moduusoperandi · 7 years
Public Speakers.
I had somewhat of an epiphany while watching “the darker side of charisma”, a biography of how Hitler came into power and how he utilized his charisma to get there. 
Well, it was said he only said what people where thinking and feeling at the time, he said it with strength and anger (the emotion the masses where also feeling). STRENGTH AND VISION, vigor to his words. I fell this would be invaluable to my current business; Real-Estate.
If I where to run my business like he did his political machine I believe I can succeed. 
Youtube videos as a format for giving passionate speeches as why you should sell/buy. Letters as invitations to watch me speak. Instagram posts as PICTURES showing my dynamic personality... I’ll promote MYSELF as being the best and capable. A respectable figure in my industry, a guru-like figure, a god-send.
I should use these mediums to promote myself, not a boring industry.
one more time Jorge, with emotion.
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
I sell real estate, the most expensive thing people buy in their lives.
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
Everything is NOT fine. Why am I so complacent? I crashed my car, I'm digging into my savings which was at 30,000 now it's down to 6,00-- I mean 4,000 and I don't know where I stand health-wise..Because I'm definetly NOT in shape. 
I'm bullshitting
year after year are you going to be feeble Jorge? Half limp dicked lazy fuck?
Getting to the moment and not being able to fuck?
Is that the rest of my life?
.....If there's even much left to it
No, I have to quit this, this bullshitting and I have to overcome this self doubt. There's plenty of things I need to write about but the most important thing I need to do for my self is let this fire grow.
I need to set goals for the summer.
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
9/6/17 6:35pm
Today I feel sick, maybe from only sleeping 4 hours, maybe the “virus” in my throat. Who knows I feel tired, I got close to nothing done. some noopept, 15mg of A, 1 bang 1 monster, 1 nitro brew coffee. 4 slices of pizza is all I ate.....Maybe that’s why I feel like shiet......
I need more exercise for certain. 
I;m not going to die.
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
The beauty of being in sales is there are tons of jobs and finding what you are really good at takes time. Everybody says they hate sales because "you are totally replaceable". That is a two way street. If a manager is holding you back feel free to look around. Work on your linkedin. Reach out to old friends. NETWORK. If this is something that a 15 minute meeting can resolve by all means, resolve it. But if you have been subject to this for a year I can't help but think you have exhausted a lot of options. Part of the beauty of sales is the freedom. Never stay in an abusive relationship. Professional or otherwise.
“Louis came into my office today to see me in person. Why not? I need open houses and Iv’e met with plenty of realtors. Why not make friends and earn that leverage?
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
Should I tattoo only the things I like? only black and grey, only certain colors, only things of my own design? Why not break the rules, Why not make my own rules and have people conform to them? Who is to say Anything is written in stone and this box shouldn’t be split wide open?
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
Approach the pitch from a different direction.
Try representing yourself not a sales person but as a tech consultant. (Don't fudge your title, that is no bueno, but approach the pitch from a different direction.) Sometimes what can be beneficial is what's called a disarming statement. "I save my clients a LOT of money. To do this I have to ask some questions you may not think are relevant but absolutely are." Then proceed to offer these technical upgrades as avenues of cost-efficient business practices. Make sure to tell them that this process is what sets you apart from everyone else in the industry. "We aren't selling you a copier, we are streamlining your entire business model."
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
"Adapt and overcome." "Everything you need is inside you."
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
WHO do I HAVE to meet and WHO do I WANT to meet
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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Happy Thursday
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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R.I.P.  Nelson Mandela, and thank you.
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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“As a child I dreamt of becoming an astronaut, now I create a universe myself.” — If Salvador Dali had had access to today’s animation software, he might have made GIFs like the ones Chilean photographer Jon Jacobsen makes. More> Co.Design
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
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moduusoperandi · 7 years
“You don’t get better on the days when you feel like going. You get better on the days when you don’t want to go, but you go anyway. If you can overcome the negative energy coming from your tired body or unmotivated mind, you will grow and become better. It won’t be the best workout you have, you won’t accomplish as much as what you usually do when you actually feel good, but that doesn’t matter. Growth is a long term game, and the crappy days are more important.”
- Georges St Pierre (The Way Of The Fight)
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