mojordan272-blog ¡ 7 years
13 June 2017
Movie Review
When I first heard about the movie I was ecstatic because it was a while since there was a Star Wars movie. The trailer did a great job in hyping the Star Wars fans for the movie. From the looks of it I look like a great movie. When the movie first came out in theaters I went with a couple other friends to watch it. the movie stated off with the classic opening text setting the scene. From right from the gecko I was on the edge of my sit. But on like every other Star Wars movie this one started with all new characters towards the middle of the movie we see some familiar faces like Han Solo and the famous Chewbacca. The character development for most of the character were good except for Poe Dameron. He played a commander in the resistances Starfighter corps. It was very hard to get to know this character because right in the beginning of the movie he vanishes and then comes back towards the end. He played a major role in the movie but he just wasn’t developed in the sense that we know his characteristic and can somewhat expect what his about to do. Other than him there was good character development for all the new character like Rey and Finn.
When it came to the plot development it was great from right from the start I had a sense on what the movie was going to be about. But there where parts where I felt like was unnecessary like the scene were Fin the ex -storm trooper, Rey, Han Solo and Chewbacca fight of these space pirates. In my opinion that scene was there to just prolong the movie. But there was also scene in the movie that just needed to be there. For example, the scene when Rey picks up Obi wan Kenobi’s lightsaber. That one scene had everyone talking for months! Another really funny scene during the was when Rey and Fin where running away from the storm trooper and they were looking for a ship to run away with and Fin suggested one but Rey told him that one’s trash. They start walking towards another one and it blows up right in there faces and Rey says, “the trash on can do” and it turns out the trash ship was the millennium falcon. That gave everyone in the movie theater a laugh.
For the overall I would give this movie an eight out of ten. Out of all the Star Wars movies I still believe that Revenge of the Sith was the best but the Force awakens is a close second. I would recommend all action loving thrill seekers Star Wars fans to watch this movie trust me it’s worth it.
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mojordan272-blog ¡ 7 years
The start of a new beginning
It all started on April 5 the day that I will never forget. It was a hot humid spring day I remember walking out of the apartment building with great joy. Today was my elementary schools annual field day, walking in to the school I could smell the excitement in all my fellow class mates. The day was filled with water balloons, popsicle and physical workouts. But all that would not help me prepare for what was going to face when I get home. I walk in to my home with my two younger sisters screaming for joy and my older sister crying her eyes out. Being the middle child I was not sure how I would react to this. My mother and my father sat me down but before they could say it my younger sister said, “WHERE MOVING”. When I first heard I was excited as can be but then it hit me. I would be leaving everything that I knew all my friends, family and teachers…. Ok didn’t really care about my teachers but my friends and family was a big concern.
I was going over the pros and cons with moving although the day but in the middle of the night it hit me. Where are we moving? The suspense was too much I jumped out of my sleeping chambers and ran down the hall to my parent’s room jumped on their bed and screamed where are we moving? My father looks at me with the same face he makes when he pays his bills. With a stinky breath, my father said Loudoun county the first thing that popped in my head was where in the world is Loudoun county. The next morning, I woke up went on my family’s desk top and before I could search where Loudoun county is my mother told me to go to school. So, I went to school and on my way to my classroom I was imagining in my head what Loudoun county would be like maybe with ice cream stores at every corner and roller coasters instead of cars. I remember my teacher waking me up from my day dreams and asking me to solve some math problem and I answered the problem with the color purple. Everyone in the class stared laughing at me in my head I was feeling sorry for these guys because they would still be here.
After school was over I ran to my house straight to the computer screen. I went on google and search” London” instead of a Loudoun county as a kid I couldn’t tell the different. I would look at the imagines and see things like big ben and the London eye the minute I saw all the images I jumped out of my chair like a monkey and started to dance. My mother saw me dancing and she asked me “Why are you dancing”? I told her that I was so excited to move she looked at me with a smile in her face. The next day at school I said bye to all my friends and my teachers, packed all my books and pencils. My father picked me up from school and told me that tomorrow was moving day.
I was so excited I went straight to sleep when I got home. I woke up the next day at seven to my parents eating breakfast while the rest of my family was asleep. My father told me told me that he would be bring in the moving truck and if I wanted to come. I screamed to the top of my lungs YES so laud that I woke up my whole family. I got ready and went with my dad to get the moving truck. I remembered the drive back I was so excited that I would jump up and down from my seat. We got back to the house and my father and a bunch of his friends helped us load all of our stuff to the moving truck. After we paced all of our stuff my father brought are car and we were on are way to are new life.
I was stuck to the window looking out for the London eye and BIG ben. We drove for like an hour and we were there. I looked out of my window with disappointment asking my dad where is the London eye and big ben. My father started laughing and said that big ben and the London eye are in London. I asked my dad aren’t we moving there my dad laughed again and said were moving to Loudoun county in Virginia. When I heard the words Virginia my heart dropped. The disappointment on my face was priceless. I got out of the car and went inside my new house the house was full of that new paint smell. I remembered being so sad that I ran outside to my back-yard where I was greeted to this boy named Joey. It turned out that Joey was the same age as me we played for the rest of the day together. My mother called me in for dinner. I remember walking to my house thinking that this place may not be that bad.  
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mojordan272-blog ¡ 7 years
Should School days be longer?
From the beginning of time education was a must for human development. From learning how to talk, read, write and so on.  But how much time is needed to be educated? Should schools give time for students to rest or are we babying are kids to their full potential. I believe that schools times should not be longer because of the lack of sleep that students will be getting, the amount of money that it will take to keep the schools running longer and the less time that students get for their extracurricular activities. For these reasons, I believe that school should stay at the original time.
One the reason why I believe that schools should be not be longer is the lack of sleep that students will be getting due the time extension. According to the National sleep foundation children from one to seventeen need nine to ten hours of sleep. If the school times where extended this would cut off the time that student would use to nap or rest. If there sleeping time is reduce this can lead to mentally dysfunctional students. According to doctors at Harvard University the quantity of sleep you have directly impacts the way you learn and memorize. Research shows that a sleep-deprived child cannot focus attention optimally and therefore cannot learn efficiently. Another reason why children need sleep to learn is because sleep itself has a role in consolidation of memory, which is essential for learning new information. There for with longer school day students will be prevented from their normal sleep schedule which would lead to lack of sleep.
The second reason why I believe that school days should not be longer is because that students won’t have anytime for their extracurricular activities. In average students spends eight hours in schools if you add the travelling to school the homework that students are expected to do and sleep this leaves a very little space for extracurricular activities. the benefits and skills that students learn from extracurricular activities are endless. From developing social skills, time management, the building of self-esteem, teamwork and etc. according to the U.S department of education 45% of students find their careers through extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities hold a huge part in the development of are students in the U.S and with the longer school days the time for extracurricular activities will decrease.
The Final reason why school days should not be longer is because the quality of education that are students will get will decrease. The quantity of school may go up but the quality will decrease due to student’s natural attention span. According to some psychologist say that a typical; student’s attention span is about 10 to 15 minutes long but most classes in the K-12 programs are an hour and half. An increase in class time will lead to the decrease of the quality of learning in school’s due to student’s attention span.
In conclusion, the time of school should not be increased because of the lack of sleep students will be getting, the lack of time for extracurricular activities and the decrease of quality in learning due to student’s natural attention span. The time students are given in school is more than enough if you use the time proactively. Proactively meaning that students are involved mentally and physically in their lesson plan.  One of our founding fathers Benjamin franklin once said “tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”  We need to involve are students in their education not increase the time.    
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mojordan272-blog ¡ 7 years
13 June 2017
The Third step
It was a dark spooky night in the town of smallvile. Everyone was fast asleep accepts john Jacob. all throughout the night he was on his phone bend watching three seasons of family guy. John was getting hungry so he decides to get some food from down stories. When he got to the kitchen he grabs some fruit snacks a bottle of water and starts heading up stairs. When john got to the third step he hears a loud BOOM!
At that moment, he runs to his parent’s room to find that they’re not there; he again runs to his sister’s room to find nothing. He grabs his phone and starts dialing 911 but before he can type that last one his phone dies. At that point john starts screaming and rushes to the door. He gets to the door and its locked he gets so scared that he rolls up into a little ball. He fills the tears dripping from his eyes and he hears every single beat of his heart. After a lot of motivation from his part john finds the courage to stand back up but, right when he does he hears it again BOOM! Every time like thunder BOOM it happens three times.
At this point John knew that this is coming from someone. He try’s thousands of times to open the door but it will just not open. He runs back to his room but before he took that third step the lights went off.  There we find john scared and lost in his own house. John remembers that his father keeps a spare flashlight in the garage. He starts walking to the door of the garage opens the door grabs the flashlight as he walks away he can hear the trees scraping against the window. John turns on the flashlight and starts screaming for help. “help me”. “help me”. Like a baby cub john was all alone with no mama bear to hold.
As john makes his way up stairs before he makes that third step he hears a knocking coming from the door. He slowly walks to the door with sweat dripping down his forehead. He gets to the door pecks through the peck hole and finds a tall man wearing all black standing at his door step. At that moment john runs to his bedroom full speed locks his door and get under his blankets. And starts praying to God to protect him. Water falls start coming from his eyes and right when he uncovers his blanket he finds himself surrounded by his family members in the middle of the afternoon. He wakes with his sister saying, “I told you not to eat all those candy’s” its seemed to be all a dream. John tell everyone about his dream and they all start laughing. Mr. Tall says come on son I need your help fixing the stairs I only but down two so far. John with shock in his face starts to get out of bed.
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mojordan272-blog ¡ 7 years
ten things I know for sure are true 
 Through my years in middle school and high school I discovered one thing, that I work best with others.  One of the reasons why I work better with people is because I am so indecisive like I can’t make a small or big decision for my life. Another reason why I like working with other people is that I suck at being creative. All through my academic career I can say that I might have done three creative projects or assignment, it was so bad that my art teacher had to sit me down and try to unlock my creativity. My last reason why I work better with people is because when I work with people I tend to put more effort to my assignment than I do when I’m by myself and guess the reason why is because I get motivated with the work my partner or group is doing.
Now I can write a hundred pages giving reasons why I love my mom and it still wouldn’t be enough there nothing that I can do, say or give to pay the debt that I have to my mother. But I hope that I can try my best to fill her life with happiness and love. But for one of the many reasons why I love my mom is that she gave birth to me. If it wasn’t for her going through that unimaginable pain I wouldn’t be here and just for that I love her. Another reason why I love my mom is because she made me the man I am today. Another reason of many on why I love my mom is that she is my number one supporter and fan and for that I am forever thankful.
I remember when I was a kid I use to be the most active kid in the world..... ok maybe not in the world but a close second. Based on my childhood you can guess how I am now. I mean I’m physically able but just known I’m going to hate every minute of it. That’s why when I grow up I hope to work in a place where I can move around here and there.
Now I just got a chance to reflect on this concept this year. One of my respected teachers came to me when I was going through something ruff and he ask me what’s going on I told him. And you would think that he would make me feel better by saying sorry but instead he said, “with hardship comes ease”. After he said that I stop and said what do you mean. He said no matter what your going through that is bad it’s going to stop sooner or later that pain will heal it’s just up to you when that pain stops. After he said that I have been using that quote with my friend that are going through hard times and it work.
Unfortunately, this comment is true. I wish it wasn’t but it’s true and I have to face this truth every day of my life. Now having three sister has its pros and cons some of the pros are that I can have my sisters left overs now I don’t know if this is a girl thing but my sisters never finish their food. Another pro is that my sister can’t wear or borrow my clothes or stuff. One of the cons as a kid is that when we ever went to the mall we would stand in the women’s section of the mall for hours. It was so bad that I would have blisters on my feet after coming back from the mall.
Sometimes I look at this and don’t believe it but it’s true. After I turned 18 I truly believed in the quote that life goes by fast every time I heard this has a kid I would just brush it off like ya ….. ok. But after you turn 18 that life marking age you will never look at life the same. Now I know to the older man and women hearing this there probably like your still young but to be honest I consider an 18-year-old a man that is old and mature.
I have found out that the days that I plan out my days out to the point I have been having more sleep. I guess the reason why is because when I plan my day I tend to plan naps in the middle of them so by the time I go to sleep for the night I would have some sleep prior. Another reason is that when I plan my day I always call it a day at like 11:00pm.
From the beginning of mankind hatred as always been a recurring problem in our society and family’s and due to this mankind has never filled its true potential.
Through the many highs and lows in my life I have always had trouble opening up to people about my feeling because growing up I would always think that it’s not manly to talk about your feelings. But as I grown up I figured out there are two places that negative feelings can go in or out. And without talking to anybody about it the tend to stay in your heart. So, by figuring this the next question raised who to talk to? In the end, there is always someone to talk to like a parent or teacher or coach, instructor, priest, family member even a complete stranger can help you go through tuff times.  
When I was growing up has a kid I would always be frustrated when adults would kick me out of conversation because they simply think that I wasn’t intelligent enough to contribute to the conversation. I recently learned a valuable lesson from one of my teacher that if you treat a kid like a kid there going to act like one. That’s why when I see someone that’s younger then me I don’t see them as a dumb kid I see them as a soon to be doctor or lawyer or president. Having high hopes for children will encourage them to be the best they can be.    
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