mockingnotions ยท 10 years
Why do people from past generations think that they can change this one? The elder generation run into a few lost causes, and all of a sudden, all young people they see are juveniles. Let me start off by saying that I am the most quietest, peaceful, patient, person you will ever meet. Even when I get mad I can't stay that way,because I learn to easily forget things and let them pass by. But, I have ran into some of the most arrogant, disrespectful, messed up attitudes of one too many elders in the pass 2 of my life, and I am honestly tired of it. I understand the fact that people act they way they act, because of how they where raised and what they've been through. But, at this point that's all the sympathy I have for you. What people are failing to understand in today's society, and epically my community, is that what happened to them is in the past there is no way that you can change it. However, what's happening now,in the present, will be MY past, and will create MY future. So, for whatever reason that you are 45 working at Walmart,getting paid minimum wage, giving me a hard time. I'm going to remember three years from now when I'm going to college and working minimum wage, and We both get called back to that little office and they they announce that one of us is about to get fired and the other is about to be twelve times the person you will ever become. Or how about five years from now, when I've found my way onto the Board of Education. I'm going to remember all those arrogant, unnecessary, terrible attitudes of teachers, faculty, and staff , for when you finally retire. You ask for your last pay check, and I swear to you it's going to be a all expense trip to a retirement home of my choice. All I'm saying is that your attitudes, uncalled for arrogance, and blunt disrespect towards the ones who are trying to become someone in life is going to far. And I'm warning you, that if what I'm thinking actually comes out it will be a rude awaking. Learn to adjust to change, adjust your attitude, and adjust the way you view things, before all the good apples turn rotten.
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