moirail-advice · 4 months
>0 how do i get a tall purpleblooded mmoirail? please, please, please let mme get what i wannt. lord knnows it would be the first timme. 0<
}b£ing apart of or joining th£ clown r£ligion would h£lp you g£t in contact with mor£ purpl£bloods £sp£cially if your£ a highblood. i think lowbloods hav£ a b£tt£r shot with th£m in g£n£ral though b£caus£ of how moirall£gianc£ usually works h£mosp£ctrum wis£.{
}you could also ch£ck out th£ local church if your£ a highblood. id say as a lowblood too but £v£ry lowblood to £nt£r church grounds is pr£tty much d£ad from th£ g£t go. hop£ this h£lps anon.{
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moirail-advice · 4 months
iiis there a liiimiiit to how many moiiiraiiils you can have!!! please note laws no longer apply to me so iii do not have to worry about those!!!
}if all of your moirails know that your£ moirails with th£ oth£rs and th£yr£ fin£ with it th£n no th£r£ isnt.{
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moirail-advice · 5 months
(qm) i killed a troll who kept bothering my palecrush & i texted her to tell her i was pale for her because i was going into a battle i had a high chance of dying in directly after and she was just like "um. hm. ok. you are my friend. my dear friend. and i do enjoy your general presence. but i. do not feel the same way." what do i Do here.
}i hav£ a lot of qu£stions but i dont think any of th£m ar£ going to g£t answ£r£d so ill just addr£ss what i can h£r£.{
}killing a troll for som£on£ your£ pal£ for isnt £xactly consid£r£d pal£ flirting. i m£an it could if your pal£crush is fucking insan£ but to most trolls that is th£ opposit£ of how on£ would flirt.{
}r£ally th£ only thing you n££d to do h£r£ is mov£ on. it sounds lik£ this troll still wants to b£ your hat£fri£nd so its not lik£ its th£ £nd of th£ world. just continu£ on as normal and dont l£t it g£t in th£ way of your hat£fri£ndship.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
I follow the sufferer... I caught pale feelings for someone who idealizes serial cullers... help.
}anon i think your£ fuck£d h£r£. unl£ss this troll is r£ally op£n pann£d and willing to b£ sway£d on th£ir opinion of culling th£r£s r£ally nothing you can do about this. sorry in advanc£ i gu£ss.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
whAt Are your quAlificAtions tho
}im sorry am i suppos£d to g£t a d£gr££ in moirall£gianc£ in ord£r to b£ abl£ to run this blog. is th£r£ £v£n a such thing as a moirall£gianc£ d£gr££. th£ answ£r is no. which i know b£caus£ i am qualifi£d to b£ th£ moirall£gianc£ guy.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
do you even have a moirail? are you qualified to be the moirail guy?
}i am qualifi£d to b£ th£ moirail guy.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
k so im super fuckin big yeah.
like abnormally so.
taller than most adults o my caste.
this is more me complainin than askin for 'dvice.
but its so hard t make a good fuckin pile when im four times th size ' my moi.
if y have any insights id be down to hear.
like wtf where do i get snuggleplanes that long ykno.
}if your£ a high £nough cast£ you could commission som£on£ to mak£ a snuggl£plan£ that suits you. if your£ not abl£ to do that you could stitch som£ of th£ snuggl£plan£s you do hav£ tog£th£r to mak£ th£m long£r.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
'pinions on piles?
what makes ' good one?
}pil£s ar£ a gr£at way to mak£ you and your moirail f££l mor£ comfortabl£ talking to £ach oth£r. all sorts of soft stuff should b£ in th£r£. pillows. snuggl£plan£s. anything that is nic£ to touch.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
what's your lore
}my what.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
'pinions on palepailing?
}if you and your moirail ar£ fin£ with it i dont s££ th£ probl£m.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
My moirail believes we need to play a game called Sgrub.
Should we.
This game is dangerous, so I have heard.
But my moirail is certain it is inevitable.
}iv£ h£ard of th£ gam£ b£for£ and it sounds dang£rous as h£ll. if on£ of you do£s £nd up playing it it should b£ tog£th£r. fuck knows how much support youll n££d during that shitshow.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
what do I do if I think my frond is pale for me but I already have a moirail? Do I let them down easy? B:[
}if this fri£nd is important to you th£n y£s. you two should sit down and hav£ a talk about why th£yr£ pal£ for you to h£lp th£m g£t all th£ir thoughts and f££lings out but mak£ sur£ th£y know your£ not going to g£t into th£ quad with th£m b£for£prong. happy r£j£cting.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
Tumblr media
}this isnt £v£n a poll. why ar£ you on th£ moirail advic£ blog if you think kism£sissitud£ is b£tt£r.{
why do you like moirail stuff so much?
}b£caus£ its th£ b£st quadrant.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
why do you like moirail stuff so much?
}b£caus£ its th£ b£st quadrant.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
xX_ what dO yOu dO if yOur flush crush thinks yOure palE and hOw wOuld yOu [hypOthEtically] Explain that tO thEM? _Xx
}im not going to qu£stion how you manag£d to g£t yours£lf into that situation. i dont £v£n wanna know.{
}if th£yv£ actually call£d you out on it that mak£s it a lot £asi£r. just strik£ up a conv£rsation with th£m and bring up th£ uncomfortabl£ and pr£sumably awkward as h£ll talk you had £arli£r and t£ll th£m you want to clarify how you actually f££l.{
}if you just susp£ct that th£y think that mayb£ try b£ing mor£ outright pitiful to th£m. giv£ th£m stuff with h£arts and chocolat£s or what£v£r mat£sprits giv£ to £ach oth£r. im a moirail advic£ blog not a mat£sprit advic£ on£.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
soooooo do you have any advice for like. how to pale flirt?????? im so clueless,,,,,,
}b£ visibly conc£rn£d about how th£y ar£. ch£ck up on th£m a lot. try to comfort th£m wh£n th£yr£ ups£t. gift th£m a soft thing or two. mak£ food for th£m, both£r th£m about r£cup£rating if th£y stay up too lat£, r£mind th£m to tak£ car£ of th£ms£lf. b£ g£n£rally £mpath£tic with th£m.{
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moirail-advice · 6 months
}…im int£r£st£d.{
Hey guys if I stærted æ cult før the bit wøuld æny øf yøu cømmit tø the bit with me
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