misswifebritt · 9 years
TAGGING: Rachel Berry & Brittany Pierce
LOCATION: Berry-Pierce Home
NOTES: While the two are relaxing at home together, Rachel gets a call about her audition
Rachel kissed Brittany back and just grinned wide against her lips. She was so happy to have the role, that a part of her totally forget about the movie marathon they planned and already planned every single detail for her career and especially for her vocal training. Even if she already knew that she had an amazing voice, she needed to train it everyday and needed to take care of it. “Uhm..god..I think I have to look for an apartment in New York! And soon you can come with me to New York!”, she squeaked happily.
Brittany held Rachel in her arms and smiled widely. She was proud of her every step of the way and now would countdown until her first show, watching right in front row. "I think while you go settle in a bit earlier than me, I'll be getting the last of our things along with selling the house." She said and knew she had spread out a few plans already. "Then I'll get to be with you in New York," She pecked her lips and chuckled at how happy her wife was. "Just don't overwork yourself, okay?" If there was one thing she worried about, was Rachel taking it over the limit with practice or stress. 
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misswifebritt · 9 years
TAGGING: Rachel Berry & Brittany Pierce
LOCATION: Berry-Pierce Home
NOTES: While the two are relaxing at home together, Rachel gets a call about her audition.
Rachel enjoyed the relaxin day. She had been working a lot lately, not only on her voice, but also on her dance moves and with the help of her amazing wife, it was soon almost perfect. Not that she had any doubt before that she wouldn’t be enough, but it felt diffrent, to be one step closer to her dream. The brunette decided that a relaxing day on the couch would be perfect and she was right. Feeling Brittanys arms around her and the soft kisses was like heaven. Rachel snuggled closer to her wife as she heard her phone go off. She thought she had turned it off and frowned a bit. “Oh I am so sorry.”, she said, got up and walked over to the kitchen counter where she left the phone and looked at the number and gasped. She quickly answered the phone wth a ‘Rachel Berry’. It only took her seconds to freak out after the new. “What!? I am..oh my god, thank you..! thank you so much!”, she squeaked in the phone and said her goodbye. The brunette quickly moved to the couch and almost tackled Britt. “I’ve got the role!!!”, she announced.
Brittany unwrapped her arms from her wife and shook her head, dismissing her apology. "Don't worry babe." She let her know while leaning back against the  couch. She turned the TV's volume down while looking over at Rachel, biting her bottom lip nervously as she wondered what it was about. Though, it was obvious the second of her freakout. Brittany's smile grew wide while laughing when Rachel tackled her, wrapping her arms around her again. "Congratulations Rach! See I knew you could do it!" She exclaimed and kissed the side of her head, cupping the girl's face while kissing her softly. "What's our next step for my big star?" She questioned, tucking a piece of her brown hair behind her ear.
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misswifebritt · 9 years
TAGGING: Rachel Berry & Brittany Pierce
LOCATION: Berry-Pierce Home
NOTES: While the two are relaxing at home together, Rachel gets a call about her audition.
Brittany was more than happy with how things were at the moment. Her wife was reaching her dream and that made her own smile bigger than ever. Moving to New York wasn't something she had thought about too much. If it was Rachel, she was sure she'd move to Australia if she wanted to. Her arm wrapped around Rachel, kissing the side of her head with a smile. "You're beautiful." She mumbled. There wasn't anyone else she would rather be with. Days like this were one of her favorites. She pressed fast forward for the previews to pass and pressed play on the movie. Her hand reached out to spread the blanket over the both of them, lightly stroking Rachel's arm unconsciously. 
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misswifebritt · 9 years
I know gorgeous. 
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audition rehearsal..
It’s going to be bigger and better, I promise you and you don’t have to worry about anything…we’d have a great life.
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misswifebritt · 10 years
I'm sure it'll be way different in Lima. I'll have to get used to people hounding you for an autograph.
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audition rehearsal..
I actually can’t wait to stay in New York. And get you there as well!
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misswifebritt · 10 years
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audition rehearsal..
Like I said, perfecty wife! Thank you so much.
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misswifebritt · 10 years
You just worry about your lines beautiful, I've got everything else.
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audition rehearsal..
Great, great. I Couldn’t do it, I just have so much in my hed at the moment.
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misswifebritt · 10 years
I can't wait either, I'll take care of all the arrangements for the house alright?
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audition rehearsal..
Thank you. You’re really the sweetest.. I can’t wait to be in New York with you.
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misswifebritt · 10 years
I'm sure about that too, and babe. I'm always proud of you. You're the brightest star out there.
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audition rehearsal..
They will accept me, I’m sure about that and I Can’t wait for you to see. Or the proud look on your face, it wil l be priceless, everything will be pricless, when I finally become the star I am!
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misswifebritt · 10 years
You're right babe I can't, but I do know that you never stopped talking about your years of experience in high school. I know hun, but I'll get to see how the whole finished musical looks when they accept you.
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audition rehearsal..
I’m so excited for this! You can’t even imagine how long I’ve been dreaming about this. I just wish you could be there with me.
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misswifebritt · 10 years
I'm glad they're going great baby, trust me this is something that's meant for you. I'm here for you anytime.
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audition rehearsal..
…are going great. I couldn’t be more happy about this opportunity. I could have made it so far without my sweet wife.
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misswifebritt · 10 years
TAGGED: Rachel Berry and Brittany Pierce
WHERE: Berry Household
NOTES: Brittany is greeted by her wife Rachel at home along with some news.
Rachel grinned wide and nodded. „Right right. I will do gown there, after dinner.“, she let her wife know and she blushed lightly.  It gave her more confidecne everytime BRittany said something like that and she was grateful for her wife. She smiled at the blonde and nodded then. „Thank you.. Thank you so much for believing..oh my..I think I have the perfect idea!“, she yelledout, as she got up and pressed a quick kiss to her queek. „I will be down in the studio and..yeah.“, she babbled and quickly made her way downstairs.
Brittany looked up with a slightly raised eyebrow and couldn't help but giggle at her wife's excitement. "Alright baby," She called out and stood from her seat, cleaning dinner up. She threw away the tiny scraps of food still left on their plates and smiled at how this was obviously going to be a big stepping stone in not just Rachel's life, but both of theirs. She washed up and cleaned, sighing contently.
Eve of Destruction || Pieberry
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misswifebritt · 10 years
TAGGED: Rachel Berry and Brittany Pierce
WHERE: Berry Household
NOTES: Brittany is greeted by her wife Rachel at home along with some news.
Rachel grinned wide at her wife and nodded. „I‘m sure they will pick me, if not they have definitely a weird taste and they don‘t know what‘s good for them.“, she let out and frowned a bit. „Well, I am sure they gonna pick me for the role, but I still need the perfect song to rehearsal….but other than that, I‘m sure about it.“, she chuckled , leant forward and pecked on her lips for a second. „You‘re giving me so much positive energy..that‘s why I married you.“, the brunette teased her and smiled softly as she started to eat.
Brittany giggled softly as she nodded, leaning over while leaving a kiss on her cheek. "Plus we have the studio in the basement for you to practice in." She said with a light shrug and happily ate her food. "It'll be in no time that we'll see your name everywhere babe." She told her and knew that it'd be a struggle if they were to move, but saved those issues in her mind for later.
Eve of Destruction || Pieberry
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misswifebritt · 10 years
TAGGED: Rachel Berry and Brittany Pierce
WHERE: Berry Household
NOTES: Brittany is greeted by her wife Rachel at home along with some news.
Rachel smiled softly at the blonde and nodded then. „Thank you so much…for beliving in me like this.“, she whispered to Brittany and was more than glad to know that she was with her ont his, that she would support her and that she would probably be by her side all the way long. The brunette grinned wide, followed her wife into the kitchen and hummed happily. She wasn‘t that happy in ages. Of course Brittany made her feel happy, wanted and loved, but it was another great feeling to finally achive the goal you set yourself. She had no idea how she made it that far, but she knew that she was one of the luckiest girls in the world right now. „Such a real gentle..lady!“, she chuckled and sat down, glancing over at Brittany and gave her a soft smile.
Brittany left one more peck on the shorter girl's forehead and smiled. "I know you can do anything you want to do." She said and giggled softly. "Of course, I have to treat my wife like a princess." She said and took a seat next to her while beginning to eat her meal. "Do you have any idea what's gonna happen in the callback? I mean, they obviously already know they're gonna pick you babe. It's an obvious choice." She said with a confident smile. The blonde couldn't wait to see how Rachel would finally get to have her dream career. Seeing everyone know her name and see how she shined would make her a proud wife, going to her every show to cheer her on.
Eve of Destruction || Pieberry
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misswifebritt · 10 years
TAGGED: Rachel Berry and Brittany Pierce
WHERE: Berry Household
NOTES: Brittany is greeted by her wife Rachel at home along with some news.
Rachel quickly leant against the blone as soon as Brittany made her way over and let out a soft sigh. Britt was always a soft spot and her safe place and she loved how calm she made her feel. No matter ho hards things were, she was always her rock. „Something really, really and very excited.“, Rachel squeaked and pulled away from Brittany and grinned even wider. „I‘ve got a callback. For New York! Broadwayshow..Can you believe it!! If I get that job I am finally, where I always wanted to be: at Broadway, Britt!“, she told her wife and hugged her tightly. „It‘s so exciting…you don‘t know how much this means to me and I ..I‘m so shocked at the same time. I have to start rehearsal after dinner..Speaking of dinner what delicious meal did you do tonight?“, she asked and grinned wide then.
Brittany hugged her wife close to her with a smile, loving how their bodies fit together especially when they were cuddling on the couch or together before bed. The news made her smile wide just as Rachel's did. "Babe, that's amazing! Oh come on, you're gonna do more than great and nail that audition!" She told her and knew how bad Rachel had wanted something like this. "You deserve it hun, you've worked the hardest out of anyone." She said with a light scoff, knowing it was true. "I made chicken with pasta but right after that your beautiful self can go practice." She said while leaving a kiss on her forehead. She looked back at the stove to see it finish and let go of Rachel while serving the food on their plates. She set them down on the table and pulled out Rachel's chair with a smile.
Eve of Destruction || Pieberry
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misswifebritt · 10 years
TAGGED: Rachel Berry and Brittany Pierce
WHERE: Berry Household
NOTES: Brittany is greeted by her wife Rachel at home along with some news.
Rachel was even more excited to get home to Brittay to tell her the news. A while ago, she finally had tried the big step: Audition on a broadwayshow. It wasn‘t easy for her to make the step, since things haven‘t the way she had planned them to be, but with Brittany Rachel always felt save and she knew that her wife would probably catch her, but right now all she could think of was getting the role. The kids from the vocal chord group, who she was teaching, congratulated her as she got the call: A Callback! Her big chance now! The brunette came home earlier than ususal with a big grin on her face, as she stepped through the door. „I‘m home“, she called out, hang up her jacket and scarf, slipped out of her boots and walked into the kitchen, grinning even wider. „I have some wonderful, wonderful news!“
Brittany heard her wife's voice as she smiled big and turned around while setting the food down, wiping her hands. "Hey beautiful," She said and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl's waist while giggling softly at her excitement, tucking a piece of the brunette's hair behind her ear. "And what is that, hm? Are we gonna have a celebration for you?" She asked while giving her a peck on her lips. If there was one thing she was sure about it was that Rachel could go the distance. Ever since high school she stood out more than anyone else and well Brittany couldn't help but start to love every bit about her.
Eve of Destruction || Pieberry
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misswifebritt · 10 years
Eve of Destruction || Pieberry
TAGGED: Rachel Berry and Brittany Pierce
WHERE: Berry Household
NOTES: Brittany is greeted by her wife Rachel at home along with some news.
Brittany couldn't be more than happy with how life was for her right now. Her job as a dance teacher was going well, the house she lived in was perfect and cozy, and most of all, she was married to the girl she loved the most out of anything and anyone. To most it'd be a bother to have to come home from work to cook dinner but honestly, it brought the blonde joy. It did take her a while to get the hang of cooking but eventually with all the practice she was able to as well as manage with Rachel's diets. She happily cooked and checked the time, knowing her wife would be home soon.
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