mmmno-plzz · 9 months
Humans only live 80 years, and they spend so much of it waiting for things to be over. -the good place s3, e2
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mmmno-plzz · 9 months
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mmmno-plzz · 9 months
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mmmno-plzz · 9 months
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'The Snow Maiden' by Marcin Minor
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mmmno-plzz · 9 months
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The Amazing Mr. Fell and his number 1 fan (in denial)
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mmmno-plzz · 9 months
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Literally can’t stop thinking about this.
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mmmno-plzz · 9 months
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and for full transparency, this applies to me as well, I wasn't a teenager when I started reading LO mind you but I remember when I first discovered the #antiloreolympus hashtag on Tumblr and I couldn't believe people could hate on this series as much as they did, I thought they were exaggerating, being nitpicky, etc. until around the trial arc when I started to see the holes in the plot and then a lot of the stuff the anti's were saying started to make way more sense LMAO now I can't imagine reading this comic seriously the way I did back in 2019, I can't even believe how much of the creepy shit from S1 I overlooked 🤢
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mmmno-plzz · 10 months
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Art by Mengxuan Li
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mmmno-plzz · 10 months
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Here’s a christmas gift I made for my partner cause eeaao is their favourite movie
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
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Luke Oram
🗡𝐹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝔇𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔩𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝑜𝓃 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓂, 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝓈 & 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓀𝓎
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
My Happy Marriage - By Agitogi Akumi (9/10)
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The anime adaptation of this is also good. Go watch it.
Redemption and trauma don't go together often. Most of the time it's easier to kill off evil characters, and rush into a happy ending. This happy ending is slow and painful, and our heroine has to fight for every single shred of happiness she gets.
Miyo is from the Saimori family. She was born for entirely political reasons. Her father had a beloved lover, who he had to abandon to marry her mother. He did his duty, but then his political bride died young.
He immediately brought his lover back into his life. He officially married her, and he gave her complete power out of guilt.
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Miyo loses her right to...everything. Her new mother sees her as an obstacle who almost ruined her true love. When they have a daughter that new daughter is superior in every single way.
Kaya Saimori is beautiful. Smart. She also has supernatural powers, as a daughter of the Saimori family should.
Miyo didn't manifest, so the abuse her "mother" puts her through gets worse...until finally Miyo is completely degraded.
At 19 she is a soulless husk who only apologizes.
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She also loses her only friend. Kaya gets to marry him instead of her. Kaya gets the family home. Kaya gets the spirit power. Kaya gets the love. Kaya gets the respect.
Miyo can't even be jealous.
She is so drained.
So tried of being ignored.
She "turns off" when her "mother" abuses her. She dreams of the mother who loved her. Of the love and future she cannot have because she is a useless...
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Her father marries her off to a powerful stranger. The head of the Kudo family. He has burned through a half dozen fiances. He doesn't like rude, prideful, rich women. He lives on a small estate despite his wealth, and he protects the world from supernatural monsters that rarely appear. He believes his work is important, even if said monsters only attack once or twice a generation.
He is a VERY serious man.
Miyo wins him over by being serious too.
She does not look down on him for living a quiet life.
She thinks his job is cool as hell.
She doesn't think he's a boring, stiff man.
She thinks he will abandon her when he notices she has no powers.
He could not care less.
He thinks her cooking is delicious, and when she makes a hair ornament for him he wears it right away. They are both stiff and awkward, together.
They are a great couple.
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When we see Kouji again he is miserable. He misses his only love. Here we see the illusion break. Miyo thinks Kaya is beautiful, irresistible and charming. She only thinks that way because of her isolated and awful upbringing. Kaya is actually an unbearable brat. Kouji isn't moved by her beauty or good breeding in the slightest.
In fact, he goes a little crazy.
He decides to pretend to like Kaya, so he can protect Miyo from her family. You see, they're all idiots. Miyo doesn't have powers, but she is her mothers daughter. Her real mother was from a family that can control dreams and minds. The most terrifying family. Her father realizes he gave away a very valuable bride for a low price, and now he wants her back.
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Kouji has her back though. He is her shadow ally, even during his most crazy moments.
Kaya falls in love with Kudo because she's a superficial moron. She also knew Kouji is in love with Miyo. She just took him to make Miyo miserable.
Kouji resists her bullcrap, because he knows she's a liar.
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Kaya's jealousy festers and explodes when she sees Miyo happy with her handsome husband. Her happy ending is at hand at last. Kudo storms to Saimori house. He demands an apology for Miyo before the marriage. He says she will be treated with respect from now on, or he will never use his considerable army influence to help them. He doesn't care if Miyo was given to him for political reasons. She is his now, and he has no real use for her family. He's strong enough on his own. Funnily enough he only accepted the proposal because he was tried of being nagged about marriage.
Now, he is a happy man who will protect his happy marriage.
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Miyo, sadly, gets kidnapped. Kaya spews toxic crap. She says she is more suitable for the handsome and powerful Kudo. Her horrible mother beats the shit out of Miyo the whole time. Miyo does not apologize. She knows happiness is within her reach.
The Saimori family isn't that great.
Turns out their power is on the decline. Kaya has excellent supernatural sight, but no combat abilities. She's middle of the pack. She was never special.
Miyo doesn't want to be special.
She wants to be happy.
She doesn't apologize. She defys her "mother". She looks down on Kaya, and she says nobody deserves Kudo except her.
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Kudo storms the house for real. He burns the gates with lightning. Kouji alerted him about the kidnapping. His plan to be a shadow actually worked great. He never once hesitated to be there for Miyo, even though he wasn't powerful enough to actually save her.
He stands back, and he watches Kudo crush the Saimori house. The awful house that abused his bride.
Miyo smiles.
She is proud of herself, because she didn’t even think of giving up her husband. The voices in her head didn’t win.
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My Happy Marriage is very...complicated.
Miyo struggles. Her mothers powers do manifest. The darkness makes her depression worse. The abuse she went through doesn't go away. She still believes she is stupid, and unworthy. Kudo has to slowly help her heal. He says he will kill anyone that gets in the way of her happiness (basically)...and the story moves on.
Kaya becomes a servant in a strict house, but she's still heir. She's still going to marry Kouji. Kouji has decided to better himself. He was thinking about killing Miyo, and then himself, so they could escape their hellish lives together. Now that she's happy he plans to move to the city. He's actually going to be with Kaya and rebuild the Saimori house into a respectable one, from the ground up. No execution. No gratuitous revenge.
Life goes on.
It's frighteningly mature.
Killing Kaya wouldn't solve a damn thing, because she's an immature idiot. Technically her mom was abusing her too. Kaya was pushed to be perfect and powerful. Her mother used to threaten her and say she would end up like Miyo if she didn't do well. So, in the end nobody in the Saimori family was happy.
Miyo still isn't completely happy, but she's trying.
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
Just finished watching the first four episodes of My Happy Marriage
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
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My Happy Marriage (Ep 4)
My heart... 😭🤧🥰
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
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Some of my favourite art from Wembley and the Soggy Map! Illustrations by Lisa McCue
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(apologies if some areas are blurry etc, these are just photos I took with my phone)
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mmmno-plzz · 11 months
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are you Kenough
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