mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Would it be ok to ask for some HaruMatsu?
Does HaruMatsu count as a popular ship yet or? I’m gonna assume you’re asking for the Citrus version and not the Danganronpa version
“Taniguchi-senpai, you’re doing it wrong.”
“I’m doing it exactly the way you showed me.”
“Then how come your score’s so low?” On that point, Harumi couldn’t disagree. As the colorful, blinding screen of the arcade machine in front of them continued to flash away, she glanced up at the scores displayed in the top corners. Matsuri was well past 100,000 points, while Harumi herself was still sitting at a measly 30,000.
“You’re just better at this than me. You’ve had more practice.” A few seconds after she said that the screen flickered red, and two words popped up in front of them in enormous letters: “GAME OVER.” With a sigh Harumi fit her plastic gun back into the holster attached to the arcade cabinet, though not before catching a nasty look from Matsuri.
“I wasted good quarters on you,” the smaller girl muttered. “Thanks a lot.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” Harumi replied. “Let’s go get food. I’ll pay.” By the time Matsuri stopped wallowing in her irritation long enough to look up Harumi had already started to walk away, and she had to scramble to catch up with her.
“Hey!” she huffed, though Harumi hardly seemed remorseful. “If you’re offering to take me out for food you’d better not be cheap about it.”
“I won’t.”
“I’m expecting a meal and a dessert.”
“Don’t you have a ton of money anyway?” Harumi asked. “Why does it matter if I pay for it?” The question made Matsuri fall silent- silent enough that Harumi eventually felt compelled to glance back over her shoulder, just to make sure she was still there. When she looked she found that Matsuri was slouched down now, hands stuffed into the pockets of her sweatshirt, and she was looking off to the side, avoiding any eye contact with Harumi. “Matsuri?”
“I’m fine,” Matsuri replied.
“You’re not acting fine.”
“You’d like it if I bought you stuff too,” she mumbled. “Don’t make a big deal out of it.” Harumi blinked at Matsuri a few times, and then a small smile crossed over her lips, and she laughed softly.
“Hurry up,” she said. “The cafe’s just around the corner.” As she walked along she reached out behind her, offering up a hand, and Matsuri silently took it.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
How do you think Mitsuko would interact with Matsuri if she were in a relationship with Harumi? If any other character were with Haru, I could see her being as supportive as possible, but Matsuri's kind of a little shit.
Does this quote answer your question?
In seriousness I think that would actually highlight one of the central focuses and conflicts of the Taniguchi sisters’ relationship: they really do care about each other a lot, they’re just garbage at showing it. Mitsuko puts up her tough, stern facade around most people, and even Harumi herself seems pretty intimidated by her sister, especially in the first arc where Mitsuko appears. But when we do see them interacting directly Mitsuko seems to try to show a softer side, except she’s an absolute disaster at doing so, and just ends up being dumb and awkward about it.
As for how Matsuri ties in, she’s a little gremlin who brings trouble with her everywhere she goes, and I think Mitsuko is smart enough to recognize that. She wouldn’t be thrilled about Harumi going out with someone like that, and Matsuri would definitely be on thin ice with her. Of course, Mitsuko intervening in any way would mean her acknowledging her sister’s romantic life which is already a tall order to begin with, so as much as I could see her terrifying Matsuri and telling Harumi she shouldn’t be with someone like that I could also see her never saying anything about it because she just Doesn’t Know How To Bring That Up
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Bows low, and humbly requests an M-rated HaruMatsu fic.
Okay anon, gonna get super fucking lewd and spicy up in here, YOU ASKED FOR IT
Being a master of making moves, Matsuri was completely unused to sweating it out. Mainly because Harumi had used an unexpected move that left her usually calculating brain sputtering.
Harumi was holding her hand.
The fact that they were watching a wrestling match in Harumi’s living room allowed her some time to regain her bearings immediately after it happened and review what allowed Taniguchi to get the upper hand in this situation so easily.
Her first mistake was putting her hand so carelessly on the seat cushion between them. She had assumed she was safe since Harumi’s grandma was also in the room with them, silently watching the wrestling match as well in her rocking chair.
That was her second grievous mistake when it came to strategy; Old ladies made Matsuri nervous, and not because of your typical reasons. Old people were fucking shrewd, and she regarded them with the respect one would give a sleeping lion.
So her third mistake was underestimating what Taniguchi Jr was capable of doing while in the old lady’s presence. Sweating nervously, Matsuri went with her usual knee-jerk reaction of trying to ruin the situation.
“Wow, Taniguchi-senpai, you must really like–”
Grandma Taniguchi sharply shushed Matsuri, shutting her up instantly. Harumi smirked in victory. Matsuri decided this wasn’t a total defeat, and with a blush that was brighter than she liked, gripped her hand back.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Matsuri: Why don't you have a girlfriend?
Harumi: I have an overprotective sister. Why don't you have a girlfriend?
Matsuri: You have an overprotective sister.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Matsuri: Gay sex is a sin, but so is premarital sex, so if you have gay premarital sex the two cancel out and it's cool. It's like PEMDAS or some shit.
Harumi, taking off her shirt: I can't argue with that logic.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Harumi: Alright, I should get going.
Matsuri: But what if I have a bitchy opinion? Who am I supposed to share it with?
Harumi: Just whisper into the wind and, if it's juicy enough, I will hear.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Nene: You... You... You rude person!
Matsuri: Woah, go easy on her Nene.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Nene: She called me ugly!
Yuzu: Matsuri, apologize.
Matsuri: Fine. I'm sorry you're ugly.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Himeko: We're gonna stop Meimei's wedding! Using the powers of:
Harumi: Friendship!
Sara: Harmony!
Matsuri: Incredible violence.
Nene: And love!
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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I began to think ฺBorusara is Narusaku2.
It’s not just the relationship of two people much like a brother than a lover.
Shipper two groups like the same habit.
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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“Will of Fire” (Re-draw)
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
A mitsusara fic rec list sorta???
so @moonboiandthescarletspring had made a good point on how there is little to no fics for this lovely ship so here are some notable ones that I have found
please note I lowered my stands to where I wanted fics that weren’t long or had a borusara tag which was real hard
Keep reading
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mitsukiuchiha-blog1 ¡ 6 years
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