mnguthr-blog · 7 years
Has anyone else noticed the snobby working man's complex?
So I just got off a 10 hour shift after working an hour late and I’m waiting in line talking to a coworker about the store policies and how i’d probably have to take a long lunch in order to shave off that extra time that they don’t want me to keep. In this discussion I said “there’s just so much to do, sometimes I stay late, I cant do 15 hours of work in 7.” (I get an hour and a half for lunch and breaks). Immediately every man in line looks in my direction and the guy next to me actually scoffs. If you follow my page you know that I have a slew of health problems including fibromyalgia which makes it almost impossible to work even part time. I’m hanging in there for the moment, stocking freight and unloading trucks 32 hours a week but I’m one bad flare up away from losing my job. Most days I legit have more hours of work in front of me than hours in my shift. It pays well. I have a family to support. I can’t afford to lose it. Sometimes I go to work when i’d rather crawl in bed and die. So you can imagine how much I wanted to smack this cocky fucker in line who scoffed at me. I do the very best I can at work and I don’t belittle people that may not be able to work as much as I do. Don’t be that guy. Take your machoism and shove it directly up your ass.
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
Complaining about “reverse racism” is pretty much the same as being pissed when a crippled individual envies your ability to walk.
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
sooo cute!
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
My therapist suggested replacing “is there anything I can do” with “what do you need” when comforting someone as the first kind of assumes you as part of the equation in helping someone which isn’t always helpful. It also kind of pressures the person suffering to kind of come up with something FOR you to do. Like I get so frustrated with that first question as a person who gets it a lot.
The second not only takes the pressure off but also might help the person really consider what their actual needs are like hey I haven’t eaten, maybe that’s a reason I feel crappy. It kinda takes the asker out of the immediate picture so the person struggling can focus on what they actually need, and then if you CAN help, you can offer it.
We’ll see if this works better!
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
Girls who use mobility aids deserve support and kindness! No one is too young to use a cane, wheelchair, crutches, or any other sort of aid that helps with day to day living. Assuming someone is too young or “just trying to get attention” is completely ignorant and actively harms disabled people. Disabled girls are allowed to like, enjoy, and find their mobility aids cute without others shaming them or passing judgments. Being disabled isn’t a bad thing and isn’t something only the elderly experience.
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
my body hurts
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
my life is kinda like a claw machine game but instead of toys im trying to grab mental stability and good coping mechanisms and i just keep dropping it
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
no one fucking tells you this so here it is:
when signing out forms to apply for disability / filling out a form for diagnosis
you’re supposed to fill it out as you on your worst days
like, I filled out forms that said I could do most things usually
like, my doctor added in the conditions like “yeah, they can feed themselves when not stressed” “they can do this when not stressed”
but how I should have filled it out was more like
“some days I can’t feed myself” “some days I can’t leave the house”
My doctor didn’t even know this, but I talked to someone who had worked with people with both developmental and intellectual disabilities for a number of years, and she told me to write down how it is for your bad days
this should be a thing they tell you, but it isn’t
part of the reason I didn’t get my autism diagnosis as soon as I should have is because I filled out forms wrong!
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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aint that the fucking truth
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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how to tip
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
An eating disorder. This is not about food. This is not about looking good in a dress or wanting to be a supermodel. This is not about wanting the cute guys to turn their heads and stare at your beauty. This is not about going to a store, sliding a size zero skirt over your hipbones, and laughing all the way to the check out counter. This is not about wanting attention. This is not about enjoying feeling death and refusing food until you need to be force fed with a tube in an ICU. It is not about deliberately pissing off the nurses on the ED unit by hiding your clif bar and boost under your sweatshirt and stashing butter in the bed pans. It is not about selfless starving for all the children in Africa. It is not about the latest fad diet or losing the holiday weight. It is not about reading fashion magazines and pining for the Body Mass Index of Paris Hilton’s pet Chihuahua. It is not about getting a good man/woman. It is not about religion, G-d, the media or culture. This is about having the self-esteem of an insect. This is a polite way of committing suicide. This is about having no life because it’s impossible to go out with friends to a restaurant and order a bowl of dry lettuce. This is about weighing, measuring and counting pasta, cereal, raisins and anything that passes your lips, including toothpaste. This is about secrets and lies and shame. This is about not wanting to admit that you need to eat. That you deserve to live. This is about being scared. This is about being terrified. Of everything. This is about control. This is about numbing away the feelings of abuse. This is about starving away the pain. This is about wanting to disappear as to not be taken advantage of again. This is about hiding under layers of clothing that are mostly black so that no one sees your womanly body. This is about non verbal communication. This is about avoiding. This is about denying the past. This is about intense self hatred. This is about needing so much that you can’t stand it. This is about wanting to not need anything at all. This is about not wanting to be touched but afraid to be let go. This is about having emotions that bubble up and spill out and scare people away. This is about being so overwhelmed and traumatized that it’s easier to avoid everything by obsessing over the amount of calories in a grapefruit. It is about getting lost in the mirror and scale instead taking responsibility and just f*cking dealing. This is about wanting to be safe. This is about wanting to curl up in a nutshell and ignore the big bad world that’s too noisy and dangerous and can’t be trusted. This is about not trusting anyone and relying on food (or lack of) to give you an all enveloping comfort blanket when the feelings bloat you up and make you feel fat, ugly and intolerable in your skin. This is about really crappy coping methods. This is about a way of life you’ve known for 13 years. This is about habit and second nature. This is about making a choice that will quite possibly kill you. This is about chaotic relationships, hospitalizations, devastated families, worried friends, treatment programs, trying and failing, and more hospitalizations. This is about losing your period, failed kidneys, and hollow bones. This is about cardiac arrest at age 21. This is about being sick. This is about not being sick enough to think you need, or agree to go into, treatment. This is about being so sick that you have to be court ordered into a hospital. This is about trying to be understood. This is about fighting with all you’ve got and more hard work than you ever imagined. This is about exhaustion and tears and needing support. This is about fighting a battle with yourself and the world. This is about trying to survive. This is not about food.
From a friend on Facebook. It was just too amazing and powerful to not share it.  (via anthipode)
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just
not good
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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Source: 1 2 3 4 5 6 If you want more facts, follow Ultrafacts
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mnguthr-blog · 7 years
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