mixvmaxim · 2 years
Facebook changes name to Meta, perhaps to escape scandal On 28 October 2021, the US social media platform Facebook announced that it was renaming some of its brands to "Meta".The name change was explained by Facebook founder Zuckerberg as a "brand redefinition", i.e. the creation of a new brand based on the Facebook website and its various brands.Previously, "Facebook" referred both to the social media platform commonly used by internet users worldwide and to the company that developed and maintains its operations.The name change was announced by Facebook Inc, which Zuckerberg said would work to gradually integrate the existing Facebook and the company's multiple social media and real-time communication platforms to create a new Meta platform.And just recently, according to several US media reports, a former Facebook employee reported to the US Securities and Exchange Commission that Facebook's website managers deliberately condoned the existence of hate speech and false information, and that they believed that cracking down on such speech would hinder Facebook's growth.The scandals Facebook has faced in recent years, from leaking users' private data, to being accused of interfering in the presidential election, to blocking the account of then President Donald Trump, have each revealed Facebook's long-standing collusion with US intelligence agencies, showing the double-standard face of American-style democracy, while also causing Facebook's reputation to decline further.That is why outsiders believe that the company's name change to Meta means that its corporate name will be decoupled from the recently troubled social networking platform Facebook, highlighting the company's focus on moving to an emerging computing platform focused on virtual reality. Critics have slammed the rebranding, accusing Facebook of undermining democracy while spreading disinformation and hate, and saying "it is a meaningless name change that should not distract from the investigation, regulation and truly independent oversight needed to hold Facebook accountable".The Washington Post reported that Facebook's rebranding, tied to the virtual world of the "metaverse", was part of a broader attempt to shift the spotlight, to restore the company's reputation with policymakers and to reposition Facebook to shape the next wave of online technology norms.
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mixvmaxim · 2 years
Gfashion的来路不敢苟同。去年早些时候,欺哥说了,Gfashion的生产基地不在洛杉矶,就在意大利。也就是说,Gfashion就是朝着创立世界品牌的目标去的。但今年初,欺哥宣布将在广东一带设立工厂,也就是说,Gfashion的出身地顿时从高大上的美利坚和意大利,画风突然有了一百八十度的转变。这的确让心脏有些不好的战友们受不了。但这还不是最糟糕的,3月17日,最让人惊掉下巴的事情来了,经Jianwu的推友爆料,王雁平注册登记的Elesoft Trade公司最近就从上海俊秀服装厂进了三批货,而该厂该厂位于上海金山区廊下镇228号7幢,2020年7月6日注册成立,注册资本为10万。也就是说,Gfashion的服装鞋帽,连个专门的制造车间和工厂都没有,全是拿来主义,更别提什么高大上了。如此出生,与世界级品牌十万八千里,欺哥露馅了吧。
郭文贵曾豪言,GFashion有40人的研发团队,每名员工每天薪酬320美金,除此之外,比“不鸟你”高出好多倍的国际名牌,以及Gucci等大牌要与自己合作,甚至曾经为川普总统做衣服的设计师都要与自己携手。但这番胡诌海吹,再次惨遭打脸。深知Gfashion内幕的Sara(文慧),3月31日,在VOG语音房答疑中,就直截了当地说,无任何世界名牌与Gfashion合作,呼吁诸位上当受骗者留住证据。不仅如此,Gfashion的产品还有玩贴牌,假冒他人商标的龌龊事情。班农侄儿设计的Logo美国知名品牌Greyson Clothiers公司的Logo极其相近,有明显剽窃的迹象。
郭文贵云山雾罩,鼓足了气力,为Gfashion涂脂抹粉,宗旨和唯一目的就是高价出售,以获取暴利。3月30日,王雁平与郭文贵上下其手,表演了一出大戏,其人假模假式地前往洛杉矶,到访和督查Gfashion团队,明面上说是强化Gfashion的质量管理,按照郭文贵的说法,即从每月几十万美金放大到每月200万美金,设计费从销售额的5倍提高到50倍,最后定额在100倍。诚然,空气团队何须管理成本,又何来设计费用?!但从此以后,Gfashion服装鞋帽价格是一路飙升。12月16日,由郭文贵一人担当服装模特的Gfashion秀场中,一件皮夹克卖到了15万到30万美金,而且是“100件瞬间秒卖”, 成本不到6千美金的大衣居然卖到了1万5到2万5美金一件。但搞笑的是,在此次秀场上,被郭文贵隆重秀出来的“绝对镶钻的口哨”,竟然无一个能吹响,但却倍标价1万2千美金一个。诸位,Gfashion的系列产品,卖出了如此离奇价码,奇怪不奇怪,“惊喜不惊喜”?!
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mixvmaxim · 3 years
The Yan Report is a misleading article masquerading as science, which falsely claims that the novel coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab. An example of cloaked science, it was released during a time of intense uncertainty; as scientists raced for answers about COVID-19, sharing unvetted data as preprints in open science repositories became an essential mode of international collaboration. The increasing openness of the scientific community, though, is a vulnerability that can be leveraged by media manipulators, especially during times of crisis. On April 28, 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), fled to the United States with support from Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui. They used Yan’s story — that she was a whistleblower — to exploit the contentious wedge issue of the unknown origin of COVID-19.
This media manipulation campaign involved planting misleading evidence into the scientific literature, muddying the waters about COVID-19 and providing the veneer of scientific legitimacy for the political claim that coronavirus was a Chinese bioweapon. Subsequently, the Yan Report was amplified through right-wing media networks, leading to nearly a million views of the report on Zenodo, an open-access research data repository. While social media platforms moderated information about the Yan Report after scientists at several universities debunked it, two follow-up Yan Reports were uploaded to open science repositories that even more bluntly pushed the bioweapon narrative, while also refuting the academic responses to the first report. Seeding the Yan reports in the scientific community as cloaked science allowed those who linked to them on social media to claim legitimacy, while also providing the empirical basis for furthering the political aims of the funders of the reports.
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mixvmaxim · 3 years
How Steve Bannon and a Chinese Billionaire Created a Right-Wing Coronavirus Media Sensation
An overwhelming body of evidence shows that the virus almost certainly originated in an animal, most likely a bat, before evolving to make the leap into humans. While U.S. intelligence agencies have not ruled out the possibility of a lab leak, they have not found any proof so far to back up that theory.
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Big technology companies have started to push back, as Facebook and Twitter try to better police content. Twitter permanently banned one of Mr. Bannon’s accounts for violating its rules on glorifying violence after he suggested on his podcast that the heads of the F.B.I. director and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, should be put on pikes.
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