mnh7eruyu-blog · 7 years
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via @extramadness
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mnh7eruyu-blog · 7 years
so im writing an ua... any suggestions?
   Epilogue There I was standing in the middle of the Milton Gurgusses Community College Cafeteria. I had this terrible nauseated, butterfly-ish feeling in my stomach. I glanced down at my timer 36 seconds it could be any of these strangers. 28 seconds. 15 seconds. Oh, wait maybe I should back up a bit.
Chapter One
My name is Eleanor Gurfiler, but everybody calls me Ellie. It all started 2 weeks ago at around noon at the Cafè Chocolaté. It was the only coffee place in town, so if you wanted something actually WARM-ish you went there because the school’s coffee was nasty. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Marinara the elderly couple who owned the shop was as nice and as sweet as. Well, Chocolaté! Oh, I’ve digressed. So there I was sitting across from Isaac, my best friend, in our favorite booth. At that time my timer said 2 weeks 1 day 56 minutes 27 seconds.    “So, Ellie, what do you have planned for this summer?” asked Isaac.     “Nothing much,” I responded, ”Just interning at the MGCC for Dr. Alfredo”. “Oh gosh, the last summer before we go off TO college, and you are going to spend AT college?”    Isaac’s plans and my plans didn’t exactly line up. We had just graduated the week before and all he wanted to do that summer was go clubbing to find a rebound from his dead-beat boytoy, Ethan. Who, by the way, had dumped Isaac so his daddy would pay for him to go to Yale. All I can say is that was the worst weekend ever. Back to my story… “Yes, Isaac I am going to intern for two weeks, you know it was one of the stipulations in my scholarship and besides--”. “ But when will I see you again if you are interning?”. Man, Isaac could be such a whiner sometimes. But, he was just like the brother I never had, and WAY better than my four sisters. “It’s only until the end of the term, it’s only gonna be for two weeks,” I explained for the 50th time. “ But you only have,” Isaac stopped short and abruptly grabbed my left wrist, “ 2 weeks 1 day 32 minutes 2 seconds left until you met him. Or her of course. You can never be too sure.”    “He or she won’t come in the way of our friendship. What could break the everlasting bond of two arms broken by monkey bars?” “Two casts? Fine, but you have to stamp it.”    He reached over the table and we pinky-promised that we would see each other at least twice a week. Mrs. Marinara came over with two steaming cups. We finished our cups in silence and walked home. We had lived next to each other since we were in diapers, and every time he walked me home he made joked that he was better than whatever current crush/boyfriend I had because he walked me home safely. Tonight he didn’t though. I should have said something about it but, instead, I simply said goodnight and we each split ways. I to the left, him to the right. I spent the next two weeks interning with no happenings. Just the regular stuff, I started my summer reading list, setting up my schedule, and overall trying to relax a bit before summer vacation was over. I also arranged to work at the Cafe with the Marinaras. I was an hour and a half away from my timer running out and had no other plans so I decided to walk around campus for a bit. I walked around for 45 minutes before I started to get hungry, so like any person with a lick of common sense, I went to the cafeteria. I got my lunch and walked to a table instead of going to the library as usual. After I ate I still had 20 minutes on my timer, so I reached into my bag and grabbed my phone and my copy of The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger for my summer reading list. First I tried video chatting Isaac. When he didn’t pick up, I turned to my book. I had been stalling to finish it, but I had plenty of time know. As soon as I had closed the epic tale of Holden Caulfield, I glanced down at my timer. I had 1 minute. For some reason, I will never ever be able to explain, put my things in my bag, and stood up at the front of the cafeteria. So, there I was standing in the middle of the Milton Gurgusses Community College Cafeteria. I had this terrible nauseated, butterfly-ish feeling in my stomach. I glanced down at my timer 36 seconds it could be any of these strangers. 28 seconds. 15 seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6. Somebody knocked into me and I started to fall. 3, 2, 1. Seconds before impact, he caught me. “Hi,” he said. I had my eyes closed, braced for impact. When I opened my eyes the stranger who had caught me was...Ethan?!? All the sudden the room went dark.
Chapter Two
Yep, I had fainted. Sooooo embarrassing especially in front of my soulmate. If you haven’t figured it out that’s what the timers are for. When I came to, I was in the nurse's office with an ice pack on my head and a very worried Ethan at my feet. “Oh my god, you’re awake. How are you feeling? I brought you here as soon as you passed out.” Ethan explained frantically. “ Yeah, Ethan I’m OK. Please don’t freak out. I just want to go home. Could you walk me?” I asked. I was still feeling a little woozy. “Uh, yeah… um, ok. Ok let’s go” “ Just a minute,” interjected the nurse “ Before you go I need to make sure you’re clear. ” Ethan excused himself so he could go get our stuff rounded up. “ You’re timer is at zero. Is he…?” the nurse asked without actually asking. “My best friend’s ex. Yes. My match. Also yes.” I answered. “Oh, well I hope the best for all three you. Especially when you break the news to your friend.” the nurse said. “Thanks…” “Well you are all set to go.” said the nurse. There was a knock on the door. “Mrs. G., I have a nosebleed again” stated a voice from the other side of the door. “Coming, Clay,” said the nurse, who was apparently Mrs. G. I walked out to find Ethan loaded down with two backpacks and a duffel bag. I took my bag from him and we awkwardly walked out the door, arms linked. CHAPTER 3    “So, how’ve you been since graduation” I started, still in shock, my match was Ethan. At birth, hospitals in large cities surgically implant timers into newborn baby's wrists. It was government mandated so that children and adults wouldn’t have to go through the heartbreak of divorce if your first guess at your soul mate was incorrect. Except, you never knew who had the same countdown as you. Yeah only a little bit stressful. “I’m good. I got my acceptance letter to Yale on Monday.” Ethan said, making little to no eye contact. “That’s good….” I said “Where are you going to college at? Didn’t you get that full scholarship the bank was giving?” “Yeah. I’m going to Yale as well. I interned the last two weeks with Dr. Alfredo. Yesterday was my last day.” “What are your plans for tomorrow? Maybe we could catch a movie or something?” asked Ethan looking hopeful. “Actually, I’m going to hang out with Isaac tomorrow. He’s going to want to know all about today, and we haven't had much time to hang out since I was interning the last two weeks. What about Saturday? Oh, wait, no I have a campus tour on Saturday. When would work for you?” I asked. “Actually I have a campus tour on Saturday too. We could carpool up and catch lunch afterward,” said James. “ Sounds like a date!” I agreed. “Does it?” Ethan asked with a wink. “Here we are, your house. I’ll pick you up here at 9:45 on Saturday morning.” He leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the top of my head. “Bye, babe,” he said as he walked down the block to his house. I was standing, grinning like an idiot when I turned toward my house. Isaac was sitting on his front steps, mouth open wide in shock. “Oh. My. God. ”  Isaac asked.
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mnh7eruyu-blog · 7 years
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Art G.Shvecova (Design graphics - Purple space_260118)
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mnh7eruyu-blog · 7 years
February is the shortest month of the year, so if you are having a miserable month, try to schedule it for February.
Lemony Snicket (via alrightsnaps)
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