic shows the idealist that he did not fail. The cynic is the idealists hope. The cynic knows they are doomed from the start but he follows the idealist not because he known they will win but they believe it is worth it. The cynics life is worth the idealist dream. They (Enjolras and Grantaire) die united, holding hands because they did not lose. The cynic showed the idealist that the fight was not in vain. He (the cynic) believes and so will others. The idealist showed the cynic that although they were doomed they did not lose. They die with hope, power, and a smile. They die together because without the other they would be nothing. Together they are everything. They are the revolution.
(not proofread at all)
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