mmhamlin5 · 5 years
The Impact on Students in 2020
“Life is better when you think about how your actions will affect others instead of how your actions will affect you.” - Luke Watson
A year from now, students will be in the same position as I am and may wonder why there isn’t a better way to get to classes that are on the complete opposite side of campus. I will be an effective rhetor on this topic because I will have information on why electric scooters, such as Limes and Birds, are not present on campus. I also hope to have research on alternative transportation that would be effective for students. The audience that I will be targeting is college students on the University of Kentucky’s campus. 
One component that will need to be included in my research are surveys from students explaining how they would be affected if electric scooters were brought to campus. Another component incorporated in my research will be interviews with people of high authority on campus, who can answer some of my questions about transportation on campus. Finally, my research will include polls showing how many students approve and disapprove of electric scooters on campus. 
My intentions for this research will be to address why electric scooters are not on campus and what alternate forms of transportation students can use other than walking and riding the bus. My goal is to supply next year’s freshmen with information on how to get around campus timely and effectively, so they don’t have to worry about missing the bus or leaving 30 minutes before their class so they can walk across campus.
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mmhamlin5 · 5 years
Outcomes of Electric Scooters on Campus
As mentioned in my last post, electric scooters, such as Birds and Limes, are not present on the University of Kentucky’s campus. With further research, I have learned many pros and cons to introducing this form of transportation to campus. First, I found that the price to ride the scooter is fairly cheap, which is a benefit for college students that are living on a budget. I also read about how the scooters are better for the environment, which is an issue that is very prevalent today. However, something that slipped my mind and the university would have to consider, is the environmental conditions that the scooters are in. The scooters could only be ridden during certain times of the year because of the weather and the conditions of the streets that the scooters would be riding on.
After learning a little bit more about electric scooters, I have developed more questions. First, is it possible for the scooters to only be accessible on campus during Fall and Spring when the weather conditions are best? Also, is the campus responsible for any scooters that are damaged, whether it be from weather conditions or improper use by the rider? Finally, how would the students at the University of Kentucky feel about having access to electric scooters on campus? 
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Works Cited
"Are Electric Scooters Awesome or Terrible? A Look at the Pros and Cons." The Entrepreneur, www.entrepreneur.com/article/318486.
"Cities in the USA where Lime Scooters are located." The Zebra, www.thezebra.com/insurance-news/6344/lime-vs-bird-scooters/.
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mmhamlin5 · 5 years
Electric Scooters on Campus
“Transforming the way we travel short distances.” - Techfly
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Being at the University of Kentucky for about two months now, I have noticed that electric scooters, such as Birds or Limes, are not present on campus. I have found this very shocking, considering how popular these transportation vehicles are on many big campuses. I have wondered if the University of Kentucky has ever tried using electric scooters. Being a student on north campus and having some of my classes a twenty-minute walk away, I noticed that the only way to get to those classes is by walking or taking the bus. Taking the bus can be risky though because you could be late to class if there are many stops on the way to your destination.
Recently, I have been wondering if the university would benefit from having scooters available? Having electric scooters on campus could potentially lead to more accidents with the riders or pedestrians nearby. Another risk of the scooters being introduced to campus is the decrease in students who ride the bus to class. This could be a good thing, in terms that the bus routes wouldn’t be as busy, but it could also negatively impact the bus drivers who are employed to drive students around. With no students riding the buses, there would be no use for them which would leave the bus drivers unemployed. Overall, while there are many risks in introducing electric scooters to the University of Kentucky campus, the university could benefit from this addition and I am interested in learning more about the transportation system on campus.
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mmhamlin5 · 5 years
Out with the Old and In with the New
“Every new friend is a new adventure... The start of more memories.” - Patrick Lindsay
Since the first grade, I have had the same thirteen friends. Every one of my friends holds a special place in my heart because we went through the hardships and the amazing times together. I knew that when I came to college, it would be difficult for me to leave my friends behind. It is hard for everyone. It worried me there would not be people that could replace the amazing friends I had at home. To be honest, nobody will ever fill their place because your high school friends and college friends are different people. Coming to college, I thought it would be impossible to make friends. Lucky for me, that wasn’t the case at all. When taking part in the sorority recruitment process, girls that I didn’t know surrounded me and I was so nervous to talk to them. As I look around me, I noticed that everyone is in the same boat. Everyone is worried about school, everyone is worried about getting into the sorority that they like, and everyone is looking to meet new people and potentially new best friends. Leaving my friends at home was difficult for me. But coming to college and realizing that everyone is in the same position as I, made the adjustment a lot easier. My advice for people that have had the same friend group their entire childhood, is to be open to change, and be open to talking to strangers because you never know if the girl sitting next to you at orientation, or the girl down the hall, or even the girl you say hello to in the elevator, maybe your future best friend.
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mmhamlin5 · 5 years
The Result Of An Impactful Community
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller.
Whether individuals know it or not, every person is a part of a community. It could be small or large but each and every person can find themselves in at least one. A community that I am apart of and is most important to me is my dance community that I left in Columbus, Ohio when I came to college. I spent most of my time throughout High School at my studio and surrounded by a supportive, energetic, and comforting community of people. My dance community was made up of children aged eight to eighteen as well as adults that were our role models and guided us to having such a strong community. 
My dance community pushed me and encouraged me in ways that made me the person I am today. In this dance community, the relationships were strong with one another and age didn’t matter because we considered each other to be family. No matter what kind of person someone was outside the studio, we all had something in common which was our love for dance. Without my dance community, I wouldn’t have learned how to step out of my comfort zone and insert myself into situations. Through the relationships I had in my dance community I learned how to be a leader, how to be vulnerable, and how to be the genuine person I am today.
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