mlyons37 · 3 years
Haunted Maze Game Final Project
glitch site:
live code:
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Maze Final Presentation
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mlyons37 · 3 years
final project proposal
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Machine Learning Project
This one was a little tricky especially because my computer was so slow. The goal was to make a game where the user had a caterpillar on their nose. The caterpillar would “eat food” and get longer whilst gaining points. However, I really struggled figuring out a way to make food trigger new body parts to the caterpillar and also change colors as he “ate” it. The way I tried to do it was definitely overcomplicated and I think there is a simpler way to achieve it, however I am not sure what that would look like.
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mlyons37 · 3 years
final project presentation
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Favorite Final Project
Maddie’s Maze - Fall 2020
I really enjoyed this project because it is a simple game but you can tell it took a significant amount of time and effort. I like the initial animation that draws the maze as well. I think the code could be a helpful reference too, especially if I decide to work with computer keys. The only issue is the text size that covers the top portion of the game. But overall I really like this one because its cute and it seems like a realistic example of something I could do. (Not that I want to create a game necessarily but it is definitely good inspiration)
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mlyons37 · 3 years
OOP/Sound & Video Project
This project is a combination of OOP as well as sound/video elements. It was definitely the most challenging one yet - it took me a while to figure out the spacing of the chairs and how to get them moving. And I definitely needed help with getting the guy to show up randomly along the front line. I think basing our project off of one of my past projects made it that much more challenging but also so much more helpful in the learning process. I feel more comfortable with for loops, classes, and boolean statements than have thus far in the semester. I think adding in sound and video also makes the user experience more enjoyable.
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Partner Project
Here is the link to my remade version of Joseph’s project.
Here is the link to my pseudocode for Joseph’s project.
It was definitely a challenge to work on someone else’s code, I think the main issue is figuring out what variables did what and how they translated on the screen. I wanted to remake the code to appear with primary colors and their complimentary colors, I felt like that fit with the number of squares in the original. I also added a feature that changes the color of the buttons when you hover over them, so the user knows that the buttons function. 
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Project 4
For this project I made this little camp scene with a shooting star animation. I built the star animation off of the grid example we saw in class. I had originally wanted to make a grid of stars in the sky but as I messed around with the code I ended up making it shoot across the screen. I basically just played around with the numbers/variables, although I still feel really rusty with for loops. It took some decent experimentation to create it and I don’t fully understand how I got there but I wanted to at least try. I also used for loops to make the trees below which was pretty simple and understandable. Without loops I would have had to make each individual tree but the for loops sped up that process. Also to make it more interactive I made the mouse into a moon which changes size and changes the color of the sky as you move it across the screen. 
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Project 3 // States example in a  game
Reference to matrix code:
This project was superrrr experimental. I mostly played around with the mouseIsPressed function to see what I could do with different buttons. I think what makes it interesting is that the buttons are kind of hidden yet it’s an easy to task to find them and see where it brings the user - whether its a picture or a moving shape. I also played around with some transformations/animations in this project in a very (VERY) simple way. I did not want to go too far into it, to get too ahead of myself, but I was experimenting with some features that moved shapes and objects across the screen.
Overall I had fun making this project - I definitely spent the most time on this one so far. 
One game that I have played where you go through “states” is agar.io - in which you are a circle, eating other circles to grow in size. As you eat more circles, you get larger across the screen and can take up/eat more, larger circles. So when your character as a circle is large enough to cover a circle, the function allows you to grow.
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Interactive Code I like
This code is intriguing to me because you have the ability to control speed in the project. It also allows for a slightly shift in perspective which is really cool and something I would like to eventually try to implement into my projects if possible. It is a simple skyline image but the overall design is nice and the interactivity is fun to play around with.
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Project 2
link: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/glittery-humdrum-hydrogen?path=script.js%3A134%3A36
This project was a lot more challenging - creativity/execution wise. I kept making random projects that did not really tell a narrative and then ended up restarting multiple times. I had some good ideas but the execution is obviously always harder - especially at my amateur skill level. Ultimately, I came up with a design that shows a man traveling up a ski lift. I used simple variables x for mouseX, y for mouseY, and size to make the sun grow larger. I kind of just stuck to what we learned in class because I was trying to overcomplicate things in my other failed versions. I also used comments this time which made it much easier to keep track of everything. So, the interactivity aspect comes with move the man up the ski lift with mouse movements, while also trying to keep the bird from hitting the man. Ideally, if I was more advanced, I would try and make the bird disappear if he hit the man, however I could not figure out how to make that happen automatically. The only thing I could think of would be to use to mousePressed function however that would require the user to have to physically press the trackpad to make it disappear or “die” which defeats the purpose. This project was a lot more time consuming and it took me a while to figure out all of the shapes in relation to each other and the moving mouse - but still very fun to see it come together.
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mlyons37 · 3 years
Project 1 - Self Portrait
My self portrait was inspired by my love for cats. I really feel like if I was an animal I would be a cat, I love to sleep and I like my space/independence. I have always felt really connected to them in general. I chose green as the background color because it is my favorite color. The process overall was not too bad, I actually really enjoyed playing around with shapes, hex codes, and designs. I found myself working on this during some of my other classes - oops, probably not the best thing to do but I was just really eager to mess around with the code. I think this is the first assignment I have had in college (I am a sophomore) that I have been genuinely excited to work on. I did not really have much trouble figuring out my minor mistakes fortunately. This project makes me really excited for future assignments!! I might make some more fun designs and mess around in my free time.
Link: https://glitch.com/~wheat-six-wannanosaurus
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