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back to instagram at the start of the new year. feeling hopeful and loved. here’s to a wonderful 2020! we’re gonna change the world ♡
#noseminuditythistime #powertosubs #energized 
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private || marganna
Look, before any more intensely negative things about me get thrown at you, I need to tell you something.
Two days ago, I made the decision to step down from New Eden Industrial Light & Power.  It’s clear that in this post-Covington/Nameless world, anything remotely associated with me is subject to harassment and anger.  I want this city to have power, so therefore I want NEILP to succeed...stepping down was my only recourse to ensure their success.
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And now you’re getting harassed about me.  
...am I really worth going through all of this, Anna?
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I did not ‘almost kill’ two people.  I swear, the flair for dramatics some of these people exhibit rivals my own.
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did you actually forgive margaux for almost killing two of your supposed best friends?
What happened between them was never mine to forgive or not, it’s between Margaux, Kat and Max. I will say that I’m very sympathetic to what my friends went through and I never wish that on anyone. Margaux will have to try very hard to make amends, if that’s even possible, and I believe she wants to do that, which is very important.
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How do you sleep at night knowing that a lot of people hate you and wish you would drop dead?
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Do you miss your mother?
Is this supposed to be rhetorical?  Of course I do.  She was my mother; one of the biggest influences in my life and taken too early.  I miss her dearly.
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What's one area in your personal life that you think you could use improvement in?
My golf swing.
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Do you think you'll ever be a good person? Do you want to?
Judging by the undertone, Anonymous, clearly you don’t think that is so.  Nor do I care.  
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Take a breath.
In.  And out.
As of two days ago, I’ve stepped down from the board of New Eden Industrial Light & Power.  So do as the Anonymous person has said and thank them.
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You should probably publicly thank Margaux for doing the work you weren't able to get done
Sorry I ain’t thankin’ that “goddess” for jack shit, pendejo. I’ve done my research on the shit she’s done in this city, to the people in this city, and how her tech helped fuck a ton of switches, subs, and some doms who were instrumental in helping the cause get completely fucked. Not to mention how she publicly humiliated a group of subs just because she fuckin’ felt like it, and then made them watch what the Nameless did as what she fucking said out of her entire fuckin’ mouth was a god damn “reminder” like bitch a reminder that what? Terrorists are out there? Nah she wanted to traumatize them, and she did a great fucking job of that. 
I don’t know what the fuck you’re trying to say here, puta, but other than the fact thanks for an abuser is never going to leave my fuckin’ lips. Know this, she helped out one electrical plant I’ve helped two, and I’m hoping to get on a third if I can find more volunteers. I’ve heard rumors of people helping out some more, which is why we’re not all completely in the dark, but there are 14 more fucking plants that power the city that need attention and fucking help so. I’m not going to thank for doing shit, just because I don’t post about the fucking work I do to have pussy stroked doesn’t mean shit’s not getting done. I work hard to make sure the city I love doesn’t end up in fuckin’ pieces so don’t tell me to come out here and thank some bitch like her for work I’ve fuckin’ done.
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I don’t see you putting the work to create anything better, Margaux, but please do enlighten me, why exactly is my idea supposedly ruined from conception?
Anything that would ensure the safety and satisfaction of all parties involved. Long time partners and those in claim would have the option to experiment with whatever they like, of course, but especially punishments can get a little out of hand if the government doesn’t say in what is allowed and what isn’t. I’m afraid the pre-approved punishments won’t be as creative as yours — there will certainly not be anyone left isolated and gagged on top of a building without a way to safeword — but unfortunately, we have to start somewhere.
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I created a power company and poured my resources into running several of the hydroelectric plants that permit you to even write this message, but I suppose that means nothing, does it?  It’s so easy to take creature comforts like electricity for granted.  And calm down: I like your party’s platform, because it’s much of what we had before.  But because it’s much of the same from before, the scores of lovely rioters and Nameless will be thrilled with more of the same.  
But if it assuages your sensibilities, I’ve stepped down from the power company I helped create.  
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That’s understandable and yet disappointing all the same.  Creativity is the spice of life.
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I read the breakdown on the PPO, and sure, it’s a noble cause...but one that I’m certain will land us in the same mess we find ourselves mired in right now.
Though, I could also be overthinking things.  Sate my curiosity, won’t you?  What’re some examples of ‘pre-approved scenarios for government-mandated scenes and punishments’?  
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With the election date thankfully approaching, I would like to take this time to answer any questions or concerns any of you may have about the People’s Party for Order or what it is trying to accomplished. I realize this is a time of uncertainty and you all want to make the right decision, and I’ll be here to help you make sure the PPO is the right decision.  Or, at the very least, keep me distracted while I pack. Or try to.
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Christmas gift for @mistressmargauxmulloy​
Keep reading
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Legitimate critique: Anna Rose and my sister were best friends, and she abandoned her to fuck your crusty ass. Legitimate critique: You tortured my sister. Legitimate critique: You haven’t given a shit about anyone in this city for as long as you’ve lived. You literally just told Max that you’re a “raging bitch” because you think a company should be run like a fascist regime. Legitimate critique: You nearly killed Max and gave her a bottle of water as aftercare. Legitimate critique: You’re the shittiest Domme in this entire city, and that’s including my sister’s girlfriend who’s been one for eight months. 
Didn’t know that, did you? They didn’t need to go around and announce things because they weren’t doing it to get brownie points. They were doing it to get things done. Maybe take a page out of their book next time.
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No, that’s not how this will work. If you want to actually discuss those things with me, we can, but not like this. This still smacks of a bratty tirade. I’m not seeing where it is that I’ve said I’m running a company like a fascist regime, but you’re very quick to deride me for acting like a “raging bitch” and yet you might with to consider taking a look in the mirror.  In the meantime, to quote Malia: “take ‘bout 69 calm downs and about 4 deep breaths”.  If and when you’re ready to talk to me about these things, we can.  I’ve said it once already: I know you’re capable of acting like an adult.  
So?  As am I: getting things done.  Getting the lights back on.  I really don’t see what it is you’re trying to say here.  Is all of this you...trying to put on a show for people?  This is optics, is it not? 
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Ah, there it is: the incessantly irritating way that you reply to any sort of legitimate criticism with an accusation that someone is being childish or a white knight instead of actually addressing the conversation at hand.
Who said I’m getting power from your shitty ass company? The Restart Alliance has been supplying our power for four days, but sure keep broadening those delusions of grandeur. 
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I’ll regard it as ‘legitimate criticism’ when it is presented as such, and not as churlish harassment.  In the meantime, I see no reason to expend an ounce of energy addressing pettiness such as yours.  Which is a shame, really; when you were with me in my Penthouse, you were almost pleasant.  And while I understand that circumstances were different at that time, I know you have the capability to be civil.  Bluster all you like, but the fact remains: you were a good girl for me.
Is that so?  How quaint.
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There’s a difference between saying the words for a fucking clap-on, clap-off light and using it in a three paragraph post to talk about how amazing you are. The fact that you thought you were being self aware with.. all that, whew buddy, you might be even more of a lost cause.
Altruism: The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. I’m sure that you likening yourself to a goddess and talking about how great you are because you enslaved people to start a power company so you could get into a slut’s pants is really selfless, A+, I’m really glad you’re taking the time to teach us some great vocabulary lessons. You really didn’t have to go through all that effort though. I’m sure Anna would have spread her legs for you just from you torturing her friends.
Why don’t you fuck off and go play house with the only person in this entire world that likes you? You know, now that your joke of a mother has finally bit the dust.
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Ah, there it is: the Barton trait for unabashed explosions of rudeness continues unbidden.
Is that all?  Go on, I know you can do better than that.  And just so you know, it’s an honor to be the one supplying the power for your digital temper tantrums going forward.
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Please, that’s your cop out for not having to give a fuck. 
When did I say I was curious? 
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Not necessarily.  Make no mistake, I do give many fucks, and it takes a special breed of bitch to run a company as large as mine.
The existence of this entire exchange speaks to your curiosity about what I’m doing.
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Pretty sure that likening one’s self to a goddess and claiming to be rooted in reality is a bit of a contradiction. But apparently this shit works for you so. 
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Well, of course it is; that’s the entire point.  A little bit of self-awareness.  It’s no secret my preferred title is Goddess, but despite that, I am not blind to the current state of things in this city.
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