mkblogs ¡ 1 year
Vacation of an Economic student
The semester was over, mid-summer vacations were just around the corner and I was very excited to go back home after a long time I was going to meet my parents, friends, and my cousins. I didn’t even realize how fast the initial days of my vacation went and my holiday was almost over. One sunny morning of mid-summer I stood ready for the new day. Holding a warm cup of coffee I glanced at my schedule for the next few days wondering whether I should extend my holiday or go back to my hostel sooner so I can study for the next semester. It was very difficult to choose because I didn’t want to leave my hometown so early but at the same time, my studies were important as well. The trade-off between the two made me think more practically and I decided to start studying from where I was now; my hometown. This was suggested by my mom which I find quite thoughtful because I can be productive as well as enjoy my last days of vacation.
I was so dwelled in my thoughts about making the right decision that I didn’t even realize my coffee was finished. It was 9:30 already and I was late for the movie so I had to give up my breakfast or else I would have missed the movie. The movie was finished and it was almost afternoon and I had no food in my stomach then I realized that the cost of my hunger was way too much to reach on time at the movie theatre. As I was hungry I decided to go to the old Italian café where I and my friends used to hang out when we all were younger but now everyone is busy with their studies. Reaching there the manager quickly recognized me and asked me how I was. It was quite unexpected to see that the manager remembered me after so many years.
The manager offered me a free lunch for that day out of his kindness to his old customers. I was filled with joy and food after I left the café It was late afternoon at the moment and I had to buy some notebooks and stationary for my next semester so I went to the place where they sold academic things at the wholesale rate, the market economy of that place favored the customers and the sellers as well at some extent. The sun started to go down indicating it was going to get dusk soon and it was time for me to meet my old friends after a long time. I opened my phone to book a cab but I was not quite sure whether I should take an Uber or Ola and then I noticed that there was an offer on Uber; quite like an incentive which led me to book an Uber cab instead of Ola, the driver arrived and I left for my friend’s house. In the middle of my ride, the driver pointed out that he had to fill the petrol in his car so we went to the nearest petrol station. There was a long line of cars and bikes waiting to fill up with petrol. The liter meter above the station showed that it was almost out of petrol but we still waited for an hour-long queue just to find out that they ran out of petrol. We had to wait for another 30 minutes so that they could refill the pump with petrol from the truck. This short incident showed me the reason for the high petrol prices, it was because petroleum was scarce and the quantity demanded was increasing day by day. It is necessary for us to understand that we have to use petrol very efficiently. We can do that by minimizing the use of petrol by traveling by public transport instead of traveling alone in your 4 wheeler or maybe doing a car-pool. Anyway, after wasting 1hr 30mins, I requested the driver to drive a little faster as I was late. I reached at my friend’s house 45 minutes late, everyone was waiting for me. At first, I was not able to recognize his house. There were many marginal changes here and there in his living room which made it look like a whole new living room. 
We had a nice time with each other, everybody discussed the problems they faced at their new university. Some said that they had a hard time making new friends while others couldn’t adapt to the new climate change and food. I had somewhat similar problems that my friends were going through, I wasn’t able to adapt to the humid climate, it also affected my skin and it took me a couple of days to make new friends. Our conversations slowly drifted towards our younger days when everything was way easier and simpler, We cherished our childhood memories when we all used to travel, eat, and enjoy together but now everything has changed and no one has time to meet each other. After we finished talking, everybody wanted to dance and sing so we had a nice dancing and singing session, soon Everyone was hungry so we decided to order food at his house instead of going out to eat which was planned initially. After a long discussion about what should we eat, we finally decided to order pizza. I was low-key flabbergasted when I saw the bill because the price was too high as compared to how it was 2 years earlier or so; the prices were almost 10% more. After a long wait, the pizza finally arrived and we realized it was not going to satisfy everyone’s hunger, The quantity of pizza we were expecting was not up to the mark but the taste of the pizza was surprisingly good and everyone loved it. As we were still hungry we decided to go to an ice cream parlor which was near my friend’s house. It was a privately owned ice cream parlor that was famous in the whole colony which gave him the authority to alter the prices in his favor kind of like a monopolistic competition, but the prices were reasonable so everyone preferred to go to that ice cream parlor instead of other parlors in the colony.
So after eating ice cream everybody was satisfied and full, it was time for me to leave because I wanted to start studying the next morning. The stars and the moon illuminated the night, street lamps lit up the streets with warm yellow lights. One of my friends was going to drop me off at my place but at the last moment, he backed off because he wanted to stay at our friend’s house for the night. Due to his actions, I had to book a cab and leave. His actions acted like an external cause because of which I had to suffer. Anyway, I reached home quite late because Uber took a lot of time for booking a cab for me as it was night. I was very exhausted today, even though the day was very joyful and filled with adventures. I wanted to remember this day so I jotted down the whole day in my personal diary. I learned so many things today like breakfast is the most important meal in our day and we should try not to skip it, also it felt very nice meeting my old friends, I used to miss them a lot before when I was in Delhi for my undergraduate program; I feel it is very important for us to take some free time every six months from our busy and hectic schedule to meet our old friends because according to me it is the purest form of friendship that we should never let go where as the friendship we make when we get old are temporary in most cases, thinking all of these made me very sleepy so I fell asleep earlier than usual after all I had to fix my sleep schedule as well. I could see that soon my vacation was going to get over and my college was going to get started. Again I was going to leave my home and return to my hostel for the next semester. Even though I was sad I felt quite excited about the new chapter in my life, new experiences, and new friends I was going to meet, I was very happy and content with the experience I had on this vacation, especially today’s day because I could notice so many economic concepts which I could relate to, these concepts were invisible to me before I studied economics. My interest in economics has increased since this vacation, now I can now see economics being used in every day-to-day aspect of life. I feel that economics is a subject that is very necessary to learn because it helps us to survive in the world in the most efficient way possible.     
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