mithras-draylon · 10 years
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Dedicated To Terry Pratchett April 28, 1948 – March 12, 2015 My friend Amelia got me into Terry Pratchett’s Discworld in college. I haven’t read all 40 of the novels, but what I have read was always excellent. My only beef was  I would stay up way too late thinking “I’ll go to bed as soon as I’m done with this chapter!” when he never made any :) Literature lost a great man, today. A great, delightful, angry man.
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
Well, not exactly...
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Source for more facts follow NowYouKno
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
DM:  *Heavy sigh*  The people of the bar hear a noisy thud as the Paladin slams his head on the door frame, hitting the floor.  They don’t notice his thoroughbred horse slip stealthily between the tables.
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
Mithras limped into the room and smiles warmly, looking at Regis for the first time in what was months. The Inquisitor's leg still bothered him as he walked, and he would likely never be able to walk properly again, but it was better than it was, and that's what mattered.
"It's good to see you, Regis." Mithras held out a hand for a handshake, not losing the tenderness in his voice. "Sorry for not coming sooner. I've been silent for a little too long."
Mithras gestured towards a nearby chair as he walked, silently asking if he may sit. "I apologize our first meeting in a while has to be semi-formal. Subtlety was never my thing, so I'll just go for it: there's a lot of Thrones leading straight to you, friend. I'm not here to arrest you or anything, I just want to know where they're going."
The Reacquainting
Mithras had been following a paper-trail of money for weeks following his return. A significant amount of Thrones were jumping between shady-looking accounts that were blatantly fake, used specifically to confuse and hide who was doing so. There were, of course, some leads to follow, and after some digging, all evidence pointed to Regis.
The Inquisitor stood outside where he thought the Tech-Priest was and intended to greet his friend warmly; if the Thrones were for a just cause, he would repay them all himself.
He knocked and waited.
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
The Reacquainting
Mithras had been following a paper-trail of money for weeks following his return. A significant amount of Thrones were jumping between shady-looking accounts that were blatantly fake, used specifically to confuse and hide who was doing so. There were, of course, some leads to follow, and after some digging, all evidence pointed to Regis.
The Inquisitor stood outside where he thought the Tech-Priest was and intended to greet his friend warmly; if the Thrones were for a just cause, he would repay them all himself.
He knocked and waited.
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
*tackle hugs* Welcome back!
((Thank you, kind anon! :) hope you have a wonderful day))
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
You've missed some CRAZY stuff sir, check out Vincent's blog and you'll get an idea.
((I know ;-; I missed you all, for the record. I'm not sure I know Vincent (or the link to the blog) but I'll search and ask around to see what's going on.))
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
Where have you been?
((Busy IRL, but sweet, sweet freedom is now mine :) ))
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
((*commence Frankenstein laugh*
Yes! I am alive and back :D))
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mithras-draylon · 10 years
Several boxes marked for Mithras are delivered to him. Inside it appears to be tomes of Xenos as well as a black book of Xenos contacts of Dakka's. And there are also a set of daggers that to the touch slide with no effort. The note on top reads. "Sorry about this strange delivery. but the swords can go through any thing so be careful about those. And since you gotten this it means I am dead, dead and not hiding. Sorry that you had to hear of it this way but it was not in my plans. - Skive D"
Mithras brought the boxes into his office and set them on his relatively old and worn wooden desk. The note looked like it was written some time ago, the ink of the words faded slightly. It was curt, the writing very much ‘Skive,’ unmistakably his. There was a certain numbness that came to Draylon after reading the signature. His face paled, yet betrayed no emotion maintaining its stone demeanor.
The pair of blades were elegantly designed, no doubt taking years to fully finish. The metal gleamed in the unnatural light of the room, and Draylon moved them through the air, noting their perfect balancing. He took one of the blades and ran it across his palm, bloodying the metal and testing the sting. It required no force at all as the dagger effortlessly cut through his skin. Mithras then bathed both cheeks of the dagger in the crimson liquid, then, with one swift swing, threw the blood off the blade and onto the floor.
He would clean that stain another day.
Mithras set the blades next to the boxes before bandaging his hand and examining the tomes. Contacts, information, biology, homeworlds, books of knowledge that Draylon only dreamed of, books that would aid his search of Commander Shadowsun, books that would remind him of Dakka and to be careful in his stead.
He picked up the wine glass on his table and finished what was left. He began to chuckle, softly at first, with increasing intensity, before the glass was quickly spiraling towards the wall. It broke unceremoniously as the laughter immediately ceased and his face returned to its stone-like unreadable expression.
The Inquisitor sat at his desk and slumped in his chair.
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
Describe me in three words. I can only publish, not respond.
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
Inquisitor are you sure you did not hit you head on something tau,eldar,orks,chaos,dark eldar,necros ect are the enemies against the imperial of man there's no repay with kindness any nexos or heretics must be burn or killed.
"All xenos life is a threat to our glorious Imperium, the hunting and killing of T’au is more a personal pleasure. Think of it this way: she took everything from me, and I will take everything from her. Naturally, I have had dealings with the other xeno races, admittedly less so Dark Eldar."
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
Excuse me inquisitor but why did you join the ordo xenos seem that the ordo malleus would been a better thing to join but it's the emperors will to chose who belongs any part of the imperial of man.
"My home world was invaded by a T’au force spearheaded by the Commander Shadowsun. She murdered my family and has taken everything I have known or loved. I joined the Ordo Xenos to repay her kindness."
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
"That man sounds dangerous, if nothing else," spoke the Inquisitor. "I would be cautious, but I'm more than certain you already know what to do." He shifted in his chair again to find a more comfortable position. His leg had been acting up lately, going numb before transitioning into a searing hot cutting pain.
"Your best bet would definitely be to ask Crowley. I know T'au biology, but my Kroot biology is hilariously limited. I assume Regis might know though," Draylon added.
"Hey Mithras. I do not suppose you know much on Kroot biology or know someone that could care for one?"
"I am not very familiar with Kroot biology, at least not to the same level as T’au or human," Mithras spoke. "Though I feel that question has an interesting story behind it…" he smirked.
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
Mithras cleared his throat a little uncomfortably. "I do not agree with what you are doing, Regis. This is completely heretical and under most circumstances would get you executed on the spot." His look was a serious one and hard as stone, yet still caring.
"But you saved my life on the crash of the Azira, and you are my friend, so you do not have to worry about. I have to ask you just one question."
The Inquisitor stood up and grabbed his cane, coming closer to Regis until they were around three feet away. He looked the Enginseer straight in the eyes.
"Do you think the information is worth it?"
"Mi...Mithras." Regis calls out as he peers around a corner as if ready to bolt. He seems to refuses to meet Mithras's eyes on this. "Per-permission to contact my first inquisitor for in-information?"
Mithras looked perplexed at the question. “Permission? You can make decisions for yourself, Regis,” he smiled warmly. “I know I don’t like it when people breathe down my back, so I believe you deserve the same level of autonomy. Though may I ask, what for?”
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
"I'll transfer my coordinates to you shortly, there is a starport close to my office on the Imperial planet I'm on."
Mithras chuckled lightly at the question of his ship. "Well, if you really want to know," he began, "Our astropath's focus faltered for a moment, and daemons began to crawl aboard as our shields were not fully operational. We managed to escape the Warp, but were in an uninhabited sector of space and going down fast."
The Inquisitor's voice started to become lower in pitch as the story took more grave turns. "With our angle of descent, coupled with the speed at which we were moving, Guardsman Brutis calculated we had a 15% chance of surviving the impact. He was right, for the most part, the majority of the crew died in the impact, but we were able to adjust the landing enough that some survived." Somewhat mindlessly, Mithras rubbed his damaged leg. "A large piece of metal came through my leg and I lost a lot of blood, but the Torch of Will was able to come in time to save the survivors."
He cleared his throat. "But, the chief medical officer of my ship miraculously survived. We landed on an icy planet, and with the surviving leadership of the ship and Enginseer Regis were able to stay warm long enough to be picked up. Happy endings all around!" He laughed again.
"Coordinates are transmitted, by the way. I await your arrival."
Hitching A Ride (RP w/ Kellan)
Mithras’s came crystal clear and crisp through Kellan’s vox. “Kellan!” he began, “I need a favor, if it’s not too much trouble.”
Truth be told, he did not like asking for favors because that meant debt, and debt meant inconvenience. However, this was a pressing matter, and the Inquisitor did not have a ship to travel to his destination with. He was hoping to catch a ride with Kellan and arrive at his destination sooner, rather than later.
"Do you think you can give me a lift to Serlan IV?" he asked, with a little doubt. "My ship has recently exploded in a glorious ball of flames, and I have no way to travel through to there. I can repay you in any way you wish. Though if it is too far out of your way, say so."
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mithras-draylon · 11 years
Hitching A Ride (RP w/ Kellan)
Mithras's came crystal clear and crisp through Kellan's vox. "Kellan!" he began, "I need a favor, if it's not too much trouble."
Truth be told, he did not like asking for favors because that meant debt, and debt meant inconvenience. However, this was a pressing matter, and the Inquisitor did not have a ship to travel to his destination with. He was hoping to catch a ride with Kellan and arrive at his destination sooner, rather than later.
"Do you think you can give me a lift to Serlan IV?" he asked, with a little doubt. "My ship has recently exploded in a glorious ball of flames, and I have no way to travel through to there. I can repay you in any way you wish. Though if it is too far out of your way, say so."
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