mlchaelangel · 5 months
hey so how do you think 2003 boys would deal with being the one asked out by their crush, full confidence, but not overdoing it and mellow. Very I know you like me, i knew you were never gonna ask me out though(cuz the boys worry about their own appearance being scary. Crush thinks they’re very handsome despite the doubt), so I figured One of us had too? Also lets them know they can still be friends if it’s a possible no (they highly doubt it though they’re just being considerate to their favourite of the brothers)?
Can do! 🫡
Asking THEM Out
🐢💙❤️2003 TMNT x Reader💜🧡🐢
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Word Count: 560
CW: Gender neutral reader, referred to as ‘you’, you ask out the turtles, fluff!
💙 The casual asking him out throws him through a god damn loop. Leo is just overall shocked honestly, doesn’t expect for you to be like, “Hey, wanna go on a date?” You let him know he can say no of course and that there’s no hard feelings, but he quickly shut that down and said he wanted to go on this date.
💙 Secretly thrilled though, like dude is so happy. In all honesty, I feel like it would take Leo so long to ACTUALLY confess, like you’d guys be in your thirties or something and he finally says something about his feelings, so you making the first moves, that helps a lot.
💙 Asks you if you’re sure first, because you know the whole mutant thing, and how it would be a little hard on the dating life, I mean the dangers and people never knowing who your boyfriend was could weigh down on you, but you waving off those concerns with that smile makes him feel a little better about it all.
Raph is lowkey surprised by this, seems like somebody has bigger balls between the two, and it was you. Chuckles at first and is like, “You serious?” And wouldn’t even let you try and back out of it with the ‘you don’t have to if you don’t want to’ bs.
A little more surprised when you confirm that you’re indeed serious about this. Now has that huge smirk resting on his face and he’s leaning in close, “Well why don’t we go out right now?”
Overall, he took it very well and was very happy with the result. Probably makes out with you at the end of the date too not gonna lie, I mean, he’s been waiting for this long. He’s the second chillest out of the brothers, (Mikey is number one).
💜 Works out well for Donnie if anything, he’ll push off confessing because of his worries of ruining the already great relationship the two of you already have.
💜 You see him visibly relax when you ask him out, like a weight is lifted off his shoulders immediately. He listens to everything before giving an answer. Absolutely says yes and lets you pick out the date you wanna go on. Doesn’t care where you guys go, as long as it’s a fun date for both of you.
💜 By the end of it, you guys are holding hands while watching a movie together to finish the date night off. Actually asks you to spend the night (rather shyly), and you guys cuddle in bed for the rest of the night.
🧡 Mikey’s so chill with it, compared to most of his brother's reactions. Yeah he’s surprised, don’t think he isn’t, I mean when you literally asked, he made the ‘o’ face, before smiling widely. With how he’s reacting you don’t even have to backtrack in case things went wrong, you knew he was all for it.
🧡 Asks it’s a joke first before celebrating and bragging to his brothers and father. Literally everyone will know, and no, telling him ‘no’ is not an option, he has bragging rights now, and he’s gonna abuse the shit out of those bragging rights.
🧡 Probably the most chaotic couple though, you guys can range from very chill to pranking the brothers together within seconds. Everyone’s happy for Mikey, but… They didn’t expect double trouble.
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Bay Turtle Kisses 💋
Thank you for requesting this @akesdraws-blog it was so cute and fun.
Warnings: giving the turtles the smootches they deserve!
Hear me out
Neck kisses
And not just the sexual kind no no.
Leo's a tall dude, even if he's not the tallest, he's still large. And you probably still have to reach up on your tippy toes to hug him. And because of that, the easiest place for you to place kisses was his collarbone and neck.
Knees: gone
It's just such a strange and sensitive place and he loves how intimate it is
He's gotten forehead and cheek kisses from his brothers and April, but your kisses are more personal and he can't get enough of them
He was terrified to kiss your neck for the first time, but he couldn't stop staring and it was eating away at his brain. He needed to know how smooth the skin was, how potent your scent would be.
It was date night at your place, you were watching a movie, wrapped up in a thick blanket, sitting in between his legs.
He had a perfect view of the back of your head and the side of your neck. Even more so when you moved your hair to the side because you thought it was bothering it.
It was but in a different way
He couldn't help himself, he leaned in, taking a moment to appreciate how your perfume, body wash and natural scent mixed before kissing the juncture where your shoulder and neck met.
He pulled away, not wanting to overstep, but stopped when your arm came up, pushing his head back to your neck.
At your small, "more, please," He was sure his heart had stopped
Game on.
Nose kisses
His favorite is when you both make eye contact, doesn't matter where or how far apart you are, and he licks his lips and keeps -purposefully- glancing down at your lips.
So you start to lean in, and he takes your face in your hands, tilting tour head, moving extra slow to build momentum....and then places a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose.
Then he pulls back, going back to whatever he was doing, trying not to laugh at your mad face
You make the cutest face when he does this, you try and make a mad face but your cheeks are red, eyes crinkled from laughed and fighting a smile.
He laughs, and plants kisses all over your face, leaving your lips for last.
One of his favorite pranks is when you're sitting at the dining table for a meal, he makes eye contact, licks his lips, then stands from his chair, leaning across the table with puckered lips.
You lean forward, giggling and mumbling something about how 'he can't even wait five minutes for another kiss'
And then.....he leans down and takes the straw of your drink into his mouth and happily sipps whatever is in the cup.
Then he sits back and resumes his meal, ignoring how you kick his shin under the table.
Any kissing that can involve him rubbing his nose on you <3
He just can't get enough of you and sometimes just a simple kiss isn't enough, so he'll rub your noses together and then kiss you
He likes coming up behind you and bending down (literally almost in half) and wrapping his noddle arms around you and nuzzling your neck until you turn around and he can get a little smooch
He also nuzzles your cheek, he'll start at your jaw, work his way up your cheek and cheekbone, and then stop at your nose.
And YES, he is chirping the whole time
Secret hint: is you want Donnie to fall head over heels for you, come up behind him while he's working and hug his shoulders, rub his chest and arms while nuzzling his neck
Raph doesn't necessarily have a favorite, but he loves kissing you in places where you have something he doesn't
For example, ears -its a bit weird but just listen- he doesn't have them and thinks they're so cute
So when yall are snuggling and kissing, he'll start at your jaw and kiss his way to your ears, kissing just under it, behind it, then a flurry of little kisses on the lobes
If he's feeling a bit playful he might even give a small nip and tug (nothing that would hurt of course, just something to make you gasp or giggle)
Also, eyelids, and yes I know he had eyelids, but not like yours! He doesn't have eyelashes, so he uses the kisses as an excuse to get a closer look at you
He'll get right up in your face and just stare before kissing your eyelids.
Normally he does it as you guys are going to bed, he uses it to make you close your eyes for sleep.
And finally, hands! You have so many fingers and he just feels deep down that he needs to kiss all of them. Along with your palm, knuckles, the back of your hand and your wrists.
Your hands are just so dainty and small to him, and he can't get enough of them.
He can't get enough of you <3
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Relationship with Raphael headcanons, pt 7
(looking for the post that i basically took second point from, if anyone knows which blog it's from please tag it)
• Raph would enjoy so greatly teaching you some basis of self – defense, in so many ways. Leo’s always been the one to comment on others’ fighting technique and handling whatever practice on their skills they needed, so him getting to be the leading one and the skilled one, especially for someone he cares about, undoes patterns in his mind, he feels appreciated and special, all while considering how self – conscious you are about starting. And it serves him well to find patience and means of encouragement in himself to help you learn. And he is also somewhat relieved that you’re not so helpless after all, not like he wouldn’t jump into the fire to protect you from whatever comes around, but at least he’ll know there’s slightly less chance of you getting hurt. Safe to say you are not a natural at this but he’s proud of anything you do well
• Alltogether, he would enjoy teaching his s/o literally anything, or doing anything for them, including the most basic stuff like changing a lightbulb or reaching for something from the shelf the other person can’t reach
• In this house, we stan the headcanon that Raph would be so smitten for a chubby person. Literally. There’s absolutely no reason for this but it just clicks
• And we also stan that Raph is into carving and has somewhat of an artistic streak buried within. He enjoys carving out figurines out of wood, and up until he had you he didn’t really have much to do with them, so whenever he gets one done he just goes to you and acting as casual as he can gives it to you with “here i did a thing, take it if ya want, no big deal, you can also just throw it in the trash” attitude. But you take every single one and he knows you will, ad that’s how you already have quite a collection of those little precious things displayed in your room
• Yeah, Raph is deep inside so very anxious you will leave him someday, even more than he is scared of something happening to you. Obviously he doesn’t say it out loud unless directly confronted about it, but there’s need for so much reassurement in there but you’re more than happy to provide. You also couldn’t take it  if he and his brothers who are basically your family left you behind
• Raph isn’t necessarily possessive, but if you’re more of a naturally flirtatious type, he does shove himself into talks or goes out of his way sometimes to make a statemnt that you’re his, sometimes more subtly and sometimes less. But that comes 90% from a place of his own insecurity and feeling not enough for you
• This man needs so much reassurement, appreciaton and love. And in return, it’s even better for him when he can reassure you for once when your own doubts and insecurities kick in
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Some relationship with Raphael headcanons, pt 6
• Raph appreciates it so much when you stand up for him whenever they argue with Leo. He doesn't really expect you to do it, but when things get too heated and you forcibly insert yourself between the turtles to tell Leo off for being unfair (which he tends to do sometimes, Raph has his vices, but so does his elder brother) it really touches him. (Other thing is that your very presence makes Leo back off, since he knows whatever he'll say to you Raph will instantly defend you with all he has, which is... Maybe not the best situation diplomatic - wise, but that's simply how it is)
• And possibly even more so when you do the same for his younger brothers. Fuck, like, it can't be expressed how much it means for him and fills him with pride when you defend Mikey od Donnie
• Whatever body insecurities you have, Raph literally doesn’t see it, he's that kind od guy. Your weight, any body parts, scars, acne, anything, he doesn’t notice any shit like that. You have to carefully explain to him what you’re upset about, and he’ll listen but still look at you with confusion and disbelief. You’re his girl, you’re the most magnificent creature that can be, what do you mean there’s something ugly about you? Like, there literally isn’t, what’s your point? Especially compared to him, who is a mutant freak living in the sewers, you’re just so breathtaking
• Raph has given you a little piece of his bandana, and you carry it with you at all times. Like so many things, he wouldn't admit it out of his own will and would call it stupid, but with you such a gesture is so precious to him. When you're certain no one is watching but him, as the brothers are leaving the lair without you, you take it out and plant a kiss on it as a way of saying goodbye. But again, this is only between the two of you
• Raph doesn't understand so much stuff you do on a daily basis, as a human, he wouldn't be best at keeping doctor appointments or scheduling events, but he's trying his best to be involved in whatever he spots you being busy with and always asks about it even if with visible confusion
• He's the kind of person to shoo away his brothers when they want anything from you and you're tired. Also once he notices you dozing off in the lair, he won't stop trying to send you for a rest, you really need to make him understand that unless you're a crime - fighting mutant turtle working under the guise of the night, that's what you do as a person - you go to work or school and sometimes you're tired doing stuff outside of it, that's just how life is, that's how you gotta roll with it. He's still often kinda offended by that general state of affairs but he's getting there
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Some relationship with Raph headcanons, pt2
• You're always up in his arms. Always. In fact, this is, at this point, your standard mode of transportation. It's not enough he carries you around the lair whenever you need to get somewhere and even with a few steps of stairs, he takes you and takes you down. You're all just chilling at the table in the main area? He instantly lifts you and sits you up on his shoulder, he's definitely strong enough to have you howering there without breaking a sweat. You're just walking? He grabs you by the waist and holding you close, chases a few steps forward or jumps to a shortcut. You're barely the height of his shoulder, that presents some opportunities
• Not to mention how much he loves to just casually get close to you when you're alone or particularly as a greeting, mostly from the back so you can't see how his soft side gets the better of him, and snuggle his face into your neck while wrapping you in his embrace. Those are the most peaceful, joyful moments of his existence and deep inside he still can't believe he has you to provide him with, just at the reach of his massive three - fingered green hand.
• He helps you get wherever you want inside the lair, if you want to chill and read a book on the pipes up above, he puts you there, and until he makes sure you're safely back down he peeks at your sitting spot time after time when passing by.
• He greatly enjoys just hanging and chilling around you, even more than his brothers with their s/o. He loves his bros but they do get on his nerves, especially Mikey and Leo, and needs his alone time more than the rest of them, but you don't necessarily count as the same kind of company. Even when he's staring into an mma match or a football game, and you're busy watching your own stuff, you sit leaning against each other, or when he's just midlessly boxing a punching bag, he likes to remind himself you're around him, even if mostly busy with your own stuff, and so do you. Others often find you frozen together in different poses around the lair, him sitting against the wall, both with a streaming device in hand, you laying on his knees and his giant hand placed on your hips as you just silently enjoy just being around each other. It soothes you both
• Brothers purposefully don't tell Raph that you've arrived to watch him be confused as fuck as he emerges from the dojo sweating or throws the weight bar down with a triumphant yell only to notice you immediately afterwards
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Do A Parasitica Raph x F!Reader
89. Mating/breeding 112. Biting/marking 96. Making out
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is a “sequel” to this ask I did not that long ago. I don't know if I hate how this turned out or not. It’s probably not as explicit as you were hoping, and I realize that I completely missed the making out thing, but this has been taking me quite a while and I'm sure you’re as eager to just get this done. I’d make some quip about the depravity of the subject matter, but I’m the one who fulfilled the request, so this is on me.
Disclaimer: The following content contains all that you see above, as well as kidnapping, non-con, drugging, depictions of violence, bondage to an extent, and other content readers may find disturbing. Discretion is advised.
He was not exactly sure why he was angry. His brothers were dead, which was not exactly the best for emotional health, but he was fairly sure that, to feel bad for something, to consider it an injustice, he would need to care about the fact that they were dead. As much as he wished he had gone with them, as much as he knew that, at some point, they had mattered to him, that portion of his brain where his affections for his kin might have been seemed to have been shut off at some point. He remembered them, now, as one might remember acquaintances from school; vaguely, he knew he felt strongly, but it felt so silly, now, to consider them beyond that point. None of this, of course, answered the big question of why he felt so pissed off all the time, but he was hardly in a position or state to care.
He missed fighting. That much he understood; he had fought alongside the people he called brothers, and he enjoyed it at the time, the thrill of feeling flesh growing limp under his hands, the rush of blood to his head as whatever it was which tormented them ceased to be. He learned quickly, though, that the same rush did not come from killing senselessly. He tried it on some poor little thing that wandered a bit too close to where he had positioned his home base, only for them to slip through limp fingers. This had not happened when he did the same to one of the members of that ninja group he had been scared of before. He tried, after that, to keep himself restricted to people who he deemed particularly offensive to keep alive. They fought better than innocents, anyways, served as a further challenge.
But even now, digging a shuriken out of the head of one of some grunt or whoever– Purple Dragon, based on the garb– he felt frustrated. Not because of what he had become, per se, but because of what he seemingly lost in the process. He missed caring about them, those fuzzy faces that he had seemingly so easily left for dead. He cared about them at some point, he was sure. More than anything, he hated his involuntary apathy.
Huddled in a corner, clutching your bag to your chest as you stared at the body lying in front of you, he could not help but sneer; your reaction was ridiculously dramatic considering the circumstances. It was hardly as if this would be your first time seeing blood. He crouched down in front of you, balancing on the balls of his feet as he re-secured his weapon. “What,” he snarked, words too large in his mouth, but coming out well enough anyhow, “scared?”
You were shaking.
He had not spoken to many girls, but the ones he talked to were never this quiet. He tapped you between the eyes, tilting your head back to meet his eyes. “No need. He’s dead.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as the grip on your backpack loosened. “... what?”
“Dead,” he repeated. “Gone.”
You broke out in what he thought was a smile. “Dead?” You rubbed your eyes, leaning towards it, fascinated. “Gone? You killed…” Your face lost color. “Oh my god,” you mumbled, knees curling towards your chest. “Oh my– I need to call an ambulance!”
He blinked. “Why?” He pointed to the body again. “Dead.”
“Because- why?” You spluttered, fumbling with the clasps on your backpack. “Because he’s gonna die if I don’t!”
“Yeah, so?”
“I can’t just let him die!” Your cellphone shook violently in your hands. “I can’t–”
“Because!” You looked like you were going to start crying again. “He’s a person!”
“A shit one,” he argued, rolling his eyes. April was never this emotional.
“In what world does being a shit person make you unworthy of living?” you snapped. “Why am I even— you just killed someone!”
“If that’s what you want to call that thing that, sure. So?”
You made some noise he did not think were meant to be words, scratching away at tears as you tried to get your phone unlocked.
Phone. You were going to call another person. Another person was going to come here.
He stood up, considered you for a moment, and slammed his foot into the side of your head. The phone fell pitifully from your limp hand, your body slumping over limply. The device was promptly and thoroughly smashed, pieces nudged absently towards the now decidedly dead man. What was left, now, was you, surely quick to join him if action to the contrary was not taken.
The most efficient solution to that particular problem would be, of course, to finish the job, but something about the prospect made his stomach churn. He was not exactly sure why he would mind so much, but he knew he would, so that plan was dead. He supposed he could just leave you here, counting on the idea that you would either die before whoever you called showed up or that anyone you told about the incident would find the whole thing too fantastic to believe or that you would just not remember the incident, but that was uncomfortably reliant on quite a few different factors that he did not wish to leave to chance.
He was staring at you, now. You were quite pretty for a person, bundled in a mass of fabric that seemed frankly excessive to him. Your voice was familiar in a way he could not put his finger on, comforting.
You were company.
With a huff, he slung you over his shoulder, kicking up the manhole cover at the end of the alley and dropping the two of you down it.
Your head hurt.
The scene in front of you was surprisingly innocuous. It was a living room, albeit an uncomfortable one. You were on what felt like a gym mat, facing a very beat-up television. The most unusual thing by far was how cold it was and how poorly it smelled; outside of that, it was a fine place to wake up.
Your wrists were bound.
You blinked, tugging at the material again. Rope, you thought, tied in an unusually intricate. Your ankles, you realized, were similarly restrained with the same complex knot. These two knots, you found, were bound to one another, as neither moved independently of one another.
You took a slow breath. This was fine. You were fine. If he wanted you dead, assuming he was not some sort of sadist, he would have killed you by now. He had no qualms against killing people which put you in the clear for the time being.
You rolled off the mat and onto the floor painfully, using your head to sit yourself up. Carefully, you slid your arms under yourself, bringing your wrists to your front.
“You can’t.”
You stopped.
There was a puff of air as he sat down where you had been laying for who knows how long. “The knots are on the inside.” He gestured to your shaking hands. “It won’t work.”
Your initial reaction of getting as far away from the thing as possible rewarded you with a considerably sorer head. With a hiss, you moved to cup your head, only to tip yourself over again.
He snickered. “You aren’t smart,” he pointed out. “If you were smart you would at least try to scream for help.”
You grit your teeth, fighting back the tears rising in your eyes. “Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” He leaned forward with an unusual consciousness for his balance, studying you. “What, bring you here?” He grinned. “I could do so much worse and you care about that? You don’t get out much, do you?”
“Kidnap me,” you spat. “Knock me out and tie me up. Why did you do that?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t want to kill you.”
“You could’ve let me go!”
“Would you have liked it better if I did?” The smile did not fall from his face, but something in his tone brought you to pause. “I’m glad to if you want. I’ve got nothing better to do.”
You swallowed.
“Good.” He sat properly on the step. “I wouldn’t wander too far if you’re going to squirm around; I haven’t cleaned up in a while.”
You did not want to know. “What’re you going to do with me?”
He considered the question. “I dunno yet.” He looked down, scratching what you chose to believe was food off of his hand. “Eat you, probably.”
“Well,” he reconsidered, “maybe not eat you. Obviously I have to keep you complacent, so I’ll have to bite you at some point, but I’m partial to live food, you understand.”
A laugh rose in your throat. “I can’t say that I do.”
“You’re missing out, then.” He snapped his fingers. “You know what? Next time I grab food I’ll bring you something back for you to eat raw and you can try for yourself.”
“Nothing would bring me more disgust.”
“You’re not exactly the most exciting person in the world, are you?”
“I’m not eating live animals exciting, no.”
He sighed, flopping back on the “couch”. “Have it your way. Say, so long as you’re being picky,” he continued, and again you picked up on the almost sadistic tint that layered his voice, “would your highness rather I turn her now or later?”
You stopped.
“The difference,” he explained, smiling at how your eyes glazed over despite himself, “as I’m sure you’re dying to know, would be in how lucid you are for the rest of your stay here. Honestly, my conscious is clean so long as you’re not dead, so I don’t care.”
Your tongue was lead in your mouth. “And how…?”
“Painful? Kinda. Long? About thirty minutes, give or take.” He stretched his arms above his head, yawning. “I mean, you don’t remember it much afterward, so it doesn’t matter much. And you don’t need to worry about looking ridiculous or anything; your body goes limp for the time, though personally, I thought that part was the worst.”
You swallowed, let your eyes fall to the floor.
He cleared his throat. “If it makes you feel better you don’t have to sacrifice yourself to the mistress, which is pretty sweet for you. Look at you, utilizing your uselessness.”
He nodded as if you could see him. A part of him he did not understand hated his reverence profoundly, but what did he know about the workings of creatures like that? He would not worship something, he was sure, without good cause. “Mistress is what turned my brother.” He folded his legs. “My brother brought me in, I brought in my younger brother, and he the youngest.”
Your voice was soft. “What happened to them?”
“Our Mistress took them.” The response was automatic. “I was left behind.”
He ran his tongue along his teeth, a dark chuckle rising in his chest. “I would like to know myself.”
You missed the plushness of the gym mat. The texture of the concrete was digging into your skin.
“So?” He nudged you with his foot. “Now or later?”
You paused. “How lucid are you now?”
He considered the question. “I dunno. Enough.”
You stared at him.
“You don’t forget anything— I haven’t— but…” He shrugged, breaking eye contact; your stare inspired a nostalgia he preferred not to indulge in. “It’s like…” He bit his tongue. “You remember things kinda like a history book if that makes any sense. Like, you know what’s happening sorta, but it’s not happening to you. Like a video game, almost.”
You curled in on yourself. “So dissociative?”
“If that’s the word for it, sure.”
Your head falls onto your knees. “I see…” You pursed your lips. “I’m guessing you won’t let me go regardless.”
“Probably not.”
“And it would make this more bearable?”
He shrugged again. “I’m better off.”
You ignored how hard your chest was pounding, ignored the stinging in your eyes as you closed them against your admittedly bleak reality. “Then there isn’t a reason not to.”
“So now?”
The words got stuck on your tongue. You nodded.
With a sigh, he stood up, clapping his hands together as he came to kneel in front of you. “Cool.” A cold cold hand moved your hair off your shoulder.
You kept your eyes closed.
He leaned down, eyes trained on your face.
You were scared. He was hardly the most emotionally intelligent person in the world, but he was hardly so blind as to not notice how your lip quivered, how tightly your eyes were screwed shut, how, even before he had touched you, you were already shaking.
It reminded him of something.
He scowled. Not the time.
He pressed his lips against the place your neck met your shoulder, gave it a gentle kiss– he ignored the way your breathing stopped– and bit down.
You winced, head tucking into your chest as you swallowed back cries.
It took you about a minute to go under.
He sat back, watching as choked sobs turned into distant breathing, how the rise and fall of your chest, once heaving, was stilled as you retracted into yourself. You were conscious in a sense if he remembered his own transition correctly, but in a largely negligible sense; for all intents and purposes, for the next half an hour or so, you were dead to his world.
He reached forward, wiping what remained of restrained tears from your dull eyes.
You had tasted good. He disliked the implication that he had a literal taste for human blood– something about it failed to sit well with him– but your skin was undeniably sweet. Your voice, too, was sweet, as much as he hated to acknowledge it. You were generally sweet.
Gently, he leaned back forward, hoisting you up and pulling you into his lap. Your head lulled forward, face pressing into his shoulder. He shuddered.
It was more than you were just pretty. If it was just that you were pretty he might have pulled this with some other girl that happened to catch his eye. There were plenty of beautiful women in New York; you were hardly special in that regard. You were not the first person he had turned, and you were hardly to be the last.
It was because you had agreed, he thought. Not because, without the blinds of adrenaline, he felt bad for you in your fragile courage. Not because you reminded him of people he had known before because those things did not matter to him. No, you had just been the first to be okay with it in some way.
He pulled your legs around his wai, your head falling into his shoulder.
He swallowed.
If you realized what he was doing to you, noticed where his hands trained, or had any desire to fight him, you did not make your will known beyond shifting above him.
It did not last long, at least.
His hips stopped stuttering up into you. He sank back into his original seat securely attached to you.
He pressed his face into where he had bitten you.
And for the first time since he had lost all that he held dear, he cried.
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Can You Do A Parasitica Leo x F!Reader With
89. Mating/breeding 96. Making out 112. Biting/marking 70. Abandoned building 142. “Bite me.” 151. “Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?”
Well you certainly decided to ask me to do something today which I did not expect to be doing. My trade is not in writing porn, but you know what? Life is too short to be inhibited by such things as taste or decency. Hedonism, YOLO, all that. So. Here you go. I’m sorry for completely ignoring all of the dialogue, but in all honesty, not even a little bit of me is sorry about that.
Disclaimer: the following contains noncon and other content that readers may find dirturbing. Discretion is advised.
Things stopped making sense to him about a month ago. He was fairly sure that things made sense before that point— his memories were fuzzy at best but never seemed so thoroughly laced with this sluggish confusion which had smeared itself across the walls of his consciousness— but that reality seemed so far away now that the period in his life in which things were clear may as well have never existed at all. He had no purpose he could remember, no family, not even others of his kind with which he might relate. What purpose he had left him long ago, his master— he knew he had one— apparently deeming him unworthy of supplying but a humble meal. All he knew existed of his race were the bloody shells he had awoken beside that night in the tunnels, more worthy than him, clearly, of the privilege of offering themselves to them. What was the use of a redundant tool? It was this, he realized, he had to find.
The building he was in now was quieter than usual. He knew innately that staying in the shadows was important, but it was hard to find quiet places where he was. It was not as if he minded the noise, but when things were quieter, he found, the haze surrounding him thinned. It was in these quiet moments he found pieces of himself. His name, familiar landmarks, scraps of memories from before: they were not much, but he hoarded what little he could, these days. Quiet also meant that people— himself not included in the term— were not around, which was always pleasant. After a quick scan of the building, he hopped down from his perch in the rafters, walking, for the first time in a solid week, on solid ground.
He looked down at himself curiously. In the street light streaming in from outside, he could comprehend just how small he had become; at some point in time, he must have had more food. These days the only things that hurt more than the pulsing mound on his arm were his constricted ribs. Not that he cared much; he was meant, after all, to share the fate of his fellow acolytes. Still, he did what he could to fend off starvation. Food was easy to find if comfort was not an issue.
He had meat on his bones. That was what mattered.
He sat down in the center of the room. This would be a fine place to sleep, this building; he slid his sword from his sheath, fingers finding their place in the grooves he assumed had been left from continued use. It was odd, what his mind latched onto and what it did not. “Muscle memory” was a term that came to mind, though he was in no position to determine if it was the correct term. Whatever it was, he was grateful; it made his life easier. It made set up easier if nothing else; if something came at him, he would know what to do, he thought.
Thinking was not dissimilar to moving through syrup. He tried not to do it too much; typically his immediate reaction was the correct one. Still, these still moments were few and far between; he needed to take advantage. Grip tightening around his blade, he screwed his black eyes shut, trying to latch onto anything this place reminded him of.
Salt. The room, he identified, smelled like salt. Salt and rust. The giant boxes, then, must be made of metal and have been from someplace with salt. Rust and salt sometimes meant water; he struggled to picture where he’d seen saltwater. Salt and rust also meant blood, he knew. Blood did not smell that notably, though.
His head bowed to his hands. He remembered this smell. He had been in a lot of pain when he had smelled it last. There was a lot of noise then. Yelling. A person. Metal.
The blade was to your throat before you even had a chance to speak. He had never seen you before. You were a person. Why would a person be here? People stayed with other people most of the time. Girls, especially— you looked like a girl to him— did not walk into places like this on their own.
He swallowed the venom accumulating on his tongue.
He took a step towards you, and you backed up in tandem, hands creeping their way up towards the actual blade of his weapon. Shakily, you offered him a smile. “Listen,” you said, shrinking back as he took another step, “I don’t…” You swallowed. “I don’t want any trouble or anything.” Your eyes flickered down to the thing swinging around your neck: a small, metal box. “I’m just here to take pictures of the building.”
A glassy, obsidian gaze stared back at him from the reflection of your eyes. He blinked, and the image blinked with him. It unnerved him.
You were shaking. You were trying to hide it, he could tell, but his sword vibrated, pressed against your skin. “Please…” You are pressed, now, against one of the boxes. “I… I don’t…” Your voice died in your throat.
A drop of blood trickled from where his sword nicked your skin. He laid his hand flat against the metal beside your head, caging you. Your hands were twitching. You wanted to get away from him.
You were warm.
He did not know, even at the time, why he was kissing you. You were crying, hands placed against his chest in some weak attempt to push him off of you. Not that it worked well; even without the sword against you, even if you struggled, he knew he could hold you. However it started, however he set what little rationality he had to the side, he pressed himself against you now, reveling in the taste of your lip balm as he tried to swallow you whole. You shrunk back against the pillar as if you could will it to allow you distance, knees weak as venom was practically forced down your throat.
He pulled back, studying your face. After a minute or so, you slumped forward, eyes staring dully at the ground as you were lowered down. Wiping the tears gently from your face, he kneeled between your thoroughly useless legs, naught but your eyes following him as he tugged your shirt off your body, casting it to the side with his sword; you would not struggle anymore. He felt his chest rise and fall as he watched you, leaning back on his heels as he considered you. He did not understand, exactly, what he was doing. Not in an intellectual way, anyhow. All he knew was that you were warm. All he understood was that the sight of you, the feel of you, brought him some sense of comfort, some odd pleasure he was personally unfamiliar with.
You were comfort. That was enough.
He sat down, grabbing you by the waist and pulling your limp body onto his, straddling his. His hand found the back of your head, tilting it to the side so that he may press his lips tenderly against your pulse. He breathed, eyes sliding shut.
He had bitten live flesh before. He had never heard the other person gasp the way you did, shudder the way your body did under his teeth. You whined, chest rising and falling more dramatically than before as a chill ran across his body so tangibly that if he did not know better he would have sworn it was your hand. His own shook in his anticipation, tracing its way slowly down your side until it found your waistband.
It was a weak little sound, almost not even a word, but it brought him pause. He looked up at you, thumb hooked around the elastic.
Talking, he knew, was hard. He struggled quite a bit with it these days. It did not normally cause a problem, but here, now, he wished he could say something to communicate to you what he was meant to do. His head was just so foggy. He could hardly understand what he was doing himself, but you would feel better, relax if you knew he had no ill intent towards you. And so, for your benefit, he spoke.
“You’re… warm.” It was slow, but he felt something like a smile spread across his face as he managed. “And soft. I want to feel better.”
You looked down at him, unable to do anything but watch him, tears once again forming in your eyes. “Fuck you,” you breathed.
He raised you, sliding the garments off your legs, tossing them and your metal box into a heap and resting your now bare body atop his. He hugged you close to him. Chests pressed together. He buried himself back in the crook of your neck, the smell of your skin mixing, now, with the overwhelming smell of your wetness now smearing against his thighs. He cupped your heat curiously, and his curiosity was rewarded with another whimper from the girl above him. His hand came away slick, strands of the substance linking his fingers. He swallowed his saliva, reaching down between his own legs to smear the viscous liquid along himself.
You noticed what he was doing. Your face seemed to pale at the sight. He almost laughed at your expression, jaw slack, eyes wide. He had never seen it before.
What you were gawking at, though, was hardly the most pressing matter. Grabbing you by the hips, he pressed himself into your folds, shuddering at the sensation of something so warm pressed against him in such a way. Blood rushed to his face at the sound of your gasp. His grip tightened.
He was on top of you. You were on your stomach, legs held in place by a steady arm. It took a bit of fumbling on his part to position you, but he certainly had some understanding of what to do after that. Not to say that he had any particular interest in making sure that you were not in pain— you would have screamed at the sensation of him entering you if you were capable— but his pace would have been startling if you had the ability to process it. It was… unpleasant. Rough plastron presses against tender skin, the quick pace slamming the hard surface repeatedly against you at such a rapid pace that you were sure any place he touched would bruise. His movements were desperate, animalistic; all you could do, really, was lay there and take it.
It went on like that for about an hour.
You were thoroughly out of it by the time he finished. You felt what you hoped was his cum—hoped because you did not want to think of the alternative— trickle down your thigh as he pulled out, finally letting you rest, eyes struggling to focus on anything, let alone the creature gathering himself above you. All the same, you could feel him watching you, studying you near silently, the air pierced only by your mutual panting.
He picked you up. He left your clothes, you noticed, left your camera. It did not
matter, you supposed; you were hardly in a position to snap a picture as evidence. You almost did not want to; it would be a physical acknowledgment of what was happening, proof that this whole thing was not just a horrible dream that you would most certainly awaken from any second now.
As your vision faded into blackness, slung over his shoulder, you noticed, for the first time, the sting on his arm, a bulging, pulsing bump wrapped in whatever was around his knuckles. You supposed that explained the eyes; he was not the last person, after all, to be stung by that thing.
He set your unconscious body onto one of the rafters. He was unsure how long you would be asleep, but he stayed next to you regardless, sat watch with his sword gripped loosely as he stared down at the scene you two had left.
He brought his head back down to his hands, eyes screwed shut as he went back to remembering whatever he was missing.
He stayed in that building only for the night.
He took you in the morning.
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Heyya, how u doin'? I hope you're doin' good~
I hope you don't mind if I request a headcanon for the 2012 turtles with a rather shy and reserved reader as their love interest (crush)? I'd prefer the reader to be gender neutral if you don't mind^^
I'm back y'all, sorry this took so long! It's been a long few months lmao but I hope that it's worth the wait!
Word Count: 1034
AllTurtles2012 x GN!reader
Leo’s crush starts with a simple cup of tea that you made for him. And then promptly spilled.
His appreciation is immeasurable, as the leader he doesn’t get much thanks and this small gesture really means a lot to him.
“Don’t worry! You didn’t get burned at all, did you? Let’s get some cool water going just to make sure.”
While he helps you treat the small burn on your arm, both of you silently blush at the physical and occasional eye contact
After that, he always is the first to offer first aid to you. He and Donnie usually work together or take turns with that kind of chore, but Leo always has something else for Don to do if you’re injured so he can be the one to take care of you.
After some time, he makes an attempt to flirt with you. Emphasis on “attempt.”
You being you, you get very panicky as soon as you realize what he’s doing. He immediately gets just as embarrassed as you, and it’s almost as if you’re having a competition to see who’s face can get redder.
Spoiler alert: it’s you. He’s green.
This is the quickest pairing to actually get together, mostly because Raph noticed Leo’s weird behavior around you and approved for once. He sees it coming before Leo’s ready to admit it, and encourages him to make a move.
Together you support each other's “embarrassing” interests and tendencies, and you always take care of each other :)
I think Raph would find your shyness annoying at first, he’s very into the idea that everyone should be able to fend for themselves.
BUT his crush starts when you trap and move a cockroach from the table after he freaks out about it. Then, you ask him without judgment if he’s alright.
Cue HUGE blush fest. He blushes, you blush, yada yada you get the picture.
That’s when his perspective switches around. Someone who doesn’t judge him for his stupid fear? That’s… exactly what he needs.
It takes him a while to sort out his new feelings, but after a few weeks he offers to help train you, not just in martial arts but also in confidence. He thinks that you are awesome and you deserve to be heard! To burst out of your bubble!
(and it also wouldn’t hurt to spend some extra one-on-one time with you)
((not that he’ll readily admit that motive of course))
Cue a bunch of close touches and small nudges in training that make both of you blush, not that the other notices.
Very much a slow burn, requited love between two idiots but neither of you notice the other’s flustered-ness.
Everyone else in the lair knows LONG before either of you figure it out that the feeling is mutual
Once you do get together, you’re a very no-nonsense couple. You keep PDA to a minimum, but as soon as you’re alone, he’s very affectionate and vulnerable, because he knows you understand.
The way to his heart is pretty simple: all you had to do was listen to him talking science. His brothers usually don’t listen with much care for the details, but you asked polite questions
Stutters A LOT when he first starts getting feelings for you, but he manages to find every excuse to hang out with you. It mostly centers around helping with homework, and he loses his mind with every casual glance and accidental touch. It’s obvious to literally everyone, but you’re almost as flustered as him so you don’t even notice.
A few months into his crush, he starts making you gifts. You like animals? He’s made tiny robots of your favorite ones! You’ve shown particular interest in one of his many MANY science rants? Well, today’s your lucky day, he just so happened to have a spare model that displays the subject perfectly! And if you wanna keep it, you can have it! But uh no pressure if you don’t want it, of course, he understands, it’s kind of a weird gift-
You’re both easily flustered, Don’s an over-thinker, and you’re too shy to make a direct first move, so it takes forever for you two to make any progress, but once you do you’ll be the sappiest couple in the sewers :)
Openly affectionate from the start. He’s a love at first sight kind of guy!
Flirting, hugs, and any little touch he can get. Finding reasons to fight back to back with you on missions, no shame, this guy!
He pulls you out of your shell a little, but also loves how easy it is to make you blush.
His crush is really solidified when he hears your laugh for the first time. Not the quiet giggle or chuckle he’s used to, but your genuine, unapologetic, snorting, wild “ugly” laugh.
He had never heard a sound more exciting in his life. And he feels starstruck. An audible “wow” escapes him, and you get a tad self conscious.
He immediately shuts that down, saying he thought it was super cute!
After a little bit of back and forth with your embarrassment and his reassuring you that he thinks you’re almost as adorable as ice cream kitty (even though in his mind he thinks you’re actually even cuter, but he won’t say it out loud), there’s a brief moment of eye contact that you both feel lasts forever but also not long enough, you turn away with a quiet “thank you, mikey”
He replays that scene in his head for days, weeks, months, maybe even years. However long it takes for you two to get together (which could be soon, or could be a while. You’re shy and he’s impulsive, hard to predict when he’ll confess!). Sometimes his wild imagination even replaces that last line with an “i love you”
Nothing changes much when you eventually get together, at least from the outside. He’s still just as openly flirty as before, but you feel a special sincerity to his words that you’re not sure was there before. He looks to you after every clever joke he makes in the hopes that he’ll see that sweet smile or maybe hear that adorable laugh again.
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Relationship with Leo headcanons, pt 1
• A significant part of your relationship is simply daily stuff. You talk so much about the turtles' daily lives, Leo never had anyone to actually open up about his day - to - day worries and all the struggles with his brothers, it's indescribable how much it means to him that after another day, he can come to you and talk about everything he deals with on a daily basis, and that finally there's someone trusted on his equal level who can listen to his thoughts, take in all his worries and advice him on everything, from casual to serious stuff. The feeling that he isn't the only one to lead, make decisions, play the judge and bear responsibility, because there's you in your partnership, it's such a blessing for him
• With you, he gets to be spontaneous, he gets to enjoy things in a totally different position and he gets to let more fun - loving, childish side of him loose
• His natural process of discovering how things between couples work & how they behave around each other is so blissfully entertaining to watch. He always assumed IT would all be more formal and carefully respectful and thespian. So he kinda hits the wall and looks deliciously confused whenever he realises it's all virtually way more about having fun, vibing and making each other feel good on a most casual level
• He is such a chatterbox when drawn into subject he's passionate about. He utterly forgets everything around him and just goes on and on talking with a childlike excitement, until at some point he composes himself and is himself surprised at all he's been throwing at you. And he just as often gets self - conscious apologising for boring you, but you're always ready to assure him it's your pleasure to hear him talk about literally whatever he wants
• And in particular, his taste in books. You vibed so much over simple bookworming. After a long day, when you're both exhausted and even if you don't have strength for any more elaborate fun, your usual practice is to just lay down together and read to each other, for hours if need be, until one of you eventually falls asleep
• An incredible turn-on for him is whenever you come watch him train, and especially if you take part in it. Even if it only means you observing, handing him his katanas when he gets up to his standard training spot, bringing him water or anything else required for the moment. He adores it so much
• And funnily enough, he's most often in the mood for sex after that. It's basically your whole foreplay. Anyone strolling by and seeing you two together in the training area - they usually just remove themselves from the situation. Just in case
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
I am in love with the one with 2003 and 2007 Donnie getting back at their flirty s/o!! Do you think you could please do an '03 and '07 raph version of that? If not it's tight either way!
It’s not a problem no worries!<3 @rasputins-spaghetti
‼️WARNING: Slight NSFW‼️
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• everything makes Raph angry, everyone knows that
• one thing that irritates him was your flirting
• he didn’t always dislike it
• it’s just sometimes it’s unexpected and he never knew how to react other than blushing a bit and shrugging you off
• he didn’t want to seem like a softie
• his brothers already tease him for dating you as it is
• not in a mean way they just like calling him a softie
• especially Mikey..
• if he showed any reaction similar to being flustered thanks to your flirty nature, they would never let him live it down
• he’s always wanted to flirt back but you always caught him by surprise and leave him frozen in shock
• today you were doing the usual, hanging out with the guys and relaxing
• you were planning to do a marathon with Raph since you both took interest in the same series
• you were planning on inviting him to do so tonight
• you walked towards your boyfriend who was throwing punches and kicks at his punching bag
• “are you busy later tonight?” You would ask him to which he would pause his movements for a second before going back to abusing the poor hanging bag
• “nah, why?” He would respond between hits
• “wanna have a series marathon with me? You know, that show we’ve been wanting to watch for a while now”
• Raph paused and smirked a bit “ya don’t gotta tell me twice”
• and here you both are at your apartment getting ready to put on the show
• “hurry it up!” He called to you as she were emptying the popcorn into a bowl
• “oh shut it I’m almost finished” you retorted and walked to the living room with the bowl
• you stopped infront him and bent over to place the bowl on the coffee table in front you two
• you knew what you were doing, of course you were doing this on purpose
• Raph’s grip on the remote went tight as his eyes slowly traced your figure, admiring the view infront him
• no no don’t get carried away now, Y/n always did this kinda crap
• Raph always told himself to man up and not get flustered so easily but can you blame him?
• he’s dating the hottest person ever
• you hummed and slowly sat down next to him, lifting his hand that was holding the remote and pressing play
• throughout the movie the poor turtle had to restrain and hold himself back as you teased him
• and when he brought it up?
• “what’re ya doin” “hm? What do you mean?”
• playing dumb as always…tch
• you suddenly stood up and bent over to grab your drink from the coffee table infront the both of you
• you didn’t move from the position as you stayed like that while sipping the drink
• Raph thought for a moment, having a mental debate with himself before slowly reaching his hand forward and carefully running his hand along your thigh
• you paused and squeaked quietly upon feeling Raph’s larger hand tracing along your thigh gently
• you didn’t actually expect him to do something like that!
• you stayed still and glanced back to see his next move but when you looked at him he was just looking up at the tv
• what is he playing at?
• suddenly you felt his hand squeeze your thigh causing you to squeeze your thighs together
• crap..
• “somethin wrong?”
• oh that smug bastard you could hear his tone becoming cocky at your reactions to his hand’s movements
• “no..” you would mumble, too flustered to even try anything or retort back
• as you were moving back to sit on the couch you felt both of his hands grab each sides of your hips and pull you onto his lap
• your face became fifty shades of red as you looked up at your red masked boyfriend
• he glances down at you and a deep chuckle left his lips “what’s the matta? Cat got ya tongue?”
• you slightly curled up and looked away, too flustered to even say anything to him
• Raph had a bigger smirk on his face, so this is what his lover is really like hm?
• not so confident and bold now aren’t ya?
• Raph can’t help but smirk and take advantage of this opportunity
• he won’t go as far as to make you uncomfortable tho, he knows limits and if you tell him to stop, he’ll stop
• his hand slowly rested on your lower thigh once again
• “focus baby yer gonna miss the bes part” Raph would say with a cocky tone in his voice
• you slowly looked at the screen but slightly jumped as you felt his hand slowly creeping up your thigh
• you clenched your thighs together tight and let out a small whine, not loud enough to be over the tv’s audio but loud enough for Raph to pick up on
• “Raph what’re you doing?..” you would mumble but Raph simply hummed and responded the same way you would respond to him
• “hm? What’d ya mean?”
• ugh bastard..
• Raph kept his eyes on the tv, the smirk never leaving his face
• oh he should definitely do this more often
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• your confidence was like this mask you hid behind
• it was this shield that protected you from seeming like someone that people could take advantage of or walk all over
• flirting was the best way of expressing your confidence and bold attitude
• tho you flirt with almost everyone you know, it’s nothing sexual like you want to get in their pants or anything
• it’s mainly how you carry yourself about
• you do have limits and boundaries tho
• you won’t do it if it made someone uncomfortable, if someone was already in a relationship then you won’t flirt and if someone liked another person then you’ll take a step back from them as well
• when you first met the turtles the flirting was there yeah but you always got a different reaction from each one of the guys
• Leo would smile a bit and just brush you off as if you’re complimenting him, he wouldn’t be rude to just ignore you and such
• Donnie would get caught off guard and get flustered at your remarks or actions, even when he got used to it he’s still a flustered mess
• Mikey would flirt back and you two tend to have a pick up line competition here and there
• Raph would shrug you off and grumble under his breath, you saw that as a challenge and eventually your flirting led to you two dating
• everyone and I mean everyone were shocked when they found out you and Raph were dating
• THE Raphael actually likes someone? Someone pinch me right now
• when you two got together your flirtiness cranked up high because you’re his lover so that means you can do way more than you usually do
• you tend to catch him off guard with surprise kisses, flirty remarks and just trailing your fingers along his body
• he lets you get away with it because you’re his lover and because he lowkey likes it
• your confidence is hot but he’s always been wondering what you’d do if he ever flirted back
• it’s always been a thought but he never knew how to react when the situation came up because well he’s not good at flirting
• this is his first relationship so he’s new to this all but he’s still gonna try and hell if it fails he’ll have to live with your teasing…jeez
• you were sitting at the dining table, speaking with Master Splinter about how his day has been before he told you he must leave for his daily meditating session
• you were about to look down at your phone until your red masked boyfriend walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge to get a soda
• you grinned wide and leaned your hands on the back of the chair you’re sitting on, resting your chin on your hands
• “hi babe” you would coo in a sly tone causing him to raise an eyebrow bone at you
• “hey” he would simply greet as he opened the soda and took a few gulps
• you slowly stood up and walked towards him “how was training with your brothers?” You would cooly ask
• Raph slightly tenses up as he knew you were about to make another move on him
• “‘‘twas alright” he simply responds and leans the back of his shell against the edge of the counter
• you would hum and nod slowly “mhm..”
• your fingers would slowly traced up his plastron as you looked up at him causing him to slightly tense up
• “I missed you..” you would mumble causing his grip on the soda can to get tight, almost crushing it completely in his hand
• it’s now or neva Raph…now.
• Raph put the soda can down and slowly moved his hands down, trailing them along your thighs causing you to pause and slowly glance down
• before you could do anything else, Raph lifted you by the thighs and sat you on the counter
• he stood between your thighs and moved towards you, his breath hitting your ear a bit
• “I missed ya more..” his voice was deep and breathy, your cheeks suddenly turned a bright shade of red which almost rivaled his mask
• you stayed silent and didn’t say anything, you wanted to clench your thighs shut but couldn’t because your boyfriend standing between them
• you felt a shiver run through your body as Raph pressed a soft kiss behind your ear
• “somethin wrong?” He murmurs against your skin causing you to slowly shake your head meaning ‘no’
• he lets out a deep chuckle, his hands slowly running up your thigh before giving it a tight squeeze
• you jumped at the feeling and slowly moved your hands to hold onto his shoulders
• “well well well..not gonna do anythin?” His tone was smug and teasing
• sly bastard..
• “well I’m gonna go”
• he suddenly pulled away and did a little stretch, taking the last gulp of his soda before throwing the crushed can into the trash
• you looked at him in pure shock as he started walking out of the kitchen
• “the guys and I got patrol” he simply says and left, leaving you a flustered mess on the counter
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Cuddling With the Guys For the First Time - Headcannons
requested? yes/no (request rules are in my bio if you’d like to send one!)
a/n: my first imagine on this sideblog! I can’t wait to write more, I hope you guys enjoy this! I tried to make this genderneutral!reader, so it doesn’t really specify the gender of the reader :) also, I’m sorry these are so long :/ 
warnings: none
Keep reading
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Happy Valentine's Day / Singles Awareness Day, everyone!
Below/Under the cut is some Turtle boyz headcanons for their first Valentine's with their S/O bc everyone is gonna want 'em! Their S/O is you/a gender neutral reader!
Incarnations: 2012/2k12, Rise/Rise of the TMNT
Warnings: Cursing (bc I swear like a sailor and thus I will let the boys say(?) fuck as well.)
Other things: All of the TMNT boys are around the same age as reader, while not specifically any age, this is assuming everyone is in the same-ish age range.
Also, there's no specific part of either show these take place in, but it does have some mentions of season 1 places and things for both.
Cool? Cool.
Leo is such a cheesy ass dork. We know this. So it's not shocking that he has the day planned for you.
He has everything planned a few days before in advance, in fact.
Leo 100% stole from a flower cart while nobody was looking the night before V-day, and then dropped some money off to "pay" for it.
Look he's trying OK? There's only so much he can do as a mutant turtle. That just goes to show how much he loves you if anything.
Knowing the Leader's luck, they probably wilted a little bit RIP (please tell him you love the flowers)
Somehow Lee convinced Don to borrow the Shellraiser to drive you out far enough from NYC to do a stargazing date.
He loves space, he loves you, it's a perfect date!
"I love you, my comet."
You'd think not in a MILLION years would Raph be into Valentine's Day.
...I mean, you'd be half right???
Look, in front of his brothers and acquaintance, he would just call it Single's awareness day and call it all overpriced fucking nonsense.
But then he manages to get you both alone in either his room or yours, and then it all melts away, albeit with hesitance.
He takes out a little stuffed animal he managed to knit together for you, the stuffed animal being either your favorite animal, or a teddy bear. It's red for obvious reasons.
Raph's spontaneous date for Valentine's is honestly just saying "fuck it" and relaxing with you. Whether that's watching something on TV, or reading something side by side.
But if you have something else in mind, he'll happily do it. He just asks that whatever date, and the stuffed animal in turn, is your guys little secret.
"...Love ya, doll."
If the eldest brother was cheesy, Donnie is the goddamn king of sappy. We love that for him though.
Hon, he was on top of doing something for Valentine's since midnight rolled into Febuary.
First off, no duh he built you a little mechanical trinket. That part is obvious.
But Donnie also managed to talk to Murakami-san and set up a little after hours dinner date just for the two of you.
Everyone say "Thank you Mr. Murakami."
Poor thing is so nervous the entire day though, even after y'alls date, baby boy n o-
Please reassure him you loved everything he did and give him validation.
"You know I love you... Right, my sweet?"
He's nearly bouncing off the walls from excitement today.
He didn't plan anything in particular, but he's so excited to stay by you the entire day.
Somehow managed to make chocolate for you? Ho w did he even get the ingredients to make it??? The world may never know.
It's either really good, or you have to make an excuse to save them for later and toss them when you get home.
There is absolutely no in-between when it comes to this boy. I mean, it's the thought that counts I guess?
No matter what, Mikey takes you to a skate park for a date, just to show off.
If you can skate, you can skate with him! If not, he'll show off his moves even more to you!!!
"Man, I love you so much, baby cakes!"
Someone help our boy in blue, he's SUCH a trainwreck.
Our usual suave faceman has left the building, folks. He is so nervous about Valentine's with his partner, and he always wants to so earnestly do a good job.
Leo is going the whole nine yards when it comes to you, we're talking roses and chocolates when he comes knocking, dinner date at Run of the Mill pizza, probably busts out the suit, all of it.
He probably forgot that, maybe a pizzeria and suit is a bad combo, but leave him alone he's fucking tryin g-
Let's be honest with ourselves... He probably tripped a couple dozen times just GETTING to the Pizzeria with you, so he's more then likely got his suit all dirty in some fashion </3
Also, Señor Hueso 1 0 0 % shits on Leo the whole time, and if you weren't dating him and thus feeling bad for Lee, you'd laugh your ass off at Hueso's snark to the now dying inside turtle.
After that dinner, please build him back up, he'd be over the moon knowing he didn't completely screw up Valentine's.
"Thanks, babe. I love you so much."
You'd think his nervous stink would be starting up... But surprisingly, no, he's actually feeling really chill.
He just wants to hang out with you all day, and if you have any plans, he'll happily go with but otherwise??? He didn't plan anything particular.
Now that is NOT to say he doesn't care, hell no. He just really wants to chill with you and vibe and have a lazy day.
And knowing how momma hen he normally is? Yeah that honestly WOULD count as a date for him to just not worry about a thing besides hanging out with you.
He probably does make you a little something though. He's not as arts and crafty like Mike is, but he probably can make you a little stuffed animal or, at worst, a tiny card.
Big guy honestly wants to spoon you and/or cuddle all day and not have to move a muscle aside from that. That's his own version of heaven.
And honestly? No giant teddy bear compares to the one Raph is on Valentine's.
"Just know that I love you, honey."
Now this is the boy you'd assume would be the chill one, swapping any sort of nervousness with Raph, but FUCK no.
Don is, much like his twin, is running around like a chicken without it's head on Valentine's.
Normally he was never this so hyper aware of the February holiday, but then you entered his heart, and that dismissiveness went FLYING out the goddamn window like a rocket on one of his inventions gone awry.
But eventually once everything is planned out and ready, he leads you into all the dramatic flair that is so incredibly Donnie, that it's no surprise how utterly romantic it is.
You adore it all, maybe even lightly teasing, and it's enough to take all of Donnie's stress away, and just... Enjoy the night.
Like the chaotic but corny nerd he is, our boy in purple legit MADE fireworks just to set off for you to watch with him. (And if you're sensitive to them, he just made a little robot with sparklers.)
If you're not, let's hope your date isn't in the middle of NYC, or there are gonna be fucking COMPLAINTS about them fireworks oof-
"I adore you, my love. My everything."
He made the BEST chocolates just for you, no cap. Nobody except you can have them.
All three brothers whined about it for the rest of the month TBH that Mikey didn't at least ask them to sample the test chocolates.
Mikey argues back though that they can suck it up bc the bae comes first, always. <3
Besides the chocolates, Mikey didn't plan much of anything for Valentine's day. He just wanted to eat chocolate and vibe.
If you have a date idea or date planned though, he is going to ASCEND.
Doesn't matter if your only date idea was watching a movie, if it's any sort of date idea, he just,,, full of love,,,
"Have I told you how much I love you, sweetie-pie?"
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
TMNT: Brother Moments PT. 3
Raph: *reading something off of Mikey's phone*
Raph: *suddenly reaches for the screen to scroll down*
Mikey, panicking: *screams and yanks his phone away*
Raph: *stares*
Mikey: *stares back*
Raph: Yo', why did you scream like that?
Mikey, bluffing: It's my "horror movie" scream. I'm... practicing.
Raph, doubtful: No, no... why, WHY did you scream like that? You hidin' somethin'?
Mikey, lying(?): porn.
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
The Turtles Love languages <3
so sorry i havent been posting!! i’ve fallen into a bit of a depression pit and work burnout :( but i have this for yall!!!! (ps if you have a request, i see you and i am slowly working on all of them, couldnt leave yall hanging <33)
enjoy some turtle love language HCs <33
Pronouns: none pairings: reader (techincally) x rise and 2012 boys (separate lol) genre: fluff Warnings: none? not proofread, wrote this at 2am bc i felt guilty of not getting anything out in a couple of weeks
Keep reading
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
NSFW Headcanons
Warning(s): NSFW (Minors Do Not Interact!) There’s some softness, that’s the only other warning
Word Count: 723
Summary: A few of my NSFW headcanons and some intimate acts I believe are for the boys.
Author’s Note: I have a tag for any NSFW work (my own or reblogged) called #tmnt n*fw, so if you’re interested in that, now you know! 
Leo loves it when his plastron is littered with kisses as well. However, this man loves it probably even more when you kiss his neck. The neck is one of the most vulnerable spots on the body, so allowing you to kiss his neck is an act of trust. He won’t admit it, but his toes curl just slightly when you kiss his pulse. Leo for sure is the most dominant in the relationship, no doubt about it. He’s not opposed to giving up a little control either.
He loves it when you kiss his hands. It’s because he has to decide to either spare or take a life, so when you kiss his hands, it shows you trust him. So kiss every digit, every pad on his hands. Kiss his palm and his wrist. It gets him kicking too if you tease him and suck his finger tips. Eventually this man will slowly slip his fingers out, gently glide a digit across your bottom lip before gripping your chin. And when his sapphire blue eyes pierce into yours, darkening by the second, that’s when you know he’s gonna take the lead.
Raphael loves having his plastron and inner thighs kissed. This man will grunt when you bite a sensitive part, and you’ll see his cock twitch in anticipation. He usually doesn’t allow you to give him this much attention, other than to give him a blow job. However, he knows it’s one of your ways of showing him love. He’ll allow you to kiss his inner thighs a little bit longer, and if you give his tip a kiss, he’ll be stuck between a growl and a whimper before he takes over.
His intimate act he loves receiving from you is when you kiss his shoulders and his shell. He runs head first into battle and does whatever he can to keep his family and the city safe. So when you kiss his shell and shoulders, he feels safe and seen. He also loves the massages he receives since he does hold lots of tension within his upper body.
Donnie loves to have his inner thighs and his neck kissed, as well as riddled with love bites. Licking these areas as well can cause him to whine a little, depending on how sensitive and worked up he is. Kiss and suck his lower body and this man will do his best to keep quiet (and fail miserably). He could easily cum from doing this alone. 
This man’s favorite act of intimacy he receives from you are massages to his temples and hands. This man overworks himself to exhaustion and doesn’t always acknowledge it. When you massage his temples, it allows his brain to gradually relax, allowing him to rest and understand he doesn’t always have to have running thoughts in his mind. Massaging his hands can also help him realize his hard work is seen and appreciated as well.
Michelangelo loves it when you just hammer the attention on him. Kiss, lick, and bite him anywhere you want honey. Wanna bite his ass? He will gladly pose to allow you to do so. Wanna bite his thighs? Surprise, he’s spreading his thighs like he’s a five course meal waiting to be consumed (he knows he’s an entire buffet, come on). 
His favorite act of intimacy is when he receives kisses to his face and cuddles. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but ever since the police officer called him and his brothers monsters, he needs to know that’s not at all what you think. He needs to know he’s really loved and that he’s not seen as a monster. So when you give him butterfly kisses from the top of his head to his feet, his heart is growing fonder and more in love with you by the second. And when you give him a strong hug, he feels safe.
All da boys:
All of the boys are suckers for words of affirmation. They want to know how well they did during sex, during after care, how the relationship is going, etc. Gas them up! Let them know how much you love them, what they add to your life, how good looking they are, all of it! Chances are they’re dying on the inside because of the attention, but are eating it up like candy.
Tags: @tmntspidergirl @pheradream15 @chicchanmooshy @raisin-shell @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @doctorelleth @infuriatedleprechaun / @raphsweapondealer @letdarknessconsumeyourworld @fluffytriceratops @drowninghell @rheawritesforfun @jaenisamusculargurl @sewerninno @taffybear @sketch-and-write-lover @mistyroselove  @angelicdavinci @writinandcrying @geeksauruse  @scholastic-dragon @love-cottoncandi @turtlesmakemehappy @fyreball66 @hagelpaimon @coulrofilia-sexuell @moonlightflower21 
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Dating headcanons for all 2012 turtles please?
Yessssss. These 👏 boiiis 👏 need 👏 a👏 S/o 👏 in 👏 there 👏 lives! 👏 THANK YOU ANON.
Dating Headcanons with the turtle's S/o [2012 version]
(Hey if you simp for Raph Hamato!) 🍒🐢😡 <- Click here.
(Check out my last post for the TMNT x reader fandom!) ❤🐢❤ <- Click here.
Hey if you want to request me something (Request) <- Click here.
Masterlist <- Click here.
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Let's say this boy has no experience with a relationship so sometimes you have to handle it.
Affection: Let's say this clad blue turtle loves affection. He loves being big spoon and spooning you to death. Or you sit there in his lap when he is meditating and wrap your arms around his torso. You don't notice it, but He cracks on eye open and smile being thankful for having you as his girlfriend.
Protectiveness: This boy would lay his life down just so you could live another day! He loves you so much, but sometimes too much. When you walk home from school or from hanging out in the layer or from a friend's house, he will follow you by the roof tops until he knows your safe in your home. Kinda yandere vibes coming off this dude right now.
How he is in bed: He🙌 is🙌 gentle. Makes sure you're ok while you both are doing it. Will ask if he is going rough or not. But if you ask for rough, he will go rough. Or if you ask for gentle, he will go gentle. Having you sit in his lap and ride him.
"Oh, good job Hana!"
He is a switch. Always a switch.
Great mutant turtle to date!!!!!
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He's had some relationships "Online", so kind of knows what he is doing but you slightly have to take the wheel on this one.
Affection: He is very affectionate. Always spoons you in private. When he is angry about Leo or something, all you have to do is sit in his lap and wrap your arms around his neck and lay on him. Letting him ramble on about what is bothering him.
Protectiveness: He is kind of like Leo but way worse. He will seriously wear a hat, glove and a giant long coat just to pretend to be a human just so he could walk you home to know your safe. Or if you are with him in a krang fight he will seriously grab you and put you in a safe spot until the fight is finished. He loves you so much he can't bear to lose you.
How he is in bed: He is surprisingly gentler than Leo. Will ask if you are ok. Like I said he can't bear to lose you.
he will be on top of you caging you in his arms. Kissing your neck. About to climax he would say in your ear.
“M'gonna make you cum Yutanpo.”
He is Dom. It's an ego thing. ;)
Good protective Boyfriend!
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Affection: This boy doesn't know when to stop working. So, you have to take him out of his lab and cuddle him. He will blush and might faint because, he cannot believe his crush is in his lap cuddling him!
Protectiveness: Like he isn't really overprotective. But if a boy takes interest in you. He will spy on you when you are with the boy. Like Raph he can't bear to lose you.
How he is in bed: Very loud. Sometimes you have to put your hand over his mouth while you ride him. But if he is Dom, he still is loud. He will ask if you are ok Ect.
But like I said he is very loud so when he cums he says.
“ningyo-kun wa kitsui!”
Translation: “Oh~ Doll you’re S'tight!”
He is switch.
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Affection: He is Mikey, OF COURSE THERE IS CUDDLING! When he is playing a game on his game console or watching Kriss Bradford THERES CUDDLING!
Protection: He doesn't really get jealous at all but will trust you no matter what. If there is a boy that takes an interest in, you. Mikey doesn't care. As long as you're his girlfriend he's happy.
How he is in bed: Like Donnie very loud. So, you always have to put your hand on his mouth to stop him from moaning or screaming your names. But he does say one thing.
“S'cumming M'Big S'mamma!”
He is Sub very Subby lil boy!
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Thanks for reading and thank you anon for asking! :)
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mlchaelangel · 5 months
Raphael bodily thirst
[this is simple and shameless thirst nothing more. relationship - like one, probably. sfw tho, nothing explicitly sexual. yet]
• You are captivated by his body, and have been from the very start. Literally.
• The mass and size of his bones, muscles and shell. His arms are almost broader than your waist, his biceps bigger than your head. The strength hidden within them and some form of grace with which he has to restrain it all the time, and especially how it doesn't seem to matter with how he touches you. How petite and fragile your own arms and legs seem against his, and yet how much power those seemingly frail ones of yours hold over his
• Especially the shell. You love sliding your hand on it and snuggling to it, running your fingers through its ruggedness and patterns. You can't keep your hands off it, in fact. It's just... enthralling. You can't even hold him from the back with the thing in the way, you can't really even hold it whole, not that it matters and not like it's stopping you. You love sitting on it, front and back part, as you just chill together. You love drawing on it with whatever Raph trusts you to put there, starting with his signature kanji. Yes, you have tried with a dickbutt once or twice but you're not that much of a bitch to let him go about his business without wiping it off first
• And his head and face are just as fascinating. At which angles it looks more like a turtle one, and at which it becomes visibly human. The subtle animality of how his nose, cheeks, lips and eyes, and everything else is shaped
• His entire body, in fact. You can never get enough of it, observing every peculiarity of it; where the reptilian scales become more of a human skin, where the more sensitive parts are located, which parts sweat more and which are most animalistic. There's endless pleasure in just watching him move and go about his business.
• And the way he moves is hypnotizing. Truly, it's amazing how delightful it is to watch him slowly walk, take step by step, swaggering towards you, leaning left and right with every step under the weight of his shell, and how its mass shapes how he moves and walks, how his reptile two - fingered gigantic feet carry his massive weight, how he can seemingly never stay still but constantly swoops, turns and hunches and straightens up. You could do nothing but just stare at him like that for so long
• His hands, his great hands. Thrice or more the size of your own, with three fingers almost as thicc as your wrist, so often bruised and dirty. But oh, can they be gentle and tender, and you know it best. You watch carefully whenever he grabs something, to observe how his hands wrap around things and how they move, similarly yet differently from your five - fingered ones
• How his lips are shaped sometimes reminds you of an actual snapping turtle and it's hysterical to you, and he knows it, he's put up with it at this point
• You would literally just eat him up, if you could. Sexually and platonically. His brothers, in theory, are turtles as well and are built more or less the same, but hell, there's just something about Raphael
• And his voice, God, his voice. It's not even about how deep, rugged and smooth at the same time it is, there are endless shades to it, each one he uses differently, each one sounds different, and you adore and lend your ear to every single one. There's the tone with which he argues with Leo, the one with which he banters with Mikey, the one with which he talks to you when you're alone, one he defends you or his brothers with and one he speaks with when dumbstruck or when uncertain, the one he laughs with, he jokes with and every other one, you're in love with them all. When you tell him all of that in private, his mind just collapses with agitation and look, he's practically crying
• And his eyes... His eyes. His eyes, whether they beam with fury, whether they gaze at you with overwhelming softness, whether they spark mischievously or glance around in confusion or worry. His beautiful, golden - green eyes, with so many shades to them
• There isn't a part of him you don't cherish and relish watching. He's a giant humanoid turtle and that fact itself is utterly fascinating
• If you told him all of that, it would probably kill him right there on the spot, and he'd still deny he's crying. Him? No, of course not, never
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