Here is the final portfolio I have worked on.
Note for Microsoft Users: You can use the “video editor” for a faster way to do.
Artist Statement at the END....
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Photography Final Portfolio
Here is the LINK for folder to the upcoming assignment with over 20 images.
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Presentation for Mini-Research
Should be able to see the presentation.
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 Photographer:  Alessandra Sanguinetti 
Body of work (Most recent): Wrote a book on...
The Illusion of an Everlasting Summer Alessandra Sanguinetti 
The photographer Alessandra reflects on the fluid territory between adolescence and adulthood, changing alongside her subjects, and how she created the latest chapter of her decade-long project on the lives of her two muses Guile and Belinda. Despite this, to me, it speaks of the photographer wanting to record their lives from afar and let me decide on what I think about how it all went. It was done so by engaging with the two girls on a farm she met them on and from there she paid attention to them as no one else has. It became her lifelong project. The work itself shows the lives of the two girls' good and bad side effects of life and how they live their lives by exploring the surroundings. It was a project someone should be looking into. Overall, the images speak for themselves on the life on the farm and the animals.
The author and photographer Sanguinetti's works speak to me from a personal standpoint. While I was the age of the two girls she photographed I used to be the same, someone who was always looking for an adventure, doing different activities with my friends. Although her overall work represents the lives of the two girls, instead it shows me some things I will be going through in my life as well. Its interesting aspect would be how the photographer tries to portray the lives of guile and Belinda to the viewer as if I was there in person, especially the image I have chosen, which fits well with this statement. Throughout her photos, it can be seen as a narrative approach to the lives of the two girls and how she takes the photos as I did for a recent project of my own, compared to her project.
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Project: Laundry Mat (Documentary)
Subject(s): People, Machines, Location 
In this outline, I thought about working on this documentary project by following an instructional set of photographs. Despite this, I decided to change my plans and thought it would be dense and may not teach a lot to the viewer. Instead, I noticed the works of two different photographers named Sarah Wilson's "Blind Prom" and Aaron Huey's "Behind the Scenes: Still Wounded". These gave me an idea of following through on a project I have worked on before named the place assignment. It was to use the laundromat as a location for my documentary project. Moreover to show through photographs who goes there, what they do, the interaction or lack of interaction among customers, close-ups of the machines, the view from outside the laundromat, how it is different during the day or night, who works there. In conclusion, I learned that there are many scenes to capture than just photographs of someone doing laundry.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Photo Scene:
“ The view from outside the laundromat ”.
Here we have a look at the view from outside the laundry mat in the day and how it is different during the night.
*NOTE*: I was not able to get a picture with the lights on inside the laundry during the night, recently it has been closing to early for me to do so.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Photo Scene:
“View from inside the laundry mat”.
Here we get a picture of what it looks like inside the laundry mat when the person takes a photo from the inside.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
(People/ Workers)
Photo Scene:
“Who works there”.
Here we have the worker who is always there to assist customers on their laundry and or cloths for example taking out cloths when customers are not there to helping people who do not understand some of the steps to using the machines.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Washing/Drying machines
Photo Scene:
“Close-ups of the machines”.
These are the most important things in the laundry mat where customer's alone or together use for their cloths.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Photo Scene:
“The lack of interaction between customers”.
There are moments when people mind their own businesses and do not engage with each other through communication. It can also be when a customer is alone.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Photo Scene:
“The interaction between customers”.
People engage in different ways to communicate on what to do or who uses what machines for smooth transition.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Photo Scene:
“What they do”.
The act of packing and exchanging money to use in the machines at the laundry mat to clean cloths.
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Project: Laundry Mat  
Photo Scene: 
“Who goes there”.
Families such as married couples or children and parents.
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Documentary Project Photographs
Here is the link to anyone who wants to see all the photos I have taken for 4/5 assignment
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Sacha Goldberger and the Jewish community...
28 Vignon Street 
Sacha Goldberger: The 770: Lubavitchs of Brooklyn 
January 21 - March 15
The 28 vignon street features the exhibition by Sacha Goldberger as the 770: Lubavitch of Brooklyn, it presents the Jewish community through the eyes of the artist and how he viewed the people of a community that was faced with racism daily. In total, the artist presented 26 different images with her form of humor she was wanting to share with the viewer. The dimensions of Goldberger's (as stated he not she) photographs are according to the website: as 38x38 cm. In addition, I have noticed that the installation by the artist was to bring the photos to life, even though they appeared to be black and white, the individuals in the photograph were still representing the story the image wanted to show a wider significance of. In the images, there was no specific biographical information on an individual, her focus was on and on the community. Other techinal information that can be seen such as aperture and shatter speed. I would say it is between f 22 and f 16, the black and whiteness of the image makes it harder to tell. Since light is only allowed very little, because the hole must be smaller.  Further, the shutter speed for the water photograph is most likely fast, around 1/1000 of a second. As we move onto the ISO it appears to be around 100 for both of the images, however the second image seems to have more light which means it has a larger hole on the camera for it to show a lot other then the individual. 
The photographer and artist Sacha Goldberger featured many photographs in their respective focus. Although the two photographs that stood out the most to me were the “new York times”, in which there was a drawing of a Jewish person perhaps this could be the author's way of explaining the racism that the Jewish community faces. Another image that I found different was the “rain”, it held an individual standing out in public while wearing a hat which seemed to protect against the rain, I was thinking if the artist wanted to make that symbolic and connect the hatred as the rain. My opinion as a whole is that the artist used humor in her photographs as a way to cope or go against racism that was from hatred and prejudice for her exhibition. Additionally, the reading of Robert Hirsch showed that the photographs include composition such as street photography that involves anticipation, it is true the artist did not need to wait for the moving objects, however, she was able to position the individual in the frame. The artist does this by changing their own position, when circumstances do not allow for one to move anything physically. He goes on to incorporate color, such as hue as the color is darker, it seems like two different colors are mixed to create a shade. It hold the value, how dark and light the color of the first photo is compared to the second. As it shows me the saturation of grayness, it is less saturated, because the color is more gray, appears to the eye. 
While the images are in black and white, they seem to hold up the value of the Jewish community, even when the images seem to portrait the lives of the Jewish people, we see that the images are committed to letting the viewer know through showing and not words of what their culture is actually about and not what it is being made to be from the starring eyes of people. The images are staying in power despite the humor that is used. They are able to continue to influence many different age groups and future photographers as well, for them to understand that taking a photo isn’t about it being perfect but it has to show some kind of meaning then it being plain. In addition, this is common in the present world, we are witnessing the racism and commonness of it in different communities and groups of people, and how they are subjected to it day by day. The deeper meaning the artist is trying to get at is that racism is common and it has impacted the lives of many in the Jewish community and through his photos, he tends to make wider importance of it. In the present day, racism is there and it is something difficult to change even if many are open-minded.
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Muted Color
Top Photo:
Date: Feb 2, 2021
Time: Early morning/ Day time/ 11:29 am
Place: Home/Ceiling/Bedroom 
and relevant technical information (i.e. made brighter, darker, shot in portrait mode, ISO 200).
Bottom Photo:
Date: Feb 18, 2021
Time: Early evening time/ 6:19 pm
Place: Outside home/Front porch
and relevant technical information (i.e. made darker, and a little brighter too, shot in portrait mode,
ISO 1000).
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Vibrant Color
Date: Feb 26, 2021
Time: Late morning/ 1:54 pm
Place: Home/ Bedroom/Brooklyn NY
and relevant technical information (i.e. darker, shot in portrait mode, ISO 250).
Bottom Picture:
Date: Mar 1, 2021
Time: Night time/ 8:28 pm
Place: Home/Floor/Brooklyn NY
Relevant Information: Made brighter/warmer to give it that vibrant feel, Taken in portrait mode).
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