moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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more text messages here
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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All 3 of my child hood dogs are gone now. R.I.P Blonde, Tu-tone, Angel
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
I wanted to scream, I wanted to burst in tears, I wanted to get drunk and kill myself…. But all I could do was stare at the wall in silence.
(via boystripe)
(via bodyelectricm)
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
Hug me and tell me that everything will be okay
(via hiding-myself)
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
i use humor to mask the fact that i want to fall off the face of the earth
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
Princess Protection Program
PPP = Princess Protection Program
Hi, My Unicorn,
Are you going on a date with a daddy? Are you meeting someone offline?
Are you afraid to tell someone because your lifestyle isn’t the average “vanilla” relationship?
Well welcome to the Princess Protection Program.
Message our page with
- first name
- the city/state you are in.
- something you can be identified on your body (tattoo, scar, eye color etc)
- & who u will be with (u can add their url if applicable)
We will not share it with anyone else
Then when you come home message us to let us know you are okay. If u do not message us we will message in the morning. If we do not get a message in 24 hrs we will notify the proper authority.
Sending you glitter & unicorn kisses
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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Daddy learned the hard way. -Master M
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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That’s me! 💖 -Little L
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
Me: *In the store with daddy and sees toy aisle* *Gets excited and runs off, leaving daddy behind*
Daddy: *Catches up with me* Come here. Your hand better not leave this buggy, little girl. I'm not afraid to bend you over and spank you right here.
Me: *Blushes, putting hand on the buggy* Sorry, daddy. 💖
-Little L
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
50 rules for Daddy
I came across this recently. It’s perfect!!!!
Now if only I had a daddy…
1. Attention give it to her daily, even a quick thinking of you 2. Be her first, regardless of how experienced she is be her first in some positive way 3. Commit - poly or not if you’re her Daddy be her Daddy and see it as an honor and responsibility 4. Discipline her when necessary, not too much but not too lazy 5. Enjoy her silly, funny, or cute side she may grow out of it or you may miss it 6. Finger her the way only you can 7. Give her a reason for (or avoid) rules that confuse her.(very important) 8. Grab her suddenly for a passionate kiss often 9. Help her accomplish things important to her 10. Hold her tight as much as you can 11. Imagine your life without her, if it makes you hurt, sad, or angry then don’t take her for granted. 12. Just love her the best you can 13. Know her middle name and birthday, its important 14. Keep those stinky bad boys away 15. Listen to her… Fine we get you know things but once a week open your mind and just listen, no judgement 16. Lick her, let her show you where and tell you how nipples, neck, clit anywhere… 17. Love her hard, she’ll do the same for you 18. Let her undress you 19. Massage her back when she cries 20. Maintain control even when she’s being so bratty or disrespectful, put her in her place and carry on with the day 21. NEVER put her down, regardless of how hurt you are… She’ll remember it forever like really FOREVER 22. Offer advice about anything she needs help with 23. Outline your expectations, doesn’t have to be on paper but make it clear, she’s less likely to let you down 24. Push her limits like only you can 25. Power is precious handle it as such 26. Protect her… From herself, negativity, bad influences, or bumble bees 27. Prepare her, if a time comes for her to do something specific and important don’t just spring it on. Do little things to get her ready even if you haven’t told her 28. Snuggle her 29. Sit her on your lap and tell her about your day. Then let her have a turn 30. Sing to her, even if you’re horrible at it, likely it will remind her of how special she is to you 31. Steer away from comparing her… She’s you’re unique and special girl, never make her question that 32. Spoil her - letters, juice, stuffies, and most of all kisses, hugs, and cock :-) 33. Spank her… You pick the purpose reward, sadism, or punishment soft or hard but just spank her. Often :-) 34. Squeeze her sexy tits or suck them or spank them or torture them. Just remember she has them and they need attention 35. Shower with her or bathe, its so nice 36. Swallow every compliment, she means it 37.. Show her love in her love language, not yours if she sees love as affection but you see love as gifts give that girl affection and call that your gift 38. Stand tall even if you aren’t, head held high and walking strong 39. Try new things whenever you get the chance 40. Take her places she likes - your backyard via skype or build a bear or the zoo she’ll always remember 41. Take your time - when being frisky do as you wish but lets not rip anything unless its your fetish 42. Trust her… what girl wants to hurt her daddy or let him down 43. Tuck her in, I don’t care if you do really live in Antarctica call that girl at her bedtime not yours and tell her night night and make sure she’s in bed. It’ll help her rest better 44. Taste her food to make sure its yummy 45. Under her skirt is one of your most precious domains make sure she knows it and keep it happy 46. Visualize new positions then try them 47. Voice your displeasure in a loving firm way 48. Wake her gently with a call or a kiss 49. Wipe her tears, especially if you caused them 50. Watch as she grows and all your effort pays off
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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I do this to my little all the time. She loves misbehaving. 🍼 -Master M
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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Daddy does this all time. I’m not very good at remembering to bring my paci. 🍼 -Little L
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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Daddy always makes me feel better when I’m grumpy. 💖 -Little L
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
What does "LITTLE SPACE" mean?
‘Little space’ is, in my definition, where your little assumes a child-like role. Personally, while my little is in little space, she likes to color, watch her cartoons, use her sippy cup and paci, and cuddle with her stuffies. Whilst in little space, she tends to giggle more, become shy, and loves to have me, her daddy, around. -Master M
It is, of course, different for other people. Make it your own and have fun! -Little L
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moemoe10815-blog · 8 years
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I definitely use these phrases a lot with my little. She loves them. 🍼 -Master M
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