mkyvisuals · 6 years
200 words isn’t enough
But to keep it short and sweet, the entire first semester has been a very enjoyable experience. It’s crazy to think that only 3 months ago I’ve made the move from Perth to start this course. 
It’s very interesting to reflect back on the first week of class picking things out from our pockets to make letter forms, absolutely tearing my brain apart to now seeing letter forms literally everywhere I go lol. My objective coming into this course was to gain new skills and find new mind sets to approach design - I’ve checked this box 100%.
To be completely honest, every topic taught in this course by Andy and Karen has been new discoveries for me. Stand outs were the Bauhaus and Memphis group movement - these were design movements that I’ve always appreciated but never knew about until now.
I’ll definitely look back at this unit later down and appreciate everything that i’ve taken out from it, obviously a big part was learning how to code HTML webs but also the process of prototyping really resonated - I think it’s a great practice to incorporate irregardless of whether you work on digital format or not.
Looking at the way Andy and Karen taught this semester, it’s got me thinking about how I want to approach design. One thing that I really wish to focus on as I progress through this course is to keep the fun within what I create. I can see that in everything they do. They’re definitely some of the funniest and most charismatic people I’ve learnt from so thank you guys for the amazing semester and thank you to all the classmates and your inspiring work!
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
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Throwback to one of our first lectures, when we decided it would be a good idea to have a gang sign.
Use this gif to show your allegiance. 
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
This is sweet!! the bounce back on this project is excellent to see! Love the theme you ran with for this project, well done man! :D
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Task 3: Ask Me Anything
Interview w/ Jess Ruby James
“In Confidence”
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Looks amazing, would love to take a read over this! hope the printing came out no problems for this!
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Ask Me Anything - Assignment 3 DONE!
For this Assignment, I decided to present my interview in the form of a Zine. My artist was @Screen14 who Is a UK based screen printer I’ve followed for quite some time now. Jon’s been a great influence on the way I’ve ventured into printmaking, and also into design by trying a different approach which is to create posters through silkscreens instead of digital design. 
I had a love-hate relationship with this assignment, but overall it was challenging in a fun way. It was a good challenge :) Thanks again to Jon (a.k.a @screen14) for taking the time to answer my questions and allowing me to share your work.
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
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I Am Computer by Docubyte
‘I am computer’ celebrates the visual character of desktop computing machines from a colourless period in industrial design.
From word processors and video terminals, to the very first desktop personal computers, these compact machines heralded a beige age, a period of microcomputing from the the 1970s and early 80s when design standards had conformed to realise a palette of neutral coloured machines throughout offices and later the home.
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Assessment 3 has been submitted & I’ve officially coded my very first website!! 
What a journey.. from ten million tabs on youtube and coding tutorial sites to nearly giving up trying to figure out HTML codes and opting for a zine option.. I’m happy to say that I’m stoked with the final result of a cool abstract website that I’ve put together in the best way I could to reflect my creative and his work.
So my original intentions for this project was to interview a melbourne local creative who I was interested to learn about and make a documentary video as my interview format. Being a photographer for a long while, I was always interested in the art of film-making and story-telling but never got the opportunity to surround a project for it. This seemed like the perfect timing but I unfortunately didn’t get responses from any creatives that could make this happen.
Then the web-building concept started to brew up and thankfully a creative from my hometown Perth, Ta-ku, responded via my Instagram DM and said he was willing to take up the interview so there began my journey to decipher the world of HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT as well as Dreamweaver for the construction of this HTML web.
In retrospect, it actually isn’t as overwhelming as I had initially thought. There were definitely nights where I did not need to be as stressed as I was.. Shout outs to KAREN’s guidance and lots of late nights, the finish-line was found. (you’re the real mvp Karen)
I felt strongly about creating this website to provide a full presentation of who and what Taku does. From a beat-maker to a successful photographer to now owning a design studio, the man really has done it all. It would be a shame to not incorporate the visual element in a moving format. 
Personally, I was super grateful to have made this connection with him through this project as I see him as someone I strive to become, succeeding in merging entrepreneurship within the creative field.
To reflect on this project, 
- The biggest takeaway is that I’ve learnt a new skill in coding HTML webs and I’m planning to work on a personal website over the holiday period. 
- The biggest challenge came from creating my visions through adequate understanding of HTML. In addition to that, my answers weren’t available up until the weekend before submission so this made it very difficult to arrange the relevant contents for the website.
- I would like to have taken this project further by making it live onto a server and creating responsiveness elements for the web to be displayed in different devices.
Now, onto other deadlines..
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
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MOCK UP! (Prototype..ish)
10th May, 2018
A quick mock up of the web layout for my interview project with the man ta-ku. Intending to display his work in a gallery format through a compilation of all of his projects throughout his journey as a hyper-creative. I plan to approach the web design in line with his minimal and abstract style of work to hopefully create a similar mood to how I feel when perusing through his work.In addition to the layout of his work, I also hope to insert animated graphics to incorporate that with his still elements.
***Note at this stage, I was still unaware of the answers so it was hard to decide which content to display.. but all was well in the end. Stay tuned!
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
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ASK ME ANYTHING - Assessment 3 (WIP)
Last few weeks have been many nights of intensive HTML/CSS crash courses. For my interview project, I was determined to portray my creative in a digital format. 
Reason being, He is a creative social influence who began his career in music and dabbed into photography, film and design. Majority of his work involves moving visuals and audio that I felt it was under-appreciative of his work if I did not present his work on a digital format.
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
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WEEK 11 WORKSHOP - Zine building.
It was a great opportunity to get a workshop dedicated on zine building. I had been considering a few variations of zines over the past week in case my Website experience fell short.
Website WIP progress/challenges:
Biggest challenges right now is understanding how to operate DIVs and position them in an appropriately styled format. Wanting to animate a few elements but figuring out the appropriate codes and having to figure out how to order the layers of contents.
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
I came across this post on tumblr and in my opinion, I felt it was a good example of why we design.
I personally believe design has huge potentials to ignite social change, and provide the right understanding of the inequalities we face.
Design may not be the driving force of a better future, as the world operates in a self-sustaining system that’s advantageous to corporations of capitalistic agenda.
But with the presence of strong communication designs, I believe there can be a catalyst for some powerful minds with grand visions.
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Mona Chalabi (New York) · Profile / Interview
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Memphis Design Movements becoming more and more apparent in day to day sights.
Just the other day in South Yarra, I found glimpses of this design inspiration in a furniture store in Richmond.
What’s interesting is the cost comparison of the past and to today has such a large difference, and what was once dedicated to the masses are now only offered to the privileged. 
Memphis Group
GRAP2199 | Week #9 | Lecture/Relevant research
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The Memphis-filled apartment of Raquel Cayre. Photo: Bobby Doherty/New York Magazine
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Pee-wee’s Playhouse debuts. The spirit of the Memphis style (though not necessarily the philosophy) enters the mainstream. The movie Ruthless People, drenched in Memphis-inspired décor, comes out that year, too.
October 1991
Karl Lagerfeld, who filled his Monaco home with Memphis furniture, sells his entire collection at Sotheby’s.
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February 2016
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Supreme releases an apparel-and-skate-deck collection designed by Alessandro Mendini, who exhibited in the first Memphis show.
Schwartzberg L. (2017). The Memphis Design Movement Is Having a Moment. Retrieved from https://www.thecut.com/2017/05/the-memphis-design-movement-is-having-a-moment.html
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Website Research.
Identifying HTML, CSS and JS scripts from webpages for inspiration. It’s a huge world in web development that I hope to start with this assessment by creating a basic HTML site as my final submission. 
Below are a few others:
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Even though my final submission for Ask Me Anything most likely won’t be in a physical format due to my creatives use of audio and visual - I decided to spend some time dipping my feet in the art of zine and collage making. This is a realm that is very unfamiliar to me and I struggled to feel conceptual on what I was making. Regardless, it was fun to tackle this over the weekend. As I am posting this, I’m creating a draft of a digital document for print out to create another zine.. hopefully that will turn out with some interesting looks!
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Would love to decor the walls of my home with this!
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Week Eight & Nine: Collage / Zine Making
A 16 page collage zine I created from found materials and coloured paper
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Week 7 Lecture:
After the lecture last week on the brief history of the Bauhaus influence to modern design, I couldn’t help but refer to this poster I came across while studying the Gestalt Principles in Color and Information Design.
Based on the simple geometries that’s representative of the Bauhaus style, this typeface designed by Paul Renner released in 1927 and took off in the US with great popularity.
The futura is considered as one of the most popular sans-serif fonts (arguably the most replicated in history) and used widely today in many different fields. A testament to the bauhaus’ influence to modern design work.
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
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Oskar Schlemmer’s Triadic Ballet continues its influence close to a century forward in this installation of “foamboy monsters” by artist Niek Pulles.
This creation of work was for the brand Comme Des Garçon’s seasonal tachiagari, Japanese for “beginning.
all images courtesy of Niek Pulles
Reference: https://www.designboom.com/art/niek-pulles-foamboy-monsters-comme-des-garcons-07-21-2014/
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mkyvisuals · 6 years
Identifying Creatives: TAKU
A creative powerhouse from my hometown Perth. Known by TAKU initially as a beat-maker to then building a social following that’s allowed him to tackle multiple creative outlets.
A true creative with a savvy business mind. A person I’d definitely be interested in digging the mind of.
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