mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
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Hey there! Like what you see? Want one of your own for your Duckverse character? Well step right up to grab one! For the month of December I am offering single-character, flat-color commissions like you see above, for $40! Commission will also include a color palette you can give to other artists!
If you’re hurting for money, I’m also willing to do quick $20 sketches, like this OH NO SHE’S NAKEY with palette included:
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If you’re interested, contact me via my inbox, or preferably, send me a tumblrIM, and we can work out the details (please try to include references! those are very helpful!)! If you’d like to just send me money which I am happy to take because I am poor as hell and constantly working and I need money for groceries, my paypal is [email protected]. Please remember to indicate no shipping address needed.
Legal stuff: I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason, your commission is not to be used for monetary profit unless you have explicit permission from me, Techmod, the artist, you may display your commission as you see fit but credit is to be given to me; that’s how I get clients!
Thanks for taking a read, and I hope to hear from you; y’all got gorgeous OCs!
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
Just wanted to drop in and say I love your work, if i wasn’t a penniless Minor I would be showering you with money for stuff. Love your Ocs. ALL OF THEM ARE BEAUTIFUL. I accidentally got miffed off at one of my favourite Ducktales sites because I couldn’t find your characters and I had to remember thy weren’t canon. Totally are in my heart though. You make them so intricate!!!! Liijang is my favourite but Poppeacock is a close second! Hope you had a great holiday and money comes your way! 💖🤗
Awww, thank you! That’s so sweet of you to say!
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
Got ten slots available! Grab a real nice ref for your character!
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Hey there! Like what you see? Want one of your own for your Duckverse character? Well step right up to grab one! For the month of December I am offering single-character, flat-color commissions like you see above, for $40! Commission will also include a color palette you can give to other artists!
If you’re hurting for money, I’m also willing to do quick $20 sketches, like this OH NO SHE’S NAKEY with palette included:
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If you’re interested, contact me via my inbox, or preferably, send me a tumblrIM, and we can work out the details (please try to include references! those are very helpful!)! If you’d like to just send me money which I am happy to take because I am poor as hell and constantly working and I need money for groceries, my paypal is [email protected]. Please remember to indicate no shipping address needed.
Legal stuff: I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason, your commission is not to be used for monetary profit unless you have explicit permission from me, Techmod, the artist, you may display your commission as you see fit but credit is to be given to me; that’s how I get clients!
Thanks for taking a read, and I hope to hear from you; y’all got gorgeous OCs!
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
listen, i’m chill with you people drawing the things you like, go ahead and enjoy yourself, but i don’t excuse nasty shit. you have full artistic liberty, but there are things you should and should not draw (or support in artistic context), in the same way you are free to say what you want but you should have the morals to know what is wrong and right (or suffer the consequences of being a problematic shithead).
pedophilia, incest, abusive pairings, whitewashing (though.. harder to whitewash ducks), and generally shitty things like all those mentioned are not things you should be drawing just because you are physically able to. if you are producing content that can be perceived as or is directly one of those things, take the time to think critically about what people are saying. don’t be dismissive.
ducktales is a show with lots of familial relationships and lots of child characters- if you wouldn’t put real people into these contexts, don’t put the characters in them, because whether you are directly affected by it or not, you will be hurting the wellbeing of those of us in the fandom with trauma and baggage, and promoting harmful ideologies in one of the most public environments in the world.
ducktales fandom, you are beginning to grow now and there will be shitty people as there are in every fandom. actively try to not add to that. think about yourselves critically, think about the artists you follow and support critically, and don’t give up on your morals when it comes to fanart.
tl;dr don’t be nasty! even online! think about your actions! thank you!
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
[final pam] I do this
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I commissioned a picture of my OC Keisha from @mistermcdee and she did a GORGEOUS job! I want everyone to stare at it and endlessly praise mistermcdee for being so amazing.
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
Honestly, I’ve always kind of seen Ludwig as a really dry comedian/satirist. Especially in the older cartoons, a lot of his segments read like a stand-up comedian performing a piece--he’s just doing a lecture at the same time. Much like many TV personalities and comedians have their persona, who is them but also not quite them. Them, but exaggerated. Which sort of fits with the fact that he was made by Walt Disney specifically to host the Wonderful World of Color segments.
This gets obfuscated a little bit because he’s not a native English-speaker. But I imagine in his native German it’s probably much easier to see the dry wit when he says things like he invented the Charleston or that the Blue Danube is the only song ever written and all other songs are just variations.
I say this because one of his little tangents in “An Operatic Version of a Theme From Cinderella” sounds exactly like a tangent I might go on when I want to be silly/get a laugh from someone.
“You looking at that ridiculous round... thing over there, that pizza--black pizza? Licorice pizza. I never saw that before, that’s a good idea though... Edible records! That’s the name of it, I mean, if you don’t like it, you can eat it--and it’s low-calorie records. I mean it’s a wonderful idea.”
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
I know ducktales feets are all stylized but
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i love dino bird feet
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
There aren’t a lot of people who give Donald the recognition he deserves as a hard-working single dad, but Uncle Ludwig? Always.
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
The search right after this one is "Local psychiatrists"
donald sees ludwig’s computer sitting open one day and this is what he sees on the screen:
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
guys... read ze tags... pls... him scrooge, not ludwig...
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
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Cannot BELIEVE y’all ain’t taken advantage of these new angular designs to do the best AU of all.
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
Headcanon: Ludwig being a famous inventor and scientist has been commissioned to make stuff for others regularly, he still doesn't understand why that odd Duck with the big purple hat and cape wanted a gun that sprayed gases though.
Haha, I could def. see that. Personally... I've always liked him best in his original incarnation as mostly a lecturer. Teacher and information distributor with some possibly dubious claims to things he's invented, rather than Da Kooky Inventor. I think that role as lecturer offers a little more depth than inventor--a position more commonly taken by Gyro. It also hearkens more to one man I'm personally pretty convinced is one of Luddy's inspirations, Professor Einstein. (If you listen to recordings of Einstein, Luddy's accent is near-identical.)
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
Hey there! Random Q but what is Eddies preferred fighting style? Also what’s his favourite interactions with his gf(?), daughter and Donald (& Scrooge?)
Ed’s preferred fighting style is anything that relies more on his legs than his arms. He’s not a kickboxer, per se, but he’s got a conglomeration of fighting styles that resemble it. But he also knows how to throw a good right hook too. He’s a scrapper.
Interactions? Like memories? Specific events he might look fondly back on? If that’s the case, well... with his daughter, that’s just meeting her for the first time when she was about ten. With Donald... I don’t know if anything canonically has happened, but any time where he gets to tell Donald what a good job he’s doing and how Scrooge can suck it would be a favorite for him.
As for favorite interaction with a girlfriend... you’d have to tell me which one. :3 He’s got at least two~
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
* Is in the middle of a necromantic ritual to resurrect that which should stay dead* I feel like quacking, so I think I will, I'm gonna quack quack until I catch my thrill, Got the quacking fever, got the quacking craze In a da-da-daaaaaaa (In a da-da-daaaaaaa) Duck daze~
This is a holy zone, there will be no sinful quack packing allowed in my holy zone. All are free from the evil quack pack’s influence here.
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
*Slips some Quack Pack onto this blog*
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
Y’know what I wanna talk about?
I wanna talk about the good good science boy
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