mitchellyass · 3 years
Save $50: Make zoom session appointment this week! The Yass Method
Anyone who knows me knows i would give anything to get a person out of pain and see them have the full functional live they justly deserve. To show I am a man of my word and willing to put my money where my mouth is, I am reducing the cost of a zoom session evaluation and treatment by $50 this week, Monday through Friday. Just make an appointment by clicking here, www.livewithoutpains.com/sessions. At the time of the session, you will be the refunded $50. This session doesn’t have to occur this week, just scheduled this week. I want people to end their search for the right path to resolving their pain and getting back to the life they so justly deserve. The Yass Method diagnoses the cause of pain by evaluating the body’s presentation of symptoms to identify the tissue in distress eliciting those very symptoms. In more than 98% of cases the cause is muscular which will not show up on diagnostic tests nor is there any medical specialty educated or trained to identify these causes. Don’t waste another day in pain hoping that tomorrow will be different. To make a difference you have to do something different. This is your chance.
If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my Youtube Channel, Dr Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on Youtube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Chronic illness versus chronic pain. What's the difference? The Yass Method
Chronic illness and chronic pain are not synonymous. Chronic illness represents degeneration and deterioration of tissue associated with a disease entity. Chronic pain is completely different. Pain is a signal of a tissue in distress. it is not its own entity. Chronic pain indicates that a tissue is in distress and continues to be in distress emitting the emergency distress signal of pain. If treatment has been provided and pain persists, it can only mean that the wrong tissue is being treated and the tissue in distress continues to be in distress. In more than 98% of cases the cause of pain is muscle. These types of causes do not show up on diagnostic tests nor is there any medical specialty educated or trained to identify them. This is why they are diagnosed while structural abnormalities are falsely identified to be causing the pain. So let's be clear. You should never think that chronic pain is legitimate or equivalent to chronic illness. This is becoming a socially accepted belief which is why so many people now believe they have to live with chronic pain indefinitely. This is unjust and unnecessary. Get The Yass Method; get the right diagnosis and treatment.  End your chronic pain and reclaim your life. To learn more, go to www.livewithoutpains.com If you like this video please give it a thumbs up. If you like my Youtube channel Dr Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on Youtube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Dave’s dream comes true: He walks out the bedroom door unassisted! Victo...
Anyone who has visited Dave over the last 4 years, knows the only way you saw him was on his back in bed. After four years of being bedridden, you can see Dave walking out his bedroom door unassisted for the first time. This is and overwhelming success and move towards reestablishing a normal life for himself. I have never been more challenged to achieve a goal then this. This achievement shows that with the right understanding and commitment most anything can be accomplished. Dave was misdiagnosed and nondiagnosed for a large portion of the 4 years. It wasn't until i came along using The Yass Method to identify why he had pain at the knee region and had virtually no level of function. Without the right diagnosis, you have no chance of resolving your symptoms. if you have been getting treated for a while and are still in pain, maybe think about the idea that although those trying to treat you have the best intentions, they simply don't have the right education or training to get the job done. I was given this information that i know for a reason and that is to make it available to all those who seek it. if you are in pain, please seek it. If you would like to learn more about The Yass Method, please go to my website: livewithoutpains.com. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe and click on the notification bell to get updates when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Introducing a new show “The Pain Police” by Dave Lagnado and Dr Mitchell...
We are introducing a new show we are creating called The Pain Police which is designed to discuss all the different types of methods, treatments, medication‘s and devices promoted on the internet as having value in resolving pain and returning people to full function. You will get to hear from the perspective of a person seeking pain resolution and one who provides it through his own method. Don’t waste time trying things that were never going to help in the first place just because they were wrapped in a pretty package. For more information about The Yass Method go to livewithoutpains.com.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
End your anxiety, hopelessness and depression associated with pain with ...
Anxiety, hopelessness and depression are symptoms of unresolved pain. They are not from the pain itself but the sense that the pain may never end. Get The Yass Method by clicking on  www.livewithoutpains.com and schedule your zoom session. Get this transformative treatment in the comfort of your home at a time you schedule yourself. You will find out most likely that your pain is from a muscular deficit not structural variation identified by a diagnostic test. End your frustration of waking up and seeing today like all the days in the past as another day you will have to suffer with pain. Get a new lease on life with a new method to diagnose and treat your pain; The Yass Method. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. if you like my Youtube channel, Dr Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when i am live on Youtube. To contact me directly, email me at: [email protected]
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mitchellyass · 3 years
4 week follow up with Pam-The Yass Method provides unsurpassed results!!
This is a 4 week follow up video with Pam who has become infamous for her zoom session being highlighted on my website: https://www.livewithoutpains.com on the session 1, session 2 or follow up zoom session pages. I wanted people to hear from her and see what type of response she obtained by performing The Yass Method exercises for 4 weeks to resolve her symptoms and improve her function. Spoiler alert! She mentions it has allowed her to "live the dream". if you want to get the same results just go to the zoom session page on the website,  https://livewithoutpains.com/sessions/ and make your appointment. Don't wake up another day in pain!
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Dave- Heart of Lion! What not giving up looks like! The Yass method works!
Dave showed that you can get beyond fear and physical capacity through raw emotion and push to reaching a goal. Notice at the end of this walk how Dave pushed beyond wanting to give up and completed the desired length. This video should be a lesson to all who think they can’t accomplish what they want. You can. You just have to believe it. Share this video. Rejoice in Dave’s accomplishment. The YASS METHOD can do this for you too. Pain and dysfunction can be resolved. Go to https://livewithoutpains.com and make your zoom session appointment now! if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Pain from Head to Toe. The Yass method ends it all. Livewithoutpains.com...
If you’re wondering whether The YASS METHOD addresses the cause of your symptoms, be sure to know it resolves pain from head to toes. Here is a review of the most common types of pain and how The YASS METHOD would resolve it. Go to https://livewithoutpains.com and schedule your zoom session now, https://livewithoutpains.com/sessions/ .
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Click on livewithoutpains.com to become pain-free! The Yass method at home!
Livewithoutpains.com  (https://livewithoutpains.com/) is the one click you need to make to get The YASS METHOD and get pain-free. Schedule your a zoom session (https://livewithoutpains.com/sessions/) now to live the life you so desperately desire, pain-free and fully functional. See lots of testimonials and even an example of what you get in the zoom session. Stop wasting your time getting baseless treatments or taking addictive, prescription pain medication. Get the one method that gets the right diagnosis and provides the right treatment to end your pain. If you have benefited from The YASS METHOD, please share this post with your friends, family and coworkers. Everyone has the right to live without pain and the burdens and weights that come with it. Everyone should be able to work without pain, raise their family without pain, have fun without pain, wake up without pain. Get The YASS METHOD. Click on livewithoutpains.com (https://livewithoutpains.com/)
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Dave’s next walk! Making steady progress with the Yass method!
This is Dave’s last walk one week after his first attempt to walk outside in four years. Notice the grassy divider he passes about halfway along the walk. That’s how far he walked the last time. He went from walking 30 feet to 80 feet in just one week. Notice the commitment and drive Dave displays. He is a warrior. Send him some love and encouragement to show people care about a guy giving his all to get his life back. TheYassMethod is working for Dave and will work for you. To schedule a zoom session, please contact me at: [email protected] If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Dave endures extreme massage and stretch (the Yass method works)
This is a little tough to watch but we wanted people to see what Dave has had to go through from the worst of his symptoms to now being able to walk. Dave had an extremely unique freak accident lead to his inability to straighten one knee which led to him not being able to walk. From this both knees tightened leading to where it was even hard to sit. this also led to a heightened lower back pain that made even rolling while laying in bed difficult. This is how Dave became a prisoner of the bed for 4 years. Please watch this and consider whether you could endure this level of treatment for over a year. Dave is a champion and deserves recognition for toughing it out to get to where we have. This is by far the most difficult case i have ever worked on. the physical demand of having to massage and stretch Dave is more than i imagine most can handle. We have built an extreme trust in each other over time which is necessary as you will see. Dave trusts me to  massage and stretch him to the level i feel is necessary to create change in his muscles and i trust Dave to be as relaxed as possible to allow me to get the job done. please comment and show you appreciate what this guy has been through. he is almost home with walking. he still needs to get off all the drugs he has been forced to take, develop a normal sleeping pattern, eventually get back to work, drive again and ultimately take control of his life.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Dave walks outside for first time in 4 years! The Yass method works!
The next progression for Dave after walking out of the bedroom for the first time in four years was to walk outside. After doing the same walk from last week, we went outside and this is what happened. Afterwords, Dave sat outside for about an hour just feeling the breeze on his face. It was incredible to be a part of this and watch him slowly regain his life back. Given the right information with the right attitude, pretty much anything can be accomplished. Get The YASS METHOD and regain your life. If you would like to schedule a zoom session appointment, please contact me by email at: [email protected] If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Testimonial- patient describes reduction in pain and improvement in func...
This woman resolved her symptoms almost completely and had a tremendous improvement in function with just two zoom sessions four weeks apart. The Yass method works. In person treatment not required. If you would like to make a zoom session appointment, please contact me by email at: [email protected] If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Dave walks! Something he thought he would never do again- the Yass Method
Few can possibly imagine what this guy has been through. 30 years of back pain becoming dependent on narcotic pain killers. then a freak accident standing up preventing him from straightening the knee. this leads to him stop standing and walking. he eventually ends up bed ridden peeing in gatorade bottles and pooping on a potty chair next to his bed. he is basically confined to his bed room for years. destiny prevails and his sister contacts me after Dave sees me on Facebook. i figured out the cause of the inability to straight the knees and work with Dave utilizing agonizingly painful massage and stretching followed by aggressive strengthening of the appropriate muscles. finally with all the work and all the effort put in, this is the result. going forward we will get Dave to walk with greater ease and for longer distances until he is fully functional and better then he was prior to the incident with his knees. most would never have been able to survive what this guy has gone through. he lived in a vacuum for years. his issue is so freakish in nature nobody could possibly understand how just not being able to straighten your knees could so profoundly destroy your life. people with cancer get sympathy because this is a known entity. what happened to Dave is like nothing that has happened to anybody. that is why most people trying to be sympathetic simply couldn't understand the frustration and anger Dave felt when they would ask if he was feeling better. This wasn't an issie of feeling better or not. When he laid in bed flat on his back, he had no pain. He simply couldn't do anything else. besides the inability to straighten his knees which made even sitting at the edge of the bed difficult, the shortening of the muscles of the thighs that led to the lack of mobility of the knees also was leading to pain at the lower back. therefore, even rolling in bed was painful. sitting up was painful and there simply was no standing or walking. imagine, no going to the toilet, no taking a shower, only eating and drinking in bed. how long do you think you could have gone without this making you insane? 3 years this guy had to succumb to this. but now he is on the path to walking himself back into a fully normal life. i feel blessed to be a part of this journey. Me and Dave had many talks about what it would be like for him to walk again and i made it clear to him that he was going to walk again. Life brings gifts you never see coming. the hardship Dave has suffered will be the thing that allows him to cherish every moment of his life going forward. there will be no taking life for granted. I was given the gift of knowing that this thing i can do in helping people overcome pain and dysfunction is just that; a gift for me to give to those who seek it.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Don’t tell me what you can’t do; show me what you can do (End your pain ...
If i can do a straight leg deadlift with 405 pounds, you can commit to finding the right path to ending your pain. Get the Yass method. It identifies the cause of pain by interpreting the body's presentation of symptoms versus the use of diagnostic tests like MRIs to falsely identify structural variations that have nothing to do with the cause of pain. The medical establishment has proven to be a failure. Now you know the reason why; misdiagnosis. How long are you going to wait to realize the answer to ending your pain and taking your life back is right in front of you. if you have any questions or would like to schedule a zoom or Skype session, please contact me by email at: [email protected]. if you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when i am live on YouTube. if you would like to leave a comment, please do so and i will answer it in the shortest period of time.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
The anatomy of misdiagnosis: (the Yass method-two languages- symptoms vs...
the Yass method- This video will explain the reason why misdiagnosis is so common and leads to baseless treatments and chronic pain. There are two languages- your language of symptoms and the surgeon’s language of diagnostic tests. The only path to a proper diagnosis and resolution of the cause of symptoms is to interpret the symptoms to identify the tissue in distress eliciting those very symptoms. This is not part of the medical establishment understanding or protocol. When the surgeon ignores your symptoms that’s when you have to recognize you’re going in the wrong direction. If you have a question or would like to schedule a zoom or Skype appointment, please contact me at: [email protected] If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube. Please leave a comment if you are getting the idea that the medical system isn’t listening to you.
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mitchellyass · 3 years
Symptoms vs diagnostic tests, one identifies the cause (pain is just one...
It’s time to see The YASS METHOD as the only real alternative for diagnosing the cause of pain. learn the difference between interpreting symptoms versus diagnostic tests to establish the cause of pain. For 40 years you have been told that diagnostic testing is the answer to identifying the cause of your pain. Look at the results. If you have a question or would like to make a Skype or zoom session appointment please contact me at: [email protected] If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you like my YouTube channel, Dr. Mitchell Yass, please subscribe to get notifications when new videos are added or when I am live on YouTube. If you would like to leave a comment, please do so and I will respond in due time.
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