mma199me · 4 years
Good morning, Gentlemen!
Change is an inevitable part of life, this is apt in relation to everything. I am a lover of the traditional fulani delicacy “dawo” popularly know as fura da nono. This is a combination of fermented milk and grounded millet usually prepared by a maiden. Many stories and jokes about this divine food drink have been told long before I came to this world. Most of this stories are about the potency of the drink, its ability to satisfy hunger and calm nerves. It is also reputed to induce sleep instantly especially in combination with cool shade. My grand mother Hajiya Iyaji of blessed memory made the best fura in the world. I never knew when the moon was sighted or daybreak a day before “sallah”. Jajiberi is what the day before eid el fitr is called in Hausaland, we would usually leave Kaduna on that day for the long drive to Misau in Bauchi State. It is less than 500km to Misau but then cars and roads were not as fast and efficient as they are today. It was a whole days trip and we would usually arrive Misau late in the afternoon or early evening. Straight to Her room I went, we would usually have a bath and say our prayers while she performed her magic with a bowl and spoon carved out of some plant, the bowl is called “kwarya" and the spoon “ludayi”. I do not recall her having a fridge or even Misau having constant electricity but her dawo was always cool and soothing. I still recalled Hajja’s voice, soft streaky and sharp as she asked us questions a times, told stories as she worked her magic with the ludayi. Hajja’s fura was as smooth as silk with lumps of fura almost as if it was in mathematical pattern. I never recall if I ever finished my share of the drink, the next thing I her is her soft voice saying “tashi kayi Sallah” wake up and say your prayers. I was already morning. My reply was almost always be “Hajja an ga wata ne?” Has the moon been sighted? inquiring if today is Sallah? May her sweet soul continue to rest in perfect peace. Whenever I taste aura till this day, she comes to mind. Change…today fura is made with a blender by men, using a mixture of natural and powdered milk aimed at deceiving the taste buds into believing it is the real deal.
The Trading floor at The Stock Exchange House located on the 8th floor has also changed. It used to be a big open hall, with striped light green padded walls. A matching carpet and brown tables arranged in a U Shape, an elevated platform had about three tables neatly placed on a straight line. It had a very unique smell, a combination of wood, artificial air and something else that I cannot make out. It reminds me or a principal’s office, very proper. Trading normally started at about 10am. Gentlemen of the city as the Dealing Clerks were referred to would begin to arrive about an hour earlier. I had always believed that the real trades were concluded then. Groups of men and a few women hurled us in groups chit chatting often breaking up to exchange pleasantries as groups caught glances of each other. What was unique was the fact that they referred to each other with funny names like Dynamic, Fidelity, Solid Rock, Clearview, Majestic and sometimes acronyms like CSL or IBTC. The tradition was that clerks were called by Dealing firm names. The regimentation, respect and hierarchy on the trading floor still exists today but less pronounced, so also the courtesy.
The Dealers would gradually find their way to their seats as trading time approached, this is usually signalled by the arrival of junior staff members of The Stock Exchange to place a fresh pile of A4 sheets on the middle table on the platform. This is where the Call over Chairman would be sitting to preside over the days trading. Flanked to his right would be a member of staff from the Quotations department, further on one from the Surveillance department. A representative of Securities and Exchange Commission was also located on the far side of Call over Chairman. On the left side were members of Research and Information Technology Department usually in twos. Everyone on these tables stood out from the rest as they were the only ones not in the traditional wine coloured jackets still worn today by dealing clerks. On the hour,  the call over chairman would have been seated, after a few whispers to his left and right to confirm that everyone is ready to begin, he would in a very unique voice say “Good Morning Gentlemen”.
Then it begins, in an anti clockwise manner usually in some hieratical manner the Dealing Clerks begin to answer. Anchoria, Good morning Mr. Chairman, Majestic Good morning Mr. Chairman, Dominion Good morning Mr. Chairman and on and on. He acknowledges by repeating the Dealing firm’s name in a murmur followed by a muffled “morning”. On both his sides pens are racing to keep up recording what firms are on the floor to trade today. At the end of it all a few whispers to reconcile the information and confirm numbers present, that successfully done he goes on to ask for announcements. Usually financial reports are presented from the high table then any announcements from the floor which the Doyen would bear responsibility of sharing. Mostly introduction of new dealing clerks, obituaries and the sort. All after the Chairman would say to his right “lets call the board”. Any interest in Federal Government Development Stocks….Bonds…..Debentures,” then a long pause as if to catch her breath then “Equity”. This reminds me of a race, on your marks, get set, ready……Go! Second Teir! Adswitch…from the other side Adswitch 5000 Bid, 5000 Bid Chairman repeats again from the other side… 5000 Bid 50kobo. 1000 Offer Mr. Chairman he repeats again. Rivtrust Deliver 1000 to Molten Trust, both Dealers in synchronised manner say Thank You Mr. Chairman, any more offers? silence. The next stock is called and it goes on till the blue chips when a hundred adults being to shout at the top of their voices offering and bidding on behalf of their clients.
How do you make sense of this madness, you listen carefully then write what you hear and you watch to see where the dealing clerks drop off the Bargain Slips. Pink and yellow to match bids and offers approved by the Call over Chairman. Relief comes after the final company in most cases bid and offer prices of unit trusts has been called and the last trade affirmed, when you hear the words you have been longing for…..”Good afternoon Gentlemen!”  This signifies the end of trading, where the phrase “my word is my bond” comes into action. The Call Over Chairman walks out like a galant knight after a battle, the brokers are busy scribbling on paper their trades of the day and calculating their commissions while you begin the pain staking job of picking pink and yellow pieces of paper from the floor to match the transactions while you reconcile from three lists if all is correct. You call over again and again just to be sure that it is correct.
The Doyen is having coffee with the Director-General while discussing the day’s trades, members of staff of The Exchange are busing feeding these transactions into the computer. Long after the dealers are back to their offices with their commissions earned you finally produce the day’s transactions, ensure that copies are despatched to the clearing house, the banks and the press. You were part of making tomorrows news today. Believing that the Dealing members will keep their word as their bond to ensure that the shares sold are deposited at the clearing house and the money paid into the bank.
Change is inevitable, today the same floor is crowded with over 200 computers and (wo)men. In a flash they would do what it takes hours to achieve, with a few strokes of the keys. The trades are done the gong is hit and the market is closed. Instantly the world that has been following realtime at a few seconds delay will have the final figures of the days transactions.
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mma199me · 8 years
My first Uber ride!
Writing about my first Uber ride.
The usual Friday drill, drive to the airport find a good parking spot lock the car ensure you don't have any valuables exposed and the sort. Sounds pretty straightforward right? Wrong.
Usually the "Lagos Drive" is anything a but smooth or predictable. Thanks to google maps, smile, Airtel and now Ntel the trip to the airport from any location in Lagos is somewhat on track. Until the traffic situation changes faster than google can anticipate. It may be a fender bender, an over zealous Lastma official, Africa's finest ( Nigeria Police) or even a little poodle of watering the highway. Lagos traffic needs no reason. It's not like the weather, it has no seasons, it has a life of its own.
If traffic doesn't get to you, your automobile may... A flat, overheating or just a gremlin in your sophisticated one in town car may just want resist the African sun. In a second your blood pressure will do a zero to sixty when you remember the ugly heavily made up face at the airline check In counter, saying is a dirty ascent "You are late, we cannot check you in" . The thought of the no show fee, upgrade and expensive airport food not to mention the beggars in charge, "Alhaji how is Friday" as if you are a calendar. The toll gate attendant fighting a so called staff right in front of you for not paying and the long last minute unexplainable airport traffic. For no just reason traffic appears at certain time on Friday and kills you.
I opted to experiment today, to let go of my secure only faithful, with my music, my radio station, my air conditioning, my route, my decision to park on level 1 or 2 to try out this fairly old new craze called Uber. I downloaded the app months ago but never got round to confidently putting my faith and money in the hands of an unknown power. Giving my closely guarded card details Tia company to debit me at will for a ride....No Never ! I resisted but like any new innovation, curiosity and the fear of being left out got the best of me. Just like Twitter and Snapchat you always looked with amazement at people giggling and making faces at their phones....they I sick .....I can never do that.....never say never.
Anthony in his Toyota Corolla drove up just as the app said your driver has arrived. A nice looking car with a friendly gentleman whom I had spoken to earlier,  the car was clean and thank God didn't have the smell of that choking i freshener that you usually perceive in an airport taxi. Told him where I was headed he then activated his app, and off we went. He was a pleasant gentleman told me the brief history of himself that he has probably told a million others with such a personal touch as if it was meant for just me. The dos and donuts and how one day he hoped to have a car of his own and not have to work for his partner. I did enjoy my ride, we didn't listen to the radio but had a fulfilling conversation. I realized that 20 minutes could be shorter than you think especially when you aren't driving.
We arrived the airport as the app confirmed that you have arrived, my fare was displayed Anthony's phone N1750 well deserved. At the end it asked me to rate him, the ride and make a comment. I gave him a 5 star rating which went to confirm his already 4.4 star.
I will be a guru, at this like I am on Twitter now and snapchat some day. Long and short of it my first Uber ride was cool, sad fact was that if I clicked a certain button it would have been free!!!
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mma199me · 8 years
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mma199me · 8 years
Lagos and the Thumb
Yes the Thumb, I have long been fascinated by the power of the famous finger on the residents of Lagos. I had heard about the myth of the thumb long before I ever moved to the mega city. It goes like, you can slap a man in Lagos and give him a thumbs up! Thats it, it has ended. I have seen the Thumb used in all situations but no where more effective than in the famous Lagos traffic.
Any stern faced “Danfo Driver” (Danfo is a popular Yellow Volkswagen Bus used for public transportation in Lagos) is the last person you would want to manoeuvre around or in front of in Lagos Traffic but the thumb brings out a submissive shrug and an “OK you can enter” face. Commit a minor traffic offence and you are caught red in your tracks by LASTMA Officials, KAI, or even Africa’s finest (Nigeria Police) an apologetic thumb will most likely get you off the hook. Recall my mention of  “Minor Traffic Offence”.
I saw a commuter this morning stop a herd of cars rushing down Marina in the middle of rush hour with this Thumb. One must give credit to the citizens of this mad megacity for having and respecting a simple Thumbs Up gesture.  
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mma199me · 8 years
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Pepper Soup...Hospitality at its peak
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 10 My Vote
June 1, 2015 at 9:09pm
Now that a new government has been sworn in, though partially. Let us as the electorate that ensured their election, bear a few things in mind.
Firstly, we remain their employers! Yes we do. As I understand it, an employer is one who provides resources and assigns responsibility with a contractual obligation to perform defined functions. So we gave them the job, by standing in line to ensure that we choose our candidate. After a series of tests and interviews ie party primaries and subsequent campaigns and finally elections. We chose the perceived best candidates for the job. We agreed that they will be paid for the job of governance with our hard earned money, taxes to be precise. We have given them the responsibility of managing our collective resources be they natural or man made. Their employment is on contract and can be terminated by either party in conformity with the provisions of the constitution. It has a term of 4 years of which a few days have already lapsed. We expect them to come to work as stipulated in their terms of employment and to earn a salary and other allowances. We shall provide them with accommodation, transportation and feeding or in lieu of. They will be afforded security and proper medical care. All we ask of them in return is to do their job. Govern the people, with truth and transparency, manage our resources responsibly and with integrity, provide direction for the country with foresight and treat us the electorate as their employers that we rightly are.
Secondly, to understand that neither them or us is being done a favour by the other. We are all Nigerians, we are all shareholders in the entity and an asset in Sokoto as well as a liability is Calabar is borne equally by the man in Maiduguri and the woman in Lagos. Oil in the Creeks of Opobo should not be seen as being more important than the Groundnuts grown on the plains of Zamfara. If they take their employment seriously, they will within the stipulated period diligently carry out policies that will bring prosperity to the land. So let us not set too high of a standard for them or they a very low level of performance. Let them write their names in gold not because they want to be remembered but because that's what is expected of them. There is a duty to be done, so let all parties live up to expectations.
Thirdly, let us give justification to the saying that Rome wasn't built in a day. Let us not expect to have 10,000 megawatts tomorrow and a one Naira Dollar next week. We have kept our own end of the bargain we elected them let's give them reasonable time and set milestones for them. Let us tell them when they are going wrong and caution them when they begin to become overzealous and give them a pat on the back when they do well.
Finally, let's pray for them to succeed. Let's pray for them to be humble. Let's pray for them to be truthful. Let's pray for them not to be greedy. Let's pray for them not take us their employers for granted.
Most importantly let's pray for them over and over and over again.
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mma199me · 8 years
FAMS Embassy Suites, Badagry
Abdulhakeem Hakeem Huthman I met in 2003/4 when I was in Abuja to acquire our 1st Hydraform Block-Making Machine. Our meeting that day is one of the divine plans that I will write about someday. A few weeks ago at a meeting under the hot Kaduna sun he mentioned that he will be Turbaned as The Baba Adinni of Badagry Division on Saturday, April 23, 2016, and I replied that I will be there In shaa Allah.I set out of Lagos on Saturday morning at about 8.15am with my trusted guide “Google Maps” you will be at your destination in 1 hour 53 minutes she said. I trust her, I always do she owes me no obligation. We call her “Karo”, she knows everywhere try her. The journey was largely uneventful but for the fact that work on the new Okokomiko-Marina Railway the “Blue Line”excited me. I long for the day I will ride and write about that. Of course the Conoil Filing station that I excitedly drove into because I saw a short queue. It was at the pump that I realised that it was N150/ltr (They are spoiling Oga’s name) as a major Marketer I expected N86.50.I stopped to have Breakfast at a Filling Station cum. Eatery can’t really recall the name, I was blinded by morning hunger. The staff were courteous and just didn't understand why I didn't want more than one spoon of Efo for my pounded yam. Sadly they will never understand. As I entered Badagry this big shiny building with flags caught my eye, it had a funny name FAMS Embassy Suites, I really didn't make much of it because my mind was set on Baba Adinni of Badagry DivisionThe event went very well, loads to eat and drink, happy people then finally it ended. It was late afternoon/early evening turned to the world wide web like a magic mirror....Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the finest of them all? Jovago and Trip advisor to the rescue. I narrowed down my search to 3, Bedrock and Oceanside Hotel and Cool Spot from Jovago and FAMS Embassy Suites from Trip advisor. My factors were 1. Security 2. Cost  and 3. Proximity. To cut along story short I checked out Oceanside first, it would have been a lovely place to stay if I were in company of a certain group of ‘Gentlemen’. I met Joseph and Black Shadow there, this place I will stay on another visit. Karo couldn’t locate Bedrock so off to FAMS I went. Their rooms were very impressive it could pass for a hotel in downtown Shanghai. I was amazed that it had been open for upward of 2 years and still had that new feel. The bed was firm and floors clean. They had a separate smokers floor so you weren’t burdened with the thick stench of tobacco and air conditioners. The Hotel was equipped with a gym, swimming pool, rooftop bar, club and very comfortable lobby. I thought there were too many Televisions in the lobby and cameras were conspicuous all over place. I can bet that FAMS has the only lift in Badagry. I am very particular about bathrooms in Hotels and this one got a pass mark from me. Hot water, clean towels and even a shaving stick as well as other toiletries. Their choice of TV channels was also impressive though again I thought they had too many football channels. It's a far cry from those Africa Magic Hotels. The electricity was quite steady, though in the morning I could have sworn that it went off and on almost 10 times, but hey! this is Badagry in Nigeria.I had a dinner by the poolside, a local dish of Yam and Tomato sauce, the waiters were very professional and they had ice! I asked for a bottle of sprite with ice and I got it. I am not sure if it wasn’t a club day because the hotel was rather quiet or maybe they had invested in sound proofing. My night was very comfortable and I slept like a king.There are some downsides to this hotel. Firstly it was boldly written that guests were limited to 150mb of WiFi internet. This is 2016! Who limits internet? On a good day hotels will let you ‘kill yourself’ on their WiFi. Secondly, complimentary breakfast was limited to one person per room unless you were staying in some higher grade room. What if you were a couple? The window in the bathroom was kind of special and opened rather slightly without an evacuator, it sometimes felt like a sauna.I would give this hotel a very good grade. On a scale of 1 to 10 they have earned a ‘7’. If you ever find yourself in Badagry please stay at FAMS Embassy Suites and prove me wrong.
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 7/8 It depends
December 21, 2014 at 9:31pm
I hope these short notes that I write every now and then are being appreciated by someone somewhere, if not then I pray someday, someone will. My topic for today is Airlines! yes Arik, Azman,Aero,Air Peace, Medview, Discovery, Dana and any other airline that fly our Nigerian Skies.
They are all guilty in one way or the other of what I am about to say. Some more than others, but all guilty.
1. Delays - they send you a text message saying your flight will operate earlier than its stated time. Guess what? you end up with a 2 hour delay at the least.
2. Rude Staff - the fairy tale check-in does not exist at our Airports. I have had to leave my luggage at the airport just so that i dont miss my flight because some rude inefficient young man/woman is having an attitude problem. There is no "window" in a howling voice, as if its a cargo plane. I am sure there are other instances on board while you are being served water and bread!
3. Lost Luggage - You check-in your suitcase, why? because you have your suits in it. The suits you need for the meeting you are going for at Abuja and your agbada for the dinner too. Guess what? you are left standing at the Airline counter with the luggage tag wondering why didn't  just take your backpack or even travelled by ABC Transport.
4.Rescheduling Hassle (and Cost) - The will gladly take your money online to get the ticket, but you have to go to their desk at the Airport to reschedule. Ticket N12,000!! + rescehuling fee N13,000 don't forget no show fee too. Arik did me a Refund 100% via email I was shocked sha.
5. Midnight Flights - As if they will give you a ride home or the hotel. I book to fly the 5pm so I can get to Lagos or wherever my destination is at 6pm right....wrong, you arrive at 10.45pm in a strange town. You start wondering how in God's name you will find "Okesuna Street".  I think the airlines and the Airport taxi drivers conive to cut our throats.
These are all I can remember for now, however I must mention the "BEGGARS" yes them! "Oga Happy Friday" while still holding on to your briefcase, as the tug of war continues they stare you in the eye like a hyena at its prey, the unrelenting stare of a greedy wicked ingrate. As if they do not get a salary. They are not even bothered at the red light blinking on the scanner calling their attention to the explosive material in the other man's backpack. They just do not care,  "just drop!". Its not only the ones at the scanner in Lagos....its all of them everywhere! Abuja, Kano, Port Harcourt (I haven't been in a while though) Uyo and all the other Airports. They are all guilty, all airport staff all of them I dare say. The chaps at "International" too, Immigration, Customs, NDLEA all of them "Beggers" I am amazed that they never got something from Patrick Sawyer.
I will stop here for the fear that I will put myself in trouble. I feel good now that I have written this. Enjoy people and have a good laugh the next time you travel. life is too short to waste getting angry at people taking your money.
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mma199me · 8 years
Part Something
August 31, 2013 at 11:42pm
I really can not remember when last I decided to "write", however as you all know my episodes are almost always informed by my waka waka. I took a well earned holiday to "a state of emergency" working leave I must add. I couldn't help but think of how organized Nigerians can be. Especially when we want to be! The phrase Civilian JTF has become the most welcomed set of words in Borno State in recent times. Organized young men and women standing up to better their homeland.The first thing that greets you from a distance when you are approaching a Civilian JTF check point is the variety of weapons. Trust young wondering minds that know how to dream. They fantasize about a weapon, create it in their heads and tomorrow morning it is actualised by the welder or the blacksmith and it is a reality. These things remind you the Orcs in JRR Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” and their weapons as someone said. You can’t name them. Are they Swords, Machetes, Spears, Bows, crossbows, Catapults, Sickles ‘or Hammers you name them. Some resemble Spikes and Sticks like from a cartoon episode of the Flintstones. Hybrid weapons that you need to see to believe. Sadly, my bravery was not high enough to attempt taking pictures. I am sure someday I will post a picture and you will believe me! Back to the Youth Volunteers, Civilian JTF or as they are commonly known in Hausa “Kato da Gora” directly translated to mean “Hefty Man with a Curved Bamboo Stick”. They prefer the Civilian JTF while the more formal and Official reference of Youth Volunteers is very common with government spokesmen and the media. The generality of people prefer Kato da Gora but obviously not to their face. One would be quick to mistake these young men and women as an unorganised rowdy bunch of juvenile delinquents but far from that. Their level of organisation is arguably military standard. On arrival at their checkpoint you are greeted with a warm welcoming smile and the words “Assalamu Alaikum” the popular Muslim now traditional greeting of the area. The greeting is quickly followed by an apology, then a quick explanation. One would wonder if it was rehearsed at some military academy or poetic school. The apology mainly for wasting your time while you waited in queue before getting to the checkpoint and a quick explanation/ history of “how we got here”. They usually go on to ask basic questions that you never hear at a normal checkpoint. No demands of car particulars, ID cards or even the usual! They proceed to ask what you have in the boot and actually believe you when you say “its empty” or otherwise. Your best bet is if you are all men, you easily get to pass with no suspicion. However, the apprehension of some women recently at Monday market with rifles has made women more suspicious and they are usually asked to come out of the car and ushered to a group of well dressed young women who search them in the sanctity of an ad hoc hut usually built beside. Where there are no young women to carry out the search, women are asked to do basic squats to expose any hidden rifles in their Hijab. The distance between these checkpoints is averagely a hundred meters but less at some other places. What is notable at these checkpoints is the level of courtesy and organisation. One will only but wonder why Nigeria is the way it is. If a group of about 10,000 to 20,000 young people can come together, organise themselves in to military type units with proper hierarchy and chain of command to better their homeland. I think the Nigerian Military, Para Military and Police can learn a lot from this “Kato da Gora” Movement. I have no doubt that these young people can easily be absorbed and have their energy directed to more positive outcome if only the same level of sincerity and organisation by concerned parties when the time comes.
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mma199me · 8 years
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 5
October 21, 2011 at 1:58am
I start in the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful. A lot of issues are competing for this chapter but I guess i will be driven by the need to satisfy myself and go to sleep now, if I feel up to it I will continue in the morning.
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mma199me · 8 years
Part Four
January 6, 2011 at 11:38pm
I learnt a great lesson yesterday and thought that its only fair that I share.
"Government" can be defined as an agency through which a political unit exercises its authority, controls and administers public policy, and directs and controls the actions of its members or subjects (Wikipedia).  When its done for the people by the people it makes more sense.
"Democracy" is such a wonderful thing where every four years the system is turned on its head, yes on it head. The people on top now start chasing the people at the bottom that are now on top to get them back on top, as they are now at the bottom its called "Primaries"
The Creme de la creme of the political class become everything but that. "Delegates" on the other hand become lords and masters of the universe.
Who is a Delegate? an ordinary nobody of yesterday who by an action of commission or ommission gets to represent his people at the ward or local level, or just a party "exco"member or even  a "youth" or "women" leader. Most often they are about 200 or more persons per local government. As representatives of their people they get to "grill" the various aspirants, at the end of the day they get a "token" for their endorsement or vote. This trickles down the line and a multiplier effect is seen all over the place after the primaries. New cars, wives and even houses.
The truth of the matter is that with this system democracy allows for participation of all and sundry directly or indirectly in the process that eventually leads to the appointment/election of their representatives in governance.
Long live Nigeria, Long live Democracy  and may the "best" man/woman win!
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 4
December 6, 2010 at 12:17am
I qualify as a traveler in every aspect of the word! According to the most recognised institution in the world (internet world) Wikipedia "Traveler or traveller (see American and British English spelling differences) commonly refers to one who travels, especially to distant lands." By virtue of this i feel qualified to bare my mind on this issue of Hot Water.
With the exception of those "sick people" that can't bathe with Hot Water, we normal human beings look forward to nothing more than that long hot shower at the expense of the Hotel (We think!). Personally I must have that long hot shower otherwise "I never chop my money." Some friends of mine think sleeping is the best way to "chop their money" in a Hotel. Sadly they don't remember what happens while they are asleep! the second school of thought are the CNN/Africa Magic watching ones, depriving themselves of sleep to watch someone's experiment in filming or a repititon of the news.
I have had cause to travel to some odd places in the last few months and had to stay it some odd "Hotels" and "Guest Houses." I must say that whoever didn't encourage Transcorp to aquire hotels in Ikot-Epene and Zaria has not helped us travelers at all. Don't get me wrong I have had to dial "0" for hot water in Sokoto, Bauch, Gusau, Lagos, and Jos among other places. Some hotels always blame the last person that stayed in the room for spoiling the heater. Alhaja you said you have never experienced this because you stay at "better hotel" abi, let me swear for you! "Your next hotel you must dial 0 for Hot water and lets see how you can have a bath with one bucket of hot water.
"If wishes were showers i would take that Transcorp Hilton Shower everywhere I travel."
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 3.5
November 25, 2010 at 11:43pm
I am beginning to enjoy this hope it doesn't turn out like "24," the next season is always worse. Am sure I will be speaking many peoples' mind.
Artificial Hair yeap, attachment, weave-on, yagi, brazilian hair, Human hair, Horse Hair, Wigs , etc., I grew up amongst Girls and I remember watching with delight and amazement how their rough hair was transformed to lovely designs "Calabar" and "Shuku" my personal favorites.
As usual on a recent flight to Lagos I observed that about 92% of the women on the plane had one type of "hair" or the other. Don't get me wrong a few looked nice! most others looked "Expensively Cheap." With the exception of a baby probably about a year old that kept uprooting the "dada" that mummy had punished her with. All others seemed happy and comfortable with the smell and itch.
There is a huge market for hair in Africa generally, and Nigeria in particular being the giant of Africa has an obviously large share of that. I remember a chinese friend suggesting that we bring in a container saying its the fastest moving product in the market. Thank God for it though, now on every street corner and market there is a hair processing factory  and lots of employment. I am sure it could still create employment using natural hair.
I love natural hair, I love the way hair is plaited traditionally, in some parts of Nigeria they even use "mud" and its so nice.
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 3
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 2
November 22, 2010 at 12:34am
My second attempt at this blogging thing, hope I get more thumbs ups than the 1st one.
Its about Love, Passion and Understanding! Not in the sense that ordinarily comes to the mind of an average "twit".
Starting from the rear "understanding' as I understand the word has to do with knowing what to expect from the subject, knowing what knobs or buttons to Twist and Push to get what reaction in what magnitude. So by saying I understand "x" or I don't Understand "y" means that u get my explanation.
Next from the rear still "Passion," is compelling care or fondness for a subject or otherwise. You may have a passion for Mangoes or dislike Football with a passion.
Lastly and first in this case is "Love". This is the most commonly used word in the World it is said billions of times daily but 90% of it is All "Crap". The biggest deception in the world, but when true like when it exists between Mother and Child, brethren, friends and Money it is truly True and Strong. Its the fastest way to get in and out of trouble. Utter it or not!
This brings me to the main issue, I have very recently come to see the true meaning of the above mentioned words. It came from a machine yes a "machine" a  german machine to be precise. I understood, became passionate about and fell in love with a "machine". It took 1700km from Kaduna to Maiduguri to realise it but its true.
The Volkswagen Golf MKIII VR6 SYNCRO, I understand and have a passion for and most of all I love thee!!
Sorry to disappoint you guys but its true!
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mma199me · 8 years
Part 1
October 12, 2010 at 12:52am
Just thought i should share. I was inspired to take the plunge into blogging by a dear friend. like every other thing in life it can go one of three ways good, bad or ugly. Good is good, Bad is bad and with ugly, well u still get the experience.
On a recent trip to Uyo i noticed what effect perception had and how a smile or a friendly gesture could open or shut doors. I sat alone on the plane cos of how i was perceived. I made friends cos I reached out with a friendly gesture a joke , a smile or and outright lie. Best of all I learnt that there isn't a substitute to true friendship.
this is just part 1! it may be good, bad or ugly but at least i tried. Where is yours?
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