mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
Viola’s energy, her free-spirited demeanor, it’s intoxicating, and even Madotsuki feels like she should be cheering for the other. How dangerous.
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“I don’t. I don’t have one. Nn.. No name,” she lies, obviously, shaky voice to betray her words further. The other girl had tucked away her scissors, but Madotsuki felt threatened still. The window hadn’t equipped her Witch Effect, not in this world, at least; but she was certain she would still count as one. Which was not a good thing to be in front of a witch-slayer.
“Viola?” Madotsuki asks. “Are tha... Are there good witches?” 
Even if she wasn’t Gretel, Madotsuki hoped the other had at least heard of Glynda.
“I did! Or, if I didn’t, she’ll be dead soon!” Another laugh tinkles last her lips as she nods, free hand gripping at her skirt as she twirls around to face her, folds of the fabric flaring against her.
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“Gretel? I’ve read about that little girl in the library of that house, but I’m not her; at least I don’t think I am! I’m smarter than her, oh so much smarter than her.” She closes her eyes and a smile is painted across her lips before she decides to tuck the scissors away fro safekeeping. 
“My name is Viola, not Gretel, what’s yours?”
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
A hand goes to her cheek, pinching it as the other boasted on.
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“Chipmunk,” Madotsuki mumbles thoughtfully. She hadn’t ever really seen a talented warrior like the other in the flesh.. So, perhaps she was in awe! Her hands fidget in front of her as the lancer twirls on, expression sleepy as ever.
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“So.. Are you ghh, gonna. Kill someon--Kill something big wh, while singing?” she asks. Maybe both at the same time? Madotsuki lets out a little yawn, without covering her mouth. Rude.
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♦♦♦ – “Are you in awe, little chipmunk?! My skills are not only musical, but I am also a talented warrior as well!” As if she were putting on a show, she twirled her lancer (which was nearly twice her height) above her head.
To be fair, she’d pierced the heart of a rabid wolf in one strike.
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
Madotsuki stirs with anything but the grace of cats like those that had gathered around her; lightly swatting at Lisa Lisa’s hand with her own while rolling to her side, she faced the other with a slackened, lazy expression. Cats continue to meow and slink out of the dreamer’s way as she gets to her feet.
But, aside from a little grime smeared on her clothes, and probably one flea-bite somewhere, it seems Madotsuki’s relatively unharmed.
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She’s also still asleep.
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            ┈┈「 ♚。 » Pulling a cigarette out from her pack, she pressed the stick between her lips before lighting the tip up. Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the smoke into her system before opening her mouth and allowing the smoke to dissipate into the air. it relieved some of the stress weighing down on her shoulders, but it failed to make her feel completely at ease. Though, she doubted anything would be able to take her mind off her troubles. Now that she was trapped inside a twisted experiment, everything was more complicated than before. As if the situation wasn’t difficult already. The impassivity plastered on her face masked her inner turmoil perfectly, so she appeared composed and unperturbed despite the emotions surging within her.
            The sound of something rustling in the back of the alley immediately caught her attention, prompting her to disengage from her troubled thoughts and focus on the source of the noise. At first, she assumed it was just a stray animal; but the sight of an unidentifiable object in the dark said otherwise. Lisa Lisa cautiously walked towards the motionless silhouette as her sharp eyes observed and anticipated an enemy to attack. Upon closer inspection, she realized the figure belonged to a young girl who was fast asleep while being surrounded by felines. How strange. The cats abruptly dashed towards her feet and began making noises because they wanted attention. The woman gently crouched before gently shaking the stranger’s shoulder. “Wake up. This is not the kind of place a child should be sleeping at.”
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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Rika’s habits were keen, for Madotsuki had been watching the moment the other stepped inside the store. Hm, some other little blue-haired girl had walked in with a cheery and an incongruent rush to the back--the dreamer had been here for a while, and knew that they held chilled aisles of liquor toward the back of the store. She found the implication strange, and so followed along to see if Rika’s goal was in fact liquor, and curious as to how the other would sneak it out, if so.
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Her steps were casual, walking from the over-the-counter medicine aisle to where she had seen the other run off to. Before Rika had arrived, Madotsuki was searching the aisle for allergy medicine--she found that it had been more effective than sleep-aid pills. It could wait. Her curiosity beckoned with a green dress.
For What Ails You
Rika was tired.
She hadn’t been sleeping well, you see. Her mattress, while not the most luxurious thing in the world, wasn’t uncomfortable. No no, her newly acquired source of insomnia came from something else - mostly thoughts, which all seemed to stir at once when Rika stopped moving around and attempts to distract herself finally stopped coming. What if’s and unanswered questions rose up from the dark corners of her mind, and rest became a feeble endeavor. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making it hard to go around and basically function at all during the day.
Medicine is nice. It tended to solve these kinds of issues. But see, there’s a problem with just going out to buy some: the stores around here? Yeah…not so easy to locate. It wasn’t that there weren’t any: it was that their location changed every couple of hours. Therefore, no one knew where to find any specific place, and maps were totally and utterly useless. That left it up to exploration, except that if you didn’t find it within a certain window of time, any searching up till then is completely undone, because now everything was in a new place again. 
As you would imagine, shopping in Hive City (or at least sector 1) could be more troublesome than it otherwise had any right being. Rika was discovering this now.
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“Hate this stupid place,” she mumbled, gruffly shoving open a door-
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-before her demeanor visibly shifted and her features lit up oh-so happily, like nothing was wrong and she was just some kid looking for candy in the store she just entered. Just in case someone was watching. Call it a habit.
It was a general store. A convenience store, even - it was hard to tell. No matter what, Rika wasted no time heading straight to the back, looking for the one thing she was in dire need of right now.
Sleeping aids would probably help, and so would pain medicine, but Rika’s number one goal? Wine. She needed it. Badly. Even cheap beer would do, if she had to. Hopefully this place sold liquor…
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
Madotsuki looked on in stunned surprise, withdrawing her hand from the book as Muffet had her own grasp(s?) on it. As Muffet’s five eyes searched the cookbook for recipes, Madotsuki tried to recollect herself.
She gulped, audibly, then dropped her hand back to her side. Before she could help it--
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“We havva bakery,” she suddenly blurted out, shutting her eyes and balling her fists. It was fine. Absolutely fine. She’d seen scarier things in her dreams. Where they couldn’t eat her. And, hey, if Muffet ate spiders, it was unlikely that she would--  “SO. If you would, luh, lhh, like!” (Voice crack.) “To share th-To share what you make, then..!”
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Oh, she felt a lot better after getting that out of her system. Madotsuki seemed much calmer, suddenly--giving Muffet even a little smile.
“I’d like t--to know what your pastries tuh, taste like.”
- Tzahualli
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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Oh, no. A panicked look left, right, then: “You saw them? Th-they didn’t follow me, right?”
★ @mmadotsuki stepped up to the plate!
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    ☆ — “Hey, kid… Where did your parents go?”
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
She noticed the change on his face, knowing he was trying to appear happy in order to calm her down. Her grip on the knife felt a little weaker, but she was not quite assured, yet. Madotsuki opened her mouth to answer him, but kept quiet for a moment as he daydreamed. She pulled the knife away from his hand, but still close to herself in some defensive posture. Her eyes narrow, but her eyebrows don’t follow, suggesting she’s not as angry as she is scared.
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“It’s fun being lost,” she replies quietly, noticing how it did shake him up--It tempted her to continue. But as she saw him pull his hand away and instead offer it in front of her, her shoulders slink back down. Madotsuki seems to seriously consider his words.
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“I can af--Look. After myself,” she begins, putting her free hand to her window. She had survived this long, constantly walking outside of her cramped room.. It was quite an accomplishment, to herself. 
She pauses, looks at his hand, then looks back up at Kenji’s eyes, head tilted in genuine curiosity. “Why do you care?”
- False Awakening
Whoever this girl was, Kenji could definitely figure that she was… out of it. In one way or another, at the very least. The poor man almost couldn’t help but jump back when the girl reacted to having a hand placed on her shoulder. Was she really that spaced out to have reacted that way? Of course, what truly made it known that the girl was a bit off was the way that she spoke, almost as though she was waking up from a long, intense sleep.
W-wait a sec…Kenji thought with a sudden realization coming to mind. Oh, gosh, don’t tell me she was sleepwalking this whole time! Eeee, how wei~rd!
But Kenji did whatever he could to keep himself together, even having to forget about how badly he missed Shiro. After all, a sniffling 46-year-old man would probably appear a bit off-putting to a small child. Instead, Kenji flashed the girl his smile that he was so gifted at presenting to his customers back at the hair salon and responded to the girl’s question.
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“Well, you don’t wanna be lost, you know? It’s sca~ry being lost. Oh, ahaha, don’t worry, I’m not a parent. Ahh, but maybe someda~y…”
Kenji trailed off his statement with a small daydream, imagining how life would be if he and Shiro were parents together. Of course, the two weren’t even married, but Kenji’s overly-romantic tendencies never stopped him from imagining little scenarios. However, once he focused his attention back on the girl, Kenji noticed that she… was holding a knife? What in the world was going on in this place where children could be carrying such dangerous things?
“H-hey… Umm, could you put that away, please?” Kenji attempted to speak to the girl as calmly as he could, although there was a bit of a shake to his voice. “I’m not going to hurt you, and if you don’t have any parents, well… Someone’s got to look after you, ri~ght? At least until you’re safe.” The hairstylist gave a half-hearted laugh at the girl before removing his slender fingers from her shoulder and instead holding a hand out to her. Honestly, as far as she was concerned, Kenji figured the girl was simply… “special”…
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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She can’t help but follow along the other kid, moving to Viola’s side with foolish curiosity.
“Did you k, kill this witch..?” she asks, moving her head to see Viola’s front a little more. Ah, scissor-twirling.. It looked fun. Her eyes followed the swirl of it, trying to still keep pace with the other. Some-one freed from an awful witch.. Madotsuki can’t help but blurt out a second question. “Are you Gretel?”
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The newly found scissors swayed in her hand as she walked, the only thing keeping them from flying off was a curve of her index finger. She hummed quietly to herself while she wandered, not really minding how lost she was. She could manage. She navigated herself through the house before, she could make do with a city.
“La~ la~ la~ I’m free, I’m free, and that awful witch is dead!”
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
Cloudbank’s warm array of colors encouraged Madotsuki to open her eyes a little more--even the skies seemed painted. Her clothing style didn’t seem to match with its citizens, causing odd looks but nothing more. ...Well, perhaps they were deterred by the wooden blade she carried around, but if Madotsuki realized or cared, she didn’t show it; openly keeping a casual grip as anyone would with their purses.
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The little dreamer had scarcely begun window-shopping when she heard Sybil’s voice--She had raised her empty hand to press against the glass of the store, but let it drop back down to her side.
“No,” she replied curtly, closing her eyes and turning her neck just slightly to hear Sybil a little better. “It’s bhh.. Better, here.”
Hive City may have had nice boutiques, but they could never hold a candle to the radiance of some of Cloudbank’s most eminent designers. Fleeting as their fame may have been, their talents could not be denied, and so it was that Sybil found herself about to walk into the shop of one of the trendiest designers in the city.
However, before she could enter, she because aware of somebody who she was sure couldn’t be from Cloudbank. A little girl, one she had spotted on the street before leaving the Hive for her former home; had she been followed here again? And… was that a knife in the girl’s hand?
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“Excuse me, dear. Why don’t we get you back home to the city?”
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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Kafka Castle in Barcelona, Spain designed by Ricardo Bofill
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
It sure was a peculiar sight, no pun intended; it seemed as though Muffet’s eyes all blinked at different intervals, which made Madotsuki wonder a little about them as the other walked up. 
It made sense--If Madotsuki could help it, she would like to be watching the world with at least one eye at a time. It’d make everything safer: in the blink of one eye, what could happen, anyway? It’d probably help to be able to see more things than just two eyes, but what about astigmatism.. Perhaps their glasses would look a little odd-- Oh, the other was talking, oops.
“Mm, yes, good evening,” Madotsuki said with a little nod, “..Ah. I’m jhh.. Just in charge of the de--of the front desk tonight.
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“...Y’know--We pruh, probably do have something. Like that..” Her feet wiggle in the air for a brief second, before Madotsuki is able to push the rest of herself off of the chair. Without waiting (and thus without thinking), she already starts heading to the cookbook section, fingers expertly flicking past books by title. A dark-blue spine, the object of her search reveals itself to her eyes (reading in cute font, ‘Spider Bites’,) and she pinches it between her thumb and other fingers.
“Here you are--” she begins to say,
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before finally, finally realizing this spider-like person was requesting a cookbook to eat more spiders. She chokes on her words, and freezes, still pinching the book.
- Tzahualli
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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“Wuh, well. Just since a sweats--A sweater would be innnnappropriate for flames. Heh.
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“Yeah. It’s magical,” she lies, “It’s cuh-- The thing’s cursed. Like how bees have the sting--the stinger thing.” 
With her hands, Madotsuki pantomimes her guts flowing out of her stomach. Poor bees.
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
The nudge did little to stop Madotsuki’s feet, but the touch, that roused her out of her sleepwalking trance. Though still a little dazed, she couldn’t help but trail confused, sleepy eyes to Kenji’s. Despite the kind tone, he seemed quite sad. Why did adults have to care so much? They didn’t even know each other.
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“Yeah. I’m lost,” she says, in an air implying that she’d like to stay that way, “I don’t wuh.. I don’t want--mothh-nn.. Parents, I don’t want those. Are you one?”
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Although making no move to move the hand off of her shoulder, Madotsuki goes onto brandishing her wooden knife half-heartedly toward Kenji; casting her eyes aside to it instead of his face. Maybe if she seemed like trouble, he’d let her continue to wander. He wasn’t wrong, it could get scary, but she had no idea what to fear. That’s what made it interesting.
- False Awakening
The very lost and very confused hairstylist continued on his absent-minded wanderings of the mysterious city that he somehow found himself in. Whatever this place was, it certainly wasn’t Tokyo, and the homesickness sat like a horrible lump in Kenji’s throat. To make things even more bizarre, Kenji didn’t expect that the city had different Sectors to it. This “city” (if it could even be called that) was much of less of a city and more like its own, small country. It was certainly to make the hairstylist both curious and afraid at the same time.
He had found him trudging so far in the city sector that he first found himself in, that the man almost didn’t notice that the further he traveled out, the environment seemed to change. Originally in a sector filled with different shops, boutiques, etc. (which was nicely reminiscent of Shibuya), the surroundings around him slowly changed into things more… foreign. Shops and signs were written in many, many different languages, some that Kenji had probably never of before. And while he normally would have been quite excited to explore this new sector, his homesickness and lack of companionship from his boyfriend back home left the man feeling sad and lonely…
“Oh, Shiro… Where am I? And… where did you go? I miss you and your tasty food…”
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The man gave a heavy, heavy sigh as he held his head down. In fact, he was so distracted that he didn’t even realize for a moment that he nudged into a small girl who was also walking in an… unusual way, to the say the least. Just as Kenji was about to issue an apology, he was immediately more concerned that the young girl was wandering around completely by herself. A strange sweater that looked like a window, braided pigtails… She was a strange one, at least to Kenji’s eyes.
“H-hey, excuse me…” Kenji awkwardly began, putting a kind hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Are you lost, little girl? Where are your parents, hm? It can get scary wandering a city by yourself, you know!”
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mmadotsuki-blog · 8 years
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