missxblack-blog · 9 years
- This Account is Retired -
I’m not going to delete it because fond memories however I also will no be using any variation of missxblack again. Mostly due to this bitch who has plagiarized my writing on various occasions and edits and even uses a direct quote from my application as her character bio ‘missxablack’.
I’m hoping that by furthering my new writing from this form of url that this creep will no long be able to steal my personal property. Small hint when you plagerize someone you would probably have an easier time getting away with it if you don’t use the same freaking url plus one letter.
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Vaguely. [she managed to mumble back her hand still pressed to her lips as she grabbed the girls’ arm pulling her down the street away from whatever smell it was that was suddenly setting her off so much]
London | August 2nd 1979
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Very well then, if you wish to run I won’t stop you. Enjoy your... lunch. [she snips turning back to the set of dresses running her hand down an A-Line before flicking it the the side] 
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23 June 1979 | Open
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
[nods grinning softly because really in their life there didn’t appear to be much else out there that was as difficult and painful as tearing away from the family] I realize you don’t possess my soft undertones needed to pull off most colors well. [in a more serious[sirius] fashion] You do know that I will never think less of you though right? No matter what you must do in this-- [emulating how it’s probably discussed by the ladies of society with slight sarcasm to lighten the undertones] extravagant argument with wands. I will always love you, no matter what you must do. I know where we come from and if you need it I will bring you the certainty that there line and difference is there.
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The Flat | Closed
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
I take great pride in being difficult. Oh well no, that’s the deal breaker right there. I only really did care for your looks, if you get fat I’m leaving you. [she teased leaning her head against his shoulder] However, I suppose I can stay beautiful enough for the both of us.
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No, no… That was actually a very conscious decision, though apparently very uninformed since I didn’t know that it’d entail all of this. And I can’t say that I promise to do the same. I think I’m starting to get a bit of a belly already. [pats his abs that aren’t as firm as it was a year ago]
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
[she frowns immediately holding out her hand beaconing her friend nearer] Where do you wish to go I can get us anywhere immediately. [because she still has access to Sirius’ funds and a list of vacation spots they can easily jump to in a moment] 
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19 July 1979 | Open
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Perhaps but also your favorite excuse for a human being. [laughs shortly because sirius is just ridiculous and when is she not laughing around him] If fire doesn’t shoot out of it I’m not sure I want it but I might as well take a look.
You are an absurd excuse for a human. I’m now wishing I hadn’t even had the foresight to get you a cake–– [pauses, snapping his fingers] Secret cake. I’m now wishing I hadn’t even had the foresight to get you a secret cake. Damn.
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
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I’d been toying with the idea of Italy. [her features soften immediately in a way Narcissa could only bring out with a sigh] Cissa you needn't have done this you know.
The London Flat
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
London | August 2nd 1979
[jerking to a stop Andromeda threw out a hand to the wall pressing a hand over her lips folding forwards slightly]
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Well you were most likely very drunk when you proposed as well then. [her eyes widen gasping in mock offense before batting his hand away grinning] No I will age beautifully with grace and when I do wrinkle, which will be very, very far away [she adds in with a half-hearted glare] I will end up looking like a Queen.
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I must’ve been very drunk when I did that. If I’ve actually done that. You’ll be awfully old in ten years. I mean, you’ve already started getting wrinkles. Look at that! [pokes the perfectly youthful skin near the corner of her mouth]
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Fiancé actually, [she cut in quickly holding out her left hand for the girl to see. She couldn’t remember if the news had been passed round enough for Marlene to hear due to her current... separation from her cousin. It wasn’t as if she and Ted were stupid enough to put it in the papers all things considered with her family] and I hardly need to use him as a servant when I have Sirius to use as a stool and Remus to rub my feet. He gets to enjoy my company instead.
15 July 1979 || Andromeda
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
[she blinks for a moment before immediately recognizing the bridal shop. It was infamously known as the sole place Black women bought their gowns for their day, going as far back as they could remember] Narcissa, I don’t believe it would be wise to bring me with you to your dress picking. I highly doubt Mother and Bellatrix will be- receptive. 
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The London Flat
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Cancel it. I’m certain you are capable of doing so.
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23 June 1979 | Open
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
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I know it... but that doesn’t mean I do not wish you were born a coward instead. [she sighs knowing that it doesn’t really matter in the end, because he’s Sirius and if something’s right and people he cares about are at risk he’s going to find someway to chuck himself at it anyway] Couldn’t you have been put into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff when you chose to make waves? A house that wouldn’t have all this bravery and good nonsense? [she grumbled softly taking his hand as if that could tether him to her so he couldn’t go on another mission] 
The Flat | Closed
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Edward unfortunately refuses to forget anything of the celebratory nature and even if he did I bring a wrath too fearsome for him to be capable of forgetting. [she sips at her own wine with a simple shrug] I read about in from somewhere in Japan when looking through a floral guide with notes on different cultures.
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Well good - you deserve it. I hope Ted’s managed to line something up as well. He won’t’ve forgotten, yeah? [he watches her, a mix of cautious and curious] Really? I’d heard about doing it with tea, but I guess wine works too. [he lifts the glass, inspecting the petal at the bottom through the wine]
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
I refuse. It is my birthday and I may do whatever I wish. [grins proudly at the fact that she’d managed to make her cousin lose his ‘aloof’ nature despite her own current lack of propriety] Nearly rivaled last years speech. I’ll give you a 7.
[makes a face] Disgusting. Get a grip on yourself. [fidgets, muttering] You, too.
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missxblack-blog · 9 years
Clearly not enough considering the current situation.
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19 July 1979 | Open
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