miyalol · 3 years
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@itsyoru @cyberyokai666 @copswapperman 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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miyalol · 3 years
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@itsyoru @cyberyokai666 @copswapperman 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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miyalol · 11 years
So I never tumble... so who even knows if it will do anything to say it here but who knows?
So I was awoken by the rantings of my mom... doing what she loves doing, spending another morning trash talking me. It's gotten to the point where she won't even use my name when she talks about me with my brother. She's gone on to just say THAT FUCK or THAT SHIT. They both just sit out there and majorly trash talk me and talk about how worthless I am and how I don't care and that I'm going to be kicked out on the street homeless soon. This is a pretty common thing that I've been seeing and dealing with for years, but really, does anyone out there know that feel? To be absolutely trash to your family that they don't even care if they talk shit about you and would rather rage about stupid pointless things? Apparently because of that ONE facebook post I did last week in which I said I was sad and such, my mom decided to push her hatred to the max. Apparently me saying that I suck or am sad = me trash talking my mom. AT LEAST in her eyes. So she's spending all her time ranting to family and getting everyone to continue thinking I'm super trash just because I can't (apparently) do anything. You know, being raised and being told you're only alive because you were an accident and RUINED your mothers life... your entire life is already one thing... but to then later on LITERALLY SHOW THAT YOU MEANT THAT, AND HAVE NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED THEM A HUMAN. It's that good feel...
People really... what the fuck am I to do? I keep trying to be happy or intellectual or something to give myself merit, to even be acknowledged as a human being or even just an entity that exists at all. Like even if I'm just a facebook post robot or something... Anything to really just find any meaning in existance because my "original" programming is clearly not going to happen. My makers have forsaken me long ago and I just wallow in a pit of despair hoping to be anything or find a meaning to live... But I really... I really can't anymore... I mean, granted, I'm not exactly at the edge of killing myself or anything... or at least leaning on it right now or anything... but I'm definitely on the I'M SO FUCKING FUCKED mindset...
I'm going to be homeless soon and it's only a matter of waiting until my mom decides she is bored of trash talking me and would rather I just not be here anymore. Last time she kicked me out she literally said go out on the fucking streets and die, ok? I still somehow after all this bullshit, am alive, at least, in whatever manner constitutes being alive...
What does a person do?
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miyalol · 11 years
tumblin’ naked
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miyalol · 11 years
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miyalol · 11 years
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miyalol · 11 years
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miyalol · 11 years
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miyalol · 11 years
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With great penis comes.... wait what 
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miyalol · 11 years
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The only face to make in bed.
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miyalol · 12 years
Wii-U This Winter!
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miyalol · 12 years
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Still the most epic battle ever. 
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miyalol · 12 years
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Cause people ask about fatarina, here it is ;]
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miyalol · 12 years
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I'm pretty sure after every league match someone does this
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miyalol · 12 years
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I need these for when I play with the homies.
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miyalol · 12 years
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Basically what Elizabeth and Bobby are.
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miyalol · 12 years
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This is how LoL is done. Every day man every day.
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