mjashrif · 4 years
“My first concern was food security but I realized it's not just about calories or tons per hectare. It's about quality, identity, and diversity. Today, I push myself to think not just about food as the outcome of a biological process but as a conscious decision of man-kind-how we can use technology to get the safest, most reliable, and most nourishing possible food”
There’s more to just quantity of food when it comes to food security in under developed countries. There needs to be a new focus towards how to acquire safe and reliable food. Being able to track every piece of food and knowing how much is needed for each individual. More food can solve only half the problem, but distributing it to each person to a healthy manner is what solves the entire problem. 
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mjashrif · 4 years
“The only difference between yesterday’s Postmodernists and today’s Post-digitalists would then be in the degree of their aversion to technology: the PoMos were violently against all modern, mechanical technologies of mass production; the PoDigs seem to have adopted a strategy of technological nonchalance (even Photoshop is OK, as mentioned). The PoMos fought against technology; the PoDigs don’t care about technology.” - Mario Carpo
“The return of the architectural drawing in the digital age is a reinvigoration of the tradition of drawing, but its techniques, tools, and media make it fundamentally new, too. A screen is not only technically different from a page but conceptually different as well. Laying out a piece of tracing paper on a drawing board meant setting out something separate from the world—taped at each corner, its scroll stretched flat, its surface ready to be inscribed with ink delivered from the metal barrel of a Rapidograph, scraped with razor blades to correct errors.” - Sam Jacob
The digital world of drawing seems to just be generated by a bunch of sources clumped together while with a drawing, we can watch the drawing emerge from scratch. Even though both digital and paper may not be any different, hand drawing from scratch causes us to be consumers of our own drawing and gives us a different perspective of how and why we may create the drawing. 
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mjashrif · 4 years
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mjashrif · 4 years
“Unlike the medieval house where domestic space and the workplace were often combined within the same building, modern housing is conceived as a space disconnected from the world of production and completely focused on reproduction.” 
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