moisessierra · 5 months
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 8: Melissa Cacciola
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There have been many photographers and artist that have given their views on war and violence. So, in order to stand out, there has to be a sense of uniqueness to their pieces. Melissa Cacciola is one of those photographers. After years of study and hard work, she earned an MA in fine arts and the historic preservation of art from Columbia University and New York University. She has also been trained in tintype, 19th-century photographic processes, and film. As such, she has utilized these skills in creating tintype portraits of active duty military and veterans, each differentiating from one another in background and appearance. A consistent element that follows each of them is that it shows them in uniform and in civilian clothing.
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I find these quite interesting. How these images are shown helps emphasize the idea of how military service can change people. It is clear from photos like this that what these people experience has altered them, almost making it so that are unable to fit into regular society anymore. The tintype is a brilliant and unique way to capture these photos, making them appear as if though they were captures in the early 1900s. Cacciola's work truly does stand out among other artists like her.
Melissa Cacciola
Melissa Cacciola: War and Peace - LENSCRATCH
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 7: Stephen Berkman
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Stephen Berkman is another photographer that prefers to tell a story through his work. Being born in Syracuse, New York, this artist made quite a name for himself, earing his BFA in film making, taught himself photography, and became a member of the Art Center faculty. This is also another photographer that stages much of his work, but they each tell a story with a consistent medium. He uses 19th-century wet-collodion photographic processes to achieve Ambrotypes and creating camera obscura installations. Through this, he creates photos with focused sensibility, history, and some slight humor. That humor coming from just how strange the subjects in his photos are, resembling something taken during the 1900s, but having one subject that seems out of place.
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His work truly is something to behold. If you had told prior to hearing about this man that these were taken during the 1900s, I would slightly believe it, only offput by the strangeness of the subjects. Regardless, these are done remarkable well, possessing a unique feeling to them while also bring some bizarre humor.
Reruns: Stephen Berkman - LENSCRATCH
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 6: Bill Armstrong
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Once again, I found an artist with a consistent trend with their work. Bill Armstrong is a fine art photographer with work that appears less like photographs and more like abstract portraits that are found in art museums. For over thirty years, this New York-based photographer has been shooting in color and his work has been displayed in museums and galleries across the country. His work mainly consists of blury silhouettes of people against a myriad of colored shapes. From what I could conprehend, they are apparently part of series that is a meditation of identity and the psychological state of being "in-between".
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For me, I'm indifferent about this. I can certainly see where people come from when discussing these photos. They are well done and have intreguing messages behind them that keep viewers thinking. But on the other hand, this is the type of art work that I'm sad to say that people think all artists shoudl create. How each and every piece they conceive should be abstract and have deep, thought-provoking themes. That is all well and good, but I argue that sometimes, art should just be enjoyed with having to think too much about it. Regardless, I shouldn't judge this piece based on what I want it to be, but rather what it is. And these photos are excellent for what they are.
Bill Armstrong: Partial Appearances - LENSCRATCH
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 5: Alexander von Reiswitz
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Alexander von Reiswitz has one of the most unique trends in his work I've seen. This Berlin-based photographer/architect has an interesting relationship with the natural given how his most frequent subject in his work can only be described as "dramatic animal photography". He uses both dramatic lighting and medium format camera to make each animal appear like celebrities. But beyond that, he uses similar techniques with people, making unrelated individuals appear as though they were family.
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This was certainly a different type of experience than I was used to. The photos have a very old feeling to them, calling back to the traditions of portraiture. His animal photos in particular help to capture the feelings of each animal, as if they long to reembrace their wild roots. It's thinking like this that truly motivats me to think more outside the box with photography.
Alexander von Reiswitz - LENSCRATCH
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 4: Kristy Carpenter
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Kristy Carpenter most likely has one of the most impressive backgrounds I've seen so far. Graduating from Harvard with a BA in Visual and Environmental Studies and earing her MFA in Photography at the Rochester Institute of Technology, this woman certainly has the education to back up her skills in photography. This photographer has showcased her diverse artistic approach through both solo and group projects over the years. But despite that, he most frequent works center around her home and family life, or at least subjects that relate to them. One such project that does that is Since We've Spoken. This project covers the death of her father and what comes with familial transitions. From the images alone, there is a great sense of sorrow and loss can be felt as well as themes of change and how it affects families like hers.
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I found a strange sense of relatability from this artist. Despite her incredible education and skills, she still maintains that small town feeling about herself through her work and their themes. Something that I hope to keep with my future projects.
Kristy Carpenter - LENSCRATCH
Since we've spoken — Kristy Carpenter
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 3: Jack Carnell
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One artist who puts great focus into themes with his projects is Jack Carnell. Born in Chicago, Jack Carnell received an MFA degree in photography from The Tyler School of Art, Temple University in 1976. From there, Carnell became an associate professor in architectural studies and photography at Thomas Jefferson University while continuing his work. Much of his work focused on old rustic places, events, and even people who put a different perspective on authentic ideas. But one of his most famous works is "True Places". This monograph captures well-seen details and small moments from the American South, something that a Northerner like Carnell was intrigued by.
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As someone who has not seen much of the South, I found myself delighted by what Carnell had captured. The way each photograph was framed and showcased perfectly presented the unique quirks and nuances found in the South from the eyes of an outsider. Photos like this really emphasize my idea that a true artist can find beauty even in the mundane.
Jack Carnell: True Places - LENSCRATCH
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 2: Mark Duffy
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Another interesting photographer I discovered was Mark Duffy. Despite starting out sooner than most photographers, the Irish artist was able to capture over two decades of photos in his career. Having studied photography at the Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art and Design in Dublin, Duffy moved to London to work on various long-term projects and commercial work. Many of his photos delve into the themes of politics, power, national identity, and media in the public sphere. His most recent work captures what followed the UK’s fractious Brexit referendum, framing the event with satirical humor.
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From my point of view, these works truly have meaning to them. While I have the standpoint that art can be whatever the creator wants it to be, regardless if it possesses a theme, there is also true value in pieces that have a message. Duffy's work certainly has something to say about the issues in the world and is done so in an interesting way. Hopefully, more will be seen from this man in the future.
Mark Duffy Archives - LENSCRATCH
Mark Duffy (markduffyphotographer.com)
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moisessierra · 5 months
Theme Project Draft
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moisessierra · 5 months
Artist Research Entry 1: Kevin Van Aelst
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Kevin Van Aelst is a very interesting artist to say the least. Being based in New Haven, Connecticut, Van Aelst is a photographer who received his B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University, and an M.F.A. in Photography from the Hartford Art School. During his time as a photographer, he has educated and brainstormed conceptual photos to various clients, creating over 400 different photographs. In 2007, he accomplished his first editorial project with the New York Times that created weekly photographs for "The Medium" Column. He specializes in photographing staged scenes that forms a different image. For example, he chipped apart an apple so that its skin would resemble a map of the Earth. His way of thinking brings forth a different perspective on the world. The photos he captures and showcases present a different way of presenting world than one might think, showing the beauty in monotony.
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I personally enjoyed the work that he had to showcase. Sure, many of them are staged, but it helps to emphasize the point that beauty can be found in even the most mundane items. A pile of Lego can form a face, a half-eaten apple can display a map of the world, and a role of tape can resemble a boat in the middle of a calm ocean. I firmly believe that a true artist can find beauty and goodness in even the most monotonous items and events, and that seems to fit Kevin Van Aelst perfectly.
About | Kevin Van Aelst Bio
kevin van aelst: staged photography (designboom.com)
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moisessierra · 5 months
A Lecture from Adam Magyar
On April 11th of this year, I attended an artist lecture by visiting Hungarian photographer Adam Magyar. During this lecture, I learned about his work progress, reoccurring themes in his art, and his journey leading up to now. What I heard was so interesting that I needed to share it in a formal outline.
Born in 1972, Adam Magyar didn't initially look to become a photographer. In fact, he started out looking to become a computer programmer, looking for new uses for digital technology. This began to change once started traveling to different Asian cities. As he caught glimpses of the urban life and natural beauty of what he saw during these trips, he began capturing them on film. It was from there that he started a life in photography, incorporating what he learned from programming to create experimental and surreal works of art.
While he presented many works during the lecture, one that stands out the most is Urban Flow, a photographic capture of urban life. The use of still-scan photography makes this piece stand out among others. While this is used primarily for photo-finish cameras, this technique involves a movable slide being inserted between the camera and the subject being photographed. With this, Magyar was able to depict the synergy between people and technology while also showcasing the urban sprawl of city life.
It was from this lecture that I learned that any knowledge you attain can be helpful in creating art. Thanks to his time learning to become a computer programmer, Magyar was able to create and use various techniques that resulted in artworks that were not only beautiful but also presented a clear message.
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moisessierra · 6 months
Theme Project Proposal
I have the makings of an idea for the Theme Photo Project coming soon. The proposal here is subject to change, but this would make for a good starting point. My plan for the project would be to photograph my family going about their daily lives. My family consists of two parents, four siblings, and a pet dog. And that is not even accounting for the relatives that we have both living in our hometown of Porterville and outside. We even have some living outside of the country.
We often partake in different activities and go on small trips that would make for an interesting project. Not to mention that the dynamics we have with each other could make for a fascinating viewing experience. Some of us get along while others rarely do. Some of our relatives are barely able to see each other in person, making for a warm yet somewhat distant relationship. Regardless, this project could help put these types of family interactions into perspective.
My strategy for going about this project is to take photos on various weekends. Whether it be during the weekend of a big vacation or simply a time to relax at home, this could make for a perfect opportunity to document what my family dynamic is like. I will not be staging or directing any of my family members during this process, however. Since this is meant to capture the dynamics between members of my family, all shots will have to be natural. As such, I will be asking my family members if I can take pictures during these moments while also ensuring they do not feel too uncomfortable with this. If any choose not to be photographed, I will respect their wishes.
My greatest hope with this project is that people will understand the dynamics between significant family members. Regarding prominent families, people either know one or are part of one. As such, many interpretations exist of the interactions between such family members. With this project, people might gain some insight into those dynamics. An authentic, unaltered, nonstaged look into the workings of a big family.
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moisessierra · 7 months
Design and Light Scavenger Hunt
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moisessierra · 7 months
Principles and Elements of Design
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Pattern: a regular arrangement of alternated or repeated elements or motifs.
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Value: how light or dark a given color or hue can be.
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Texture: how the surface of something looks or feels.
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Shape: when a line becomes an enclosed space.
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Form: a three-dimensional object that takes space.
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Emphasis: creation of a focal point in art.
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Rhythm: repetition of shapes, lines, and forms.
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Movement: a visual technique that creates the illusion of motion.
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Line: forms the basic foundation of all art.
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Unity: separate works joining together to form a composition.
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Balance: a comfortable arrangement of things.
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Space: an illusion of depth or three dimensions.
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Color: light reflected in an object.
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Contrast: the difference between elements in art.
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Scale: the relationship between objects with respect to size.
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Variety: using different elements to create visual interest.
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moisessierra · 7 months
Weekend Story
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Start the weekend with a clean smile!
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Got to have coffee in the morning.
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Having some trouble with the machine.
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Issue resolved!
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My brother's getting ready to bat.
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So much for victory.
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Getting ready for the big game!
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Having dinner before game time.
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Setting up the TV.
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Finishing the weekend by watching the game!
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moisessierra · 8 months
An Introduction
Hello everyone! My name is Moises Sierra and I'm a student here at California State University, Fresno. I transferred here from Porterville College in pursuit of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Animation/Intermedia Option. The reason I'm choosing this degree is because I always had a close connection with animation. Ever since I was young, I enjoyed watching any sort of animated show or movie because they had a way of sparking the imagination. That is something I hope to accomplish with others once I gain a career in the field. That is also the reason I'm taking this Intro to Photo class this semester as it's required for my major. Hopefully, this class will teach me something that may prove useful in this field. It would also be nice if if I'm able to finish my assignments while also keeping up with my favorite hobbies. Such hobbies include watching movies, drawing, and painting here and there.
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