mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
Lemon Balm
Seeding: pre-cultivation from March to April, indoor-cultivation from April to June
People used to cultivate Lemon Balm next to beehives because the plant is a popular food source of bees. In German, Lemon Balm is called „Melisse“ - the plant’s name comes from the Greek language and means “ bee” (Melissa=bee). Lemon Balm is a popular healing plant due to its relaxing effects – the herb helps against hypersensitivity and petulance.
Usage: The leaves can be used for Lemon Balm syrup. 
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
Common Cosmos
Seeding: March to May pre-cultivation, from May outdoor cultivation possible
Time of blossoming: July to October
Common Cosmos symbolizes tender longing and desire.
Usage: Leaves and blooms are edible. They can be used in salads. 
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
Common Yarrow
Seeding: pre-culture at suitable temperatures (about 18°), cover the seeds
Time of blossoming: July to September
Common Yarrow was found in 60 000 year old tombs and it is therefore one of the oldest medicinal herbs in Europe. The herb heals all types of wounds and symbolizes protection and balance. Furthermore, the flower bolsters creative intuition. In German the plant is called “Schafgarbe”. “Garbe” comes from Old High German and means “healer”.
Usage: Harvested in spring, the leaves make a delicious salad.
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
Seeding: In March in in cold frames. Just sprinkle the seeds carefully.
In ancient times Rosemary was dedicated to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of Love and Beauty. Rosemary is said to be reminiscent of happiness and at the same time of mortality.
In Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” and “Hamlet”, Rosemary symbolizes the flower of death. Rosemary has a relaxing effect and helps to build up strength. Sage and Rosemary are good neighbors.
Usage: Rosemary is a popular herb in kitchen.
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
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mixfriederike-blog · 11 years
Stinging Nettle
Seeding: April, don’t cover the seeds, just press them tightly on the soil.
Stinging Nettle strengthens your assertiveness and gives you strength. The plant has an cleaning effect and helps for tiredness. Additionally stinging nettle is an aphrodisiac.
In times past the plant was used in the textile industry as well. Cloth was made from high-fiber stalks. And in harsh times, people ate stinging nettles as a vegetable to survive.
Usage: In kitchen stinging nettle can be used for many of things. For example stinging nettle gnocchi. If you braise the leaves lightly it makes a delicious vegetable. 
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