mmm325bi · 9 days
shades of cool - b.i
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“it’s genuinely so annoying,” y/n rants. “like i hate her so much.”
“i get that, i had people i hated in high school too.”
“she fucks everyone over and pretends she’s innocent, but it’s whatever.”
y/n sits in bobby’s office as he listens to her talk about her problems. he’s become her own personal counselor, and he welcomes her in with open arms. if he gets to even hear her voice for five minutes, it can make his day.
“i don’t wanna go back to class,” she whines, throwing her head back with her legs pulled up in front of her on the chair.
“i know,” he replies gently. “but it’s last period, and then you’re done for the day.”
“i believe in you,” he laughs, a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
“thanks, bobby.” she rolls her eyes playfully at him, and the glowing smile shows up again that he adores.
“come see me tomorrow, too if you need me.”
“i’m gonna end up needing you, so, ill be there.” she says, her hand against the side of the door frame as she looks back at him. “have a good night, bobby.”
“you too, y/n.”
two months went by of her junior year, november starting to creep up. by the end of every day, she had been in bobby’s room at least once. she ditched her friends in the hallway to go say hello, she’d tell her teachers she’s using the bathroom and go to his office. she’d tell her mom she’s staying after for a project, but the project was just trying to be around bobby.
no one could understand what she felt, not even y/n herself. her heart swelled whenever he was around her, even a playful tease made her feel more loved than ever.
bobby found himself eager to get closer to her. he wanted her mind to himself, her body, her heart. she was angelic, alongside a glowing personality and a huge heart inside her plump chest.
it wasn’t until he received an email from the school a few towns over, telling him that they’d pay him more than what he’s getting now if he came to teach and coach. most people wouldn’t hesitate to take this offer, but the girl in his mind was the roadblock.
“coach is apparently leaving,” one of the guys in y/n’s geometry said. “well, he’s at least going to watch a game for OA.”
y/n’s heart started pounding. she doesn’t like to overhear, but whenever the basketball boys talk about bobby she has to listen. her skin ran hot at the idea of him leaving, almost feeling a sense of betrayal. there were tingles down her spine to her toes. the moment the bell rang after last period, she bolted to bobby’s office.
“why are you leaving?” she spat out of her mouth at him. he looked up from his computer at her, his scrunched up face relaxed as he knew what she was talking about.
“no, why are you leaving me? you know i hate it here and now the one person i have is going away? all the girls here are fake and all the teachers hate me and the guys think im a slut! but you’re just gonna leave.”
“it’s not about me leaving you, hon,” he speaks softly trying to calm her down. he stands up, becoming face to face with her in his office. “it’s about money and bills and opportunities for myself.”
“well why was the athletic department telling bryan about promoting you? why were they talking about giving you a raise if you’re just gonna leave? so this is all for nothing?”
“y/n, i didn’t know that they were saying that. nothings been put on paper yet, all i did was get invited to go see a game.”
“but i know what that means, bobby im not stupid!”
“no, no you’re not stupid at all. i just wanted you to know why i considered it.”
in that moment, bobby looked into y/n’s eyes to see her upset. she looked like she was shaking, truly bothered by the fact that the only person here for her would be gone. she has no idea that she is enough to make him stay, no idea what she means to him and how she touches his heart.
“well, next time you think about leaving, consider this.”
she launched forward, pushing her toes into the floor to lift her heels up. she places one of her hands on his chest, and the other on his shoulder to help get herself up. she shoved her lips against his, feeling the tension in his face as his warm lips pressed onto hers. she moved her mouth to his bottom lip, and he finally started to focus in on the kiss.
it was so wrong. he’s kissing one of his students and feeling the most comfortable than he has with any of his exes. but how could he stop, he had to let himself feel this way for at least a few minutes.
he moves his head up and down slightly, tilting it down to reach her height. he worked his tongue very lightly into her mouth, just barely grazing her lips. the quiet sounds of their lips together filled the room like the music class, completely silencing everything else.
he placed his hand on the side of her neck, giving her support as he made out with her in his office. he almost wished there was a clone of him in the room to watch the heat of them making out. it was absurdly hot in his mind.
as she pulled away first, it felt like a punishment. like he should beg on his knees for her. but instead, he just watched as she turned and shut the door behind her.
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mmm325bi · 2 months
teachers pet - b.i
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“bobby, can you bring her back to class?” one of the teachers manning the hallway asked. y/n had literally just stepped out of the bathroom, trying to get a break from her tests and was already being bombarded with what felt like security.
“yeah, sure.” he replied, a folder under his arm, covered with a green quarter-zip. his blue jeans were slightly bagged with his phone and pen sticking out of one pocket.
when y/n walked up to him, she received a sweet smile, noticing his soft expression and tone when he spoke. “hey.”
she replied with a quick hi, and they started walking back to the classroom that she was in.
“i bet it’s annoying to be walked back to class, i hope you don’t think it was me who made that choice.” he chuckles a bit to break the silence.
“no, i know,” y/n smiles back. “i just can’t wait to be done with testing, at least for this year.”
“first year here?”
“no, i’m a sophomore. i’ve done it all before anyway.”
“well, at least they’ll be done soon, and you’ll finally be on break.”
while he walked her down the hallway, he noticed how she carried herself so gracefully around the school. she didn’t appear to have a bad bone in her body. “what do you teach, i haven’t had a class yet with you?”
“i do a lot with special ed, and i teach the health classes.”
“basketball too, right?”
“yes ma’am, right here in ___.”
“nice, my boyfriend plays for ____, maybe you know him?”
something seemed to freeze inside of him. it almost was the familiar sense of jealousy, but it felt impossible. how could he be jealous of a 16 year old girl? maybe it was the lack of relationships in his own life, or maybe it was the gentle beauty in y/n’s face that almost made him want her to himself.
“oh, maybe. but you should get back to class, don’t want to get in trouble.” she nodded, turning back toward the door and then flashing him another quick grin. the door closed behind her and bobby walked away.
on the final day of the 2024 school year, all of the kids were impatiently sitting on their seats, waiting to finish up their finals so they would finally be out. again, bobby proctored one of the classrooms.
he was in the mods, scanning through his list to see who was going to be in his room. he recognized a few of the basketball boys, and some on the girls team, so he expected them to be pretty easy during the next few hours.
when the first bell rang, the kids started piling in. half of them didn’t have their backpacks, only bringing a small one with just their computer and a pencil. they all pushed them under their desks, dragging out their computers to log on.
a few of the boys walked up to bobby’s desk when the bell rang again, quickly handshaking and then making small talk about the next season and camps happening in the summer.
when the clock hit 7:45, he knew it was time to start their tests so they could just get them over with.
“alright guys, let’s start the final and then you’ll be out of here, so i’ll take attendance and then pass it out, and then you’ll be good to go, sounds good?” a few students nodded as they still chatted with their friends. bobby pulled out his list, marking off a few of the names after they said their here’s.
“y/n?” he called out, looking around the class and seeing one girl tap her friend on the shoulder. then, the familiar face confronted him in the brightly lit room.
y/n’s bold eyes looked directly into his, her soft skin glowing in the morning sun from the window. she had on her jean shorts and a white tank top, the black bra peeking through the straps and the thin fabric.
fuck, why was he looking there, he thought? all the kids must think he’s weird, but he just couldn’t pull his eyes off of her. he felt a sense of favoritism toward her, bigger than all his sport students.
“here,” she said, her hair sitting on one shoulder and turning herself in her seat. her legs were only subtly tan and her white socks came above her sneakers.
“great,” bobby mumbled, his eyes still on her as she gazed back at him with the most gentle face.
all the kids finished early, so bobby had some time to talk to them. “what class was this for?”
“science,” one of them called out, sighing at the end in a way of disgust and also relief.
“gross, why that face though?”
“because he hates everyone, especially y/n.” one of the guys teased, but knowing that the teacher had special problems with y/n.
“oh, really?” bobby smirked, looking back at y/n who appeared annoyed, but also was giggling a bit.
“i don’t know what i did to him!” y/n throws her hands up, with an adorable laugh coming out from her mouth. “he just always has a problem with me for some reason.”
“well, screw him then,” bobby shrugs. “i don’t think you’re that bad, not at all.”
“thanks,” y/n grins, as their eyes drill into each other. the other kids had already started chatting with one another, so it almost felt like it was just y/n and him in the room. everything else disappeared as she looked him in the eye, wanting to go closer to her, but he couldn’t. before he knew it, he was snapped from his thoughts from the dramatic ring of the bell.
almost everyone jumped up, grabbing their stuff and bolting out. y/n was the last to leave, tying her shoe before she got up. she placed her foot on the chair as she bent over, her back perfectly arched and her shorts slightly riding up to reveal a thin crease.
bobby, as much as he hates to admit it, was staring. he was so shocked that a girl that age could be so pretty, and so mature. he eyed her from the back while one of her friends waited by the door. she put her foot back on the floor, pulling her shorts back down to cover up bobby’s view. when she turned around, she noticed his eyes directing back to hers.
“have a good summer, bobby.”
“you too, y/n. i’ll see you next year.”
the school air was thick and hot from the heat of a massachusetts summer. it was almost unbearable to be in, everyone in shorts and short sleeves as all the kids barreled into the school, complete miserable looks on their face. however, bobby couldn’t dare miss the beaming smile from across the lobby as she waited.
y/n had on another pair of shorts, a dark blue denim pair wrapped around her thighs perfectly. her floral patterned tank top adorned her torso, the push up underneath making the shirt fit her exactly how every girl wants.
bobby looked at her from the doors, waiting until the first bell rang to let them out into the hallways. he leaned against the wall, his black gym shorts and the white t-shirt pressing against his body in the heat. when y/n finally looked over to him, she took note of his whole body.
his arms, clearly been worked on over the summer, were dark from the harsh rays. his hair was a bit longer with the small pieces curled over his forehead. his grey eyes stood out in the bright light from the ceiling, contrasting the slowing rising sun outside.
her heart slowly started to race. there was a feeling of anxiety in her chest as she looked at him. whenever someone else looked at him, she almost envied them. it wasn’t something she expected, especially from someone superior to her. she could tell her mind was wandering off, so she didn’t even notice him looking back at her.
he definitely saw me looking at his arms. - she thought.
she definitely say me looking at her top. - he though.
when she started moving toward the doors, bobby stood up straight. he watched her feet as they moved closer to him, a new pair of sneakers she must’ve gotten over the summer. he hadn’t noticed them before.
“hi,” y/n spoke to him, her voice almost making him forget everything around him. he didn’t realize how much he missed it over the summer.
“hey, y/n,” he replied with almost a cheesy smile, he felt like he was the one back in high school.
“want to let me out early?” she asked, batting her long lashes at him and he smirked back.
“why, what are you planning to get into?”
“it’s so hot and gross in this little area, please? get someone to cover for you.”
“i- um, i have to stay here, i think.” he said back, making a complete fool of himself in front of this girl.
“oh, i get it. was that a yes?” she grins back, lightly bouncing up on her toes. bobby couldn’t help him eyes drift to her chest as she lightly moved up and down.
“fine, because i trust that you won’t get me in trouble, yes?”
“yes, sir.” she said, mockingly saluting him as she turned around. “oh! also, period 5.”
“i’m in your class period 5.”
bobby swore he could jump up and down when she beamed back at him, her hair flowing as she finally walked away.
how bobby managed to land her on the longest block of the day, he didn’t know. he felt like the luckiest man alive, not knowing what god gave this girl to him. he got through the day, traveling through classes and finally landing in the health rooms.
his period five class came piling in, him leaning against his desk and waiting for the beautiful face to walk back into his class. she came in at most a minute after the bell rang, one of her friends by her side. she was the first one in the class.
“welcome back, ladies.” he said.
“do we get to pick our seats?”
usually, as a teacher, bobby doesn’t care where his students sit. he doesn’t see the point in making them sit somewhere they hate, it doesn’t make them work any better.
“i’m making a seating chart, so you can just stand for now and i’ll get it done soon.”
right next to his desk, he wrote down y/n’s name on the paper, and she happily pranced to her seat and sat down.
the first month of school was amazing. bobby saw y/n practically every day, always hating the period 5 drop days. he loved her personality, and how she would talk to him throughout class. he’d overhear all her conversations with her friends, secretly wanting her to be telling him everything.
now, the first football game was tonight, and bobby wanted to go to see some of his basketball players on a different field. he also happened to know about the halftime performance from the cheer team, which also happened to include y/n.
that night, bobby blew his hair dry and sprayed extra cologne. he slid on his black puffer jacket and his long khaki pants. he also wore a black t-shirt underneath for the blackout theme.
y/n gave her hair light curls before pulling it back into a ponytail and then adding her dark green bow in her hair. the school had just gotten new uniforms, and she was so excited to wear them. it was a pair of shorts, covered by a small skirt and a long sleeve crop top. it had the large white M on the front and dark green and black parts on it. it had some bright sparkles and it was a huge upgrade from the old ones.
before the game started, the girls on the cheer team sat on the turf as the sun was just over the horizon. bobby pulled up in his car, getting a good spot with some of his teacher friends and the other coaches.
while y/n was stretching out her legs on the ground, she made eye contact with bobby. he was lightly grinning at her, before taking out his hand to wave at her.
the smile he got in return send a wave of heat through his body as her arm raised to excitedly wave back to him.
a loud voice came booming in from the announcer of the game, bringing in the new seniors and juniors that were on the field.
and somehow, by the end of the game, bobby had made it right next to the cheer team, doing their final cheer as the football team brought it home.
bobby watched y/n grab her bag and check her phone. when she looked around her, she looked confused. he never really saw that type of look on her face despite how much he looks at her in school.
while he was busy trying to figure out her expression, he was interrupted. “yo, bobby! did you see my play?”
and by the time he was done with the conversation, he turned around to see y/n gone.
most of the students had gone home with most of the players in the locker room. so, bobby decided to go home. it was late friday night, why not go home to his roommates and spend the rest of the night there.
as he walked back to his car, he saw a shadow from one of the parking lot lights. he heard a low voice, one he didn’t really find familiarity in, but the other one he did.
normally, when he hears y/n, he hears her voice clearly like the stars in the sky. her angelic laugh usually rang through the class, but this was far from it.
“you’re lucky i even came out here to talk to you.”
“cmon, don’t try and ruin my night just because i wanted to talk to you.”
“i’m not ruining anything! i have a right to be pissed off if you won’t leave me the fuck alone!” y/n yelled but almost in a quiet tone.
“i haven’t done anything to you, y/n.”
“i don’t give a fuck what you ‘haven’t done’. i don’t want to see you or talk to you. we broke up on my terms and i want to keep it that way.”
bobby put the pieces together. he would’ve never guessed she had a breakup because she never once looked upset. from his past breakups, he was heartbroken. maybe she is just more mature than he was.
“alright, whatever, go fuck yourself,” the boy mumbled, rushing back into the locker room with his helmet in his fist. when he was finally behind bobby, y/n turned around.
“what-“ she started, looking right at him. her cheeks and nose were painted a bright pink as her glossy eyes looking straight into bobby’s.
“you don’t have to explain anything. but can i ask if you’re okay?”
“i’m, im fine i just don’t know why he’s on my case still. we broke up at the beginning of summer so i don’t know why he’s being such a dickhead.”
“i’m sorry he’s acting like that. you don’t deserve that.” his expression was sincere, and y/n felt comforted in the senior lot of the school by him.
“i didn’t mean to tell you all that anyway. are you gonna go spill that to my counselor or something.” y/n asked, kicking around the small pebbles at her feet.
“of course not. you can trust me.” bobby said to her.
“thank you, really.”
“of course, you don’t need to thank me. i’m here for you and if you need help you know where to find me.”
before bobby could blink, y/n rushed forward into his arms. instinctively, bobby’s thick, warm arms wrapped around her body and she slightly nuzzled her face into his chest. he felt her cool arms and her icy cheek against him, pulling back to look at her face.
“don’t apologize, you’re just really cold.” he could tell from the cloud of fog coming from her lips when she spoke. “take this.” he said, peeling off his puffer jacket.
“are you sure?”
“yes, please take it, y/n.” he smiled at her, holding it open for her. “i’ll walk you to your car. you never know who’s out here.”
as he walked y/n to her car, she felt safer than she had in months. no one bothered to reach out to her or protect her since the summer, so she learned how to do it on her own. she forgot how amazing it felt to have someone on your side. as they walked to the end of the lot, they talked about y/n’s road test and her new car, as well as her license that just came in.
“this is mine.” y/n whispered, almost disappointed that they had to stop walking.
“alright, now,” he placed a hand on her arm. “get home safe, i want to be able to see that face in my class on monday. and if he starts bothering you again, just let me know and i’ll help you deal with it.”
“thank you so much, bobby.” hearing his name from her lips felt different than the rest. it made his cheeks fill up with heat and gain a similar color to hers.
“of course, i hope you have a good weekend, y/n. good job tonight.”
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