mocheche · 6 years
Have you ever thought about why our people tend to always have that mentality of trying to be better than one other instead of trying to be better together?
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mocheche · 6 years
Goodbye Girl❤️ We love you little sister !
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mocheche · 7 years
Interviewer: What are your hobbies?  Me:...... I love going to parties, reading and meeting new people
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mocheche · 7 years
When someone has also slept with Johnny but you did him first.
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mocheche · 7 years
Mum: Son, its always good that you should be mature about things, if you are being rejected be mature about it.
*Grades Comes Out
*Gives Mum Report Card
Me: Mum the good thing is you taught me to accept rejection and I have been mature about it.
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mocheche · 7 years
When Your Friends feet stink, but you don't want to be rude
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mocheche · 7 years
That one uncle you like to sit beside during grog so you can get free cigarettes and he won't tell your father
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mocheche · 7 years
When you’re at a family function and your mum has already called you five times for lunch and you yell back at her.
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mocheche · 7 years
When your Mum pinches you in public, but you’re a man.
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mocheche · 7 years
So my umberella has a hole in it but it was doing its job in keeping me dry. 😤A couple of kids my age in high school were standing on the footpath and started making fun of my umberella when their school bus came on the other side, so being the good kid I volunteered to take them across the road. 😬Umberella filled with about 6 teenagers who made fun of my umberella. Reaches the middle of the road with the rain pouring than I made a sprint for the other side with my umberella and left them screaming in the middle of the road and slowly watched as they soak in water before heading for school. No one hurts my umbrellas feelings😈😈😈😊😊😊😊😊😊
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mocheche · 7 years
Checking your pocket for loose coins even though its empty, just in case Jesus put in some money somewhere there when you weren't looking
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mocheche · 7 years
When You’re at a dead end...
“First of WALL..”
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mocheche · 7 years
When you got to tell your mum about helping out at Sereana’s house for her studies because she’s the trusted friend, but really you all going to spend the night at Litia because ya’ll going out to drink.
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mocheche · 9 years
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mocheche · 9 years
I freaking love it when they do this 😂😂😂😂😂 That's Tia she's our most annoying puppy the one that jumps everywhere and bites everyone's toes😂
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mocheche · 9 years
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Break is here ! Missing the Bure so much 😂😂😂😂😂 hopefully next semester we meet again😘😘😘 School family for days 👏👏👏👏
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mocheche · 9 years
Date people that have a fridge full of food 😂😂😂
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