mknzi · 3 years
going through the motions​.
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“i’ve met one of them so i won’t say i disagree with you on that. i’ve also heard enough about the other one to know i frown upon her even more so than your father.” hana didn’t want kenzie to think that she was taking it lightly; she knew the strains between her and her parents, kenzie had told her and she needed her to know one thing exactly. “i have your back. no matter what…i’m on your side, i’m your wife, i’m right beside you through life…nothing is more important than that.” hana wasn’t just brushing off kenzie’s concerns, her worries, her stresses when it came to her parents. she would never not take her word verbatim, at face value, and she would never push aside how kenzie felt when it came to her parents. she was right to feel the way that she did and it wasn’t something that hana would ever downplay. nevermind the tickets in her bag that would be flying them to la. there were reasons for that, and most of it had nothing to do with kenzie’s mother there, it had everything to do with mackenzie. it made her eyes burn when they had left the house and the pups there, salem and milo saying goodbye to them; they knew they would be well taken care of while they were gone. they’d no doubt be lounging in the sun on her mother’s couches and running through her gardens for hours digging in flowers and romping around until they were tired. they would be okay and happy, and they would be back before they likely even realized they were gone. it was still always hard to leave them behind, but it wasn’t often that she and kenzie got to go out on their little adventures together. 
now as they settled into a booth within the airport’s restaurant she just wanted to focus on kenzie and this trip with her, because it was time she was going to get to spent with her and she would always look forward to that. she knew mack loved her mom, she loved that about kenzie, but it wasn’t always perfect, at least…not perfect for what hana needed and not always the most healthy. she knew most parents, even the worst of parents honestly…did the best they were capable of doing. even the worst parents were clearly only capable of what they were capable of, even if it wasn’t much at all, even if it was nothing good at all, it was all they were capable of. she knew kenzie loved her mother, she wasn’t about to sit and talk horribly of the woman when things hadn’t been that horrible, just…simply not the best for what hana had needed at times, still all her mother had been capable of offering. “she wasn’t bad, i don’t think any parent aims to be bad, sometimes they project all they know and sometimes that’s very little, sometimes that’s damaging but…it’s clearly all they know how to offer, even if it’s bad.” she says. the point was, they did the best they could, all of them, even kenzie’s parents did the best they were capable of doing; hana believed some people were just more capable than others in more right ways, while others weren’t. “i don’t know, nothing was terrible but nothing was perfect either.” hana didn’t know how to explain how conditioned she had been, pressured she had been, groomed in all honesty, for things that she had absolutely no interest in, simply because her mother wanted her to try and be good at many things, it didn’t really matter if hana was interested in those things or not. 
“a lot of pressure but…i guess i rose under the pressure so i can’t complain too much.” she says simply, thinking that might be the best way to describe it. “i have all of these things i’ve been practiced in, things i can do, ways i’m capable, but it would have been nice to just focus on the things i wanted more than that.” she adds simply. more than the things that her mother wanted for her. “it’s that whole…parents trying to live through their kids and push them forward in life, in ways they might not have had themselves, chances they might not have had themselves. like when you so those little girls in pageants and they’re shattered and the mothers are just eating it up and pushing them on.” she smiled softly, but she hadn’t ever been forced into pageants so it wasn’t that extreme. it was more subtle than that. going off to college and studying the things that hana wanted to study, making her way through the society and stepping into ruling member status by her own merit helped her mother back off a little more and now that hana was grown and out of the house, out in the world, mostly she was just supportive now, but that didn’t ever make hana completely forget the resentment that she felt when she was younger either. it was still there at times like a shadow, making it hard at times for her to linger long around her family’s estate. “i’d never be upset about you spending time with her, i mean i love that, because you’re my wife and i think it’s great how much she loves you.” she loved that her family loved kenzie and mack should be able to form and have a close bond with her mother in law honestly. that was something amazing, not something to be upset about ever. people who would find themselves feeling jealous of their partner spending time with their parents and forming a bond with their family…probably needed to take a good long look in the mirror because what place did jealousy have in something like that? jealous of who? her wife for spending time with her mom, jealous of her mom for spending time with her wife? the thought of ever feeling jealous in either way was upsetting and self-centered. she loved kenzie, she wanted her to have a bond with her family if she wanted that, she loved kenzie…she wanted her parents to have a bond with her too. it all came down to her loving her wife. 
“i would miss you too, but i would always be there when you got home.” she reached to pull a few menus closer to them, looking over the options to find them the breakfasts that they both wanted; kenzie said a classic breakfast sounded good and that sounded perfect to her, so she picked out for herself while kenzie got to pick her own. hana decided on a plate of bacon, eggs, sausage and hash-browns with a slice of french toast on the side and a side dish of hollandaise sauce and she ordered that when the waitress came around right after kenzie ordered. hana set her eyes on the little old couple that looked lost, but it seemed an airport attendant had taken notice of that too and was approaching likely to help them out. her eyes moved back to kenzie. “my dad is pretty chill honestly.” kenzie might see her mother as more calm and motherly and she was, but her dad was much the same. maybe more stern with just his facial expressions but he was altogether a collected person to be around, very smart, very quick-witted because he needed to be with a wife like nicola and a daughter like herself, who were also very quick witted with their intellect. he was mostly a proud and humble man when it came to family, and family mattered very much to him. “good, because i’m going to be snuggling with you the whole flight.” she murmurs, smiling at the thought of that. they were flying first class at least so they would be a lot more comfortable than people in coach. “those first class chairs are nice, and you’re comfortable so i’ll be napping too.” she smiles.
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"he is definitely the lesser of two evils that's for sure. a little stuck up and snobbish. and his children? boy, hana. i'm glad i didn't get stuck with him." she says with a soft breathe of a laugh, while they were sitting at the booth in the restaurant. she loved exploring with hana, going places with her new places and old if that's what they chose. but she liked this, getting out with her, talking with her, letting people see that mack had the most gorgeous woman beside her, the smartest person she had ever met. "i know you haven't met my mom, and i think it's best we keep it that way. otherwise you might run for the hills and forget about this whole marriage thing." she tells her now, smiling at her before she was pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. she knew her mother, and perhaps that was one of the reason's why she never really wanted hana to witness that. of course she knew she was being silly, she knew hana well enough to know that her wife would never divorce her because of who her mother was but she still didn't exactly like her mother, and she felt embarrassed to even think about hana being involved in that.
she was nestled in hana's side as they were resting in the booth now, her fingers lacing with hana's while they sat there. she was excited to go on this trip with her, excited to see where they were going. hana hadn't exactly let her know yet, and mack didn't want to pry, she loved being surprised by hana, and she knew this was going to be an amazing surprise also. she listened to her speak, mack always loving how hana spoke, the accent rolling off some of the words at times, that always had mack blushing just hearing it, because it did things to her. she nodded her head listening to her, understanding her words. "i suppose i don't completely know how your family was before i came into the picture. and i know not everything is always happy and cheerful, even if families are still together." she says to her now, knowing that families acted differently behind closed doors, and not in the room full of strangers. not that mack was a stranger anymore, they were family and she knew that. "i get that. i mean, sure, my father left my mother when i was born, and my mother.... there were good moments in my life. like my science teacher for instance. he was there for me, helped me with things. and my neighbor always packed me lunch for school." she says a smile gracing her features. "life is all about balance, and i believe it's like that with family also. some people remember the bad more than the good." she says to her now, her lips pressing softly to her cheek. "but you're definitely the good in my life."
"you definitely did, and look at how you came to be. you got in princeton, and you're going to have a career in like, new places. places that are not just america." she whispers to her now, sighing happily, because if hana wasn't in princeton they wouldn't have been married, they probably wouldn't have been even seeing each other, because hana wouldn't have been here. "i'm glad you chose princeton. i couldn't imagine my life without you." she says to her now, her eyes wandering over the people walking by, seeing an old couple holding hands, and she was smiling, because she hoped that, that would be her and hana some day, holding hands while they were still old, breaking hips trying to still love on each other. she hoped that would be them. "your mother was trying to live through you? i mean, is that what you're saying?" she asks her, not wanting to assume she knew if that was what hana was saying or not, but she wanted to make sure anyhow. make sure that she was on the same page as her wife. "i know you wouldn't, but like. i would offer you hanging out with my mom, but. that's a bad idea, and we shouldn't go there. oh, maybe your mom can show me baby pictures of you. i bet they're so cute." she says to her, smiling more now looking at her, chuckling softly as she thought about it. "you'd be like uncle thing from the addams family, right? with big curls?" she says, giggling softly, though of course she wasn't picking on hana, she was actually finding it rather cute. "your mom is very nice though. and i know you can't wish for things to be different, because who knows. if i had a loving mother, i probably would of ended up differently and probably not here." she says to her now, shrugging her shoulders lightly, before she was lifting hana's hand to her lips to press a soft kiss to the back of it now.
"i know you would, and i'd always be there when you got home too." she whispers to her while hana was bring the menus closer, mack was looking over it, knowing that she wanted a classic breakfast, and her stomach grumbled when she saw that they did have it on the menu. her eyes were then looking to hana when she heard her speak of her dad and she smiled hearing her. "he's calm but has a big gun collection." she teases her softly, lips pressing to her cheek, and then she was resting her head down on her shoulder, stomach still grumbling. "good, because i want all the snuggles, and i need my fair share of snuggle time." she says to her now, lifting her head to press a kiss to her lips. "i'm hungry, stomach is all kinds of grumbly." she murmurs against her lips, smiling on her lips while she heard her words, her eyes looking to see someone coming over to them now, and she was pulling herself away from her lips. "i'm excited so i don't know how much napping i would get in, but i hope i get some, because i don't want to land at our destination all tired, and not being able to focus." she says to her now, smiling as she ordered, and then hana did, and then the waitress went away with their order. she was licking at her lips while looking at hana, her thumb brushing over her knuckles. "i think we should go away more often. i know you don't like being stuck in one place for too long, so going away, i want that. i love exploring the world with you. and we don't know how much time we have left on earth." she says, knowing it was a morbid thought, but it was the truth, neither of them knew when their time would be coming up. their food soon arrived and mack was sitting up a little more now, her hand letting go of hana's, knowing they would need a little space to eat.
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mknzi · 3 years
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hana’s hands stayed soft in her hair and while running her fingers through she pressed soft kisses to her skin, warm places that she could reach…her cheeks, her forehead, the bridge of her nose and her lips where she lingered more every time that she was against them. “my studies are here, i’m graduating here. anything past that, anything away from here, is just work…and i can find work anywhere.” work wasn’t really what mattered the most. her studies mattered and her classes were right here in princeton, she would be graduating here; work could truly be found anywhere that she was, not just abroad. and there was no rush on work anyways, it wasn’t going anywhere and there would always be opportunities. what mattered the most to her was navigating this with her wife, because kenzie was where she wanted her life, right beside her. 
“when we do go there it’s together, and when we come back here it’s together. there’s plenty of time for all of the things we want and we’re going to have those things. i want to be there with you when you find the work that you want; if it means us moving around every few weeks for a little while then all that means is time spent with you in some amazing hotel suits.” she smiled on her lips, brown eyes locked on her matching hue, her fingertips tracing through her hair and the other hand along her jawline. she nodded softly because kenzie was right. “we have options, we have time, it can be together. that’s how i want it to be anyways. you’re not giving up nasa…neither of us should have to give up anything, not when there’s so much time to organize and plan where we are and when…for whatever it is we both need.” she nudged her nose against hers softly. “i love you more than anything and everything.” kenzie’s arms wrapped around her more securely and she hugged her close too, smiling against her shoulder, her nose pressing there softly as she pulled in a slow deep breath of her scent. “i love you kenzie fischer. i just want to be with you…and i want to see the world with you, not away from you.”
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the way that hana ran her fingers through her hair, the way that she kissed her, always had her wanting to be closer to her, always had her feeling the love radiating off of her wife. mack didn’t know that love could be like this. that it could be this strong this powerful, that you find yourself day dreaming about that person that gave you this love, that you could feel it still coursing through your body. hana showed her that love, she was the only one that showed her this, and mack couldn’t be without it. she couldn’t be without her. her whole world was fine, of course everyone has their ups and downs, things that made them wish they had a better life, that things would be different. ever since she met hana, everything had been falling into place, of course mack had gotten herself here, but the life that she had with hana, the love that she had with her, shared with her, it was what she wanted, what she found that she needed in her life. “i know, and i am happy to be here to see you graduate, to see how you’re going to go out there in life.” she breathes out to her, a smile upon her face when hana’s lips were pressing to hers, and mack was pressing her own back to her, lingering right there on her lips, because the taste of her was something that she couldn’t get away from. “we can always do anything together. after all, our lives are ours, and we can do what we want with it. if i want to be where you are, then i will be where you are, and we don’t have to put anything on hold, we can still do what we want, while still being with each other. i married you to spend the rest of my life with you, not to be torn apart because our ambitions take us somewhere else, away from each other.” she knew that she was rambling, but damn she would do everything that she could to be with hana, to be where she wanted to be. and she wanted to be with hana, to live out her life, old and gray with her. 
a smile appeared on her face hearing her words, and mack was nodding her head, her lips pressing to hana’s forehead softly now. “and i’ll go wherever you go, i promise all i want is to see you do whatever you wanna do in life. and i know you want that for me too. and hey, we have plenty of money to live in hotel suits for as long as we need to.” she says with a smile upon her face still, that passport in her hand, knowing that their lives were theirs, and they could make this work, they always did what they could for their relationship, for each other. “but, han. what if nasa takes you and i away from each other? what if it conflicts with what you need? what you need to do in life? and we have to part?” she asks her softly, knowing that there could be a chance in doing that, and she knew she didn’t want that, though that neither of them wanted that, it was why they were talking about it right now, trying to figure out what they needed to do for their relationship without really giving up anything. “i know our relationship isn’t as important as what we want in our lives, but you’re important to me, and i need you right beside me, i want you right beside me.” she says to her softly, her lips pressing to her lips now, hands running up and down hana’s back. “i know we’re going to do all that we can to make this work. and i want this to work, i don’t want to have us going separate ways.” she whispers to her now, her arms wrapping around hana, because she needed to hold her, needed to hug her. she buried her face into her neck now, breathing her in, eyes burning as she heard hana’s next words, feeling them in her heart now, all over her body. “i love you too, hana fischer, and i want to see the world with you also, i don’t want us having to go separate ways, i will fight tooth and nail, to make sure that doesn’t happen.” she says, pulling back so she could see her face. “that’s a weird analogy though of course. tooth and nail. tooth and nails are two separate things altogether.”
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mknzi · 3 years
We all deserve morning sex and pancakes
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mknzi · 3 years
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hana’s fingers trailed back through kenzie’s hair; she left the envelope in her hold because she wanted her to open it. it was for her, it had her name on it, hana couldn’t open her mail. “very much for you.” she smiled and kissed on kenzie’s forehead, her temple, in fact she eagerly busied herself placing kisses on her cheeks too while she was running her fingers through her hair, comfortable in her lap. being in her lap meant she got to kiss on her, and mack couldn’t go anywhere without first moving her aside….something that she had never done so, she enjoyed herself right where she was and then enjoyed it even more as she watched her open the envelope. her smile spread wider on her lips. her hand moved from her hair and rested on her cheek when she watched a tear falling there. “kenzie.” she breathed out her name, the pad of her thumb softly brushing away the tear there before she kissed where it had been. “it means we’re going everywhere together, i want you to come with me, and when you go..i’m coming back with you.” she at least wanted them to have the option of going together; she wanted the choice to be there. hana couldn’t promise that something like school or clubs or whatever wouldn’t change those plans, things could always change, plans could always change, but she wanted them to have the choice. “i don’t want us feeling like this isn’t up to us, even if there’s times we can’t always be there, at least now we have the chance to be.” without a passport there wouldn’t have been that chance, kenzie wouldn’t have been able to cross borders…and now she could. “i go where you go too….you know that.”
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her eyes closed when she felt hana’s fingers traveling through her hair like they did. every touch that hana gave her always had her leaning into her, always had her wanting to be closer to her, needing to be closer to her. a soft sigh escapes her lips, and she was only opening her eyes so she could look down at the envelop that had her name on it. she knew that hana couldn’t open her mail, even though what was mack’s was hana’s also, but she understood, and so mack was looking to her wife’s face, smiling hearing her words and feeling her lips on her forehead, mack was pressing a kiss to her chin, and then she was leaning up more so she could press a kiss to her lips. “i always do my best to be me.” she says with a soft chuckle, and then she was opening the envelop, seeing the blue book, she opened it to see her photo right there with her name on it. a tear hit her cheek, and her eyes looked to hana when she felt her hand on her cheek, heard her name being breathed out of her lips. she leaned into her palm, her lips pressing softly to it, knowing what this meant, knowing what hana had done for her. “you’re not going to stay? but hana. that’s where you need to be. for your studies, for the work you want to do.” she breathes out to her softly. “but i also don’t want to leave you there alone either.” she was becoming to realize that it was okay to be selfish, especially in moments like these, moments where she just wanted to spend the rest of her life with the woman she loved, and that woman was hana, that woman would always be the woman in her lap, her best friend, her entire being. she was beautiful, and mack could never be far from her, she never wanted to be far from her. her eyes were burning more hearing her words, the passport still in her hand as she wrapped her arms around her to pull her into a hug. “we can make anything happen. fate can always be changed. and i want to be doing things together, not apart. i have options, and i know you have options, doesn’t mean we’d be settling for seconds. just means we’re making things work. i’d rather give up nasa than you. and i know that might be all messed up and wrong, but i love you more than i love nasa, hana. and life just wouldn’t be worth living if you’re not right beside me living it also.” she breathes out to her, her lips pressing to her neck while she breathed her in, nodding her head when she heard her next words, hands running up and down her back. “i do know that, so i know we’ll make this work. for whatever it is we need to do, i’m prepared to do that.”
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mknzi · 3 years
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hana settled herself gently into her wife’s lap with the envelope in her hand, but she did place it right between them just for the sake of freeing her hands so that she could touch kenzie instead and lightly trail her fingers along her sides. “i will not do those honors. i need you to do that. it’s illegal to open someone else’s mail.” hana points out to her, “a federal offense actually. i don’t want to go to jail and have to be away from you.” she leaned in to kiss her wife’s lips softly, a few small kisses she placed across her lips, before she smiled, looking down at the envelope, knowing that when kenzie opened it…she would see that hana had went right to work…months ago…trying to get her a passport so that when she did have to leave, kenzie could come with her. everything was so slowed down and honestly she didn’t know if she would even be able to get her one, but finally she had been emailed a few days ago to let her know it had gone through and that it was being mailed their way, finally it was here and she bit lightly at her bottom lip, knowing that now they didn’t have to worry so much…now there was nothing keeping either of them from going somewhere together, because she knew when it was kenzie’s time to go study for the space programs she wanted to devote herself to…hana was going to be there right beside her through that and she wanted mackenzie to have the option, the choice to be with her if she wanted to go and if her schedule allowed that. she didn’t want the choice to not be there. hana leaned in to kiss her forehead, her hand coming up to slide into her soft hair. “i love you.”
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her lips pressed to hana’s once she was situated in her lap. she always missed her, and mack always showed her that she missed her by touching her or pressing soft kisses to her skin. they were always affectionate with one another never leaving doubts in each other’s minds if they loved the other or not. there were butterflies in her stomach, looking down at the envelope that was resting between them, she only smiled when she heard hana’s words. “oh, the letter is for me?” she asks, before she was picking up the envelope now. of course it wasn’t a letter, there was something more firm in it than a letter. a soft frown was appearing on her face, before her eyes were looking to hana’s now, knowing that her wife knew what was inside, but she wasn’t going to be telling mack anything, mack would have to open the letter to find out what is inside of it. while hana was leaning into press a kiss to her forehead, mack was pressing a kiss to her chin, humming softly when she felt her hands running through her hair, and mack had to force to keep her eyes open, they were burning hearing those three words, and mack was pressing a kiss to her forehead once more, and then she was letting out a shaky breath before she was opening the envelope. a soft gasp passed through her lips as she pulled out the dark blue book that she had in her hand. it wasn’t really a book, but her mind wasn’t really up for describing it right now. but she opened it, and saw her photo there, and her name. a tear hitting her cheek as she sat there staring at it, and then she was looking to hana’s face, knowing what she’d done for her, for them. it wasn’t just for her, it was for the both of them, to be able to go abroad and be with each other. “hana.” she whispers to her softly her lips then planting themselves right on hana’s. “does this mean..... we get to go away together?” it also meant, that they’d have to part ways, that it’ll be mack leaving hana. but she’d prefer that, because it wouldn’t be so hard on hana, it wouldn’t make her feel like she was leaving mack. she knew that was a habit of hana’s that she was afraid of having when it came to mack. so it would be best, for mack to be the one to go back home without hana.
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mknzi · 3 years
no offense but the cutest thing to me is random little kisses like not even, on the lips just, when someone kisses you on the temple or like?? the top of your head or anywhere honestly its just rlly cute and I’m suffering
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mknzi · 3 years
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​“i…have a surprise for you.” she utters, approaching kenzie where she was sitting snuggled with her laptop and likely the day’s worth of assignments they both had to get through. hana had stepped outside to check the mail and she knew the envelope when she saw it, something that made her smile as she felt it’s contents with her fingers through the paper while she was carrying it inside and dropping the rest of the mail on the coffee table. hana held the envelope and tapped it lightly on the top of kenzie’s thigh…before she moved to tug mack’s laptop aside to rest on the cushion and then made herself at home in her wife’s lap.
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the laptop was resting comfortably on her lap, while she was working through her assignments for the day. it wasn’t like she was finding them difficult, mack loved doing assignments, she loved school. there was music coming from her laptop while she was working, though it wasn’t loud, but she heard her wife’s voice, and her eyes peeled away from her laptop going straight to hana when she heard her words. “oh? i do love surprises.” she says to her. she saw the envelope in hana’s hand, and raised her eyebrows at her, as hana was resting the rest of the mail onto the coffee table, she felt the envelope then being tapped lightly on her thigh, arms going straight to her waist when hana moved the laptop out of her lap, and placed herself there instead. “do you want to do the honors and open the letter?” she asks her softly, her lips pressing to her cheek. “did you order something online, and it’s going to be turning up here soon?” she asks her, smiling as she pulled back from her cheek to look at her face, butterflies in her stomach. 
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mknzi · 3 years
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Nadia Hilker.
born in 1988.
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mknzi · 3 years
cutie cakes.
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hana would never lie and say that she didn’t miss her too, constantly; it was just a feeling that came with loving someone and wanting time with them, even when you were with them you could find yourself missing them. it was because that need was there to be with them and it was in a lot of ways a driving force that kept you making time for them. she always felt it when she was with her, away from her even more, it was something that didn’t go away. she had laid with her on the couch a few hours now while kenzie slept on her shoulder, trailing her fingers along her back and through her hair and then her hands would still a little and she would let her eyes drift to the movie playing on the screen across the room; just in passing because she wasn’t paying attention nor was she watching it really. “i think with that comes a lot of hormones and things and i don’t want to put our bodies through that for no reason really.” she whispers, smiling softly, “well, my body, i would support anything that you want to do with yours.” as much as cramps sucked it was a natural part of being a woman and she knew it was what her body was supposed to be doing. she knew kenzie was kidding anyways and she smiled and kissed her cheek and then her forehead, then her lips. kenzie’s hand slid under the fabric of her shirt and over the flat of her stomach and she held her breath, her skin warming for her as her wife was tracing the soft muscle on her stomach, then higher under the curve of her breast. it made her sigh on her lips and kiss her again, her own hand running under kenzie’s shirt to her breast to push the fabric up higher for herself to touch her more easily. just the feeling of mack’s breast against her palm made her skin flush hotter, her other hand joining to claim the other side with the same touch that massaged the shape of her body and pulled on her nipples to gently keep kenzie close to her. brown eyes found her matching and she was panting already. she always wanted her; her body moved just enough to help mack get her shirt off and then she was pulling her wife’s shirt over her head too, so quickly feeling the heat of her lips wrapping around her breast, pulling at the piercing that was through her left nipple. all she could think about was her, always as it was, even more right now when kenzie started to kiss down her stomach and work her jeans off of her hips and down her thighs. slowly she slid her legs free of them, her chest rising and falling faster just looking at her and the way kenzie looked back. hana was wet for her already, she always was for her, but she felt it in the way the cooler air in the room touched heated flesh and her thighs tried to close a little, a small squirm of her hips before her wife’s mouth touched down on her and made her hips roll up against her tongue, craving it, seeking it, her hands threading into her hair as her head fell back and she sighed harder for her. the first low moan spilled through her lips, teeth capturing her lower as she felt her body begging for her mouth.
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it was like a small twinge in her chest when she wasn't near hana, and then it would just continue to grow more and more, the more she wasn't with her. it would start to hurt more if she couldn't get close enough. even when she was right beside hana, it still felt like she couldn't get close enough, no matter how much she tried, she was just never close enough to her. but being in her arms, and pressing kisses to her lips, when she could physically feel her close, that was when it went back down to a twinge. mack would never want that twinge to go away, it going away meant she no longer had feelings for her wife, that she no longer enjoyed having her there. mack would always enjoy having her here, she would always want her here with her. she loved her arms, she loved listening to her speak, she loved the way hana looked at her, the way she held onto her  talked to her, listened to her. she was everything to mack, she was her whole world, and mack didn't think she could ever grow tired of being with her, didn't think that she could never live a life where she wasn't with hana, where she didn't get to be this close to her, where she didn't get to love on her, and be loved by her. "hell, i am not putting my body through that. i like how it is. and plus stretch marks don't look good anywhere." se says to her, while her hands were sliding under hana's shirt now, just to feel her stomach muscles, and then higher under the curve of her breast. "saggy breasts don't look good on others either." she teases softly  before she was whimpering when she felt hana's hands sliding up her shirt, and as she pushed it higher mack was getting rid of her own shirt, and then she was getting rid of hana's also, because she wanted to see her, and she wanted to feel her body also. she whimpered as her own hands were sliding over hana's breasts, her fingers pulling against her nipple ring watching hana's face as she was also touching her breasts, pulling at her nipples making mack whimper and get closer to her now. her lips were pressing to her lips, while her eyes were staying on her now, and then she was pressing kisses down her chest, between her breasts, down to her stomach. her hands had gone to her jeans, so she could pull them off down her thighs as her mouth kept moving lower. her eyes were going to hana's face, just to watch the pleasure that was filling her eyes. her mouth was pressing to her clit right now, her tongue swirling against it, and she was moaning feeling her hips rolling against her tongue. she wanted to be inside of her, she needed to feel her riding her tongue, and so mack pushed her tongue deep inside of her pussy now, massaging her walls as she does this, making her moan deeply into her pussy so she could feel the vibrations against her walls. that moan that hana gave her had her body trembling, and she could feel her own heat soaking her underwear as she continued to massage her walls, making her pant with the flavor of her on her own tongue. her hands were resting on her hips, just to feel the way hana was moving against her tongue, enjoying the way her hips rolled against her.
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mknzi · 3 years
mack: if i've got poison ivy, then you've got it.
hana: i'm italian, it knows better.
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mknzi · 3 years
home is where you go.
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she didn’t want mack getting out of bed to take salem out when hana seemed to find herself rising more quickly, feeling rested enough to get the little beagle puppy on her leash and walked outside the door on the ground floor. the moment the puppy touched the grass she was picking her perfect spot to go, and only a few minutes later she felt kenzie behind her, her arms wrapping around her and making her smile and relax all over again. having mornings with her was still a feeling she was growing used to, falling in love with, let alone a morning away from princeton where they really got to feel married. back in princeton they had just been getting used to being married, not living together, but making more time for one another, spending more nights and mornings together, getting back into their classes after christmas break and navigating all of that as a married couple…and then the society spiraled. they hadn’t had many mornings of waking up with one another just….the two of them and their plans for the day, separated from all of that, not like they were now. it was just the two of them…and whatever plans they wanted to make together. it was just the two of them throwing on each other’s sweaters and taking the dog out to pee and she couldn’t help but smile when kenzie joined her, her body so quick to turn in against her and get herself more into her wife’s arms, more pressed into her neck. “being in the car all day and moving probably made it feel nice to be stationary and able to sleep without bumps in the road.” she murmurs, know she and kenzie had ended up sleeping for a long time once they had managed to wind down for the night, to come down from all of the ways life was overstimulating them and making rest difficult. hana had slept so good once she was finally able to come down from all of that and actually rest with her. she kissed her cheek and slid her arm around her waist, her fingers sliding along the soft skin of her hip just under the hem of her shirt. “i’m glad neither of us stayed dead.” she murmurs, glancing to salem happily rolling herself around a sunny patch of grass, biting at pieces of it and then spitting it out to bite a new piece…just to roll herself around again. it made her smile seeing kenzie’s puppy enjoying it. 
they were going to be getting on the road soon and starting their way further north to take the pets to her parents house before they got on a flight, but she didn’t hesitate to let kenzie know when she was on her mind, and she always was. her eyes met her wife’s as she heard her and she pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, walking back inside with her and gently tugging salem along even though she seemed to want to play longer. there was already food and water in her bowl in the room and she needed to eat so it was time to go in, but not just for that reason. hana walked back to their room beside mack and once inside she closed the door and let it lock, letting kenzie unleash salem before she felt her wife’s hands guiding her back towards the bed, pulling her sweater over her head. well, it was mack’s sweater she had just thrown it on herself, but it was hitting the floor now and she almost couldn’t be bothered undressing. kenzie managed to get them both undressed and she smiled resting back to the bed, “i just want you, in general.” but yes she had mentioned just how; hana lifted her head from the bed to kiss her lips, to place her other hand on her cheek to hold her there while she moved her fingertips down kenzie’s ribs and over her hip, a pressure she placed there to shift herself and rest kenzie down on her back on the bed. “like i said, before we get on the road, i want you on my tongue.” she murmurs, feeling kenzie’s touch between her thighs…how it heated her skin; she still moved herself lower even if it meant kenzie couldn’t as easily touch her. this didn’t have to take long, or it could…if it did. regardless she kissed her wife’s stomach and she kissed lower from there, brushing her fingertips along her soft thigh as she settled herself lower and licked along her slit to taste her, her tongue pressing deeper to part her little by little.
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it would be good for the both of them to get away from princeton. more so for hana. it had been a lot of what had happened there, she knew this, and she wanted her wife to be able to relax, to slowly let all of what happened leave her mind, and just let her relax a little more. mack would always be there for her, she would always be right beside her. hana had woken before her, and had moved to take salem outside to pee. mack had awoken to see that her sweater had gone with her, it had her smiling and pulling hana's sweater over her also, and she brought the fabric up to her nose to breathe her in, before she was walking out of the room and outside. it was a little chilly, because it was morning, but the sun had heat to it, and mack was wrapping her arms around her wife, her lips pressing to her neck from where she was standing behind her. her grip on hana loosened, when she felt her moving in her arms, and she allowed this, a smile gracing her features to see her face, and then hana was pressing into her neck, and mack was pressing a kiss to her curls, breathing her in once more. "it definitely did, plus both of us got to have a decent sleep." because they didn't like the other driving for too long without sleep, they didn't sleep a lot in the car. so it was nice to be able to rest with hana beside her, knowing that hana was getting enough sleep, and not just a few hours curled up in her seat, trying to rest with a seatbelt over her, and not being able to get comfortable. a shiver ran through her body feeling her fingers running over her hip, and it had her humming softly smiling hearing her as she pressed another kiss to her curls. "me too. i'd be very sad if we did stay dead." she murmurs, hearing salem grunting as she was rolling herself on her back and biting at the grass that she was rolling against.
she knew they wanted to get going, that they had plans on doing that, but hana had told her what was on her mind, and mack didn't want to not do that. her body was already wet for her, and she was unleashing salem so she could go eat and drink without getting tangled in her leash. then she was moving back to hana, guiding her back to the bed, and she was pulling her sweater off of her body, and then she was pulling hana's off her own body, her lips pressing to hers while she could feel her hand on her cheek, and one down over her hip, feeling the pressure there, and then she was on her back, a smirk upon her face, because she loved it when hana flipped her like that. "i just want to be with you also." she pants out to her, her body so eager for her, wanting her, needing her. she moaned hearing her words as her fingers were rubbing against her wife's nerve, but soon she wasn't able to touch it as hana began to move down her body right now, making her pant more, her thighs opening more to her now, sighing softly as she felt her kissing her stomach and watching as her tongue was licking slowly through her slit, and then pressing deeper against her slit, making her whimper, and bite her bottom lip, as her hands flexed in her curls. "you did tell me that." she pants out to her, fingers grazing over her scalp, her head tilting to the side so she could see her tongue in between her slit, her hips rolled against her tongue, and mack was moaning, feeling it sliding between her slit. "your tongue is so magical."
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mknzi · 3 years
stormy nights.
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there was time to figure out when or if she would be going abroad, eventually it was going to happen but she would much rather put it off a little while and think about it when it was actually relevant to do so, when she was nearer to that time to start thinking about it all and go. because she still had a year and half before she graduated, she still had a lot of work with her classes to focus on here before she graduated and she didn’t want to think much about going somewhere else when she couldn’t even really make plans for it all this far out anyways. she also wanted to wait because when it got closer they would know more about what they both needed and wanted, where they both needed and wanted to be even if it wasn’t the same place, that would help them plan more for moments and time of being together too, figuring out if there were windows of time where they could travel some together, and figure out when they couldn’t. it was too far away for making plans right now, and though she knew it was still on both of their minds, hana knew that she was going to do everything that she could to stay with kenzie and make sure she had time for her, or to see if they could manage going abroad together in some of the summer months so they wouldn’t be hurting so much when it came time for hana to be there for a few weeks alone; it could maybe be like an extension of home for them both, a place they’ve been together so kenzie worried less when hana was there alone, and the same with where kenzie was here. she wanted to make sure they both got to feel settled wherever they ended up having to spend time when they were apart. “we’ll try to go together before i even need to be there, find a place together, something small that’s ours and something we can make feel a little more like home…so when i am there by myself, it’s going to be just like being here by myself, when you’re in class or something…and i want to do that when you need to go too, go with you beforehand and find a place for us to make our own so it doesn’t feel so much like you’re there without me.” 
they would never entirely be without one another and she knew that, she knew no matter where either of them were…they were together because they wanted to be together, and distance wasn’t going to change that. mackenzie was her wife and in hana’s eyes…that was a choice she made for life to marry her; she was always going to choose their marriage and choose her. “we save all of this until we can get passports updated and all of that in order. i don’t want to be thinking about it until there’s the option of us going somewhere together because i still want to explore with you before i even think about going somewhere without you.” standing on the stage in the dark auditorium with her…just enough light from the small bulb glowing on the ghost light…she could see her so clearly and needing to press in closer to her. neither of them really wanted to be thinking about them being apart and she knew there was no real reason to be worrying about it right now even if it wasn’t likely to leave the back of their minds…at the front in this moment was mackenzie being this close to her, the slight swaying between their hips because they started to dance right here on the stage together and she needed her this close to her, she needed the feeling of her wife’s body against hers…no matter how they moved she needed her. “i love our foundation, being your friend…how we started, i love every second of where we started and i love even more where we are right now…” pressed together standing in a deserted auditorium, dancing in the dark, their lips finding one another’s, “it’s better when it’s subtle. no one can push anyone to do anything they don’t want to do, and it’s not the same result if someone is just doing something that they think you want them to do. it’s better to see what they do on their own..with little nudges.” her nose nudged against kenzie’s and she pecked her lips, a little nudge like that and they got to kiss deeper, a little nudge of her hips pressing in against kenzie’s and they got to dance deeper…and hana’s hand moved to nudge up the fabric of her shirt up her stomach a little more so that her fingers could touch that soft flat muscle there. “i didn’t have to speak up for you, at least not in those types of ways. i spoke up against some of them when i needed to because some of the time…they needed to hear that they were being stupid, but defending you….you held your own just fine, you didn’t need me defending you.” she murmurs, a soft smile on her lips, because it was the truth. hana hadn’t needed to speak up and defend mack, she did however need to speak up at times to put some of the others in their place because they were being sloppy with their tasks or being outright children and fighting with one another. it was all over with now, now…kenzie would be beside her with the rest of the society and they would do things the way they needed to, and currently…well the world was a mess and most of them were taking it pretty easy considering with lockdowns in place…they didn’t have a choice but to chill and put a lot on pause. hana was grateful for the pause, it meant more time with mackenzie and less time worrying about tasks and challenges. 
“i love your projects, i love being at home with you when you’re working on them in the middle of the night and i get to lay on the couch watching you.” kenzie’s hand ran up under her shirt and pushed the fabric up, exposing her breasts to her and making her pant because she hardened instantly for her touch, or more like…she was always just hard for her even before they touched. kenzie put her mouth over her piercing through her nipple and she threaded her hand into her soft hair as she let a gasp out, how hot her mouth was…how she sucked on her and made her legs weak. she was thankful for mack guiding them down to the floor of the stage because with her mouth on her she didn’t think she would be able to continue standing. it was better to feel kenzie’s body against hers without having to worry about them falling and even better…that she could focus her own hand on running down her girl’s stomach and pulling free the button and zipper of her shorts to push underneath them and under her panties to work her way between her thighs, sighing out on her temple when her fingers connected to the wet heat there…slick and coating her fingers. she rubbed over her clit while mack was sucking on her breast, that pleasure there making her more wet because she was sensitive and knew kenzie could push her over just like that. it was the reason kenzie had her begging harder, her free hand tangled into her soft hair holding her as she rubbed faster over her clit. “yes.” she pants out, her core tightening for her…even without being touched there directly, kenzie’s mouth was building her orgasm strongly and she felt her thighs starting to shake and her stomach tightening into knots as she sucked on her breast harder…and then she moved to the other, introducing her to the heat of her mouth again and making her whine…whimpering out soft sounds that signaled she was cumming for her. she pushed her fingers lower between kenzie’s thighs in that moment, pushing two inside of her to pump fast as she started to cum in the thin cotton of her shorts for her, fingers pumping into her girl relentlessly to hear how wet she was and to feel it. 
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she knew that hana wanted her to go with her, and she did want to go with her also. she wanted them both to find hana a home, a home that had both of their scents. though mack knew that she had to come back here, she had to come back to continue her studies, to finish college and hope that she could get into nasa. it might be a long wait, and she could spend time with hana in her home. but it didn't mean that it would be any easier. "i want you to have a place that has my scent in it. to have a little bit of me there also. because i'm still going to have to come back here, to come home. i'm still going to have to finish college, and you're going to be coming home alone, seeing my stuff laying around, and it's probably going to hurt a lot more than not having my stuff laying around." she murmurs to her now, her eyes burning as she continued to listen to hana. "i won't need to find a place for awhile, i don't think i'm going to get into nasa right away." there was a lot that needed to be done. and she knew a lot of people wanted to get into nasa, it wasn't just her that wanted that. she also knew getting in was a lot harder than getting into colleges,  and she knew that even though she might have all the things they were looking for, she could just miss out because something just didn't add up, or perhaps she didn't have everything. but it didn't mean that she wasn't going to try, mack was everything determined to get into nasa, and she knew, even if she didn't get into that one, she could still try at another space facility. she knew that russia had one.
she knew that her and hana would always be here for each of them. that their phones would always be on them, and they'd happily pick up a phone call whenever they could, or message back whenever they could do that also. she nodded her head hearing her words now, and mack wiped at her cheek while she was listening to her, as they were standing on the stage of the dark auditorium. "i think that's a good idea. put a cork in it, so we don't wind ourselves up into a frenzy of just missing each other." she breathes out, knowing that, that could happen, and she didn't want it happening, for them to get tired of being sad and missing each other, or becoming frustrated, even though it wasn't happening yet. perhaps just focusing on it, when the time came was better than focusing on it now, when it wasn't time. she smiled hearing her words, and her lips were pressing to hana's. "i love our foundation as well. it's amazing, how strangers, turn to friends, best friends, lovers, girlfriends, fiancee's then wives." she breathes out to her now, dancing with her while they were here on the stage, her eyes staying on hana, unless their lips were on each others, then they weren't. she nodded her head once more, understanding what hana was saying. "like your task. and unlike others, who just made us do what they wanted, not giving us a choice in the matter. but you gave us a choice. you nudged us, yes. but you also gave us a choice to trust you." whereas the other tasks didn't. they just told you what to do and you're suppose to do it. she knew that it was all over and done with, and it was why she didn't get upset about them anymore, it was why she didn't get mad at them. she was done with all of that, but she also knew she could learn from those mistakes. her body began to grow warmer when she felt hana's touch against her stomach and she pressed a kiss to hana's lips, knowing they were the only ones here and she smiled hearing that hana didn't need to speak up for her. but then she did spoke up against them, though not to defend her. "sometimes i felt like i wasn't doing things the way that they liked." she says to her now, her lips pressing to hana's now, knowing that the world was a mess outside, but she didn't need to worry about that, all that she wanted to worry about is her wife right here with her, standing right here with her, dancing with her and kissing her.
she smiled hearing that hana liked sitting beside her while she was working on her projects, and mack liked sitting beside hana when she was reading something. it was just nice, being that comfortable around someone, that you could be doing your own thing, while still sitting there and just enjoying each others company. you didn't always have to do the same things as each other. it was like when you were watching something, you didn't have to like what they were watching, but you could still be, beside them, doing something else, while they were enjoying what they were watching. mack loved that about them, how comfortable they were doing different things together, but still being close by each other. her lips were wrapping around her nipple, and she moaned against her breast, her tongue rolling around the ring that was on her nipple, making her moan softly. she guided hana down onto the ground of the stage though, knowing neither of them would be able to stand if they kept touching each other, and she didn't want hana falling and hurting herself. now that they were laying though, she was pushing her shirt off of her body, while she could feel hana unzipping her shorts, and she moaned feeling her fingers moving underneath her panties, rubbing against her clit, while her lips were still on her on her breast, sucking hard on her, while her own hips were rolling against hana's fingers on her nerve. that one word had her moaning, and she was letting her breast go with a pop, lips then claiming hana's, panting on them as her hand moved down against her stomach, pushing underneath her shorts, and she was pushing two inside of her, knowing the whimper that she gave her, was a sign that she was cumming for her. mack was cumming for her also, moaning deeply against her mouth, as she felt her walls tightening against her fingers, feeling her heat hitting her skin now. mack came for her also, and her hips continued to roll against her fingers, her thumb rubbing hard against her clit, while her fingers curled inside of her wife. "oh fuck, hana."
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mknzi · 3 years
wife and blue crush equals wife crush
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the moment kenzie was closer to her, fully within her range to reach, she smiled and she reached, her hand connecting to her cheek as their lips met; yes she was the kind of wife who missed her the moment she was away from her, so what. she could see that same longing in kenzie’s eyes and she knew…they’d had a long few hours drive here, they were going to get to stay her through the week if they wanted, or longer if they decided, so of course she wanted to unwind with her, spend time with her outside of princeton because they had been in lockdown for weeks upon weeks before summer even hit, and now that it was here…some shred of escaping that lockdown felt…incredible, and the promise of zero interruptions between them. there was going to be days of laying out here in the sun, days of kenzie getting to be on the water, so why not take every moment that they wanted to collide? she didn’t hesitate to tug lightly on the zipper of her wet suit, making it very clear that she wanted it off though she wasn’t about to expose her wife out here on the beach, mostly to the sand that would get all over her wet skin and become irritating, but she did tug it down a little…just down the center of her chest so that she could tilt her head and kiss the base of her throat, and enough to make it clear that she very much wanted it off of her…sooner rather than later. mack’s skin was cold compared to her own, where she’d been out in the water, hana had been sitting here soaking up the sun. “we can just get into trouble in bed then.” she murmurs, pulling back to warmly meet her eyes, her hand moving to gently push the pup over into the sand to distract her and she went right back to playing with milo. 
“thankfully there’s no rocks out there, just further north and i think i would frown deeply if you were up in those waters.” she didn’t see many, if anyone…out trying to surf in water surrounded by jagged cliffs and almost no stretch of sand at all. it wouldn’t really be worth the risk. she smiled listening to her and she knew she would be content sitting out here all day watching her be a badass on the waves, she could definitely sit and watch and not complain once, it was what had her torn at first about even going inside. “you’re allowed to say what you are. it’s the truth so you might as well own it.” she says back to her, moving her hands to cup kenzie’s head. “but we’re not going to hit your head today, not unless it’s because of us being rowdy.” she chuckled and pushed herself up to stand, sand brushed easily from her skin because she wasn’t wet, but still a shower was going to be nice and she wanted one with kenzie. she had no doubt in her mind that kenzie would be right back out here later on surfing and probably every single day that they were here, but with the small break from it right now, they could have a moment together, and figure out what the plan was for dinner and then hana could take care of that while mack went back out and hit the waves again. her eyes glanced out to the water as she brushed herself off and stretched, relatively calm near the shore, waves breaking further out, a tell-tale glass reflection in some areas of the water that gave a way riptide currents underneath…that would always be the most lethal of threats. she knew kenzie knew what she was doing, if anything hana was just glad they picked a place where she could get into the water with less risk than if they had gone further north. at least here…kenzie would get to stretch her skills and that kept her smile on her lips. 
her eyes moved back to kenzie as they moved to walk and the puppies followed happily along with them, a soft smile touching her lips. she did miss going out to the stables and training, the last few weeks had been long and mostly uneventful and she knew she wasn’t out there nearly enough, not as much as she would like to be. there were always just other things to be done and now…it felt like so much for hana to catch up on in her life when it came to her clubs and sport. “i know, i miss going.” she admits, and hana knew…when she missed something…it nagged at her, she became restless, she became harder to still, harder to calm, harder to slow down even because her mind was split wanting to be in a few different places, but she was calm now and she enjoyed being out here, she enjoyed the promise of staying at the small beach resort and having a small town to walk to just for food, and for being able to sit out in the sun and watch kenzie surfing and the dogs playing. she smirked as she watched her steps through the sand towards the door of their rental house, near to the resort across a small street and a string of other rental houses that belonged to that same resort. they had as much privacy as they could have hoped for…so that was nice. “ham and egg sounds good, for brunch of sorts, and then i can run to the store later if you want to surf more and pick up some things for dinner…and then we could bonfire and eat out while it’s getting dark.” she adds in, glancing over at her, her hand slipping down into hers as they got into the house. 
the dogs weren’t wet so they just tore off to plop on a few pillows on the floor in the living room and then her attention was back entirely on her wife, because she wanted to make use of the shower, of the bed, and her wife’s words had her whimpering on her lips as she leaned in to kiss her. the door was closed behind them and kenzie wasn’t wrong, she was wet for her, but she always was and she knew kenzie was more than just the ocean water too. she did not like water from the shower or bath being in her way of being able to feel how wet she was; she hated it being in the way. so quickly kenzie had her hands pulling fabric off of her chest and now that they were inside hana didn’t hesitate to unzip her wet suit fully, down from the center of her chest and down her stomach to where the zipper ended below her belly button…and then hana’s hands slid underneath to peel it back over her shoulders, down her arms to free them and down her body, her hips…the best that she could because then her wife’s lips wrapped around her breast, around the piercing through her left nipple, and hana’s hand moved to tangle into her hair, gripping tightly to her. she didn’t want to lose her footing and fall so she was quicker to place her other hand on mack’s hip so she could pull her in closer to her as hana started to step back towards the bathroom. it was only a few steps and she didn’t bother with the light, there was enough streaming in through a small window so she just reached to turn on the shower and stepped into it with her, her knees wanting so desperately to buckle because kenzie’s mouth was wrapped around a sensitive part of her..it just made her think even more about their mouths being other places. hana tugged on her hair to pull her back to her lips and she rolled her tongue forward to claim hers. 
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the moment that mack was close to hana, she didn't want to go out on the ocean again. she loved surfing of course she did, but she loved being close to hana also, she loved being able to snuggle close to her, or kiss on her lips. she could surf at any time, they were staying here through the week, so she definitely had plenty more time to surf, or to go for a run. she could surf while hana was sleeping, and come back in when her wife was going to wake up. she liked doing those things while she was sleeping, not when her wife was awake. she liked to spend time with hana, not doing her own thing while her wife was awake. though she knew that hana enjoyed watching her doing her thing, and mack would do that thing so her wife could watch her, but she never liked doing it, if hana wasn't really watching. the water was a lot colder than what she was used to, and she knew why hana wanted her to wear a swim suit out there. still, she was cold, but she was sitting down beside her wife, their puppies running around while they were sitting here, of course salem was running around, milo was not. but salem was here, and she smiled watching hana pushing her to the sand, and then salem went back to milo who was sunbathing. "trouble in bed sounds amazing. plus, we won't have pups trying to ruin our moments either." she says to her now, chuckling against hana's lips. "or we could totally do it on the kitchen table."
"i don't think i want to surf too far north. i'm not used to those choppy waters anyway. i'd definitely have to be careful. even here i'm not at all comfortable." she says to her now. sure people might think water is just water, but there were differences. some waters were a lot more dangerous than others. la waters weren't so bad, and she was comfortable with those waters because she grew up on those waters, she knew how they could be tempermental. she didn't know these waters, she didn't know which way the waves would break, when they would break, and how strong they were if they pulled her out. she knew she would have to surf more on these waters just to know these questions, to understand the waters. "i prefer us hitting my head while we're being rowdy, not on rocks that have harder places to land." she chuckles now, moving so hana could stand up, and mack stood up with her, stretching a little, her eyes looking back to the water, hearing how hard they were crashing onto the sand, and it was a lot more harder than what she had heard in la. she knew the riptides here were also a lot stronger also, and it was why she made sure she didn't ride a wave for too long.
"maybe we don't have to go back home straight away. we could stop by the stables so you could ride." she would want hana to do that, she would want hana to go to the stables and ride her horse, knowing that hana missed going, because she just told her that. "there is no rush to get home." she tells her now, knowing that was the truth. and she enjoyed leaning against the fence and watching hana going through the jumps, watching as her and her horse worked as one together. she smiled hearing hana planning out their brunch and then their dinner, and mack was licking at her lips as they were walking into the house, hana's hand slipping down into hers, and mack was lacing their fingers together giving it a gentle squeeze. "i would like that." she says to her now, her lips pressing to her cheek. "maybe get some marshmallows, so we can make some s'mores." she tells her, as they made their way into the bathroom. neither of them liked the water getting in the way of feeling how wet they were, but she could feel hana getting rid of the wet suit on her, and mack smirked as she tore off the bikini resting over her breasts, and then her lips were wrapping around her breast, around the ring that rested there. she could hear the shower being turned on, and felt the way hana was stepping into it. still she smirked, because she kept her lips around her nipple, and then hana was pulling her up to her mouth, and she moaned feeling her tongue rolling against her own. her fingers didn't hesitate to run down hana's stomach, and mack was hungry for her wife, so three fingers were pressing inside of her pussy, and she didn't let her get used to the stretch, her fingers began to pump hard and fast inside of her pussy.
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mknzi · 3 years
going through the motions​.
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“see, you’re already setting me up to adore them.” hana points out, conceding at the same time too, because she could see why kenzie liked nicola, she did the whole mother thing well enough, but when it was your own mother and hana had her whole childhood of it, that was enough for her. save for christmas and easter. and a random stop-in here and there; she didn’t go out of her way. as her mother had told her growing up, they were going to die one day, hana needed to find her own place in the world and her own way, without a million tethers to them; and she understood visits and things of that nature, holidays, but she knew she was going to be going her own way when she was alone in the world…at least when it came to her parents being gone, not that she didn’t have a dozen cousins or more at this point, second cousins, third cousins, it went on and on; the point was…because of her distance from her family, moving away, living her own life, she had started to build her own life, she had friends, the society, she had her best friend and wife in mackenzie. but she was very thankful that mack’s parents had fucked and made her, so she understood kenzie being happy that hana’s parents had done the same and made her too. “are these the spicy ones?” she looked at the pack of pork rinds mack had tossed her and was pleased….that the answer was yes. good. she liked the original ones too and she saw mack had a bag of those also. “to be fair to the drivers i don’t uber that often.” she admits, she had her car but also…campus was right across the street; there wasn’t always the need to and an uber couldn’t drop them off at the manor so, it wasn’t often. her eyes moved to the pups and she bent down with kenzie to pet salem, milo crawling on his belly closer to lick at their hands too and see them. “probably some idea that we are, but i don’t think they know to….think we’ll be gone long or not long, like when we go to the store it doesn’t take long and then we’re back, or to classes, and it’s early in the morning so they probably just think it’s a normal day.” she assures her, leaning down more to kiss milo’s pudgy cheek before he was trying to lick kenzie’s cheek and hana pet salem too before she stood back up and grabbed her bag to get it to the door. “by the time nicola shows they’ll be so excited and distracted with the adventure they’re going on.” she adds in, stepping outside with kenzie to the car to get loaded up and to the airport. “i guess they taught me what they taught me.” to be independent, to make her own way, so yeah she didn’t feel so bad about not seeing them often but they weren’t horrible or anything so she could see why kenzie liked her mother. “you’re confusing pride with a few other things.” hana chuckles, likely her mother was proud but mostly hana recognized it for what it was because she knew it her entire life thus far. “i call it more overbearing.” she couldn’t fault kenzie for thinking it was complete pride, she didn’t know that her mother had shoved her into every dream that she’d had for herself and in a lot of ways…hana had been groomed into her ambitions before she had found her own. “grass is always greener right?” something always looked better on the other side of the fence; hana tried not to envy because she knew…it wasn’t likely the case. “grass is still just grass.” 
her eyes looked out the window as they pulled up to the airport and she got out with her, their bags unloaded from the trunk and it closed before the driver was leaving; her hand moved to lace with her wife’s and she walked with her but she stopped with kenzie nearly toppling over. “serves me right for rushing us out the door.” she says, pulling her bag in closer to them on its wheels. “if i got along with your mom, probably…like for a lunch or something.” maybe it was a way there was a contradiction between them on this topic. “family is important right?” but that was obviously a hypothetical because she knew there were issues with kenzie’s mother. “i wouldn’t mind at all if you and nicola went out for brunch or to spend a day shopping or anything you wanted. i’ve had my life to do those things with her, those things still happen randomly through the year around holidays so i wouldn’t mind you going and spending time with her or her coming here to see you. family bonds are more than just us with our parents, us with just our own families. we’re married, families merge, at least….maybe that’s just my family’s way.” because obviously hana was getting at the fact that she had a massive italian family on one side and a…just as massive german family on the other side. family’s weren’t meant to be divided and hana knew too well…..”i know too well how business divides family but…welcome to this family. go for brunch, go shopping, i’m sure she would love that.” in ways…it wasn’t even hypocritical because…..it was hana pointing out to kenzie that even though she didn’t see her parents much, they still mattered to her, because family mattered within her family, she didn’t need to see them every day. she knew kenzie was under the impression that she loathed being around her family but even so…it wasn’t black and white. she didn’t loathe being around them, she knew when family matters called and she was there, and the rest of the time she focused on the family that was with her every single day, and that was her wife. she turned her head to kiss her cheek and then searched for their baggage check point when they got inside, moving that way to place their bags on the scale and passed off to be loaded once she decided where they were going. she decided that a few minutes ago and rather than say the destination she looked at the board that was flashing through flights and she said the flight number instead. by the time mack tried to search the board for the number it would be switching to other flights. her smile spread softly on her lips and she agreed with the breakfast kenzie was after, walking with her to their security point so that they could make their way through and on the other side with their boarding passes tucked under her arm…was the array of shops and restaurants for them to choose from. “right there?” she pointed to a place that would let them sit for a little while beside the large windows where the planes gated, they had enough time to eat. hana slid their passes into her shoulder bag so that they were free for paying when the time came, but for now she seated them both by the window and slid the menus out between them so that they could find something to eat. “they didn’t hear you kenzie, they’re not being very timely.” she gestured to the elderly couple looking lost in the middle of the terminal and she chuckles softly, looking down at the menu to make note that they had what mack was after.  “but back to your question, i don’t think we get a bed on this flight, it is like..7 hours but we’re first class so we’ll still have way better seats that recline enough if we want to nap or something.”
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"until you meet them, and then you're going to realize your wife, is a liar." she tells her now, smiling because she knew both her parents were not cuddly animals. "they're both sharks, hana. very ugly, uncaring, sharks. that like to eat people, and make them feel like they can't do anything  in life. they suck out your soul, they're not very cute critters." she tells her now, shrugging her shoulders lightly. but she was excited for her and hana to get away, knowing that hana wanted to get out of here, and mack wanted to go where hana was feeling, where her mod wanted to take her. she nodded her head at her question when it came to the pork chips. "indeed they are, these ones are the original ones, but i like having the spicy ones." she admits to her, licking at her lips and then nodding her head when hana told her that she didn't take a uber often. it was the truth though, they tended to drive themselves places, or they just walked places. they didn't have others driving them anywhere. she was patting salem and pushing her off her face, and then she was patting milo as he came over to them now, scratching at his back while salem was yelping to get closer to hana. milo was trying to lick at her cheek and then she watched as hana stood and mack stood also, nodding her head as she was looking back down at the puppies. "i know. they're going to forget us. it's something that i'm going to have to get used to." she says, sighing dramatically, before she was hopping into the car with hana now, the chips between them, and she was looking to hana listening to her. "they did, and i love that they taught you that. i love that they let you be the person you want to be." she says to her now, smiling softly listening to hana, loving the chuckle that she was giving to her now. "was she really that bad? or still that bad?" mack didn't know, because she didn't know hana when she was younger, she didn't know what hana's parents were like when hana was younger, she only saw them on holidays, when hana turned up there, and even then, she didn't get to see them how hana knew them. it was why she was asking her now. "i don't know. i think every child that doesn't have good parents, wishes they had good parents. a parent that got happy when they brought home a plus'. a parent who would celebrate that with them."
"you didn't rush us out the door, hana. you were very patient. and my shoes are tied. i just got excited to open the door for you and i tripped over my own feet." she tells her with a smile, her hand still in hana's as they moved into the airport. "i mean, some family is important. i don't think that my parents are at all important. they're not really here." she tells her, shrugging her shoulders softly as she was swinging her hand lightly with hana's between them. "i can go to brunch with nicola at times, but i do like to spend time with you, and i'd just miss you and tell nicola to go home." she says to her now, her hand flexing softly against hers. "i love our family, and i know we don't need more family outside of that but also, your family is important to me, hana. and i know that i don't know them well enough than you, i know i don't know how overbearing your mother is, or how not so your dad is." she wouldn't stand here and pretend that she knew them, when she didn't know them. "i don't know. the only adult that was ever proud of me, was my science teacher, and most people thought that was weird." she says to her softly to her now, a chuckle given. she knew that her and hana thought differently when it came to parents, and she knew that was because the both of them had been raised differently. one had an overbearing mother, the other one of them didn't have a mother there for her at all, so she understood why they wouldn't see things the same way, and she didn't blame either one of them for that. she nodded her head when hana pointed to a place they could sit and eat, and mack walked with hana toward it now, picking out a table that was close to the window so they could keep an eye out. "right? i feel like i should kick them out of the airport. teach them a lesson." she says to her smiling as she was looking over the menu now, sighing softly when she heard that they didn't have a bed on this flight. "well, still i'm going to snuggle against you. and first class is always comfortable." she says to her now, asking for a hot chocolate, and pancakes with banana's on it, along with bacon, while she was looking to hana once she was done ordering. "do you think we should nap? i don't think i could nap, because i'm excited to see where we are going to arrive." she says, though she could look at her ticket, that hana had though, and obviously the airlines would tell them which gate they would be going to, in order to board their plane. "but then again, if i am curled up on you, i will be napping, i'm just a contradiction."
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mknzi · 3 years
my earth.
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“yeah but at least we get to sleep right beside each other.” she hated not seeing her too but they wiped themselves out the moment they were in bed and actually going to sleep…both of them seemed to find sleep easily knowing the other was right there next to them. nothing was better to hana than being beside her with their bodies pressed together or entangled in some way while they got to bury their faces against each other skin or in their hair. hana never thought that she’d had any issues sleeping in her life but she knew that since sleeping in the same bed as mackenzie she hadn’t ever slept better than that. she tried to recall now…”when was the first time we slept in bed together….” she mumbles, her brows furrowing lightly in thought. they had slept in the tent a little, they’d slept on couches for small increments. she was certain of that but she was trying to remember if the first time they had slept in bed…her place or mackenzie’s…in the hotel the night they married….she was pretty sure mackenzie’s place because at her own place they slept on the couch some but they also had done that at mack’s place too, and it must have been after they had talked about pursuing one another. her hand continued to run lightly along her wife’s arm, as she had stopped packing for a moment to step close to her and kiss her lips, softly at first and then deeper; in that moment she couldn’t think about anything but kissing her, and when they broke she was panting softly on her lips, her nose brushing lightly over hers; hana tilted her head and placed a warmer kiss on her lips, softer then before they moved to continue packing. her cheeks were left warm, she could feel the heat there, but she looked at kenzie and saw warmth on her cheeks too and smiled because it was just…them. “they’ll be okay with my parents and happier and i will be happier because then my hands can in fact be free to move all over your body.” 
with a gentle pull she tugged their bag from the bed once it was full, leaving the other of theirs there still because they could fit more into it and mack seemed to be looking for things still. hana sat on the end of the bed and once she claimed herself a clean pair of black skinny jeans and she placed on one of her white tees over that, the material thin to show the lace of the black bralette she wore underneath it, and the delicate gold chain with the tiny gold rosary. “you’ll be warm, no cold. we should have gotten to do this last year so it’s about time we get to lay in the sun together wearing…next to nothing.” she smiled more, running her tongue over her bottom lip. “we need those ships up and running so we can have a room to go back to after we spend the day laying in the sun.” she knew they would still have a room to go back to even if they weren’t going on a cruise, just staying somewhere on the beach, but she did hope the ships were running because she wanted to actually get to do what they’d talked about last year. “i like margaritas, but we can always go with something more…pineapple and coconut or some other fruit concoction to find something that you like.” those were all part of the aesthetic and they could get them without alcohol but hana also didn’t mind a light buzz if they were enjoying themselves, they were allowed that, and they could still just go right back to their room for time alone. “i want to be in bed with you…all hot from both of us being outside all day, the scent of sunscreen…” the sweet coconut scent it had. she was just as much looking forward to kenzie not being cold. “is it?” she looked to the bed, learning now what kenzie was looking for, but she wasn’t sure it was under there. she didn’t think anything was under there. hana thought they were in the bottom drawer because after a year had passed they’d just gotten moved down to make higher space for the things they wore every day. she moved to that drawer now, pulling it open and finding a collection of bikinis they had shopped for, she grabbed them all out and placed them in the bag still open on the bed, an accomplished smile gracing her lips. 
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"i like sleeping right beside you, it's one of my favorite pass times. one of my favorites." she tells her with a smile, because she had more than just one favorite pass time, not just one. her lips were pressing to hana's, and then she was going back to pack up her bag, excited to go to mexico with hana, excited to see her in a bikini and sitting there on the sand just soaking in the beautiful sun, or if the ships were running, then sitting by the pools soaking up the sun there. she heard her words, and a soft smile graces her features while she was looking at her wife. "the night i had killed that bird. you came over while i was having a nightmare." she breathes out, remembering that night like it was only yesterday. "killing that bird had me recalling the night my mom overdosed. you came into the room and held me, it was the first time i even was laying on that bed at my place." she breathes out to her, though that smile was still upon her face. "i asked you to touch yourself, and you did, and then i did, and then we had sex and fell asleep in my bed." she breathes out to her softly, smiling as she was pressing a kiss to hana's cheek. "it was a very beautiful moment." she says to her, as though hana had forgotten that night. she knew that she hadn't, she just didn't remember when they first laid in bed together. because the both of them enjoyed laying on a couch together and sleeping on couch together. she watched as hana stopped packing to turn and press a kiss to her lips, and mack was pressing a kiss back to hers, whimpering softly on them and then moaning when hana was kissing her deeply. her cheeks were warm from the kiss, and she was panting as she was looking at her wife, while she moved to continue packing her bag, noting that she didn't have her bikini in there, and so she moved to her draws to search for it. "yeah i think they would like being at your parents place than being in a kennel home for the duration of us being gone." she says to her, turning to look at her before she was looking back at her dresser once more, so she could continue searching for her bikini.
"stupid quarantine ruined our fun." she mumbles out to her, knowing that the both of them wanted to go on one of those ships and enjoy their time there. she still wanted that, and even if they can't get on the ships, at least they would be warm in mexico, and enjoy a vacation there. "oh, drinking out of a coconut would be amazing, very aesthetic." she says with a smile, before she was looking under the bed seeing if she could find her bikini under there, but her wife was very clean and obviously their room was clean. "all sweaty from the sunscreen and the heat from the sun." she says to her now before getting up off the floor and shaking her head. "no it isn't." she says sighing as she tried to think of where she had placed her bikini. "i want to see your sweat against your skin, so i can lick at you." she says to her now, and then she was sighing softly seeing that hana was placing her bikini's in the bag now. "the puppies have enough food to wait for your mom to get here right? should we let them out to use the bathroom before we leave?" she didn't want them going to the toilet inside, they could let them out for the moment before they had to leave, and then they could let them back in. "oh, we don't have a backyard here." she realizes as she had picked up the open bag to close it and move with it down the stairs. "dumb moment i had." they'd have to walk them outside the front, not just leave them outside. they'd have to put their leashes on them and stand out there with them until they were done. but then they hadn't been out there long, so she figured they should be safe. "never mind, they should be fine." she says to her now, chuckling as she was placing the bag by the door. "what else do we need?"
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mknzi · 3 years
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“i get plenty of sleep.” she tells her, and she did, she went to bed around midnight, she got up every morning around 6 am. she got six hours each night and sometimes she got to work in a nap for an hour or two in the middle of the day which…translated roughly to her eight hours of sleep each day give or take. she liked being in bed, she liked being comfortable but she didn’t sleep excessively and being awake with kenzie was better than than sleep anyways; she always woke the moment kenzie did, whether they got out of bed or not, whether she got out of bed or not, she still woke when she did, either staying in bed or moving down to the couch on the weekends with a cup of tea or coffee to enjoy a more lazy morning with her. she loved those mornings, and just like the nights when she woke when kenzie did…she woke now and she was glad that she had otherwise kenzie would have felt this way on her own. “it’s going to be like that for me too.” she whispers, her fingers running through kenzie’s hair and lightly down her back, touching her over the fabric of her shirt and resting her wife in against her because even though they had woken, it was long before the sun and neither seemed rushed to get out of bed just yet. “do you want me to make you something? hot chocolate and a bath? or we can stay right here.” she murmurs, pressing her lips to kenzie’s forehead and breathing her in, lips kissing to her temple, to the bridge of her nose. “being away from you is going to feel pointless every day honestly. the only point will be getting back to you. but like i said before…i want you to come with me first, i want us to find a place there to make ours so it doesn’t feel like i’m far when i’m there…it’ll feel more like being home.” she also didn’t plan on being there on her own for more than a week at a time if she could help it. there were going to be impromptu meetings and interviews maybe in the beginning and most she figured that she would be able to do over a video call, but just in case she needed to meet anyone in person she might have to be prepared to fly overnight to where she needed to be, sleep a night there and then fly back because the idea of being far from kenzie for longer than what was needed…wasn’t an idea that she liked. “it better not go back to how it was before i met you, because i’m going to be coming back and i don’t want us to have to start from the beginning.” she smiled softly, resting her head back into the pillow. this early there were a few places she knew would deliver but she wasn’t sure if they would deliver it to bed, to the door sure, but she doubted they were allowed to come inside. “i can get it at the door. you stay comfortable.” she reached for her phone on the table beside the bed and she pulled it closer to turn it on and find the closest diner that delivered breakfast. “what sounds good?” she whispers, getting a menu pulled up. “like a classic breakfast? the basics? or something else? they have their whole menu 24 hours, so there’s burgers and things too.” she passed the phone gently to kenzie and let her look to see if she could find anything that sound good to her first. “our plans are going to include each other, even when we’re apart my life is still going to be about you and every choice i make is going to be with you on my mind.”
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she just wanted to spend time with hana. and if it was in bed with her all day, then she would be in bed all day with her. it wasn't like mack never laid in bed with hana, because she did, she always laid here with hana, unless her wife was still asleep, and mack was awake, then she would go on a run and come back, to crawl back into bed with her. her arms and her legs were tangled in hana, and she was smiling when she was hearing that hana got plenty of sleep. she knew that she did. she knew that sometimes hana just napped when she got home from classes, not because she was tired, but because she was comfortable. "i know. but i don't like waking you up just to tell you that i love you. i mean that could wait until you're awake." she admits with a soft chuckle a hand going to hana's cheek to move her curls, but of course her curls enjoyed laying where they originally were and they fell back to her cheek. her own eyes closed to the feeling of hana's fingers pushing hair off of her own cheek, and her lips were pressing to hana's. "i know. i don't like thinking about you being there all alone. coming home at night, and no one there to greet you. no one there to talk to you about your day." she sighs softly, her eyes burning, because it broke her heart, knowing that hana would be coming home, but it wouldn't be a home, because there would be no one there to greet her. she was sighing softly as she was listening to her, shaking her head softly. "no, i just want you to stay in my arms right now. now i'm just sad, picturing you in that place alone, late at night, unsafe and unfamiliar." she murmurs to her, her eyes burning behind closed eyelids as she feels hana's lips on her forehead, and mack was pressing a kiss to her chin, smiling when she felt her lips to the bridge of her nose. "being away from you is going to feel stupid. i don't want to be away from you hana. screw my dreams, you're my damn wife." she wasn't really getting mad at hana, more like pouting as she was talking to her. "i want to go up there with you. i want to be there with you. it's going to be hard to leave you though when i am there. goddamn this sucks. stupid life dreams. why do we even have them?" she asks her, still pouting as she was looking at hana. "i would be so mad, if everything goes back to the beginning. i don't want to go back to the beginning with you. i will hate myself forever if things go back to the beginning." mack points out to her, her own head resting against the pillow, though her fingers were still playing with hana's curls, one finger twirling with a strand of it. she nodded her head hearing that hana could get the door, and so mack snuggled back down under the blankets a little more, keeping herself close to hana. "you sound good. staying in bed." she says to her now, humming when hana asked her what kind of food that she wanted. "oh, the classic breakfast sounds good right now, and a hot chocolate to go with it." she says to her now, her lips pressing to hana's shoulder, while she was looking at the phone, and then hana was placing the phone in her hands, and she blinked softly at the light, letting her eyes adjust as she was clicking on the classic breakfast, and then she was placing the phone back to hana's hands. "are they though? we're going to be on separate ends of the earth. how are we going to be doing things together? you're going to be having breakfast by yourself, and dinner. stupid nasa, i don't want to go. i quit."
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mknzi · 3 years
sweet dreams.
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she had never liked camping, in fact she couldn’t think of a time in her life that she had been camping before kenzie but she could remember a few failed attempts with her family as a child when she had gotten excited about the idea only for her father to complain and decide to move them over to a hotel in the area instead. her mother had always tried to make the most of those normal family things but her father couldn’t escape wanting the finer things so there had never been a successful camping trip, much to her mother’s disappointment and well, her own apathy if she was being honest because hana didn’t care either way. the first camping trip that went how she imagined they were supposed to had been with kenzie and even that had been a little hindered by the annoyance of their companions but…this time it was just going to be the two of them and she looked forward to that. they wouldn’t have to deal with anyone else along with them, they had done everything on their own last time and it was like they might as well not been there anyways except to annoy them, and now they didn’t have to worry about that. hana grabbed the bags of their food once they paid for everything and she followed kenzie out of the store, popping open the backdoor of her car where they had a cooler for some of the things they didn’t want to spoil. the rest she left in the bag and slid all to one side so that there was room for the firewood that kenzie moved to grab to go in the trunk. she hadn’t intended on watching that, she had intended on helping her with it rather, but when she saw the flexing of kenzie’s arms as she lifted up the bundles of firewood, hana thought better to lean against the side of the car and watch her. “um…yeah i think we’re good, hang on.” she mutters, moving the few steps back into the store she paid for two more bundles of firewood and then stepped back outside. “bought two more, just in case.” each bundle was only five small logs so she thought having twenty would get them through the night. hana moved back to the car to rearrange the trunk a little more, otherwise standing there staring at her wife might be obviously; but she would return to that the moment that she grabbed the other two and brought them out. for a moment she just pretended to be busy but she also did need to slide a bag over so there was enough room for more wood. “i think there’s a lighter in the middle console.” she mutters, but she moved to check to make sure, flipping it open to see that it was in fact there before she grabbed it and placed it in the trunk with their things so they wouldn’t have to grab it out once they got there.
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mack loved camping with hana, curling up in a tent with her, listening to the wind or the rain around them. it was so beautiful, and it was complete with hana there. mack had camped out on the beach in la, but it was nothing compared to how she was with hana. and now they were going camping without the boys, without them not doing anything. she was grateful for that. they were moving toward the car, mack had the firewood in both hands, and then she was placing them in the trunk of the car when hana made room. "okay." mack replies to her wife, watching as she was going back into the store. she wasn't sure what they had missed, and mack was rummaging through the bags for the moment, so she could find if they had missed anything, and then hana came back out, with nothing in her hands, but she told mack that she had brought two more firewood just in case. mack nodded her head, and was watching as hana began to organize the trunk, and mack moved back into the store, grabbing two more blocks of the firewood, coming back out holding onto them, moving over to the car where hana was moving around in. she could see her going to the front of the car, and then going to the back, and she smiled, seeing how busy she was, while mack was slowly walking with these firewood.
mack loved camping with hana, curling up in a tent with her, listening to the wind or the rain around them. it was so beautiful, and it was complete with hana there. mack had camped out on the beach in la, but it was nothing compared to how she was with hana. and now they were going camping without the boys, without them not doing anything. she was grateful for that. they were moving toward the car, mack had the firewood in both hands, and then she was placing them in the trunk of the car when hana made room. "okay." mack replies to her wife, watching as she was going back into the store. she wasn't sure what they had missed, and mack was rummaging through the bags for the moment, so she could find if they had missed anything, and then hana came back out, with nothing in her hands, but she told mack that she had brought two more firewood just in case. mack nodded her head, and was watching as hana began to organize the trunk, and mack moved back into the store, grabbing two more blocks of the firewood, coming back out holding onto them, moving over to the car where hana was moving around in. she could see her going to the front of the car, and then going to the back, and she smiled, seeing how busy she was, while mack was slowly walking with these firewood.
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