mitoshiro · 9 years
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      ( okay so school and the inability to get my shit together has delayed the starters i was making BUT i should be finished with them tonight or sometime tomorrow! )
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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            ( Hello! I’m feeling winter-ey as heck even though It isn’t technically winter BUT AHEM ANYWAY here is an rp ad for a winter/holiday based starter! They will be short and probably either intentionally or unintentionally rude.....  I’ll cap at 3 likes for now! Also I’m always up for plotting and whatnot.)
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mitoshiro · 9 years
 ​           †›› His facial expression sunk to reveal a countenance that was more demonic in nature. Perhaps this plan was purely the creation of impulsively, yet their options were incredibly. The advantage was in the thief’s hands for as long at the two exorcists remained on foot. Naturally it was a stretch to predict automatic compliance, but the response he received still managed to provoke irritation. The task wasn’t a difficult one to carry out.
                 “Of course I can drive the damn thing-”
                 A snappy reply wasn’t based on much evidence- or experience for that matter. While he recalled owning one of these mechanisms in a certain past environment, the swordsman lacked actual practice as the thing was only good for collecting dust. Nevertheless, it was as simple as twisting the handle and merely going forward, right? His previous jolt may have provided means to doubt his ability, but their time was dwindling before the robber would have completely evacuated the vicinity.
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                “Che, do you want to catch this guy or not?” 
мoтorcycle вroѕ
It had been a rather haphazard chase to begin with; trapped inside an unfamiliar realm of the city, the robber maintained a steady upper-hand against them, bobbing and weaving through routes and niches that seemed to manifest for his own benefit, and upon him riding off on the motorcycle in a cheeky blaze of glory, their rudimentary means of pursuit was instantly rendered obsolete. The high ground now opened up as the next best way to keep the chase, but their fixes to this situation proved to be vastly different.
The sight of his comrade upon a motorcycle of all things is not something Allen was sure he ever wanted to behold, yet there he was in all his glory (or lack thereof).
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“It’s Allen.” Kanda is in no position to pull the beansprout card when precariously perched on a gosh-darn motorcycle. One misplaced ‘gust of wind’ and he would fall right over.
Although so apparent an aerial position seemed as the better way to continue, for the briefest of moments all ideas of strategically resuming the chase were flung far out the window–only distraction and special brand of exasperation remained. “What makes you think that’s a good idea? You don’t know how to drive it, do you?”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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mitoshiro · 9 years
          †›› A prolonged eyeroll followed the shaman’s query as a personal response to his own clash of morals. While obtaining such a poorly crafted item was rather low on his overall priorities list, he had a certain type of stubbornness that urged him to continue until the initial goal was obtained. Then again, he could always resort to more physical actions to obtain the bizarre object. 
           Releasing the grasp temporarily, he tried to draw his hand back in with no avail. Surprise and irritation coated his features as this situation only appeared more and more bleak. “Che, it’s still not budging.” He didn’t quite attempt to release his arm fully or wait for directions from the girl; however, digits slowly grasped around the physical root of the problem. 
          While her hand still rested over his hand, he had temporarily forgotten about his disdain for contact. Naturally, he came up with a daring idea that was regularly out of his regular comfort zone. While the girl wasn’t the epitome of physical strength, he still believed that his idea could potentially work. 
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          “... Che, I guess just try using Mugen to cut this damn thing in half.”
↳ ✽ - - - There, nestled in the pile of plush toys, was something resembling a grey kitten with a questionably large head and an angry expression that mirrored the man’s usual countenance just a breath’s width beyond his grasp. Dark brows rose as her expression shifted slowly from confused surprise to amusement.
I never would have thought Kanda was the type to like these sorts of things…?
The pads of her fingers pressed against the glass, gaze focused but attention decidedly not as she contemplated a solution. Given that there had been no specific directions offered, there was a trace of hesitance but there was also a part of Sera that dared to feel some relief. As intimidating as the swordsman tended to be towards others, she reminded herself that of all people he had come to her for help. She took a few steps forward and as her grey eyes met his dark gaze, a soft smile touched her lips as she only nodded in response, a silent request for him to trust her.
The plan started off nicely enough, though because her objective was so firmly in place, a strange boldness possessed her, forgetting his intolerance for close contact. The shaman pressed her body against his back, sliding her slender arm to parallel against his. She couldn’t very well break the machine with the little physical strength she possessed, so she opted to gently guide his hand out.
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❝If you relax your arm just a bit-…❞ Feather light touches brushed his skin, ❝But, um, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to retrieve the cat as well… Did you really want it?❞ The question posed lingered somewhere between naïveté and authentic curiosity.
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mitoshiro · 9 years
мoтorcycle вroѕ
        ​  †›› Working alongside each other normally is an attribute that is prominent in teamwork, yet the two exorcists had managed to separate these entities from one another. Currently, both trailed on foot after a robber that had heinously robbed an older woman of her woven bag. While it was a small-scale crime in retrospect, the two comrades had taken it upon themselves to ‘right the wrong’. 
           With finesse, the robber had managed to fling himself onto an empty motorcycle as keys were jammed into the ignition. Fleeing at a speed that was impossible to obtain on foot, the two had continued following after him regardless. “Che, bastard.”
          Thinking on his feet, he honed in on a biker that had began revving up their own motorcycle (which was rather cacophonous). In a rather barbaric act, the swordsman shoved him off of his vehicle with an intent to borrow and return the thing. Luckily, they showed little defiance and had perhaps slipped into slight unconsciousness. 
         Attempting to maintain his equilibrium, he accidentally jolted forward a couple of feet. He quickly turned towards his comrade with a serious disposition despite the ridiculous circumstance he had voluntarily placed himself in. Truly, he tried to put on the impression that he knew that he was doing.  
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          “Hurry up and get on, beansprout.”  
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mitoshiro · 9 years
          †›› A philosophical response only provided further confusion. He responded immediately without considering the context surrounding her answer. “Che, of course everyone doesn’t have-” It suddenly struck him that she was referring to the alternate meaning of the word ‘innocence’- the meaning that was primary to most, but secondary to the exorcist.
           He diverted his gaze towards his artificially created companion. Her powers were beyond a schema that he could currently provide. The smallest ounce of faith was placed in the golem and the abilities that she claimed to possess. The swordsman could merely serve as a bystander in this situation. 
           Furrowed brows were the only change in countenance as he watched lithe digits alter the current state of the small being. Observing the slightest movements in her being, it was apparent that her actions were beyond what he could currently see. His lack of use nearly became irritating as there were questions he couldn’t find answers for. Interrupting the process seemed nearly detrimental at this point- or so he believed until it appeared as though her body was ready to collapse under invisible pressure.
           As the girl fainted, his arm managed to reach out fast enough to assure that she wasn’t harmed further by a collision with the ground. The projected images caught  his attention before he could attempt to check on her well-being. 
           The video in front of him began rather eerily in nature as he viewed the beginning of an ordeal that slipped past his current memories. While he wished to deny amnesia, the recording only proved his denial otherwise. He saw fingers that weren’t accustomed to the delicate act of bandaging another’s wound. It was blatant that this digital self had a bond with the female despite harsh words; his actions had always been of far more importance as it displayed his true self. 
           Looking at the unconscious girl on his arm, it was clear that she matched the one in the video. Her voice, her countenance, her mannerisms were identical. Coming to terms with this new discovery, however, provided a faint sense of panic that would trigger an action impulsive in nature. His free hand extended forward, grabbing the golem that was most likely growing tired of being manhandled. 
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           A few abrupt movements caused the images to flicker momentarily before dissipating completely. 
          「 ғιle deleтed 」
          With hesitance he shook the shaman without too much force, unsure of its effectiveness. However, brasher actions were difficult to muster up upon viewing the data that had been completely forgotten. “Hey-” The rest of his words weren’t ready to be more than mere thoughts just yet.
↳ ✽ - - - Kanda would find out that in a world full of strange certainties, she was one to deviate from the trend. Though her body was fragile, her influence was infinite, powers undefined by concrete answers. ❝Innocence?❞ The gaze she turned in his direction likened her to a deer caught in headlights, color tinging her cheeks. ❝I-… Doesn’t everyone have innocence to an extent..?❞ She had more air than words in her throat as she tried to decipher what he was asking, feeling more embarrassed than anything that her dictionary definition didn’t suffice. A hand rose to obstruct her flushed features. ❝Um, I-I don’t think I’m qualified to give you a proper answer to be honest?❞
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The device’s wings slumped, dipping low enough to find a comfortable perch on her head. On instinct, she stiffened beneath the added weight until she gently lifted the creature to inspect it. The screen lit eye blinked at her curiously. ❝It is possible Golem recorded details of past events and unlike our memories is still completely intact.❞ Her fingers traced the smooth black metal, a low hum of thought before she continued. ❝I might not be successful at finding anything, but I can at least try…❞ A hopeful smile appeared, a slowly progressing motion that stretched with a genuine reach.
Grey eyes transitioned to glow a pure white and she went silent as she pulled up the panels required to complete her task, concentration overshadowing her face. Small hands paused briefly in the air, delicate fingers poised before the golem; eyes drifting shut as she focused on the data stream, feeling every separate line of code, the electrons moving within them, and the vibration of the atoms. A serene light danced on her lithe form, as if glimmering underwater, languidly moving across her pale skin. She slid between multitudes of codes, brushing past all of the intricate programming before a stray stream caught her attention, flying across like an errant shooting star. The shaman began the slow process of splitting the corrupted data apart, feeling the system onset on resisting her.
A sharp pain pulsed through her temple. With each level of protection pried off, the danger drew closer, a fearsome entropy whose energy was discordant and cacophonous. Full immersion threatened to eclipse the present and Sera was quick to act, severing the connection the second she succeeded. Her body felt heavy and an exhaustion seeped into every pore. The drudgery of her actions caused her to slip into unconsciousness but not before another projection appeared.
ɢPXE (ʜᴛᴛᴘ://ʜɪᴠᴇᴄɪᴛʏ.ᴏʀɢ) - 00:12.0 C900 PCI2.10 PɴP BBS C900 ʀᴇʙᴏᴏᴛɪɴɢ ғʀᴏᴍ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴅɪsᴋ… ᴛᴀsᴋ’ - ‘ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ʜᴀs ʙᴇᴇɴ ʀᴇsᴛᴏʀᴇᴅ.’  ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴛᴀɴᴅ ʙʏ…
「ᴀᴄᴄᴇssɪɴɢ ᴍᴏsᴛ ʀᴇᴄᴇɴᴛ ʟᴏɢ ᴇɴᴛʀʏ」
The footage showed a jittery image. The light from outside obscured the forms into silhouettes with a burning aura. The device’s lenses zoomed in and out, focusing on the closest figure. Kanda’s shoulders curved inward, torso bent at the waist hovering over the petite shaman. He watched as she drew an unsteady breath and he eased the pressure on her ankle until it was virtually nonexistent. Running a hand over his face in resignation, fatigue was graffitied upon bruised features- too evident to be left unnoticed. He was frowning again, contemplation digging a well practiced line between his brows. An exhalation of breath escaped the passage of his nose, as much as he injured himself in battle, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of Sera doing the same.
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A grumble elevated to a slightly raised tone laced with emphasis, ❝Che, stay still.❞ In response her pink lips pressed together with now firm resolve, then she gave a curt nod. He was so stoic that others might not have caught the dip in the corners of his lips, concern shadowing his annoyance. Another moment passed before he continued bandaging her leg; slower this time, a little more careful but no matter how much she tried she couldn’t help the muscles tensing from his calloused fingers making contact with her injuries. ❝Don’t be so reckless next time because I don’t want to do this again…Got it?❞
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mitoshiro · 9 years
↳ ✽ - - -·Head tilted in confusion at the implication of the other’s tone. ❝S-Sure. I’ll be there in less than 5 minutes, okay?❞·
Petite body spun at her heel as she made her way to the grocery store, no further questions asked. Once there, eyes settled upon the swordsman in a rather compromising position. The machine flashed brilliantly, playing a lively tune, politely inquiring if the player would like to try again but… ·All she could feel was surprise and her hands were quickly raised to hover in front of her face to hide the expression. How did this happen? What was he doing? Was there something he wanted inside? Why did he call her? This thought and that sprinkled her mind like raindrops. Lower lip tucked in sympathy, her arms bend, fingers curling at her chest.
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❝Wh-? What can I do to help?❞
            What could she do to help?
            Eye contact was nonexistent; for one, his position didn’t allow it, and it wasn’t one of his proudest moments. While he was capable of many different tasks, conquering this ‘toy crane’ didn’t fall under this specific category. 
             He had attempted to obtain an ambiguous item. Was is a ghost or a tiger? Why did it have horns? He couldn’t answer these questions, but there was an impulsive desire to harness his loose change in an attempt to obtain the thing for the shaman, since it fell under her taste in miscellaneous objects. 
             Five close calls later, he decided to take matters into his own hands- literally. It was hanging on the edge, close to the small door. Unfortunately, he has miscalculated his ability to grab the vague creature.
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             “I only need my hand out of this damn thing.”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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another commission / q \
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mitoshiro · 9 years
It wasn’t until a familiar tune started playing that she paused. She blinked once- then twice at her cell phone. What a surprise! She smiled into her pale pink case, a mixture of indulgent and shy and elated. The shaman spent the first few seconds calming the butterflies behind her ribcage, barely fluttering faster than her heart. Kanda had called her after all. It must be important.
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❝Kanda?❞ Pallid fingers tightened imperceptibly on the phone held to her ear. ❝Hello! Ah- It’s nice to hear from you!❞ A little strange… but nice.
► [ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ: ] @mitoshiro
          With the exception of a faint grumble, little sound could be heard from the swordsman’s side of the phone call. Nervousness wasn’t the source of silence, but the situation wasn’t an easy one to describe. He already despised asking for help of any kind; this specific ordeal only made it harder to verbalize this minor distress.
          His hand was stuck in this goddamn crane machine. 
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          “Che, I just need you to meet me at that shitty little grocery store that’s near the apartment...”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
I /LOVE/ the way you write. Your writing style is so fluent and your syntax is so on point. You really do Kanda some justice, lemmie tell ya' what. I hope I have the ability to roleplay with you someday!
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( BRB doki-ing into infinity. REAL TALK THOUGH I am a bit of a perfectionist at times and my writing is so so SO far from perfect, but this makes me so happy because I JUST STRUGGLE SOMETIMES BUT I TRY MY BEST and wow just thinking that someone is looking at my syntax makes me blush ok. I ALWAYS HAVE TIME TO RP WITH CUTIES LIKE YOU SO!)
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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          “Che, if you didn’t want your phone to get stepped on then you shouldn’t have left it on the floor.”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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              ”What the hell are you doing?”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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          “I know it’s crowded as hell, but do you have to stand so damn close? It feels like you’re emitting cold air.”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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          “Che, that damn cat isn’t mine and I don’t want to keep it either.”
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mitoshiro · 9 years
↳ ✽ - - - The softest shake of her head was hint to her next words. ❝It’s-… It’s not that simple. I have to maintain physical contact with a person to access their information. Even then, biological organisms are only accessible on a completely separate plane than artificial structures. They don’t typically cross paths…❞ She faltered in her musings, took a moment to think things through more extensively, and figure out an explanation that didn’t incriminate her further.
Gaze drifted and settled upon Golem. The creature whirred over to her, chirping brightly, wings fluttering up and down as it hovered on standby waiting for further orders. Everything was muffled, hazy. She swallowed, a certain strain settling on her mind. Instead of feeling herself enlightened, Sera grappled with a growing confusion.
❝There seems to be some sort of firewall that has been installed into Golem that prevents me from seeing its files. If given enough time, I can break the code by pinpointing the malignant data but-❞
His statement had a delayed registration, leaving her staring wide eyed until she was able to recollect herself. Her heart skipped two beats- stuttering and racing as if there was a sanctuary just past her rib cage. Maybe it didn’t matter how deeply suppressed their memories were, there were some things that the soul could not be made to forget.
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❝That!❞ She leaned forward a little, tilting her head to see his face and regain eye contact, actions displaying equal parts enthusiasm and intrigue.❝That’s what happened to me! Things we haven’t learned yet… just pop into our heads out of nowhere. How could you know that about me? Did we come here from the same place and… simply not remember?❞
           Explanations fell beyond the swordsman’s comprehension despite an initial attempt to listen. Perhaps the girl didn’t use an abundance of jargon, but her words were just enough to be beyond his grasp. Nothing coincided with a preexisting schema, so the male had to simply make sense of her power- of the situation by placing it in a plane that he was more familiar with.
          He wouldn’t verbalize it, but he knew her somehow. Grogginess suffocated memories; something was there, yet he couldn’t pinpoint just what it was.  A detailed response would be met by few words that would only provide more confusion to the situation that already proved itself to be tangled enough.
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          “Che, your innocence can’t even work on a golem? ...You have innocence, right?” Firewalls, malignant data- he figured that these were aspects of her power, since these terms were far from familiar given the era that he swordsman arrived from.
          Eyebrows creased as she took it upon herself to ever so slightly enter his line of vision. The brief segments of past memories that would slip past mere thoughts did create looming suspicions that the two did come from the same world. Nevertheless, he remained unsure of a solution or even a response to the questions that she asked. 
          He possessed his regenerative abilities; in regular circumstances, amnesia would have lasted mere minutes. Unique circumstances would be the only thing that could defy this man-made power that he possessed. 
          The exorcist found himself struggling with eye contact; his gaze fell upon the golem that relentlessly buzzed up an down- acting more animated than usual. The realization struck that the floating piece of technology would perhaps be far more reliable than either of their minds in the current moment. “Che, the golem probably has more answers- past that... ‘firewall’. ” 
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mitoshiro · 9 years
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          ( G R E E T I N G S. I have unintentionally taken a bit of a leave of absence with kanda here and with my other muse because school is killing me softly so happy to be done soon please free me. 
ANYWAY because I’m really responsible and love this kid, if you’d like to interact then you can go ahead and like this for a one liner! I’ll go ahead an cap at FOUR. Fair warning: there is a 99% chance it will be a rude as heck one liner, but... u know. )
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