moldykinks · 3 months
Kiss her forehead after you're done fucking her.
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moldykinks · 3 months
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moldykinks · 3 months
sorry for being such a freak to you since the moment we met . i just like you a lot
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moldykinks · 3 months
i’d look hot as fuck covered in blood and bruises
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moldykinks · 3 months
Oh, you don’t want to wear a vial of my blood at all times? Grow up.
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moldykinks · 3 months
fuck jobs i wanna get paid just for being evil nd sexy
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moldykinks · 3 months
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moldykinks · 4 months
how many stars must i count for you to see how much i love you?
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moldykinks · 4 months
I would do things for you that I wouldn’t even do for myself. 
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moldykinks · 4 months
Oh my doll, i want to have a soft spot for only you. i want to be your haven and wash away all your sorrow. i want to be sweet for only you. i want to protect only you. i want you to wash the blood from my hands. i want to be the rabid dog at your feet. all of me is for only you.
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moldykinks · 4 months
you should tell me all the fucked up things you want to do to me and how you'd make me completely dependent on you. you know what's best for me only you know only you only you only you only you♡
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moldykinks · 4 months
This could be us but you playin':
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moldykinks · 4 months
Real romance is me carving my name on your body while I give you kisses
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moldykinks · 4 months
keep your eyes on me, angel. I'm the only one who deserves your attention.
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131 notes · View notes
moldykinks · 4 months
You are a god and I am ravenous for something holy. I'll devote my entire being to you for just a taste of your skin.
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moldykinks · 4 months
A healthy relationship for me is when we're both obsessed with each other.
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moldykinks · 4 months
you call it stalking i call it making sure nothing bad happens to u!!
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