mollymacmillan · 4 years
“And I won’t make you feel awkward, but the offer is there and I like to think I handle awkward situations well. Or maybe I just don’t know what awkward feels like.” 
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“It’s...” Molly smiled with a sigh, shaking her head slowly. “my twin sister.” She tried to chuckle but nothing came out. “Everything about this place reminds me of her. It’s really hard sometimes.” 
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
D.W. lifted a shoulder, her eyes roving over the cabinets. “Whatever’s quick. Cheese toastie, butter noddles— WixBurger is faster though.” On cue her stomach rumbled. 
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“I am with you there. I don’t have the patience to cook.” It seemed like they agreed on something, Molly was content. “I love WixBurger, especially when I am drunk. Nothing makes me happier than eating a big burger while I am too drunk to remember my own name.”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
D.W. looked her teammate—now flatmate—up and down. “People without taste.”
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“I will agree with you there.” She nodded. “What’s your favorite meal to cook?” Molly asked, raising her brow. “Or do you cook at all?”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“Do you wanna talk about it or do you just want to drink wine, because I also have some wine here as well. To go with the cheese.”
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“I’d rather drink the wine.” Molly smiled, although it was a broken one. “There is not much to talk about. I don’t like making people feel awkward and they get awkward whenever I bring that subject, so...” 
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“Cooking sauerkraut is cause for eviction.” She plugged her nose. 
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“Gross.” Molly grimaced. “Why would anyone cook sauerkraut in the first place?”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“I think this’ll be an excellent way to get to know each other better. I’ve a feeling we’ll be fast friends, Molly.” She couldn’t speak to how any of them might fair with D.W., but Zoe respected her spirit and her resourcefulness enough to not be upset if they didn’t end up becoming close. As long as they all had fun, and no one died, that would be enough for her.
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“No issues is the hope, yeah. We can go over the lease and things later, and, I don’t know, any sort of rooming concerns you might have—” Was there anything else she needed to tell her? “Er, we move in on the first, it’s Knockturn Alley, which is not ideal but the flat’s really nice, honest. And — well, I think that’s it. I can’t wait.” Had she said that already? She maybe had.
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"I hope so.” She smiled at Zoe, the other girl seemed friendly, so Molly was certain they were going to become friends eventually. 
“I don’t have any rooming concerns,” She chuckled with a shrug. “Except I’d really appreciate if we keep the kitchen clean. The mess is fine, I am messy too but the dirt... That I can’t really stand.” Molly told them, smiling still. “You two got me all excited too.” She mused. “This is going to be so much fun.” @rocketshipbell​
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
She thought about it. ���Still could, this flat is small. Don’t order Mexican.”
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“I will keep that in mind.” She nodded. “Are there other cuisines that you don’t like or is it just Mexican? Now that we are going to live together, I feel like I should know.”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“It was impromptu. One of those things I didn’t know I was going to do until I was doing it,” he insisted. “Where do you wish you were instead?”
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“You sound like you had a good time, so that’s a win.” She chuckled. “Anywhere but here. Don’t get me wrong, I like my hometown, it’s just... too many unpleasant memories.”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
WHEN: 3 July 1979 WHERE: Tha Flat WHO: @mollymacmillan​
D.W. stood in the entrance to what would be her “home” for the next two months, a grimy flatshare in Knockturn Alley. It wasn’t the grime or the location that gave her pause. The bubbly companions, however… She threw her bag—a single duffle—down haphazardly. “Smells like bleach,” she complained. 
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Molly snorted a little, eyes staring at D.W. “It could’ve been worse you know.” She told her, shrugging a little. “Like it could’ve smelled like shite.” Which was far worse than bleach. Obviously.
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
Zoe’s spirits were higher than high. Compared to everything else, asking Molly had gone smoothly and easily, without a single hitch. “This is amazing! This is perfect!” She clapped her hands together.
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“Oh, the fourth roommate? We’ve got D.W. on board. She promised us loads of entertainment, and hair dying.”
Dorcas’s relief was immediate and powerful as a tidal wave. Thank God, Merlin, and every fucking higher power. She knew she and Zoe and D.W. would have a good summer no matter what, but it was so great knowing that some part of their plan would fall into place. “Molly, you’re a gem. It’s going to be so much fun. Oh — and you know D.W. from Quidditch too, don’t you?”
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Molly smiled at Zoe’s reaction, her own reaction wasn’t as cheerful as Zoe’s but she was excited too, she just had a hard time to express it. 
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“I can see the kind of entertainment D.W can bring.” She joked, chuckling a little. She has witnessed enough incidents and she’s heard enough stories. Still, though, Molly found her funny. 
“I do. I can’t say we are really close because you all know I just transferred here a few months ago but we didn’t have issues, so that’s good.” She shrugged. “Right?” @rocketshipbell​
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“Something like that. Weekend break,” he shrugged. “Never wanted to just up and take off somewhere just for a bit?”
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“Sounds nice. Where was my invite?” She teased him, chuckling. “All the time. I pretty much spend my all days wishing that I wasn’t here but here we are.”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“Do you like cheese? I have cheese from France. You get first pick. Just don’t ask me for the names because I don’t remember.” @mollymacmillan​
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“I do.” Molly smiled at Ted. “I didn’t know you were in France.” Her brow raised. “Vacation?” 
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“We have a proposition for you. Which, you’re free to not agree to, and to pretend this never happened.”
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“Exactly. Zoe and I are going to be living and working in London this summer, and we were hoping you’d do us the honour of being our third roommate. I mean, we have a fourth, but we were saving the third spot for you. Semantics.” Dorcas shook her head, trying to get back on track. “I don’t know what your plans are, but if you think you’re going to be in London, please please please say you’ll live with us?”
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“Are we going to kidnap someone or what?” She asked Zoe. Obviously, this was one of those moments Molly didn’t know what to say, so she went with a joke. Before she said anything else, Dorcas continued. 
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Molly paused for a second, realizing she actually had no plans for the summer, which was depressing but given the circumstances, it was also expected. She toyed with the idea, this actually would be a nice change and maybe finally her father would leave her alone and push her to make new friends. This would be fun but more importantly, this would make her parents happy. “This sounds fun. I like London.” She was on board but she also had few questions. 
“Who is the fourth roommate?”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
Maybe they’d come on a bit too strong the first time. So this time, Dorcas and Zoe simply lurked in the basement outside the Hufflepuff common room, looking casual as ever. When Molly at last emerged, Dorcas flagged her down in the manner one would signal a passing plane. “Hey, can we borrow you a minute?”
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Molly’s brow raised in suspicion, while knew Dorcas would never harm her, she was also a little bit confused. “Sure.” Molly simply answered, smiling. “What’s going on?
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
Lily tried to appreciate the honesty of Molly’s admission rather than the past ignorance it suggested, but it was difficult. Something just being that way was a paltry excuse that left a bitter taste. Hatred didn’t just happen spontaneously, there was a path that led to it and a force keeping it that way. Just because you weren’t swimming against the tide of opinion didn’t mean you were stagnant. The current was still floating you downstream along with what was popular, you were just too disinterested or scared or comfortable to put in the effort of swimming yourself.  
The urge to shame and condescend out of hurt was there but Lily forced herself to swallow it down. She had to appreciate a changed heart, a changed mind, for what it was. 
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“A dual degree is out then. I think you should just go for it.” While her voice was light there was seriousness around her eyes, “I bet Professor Egg could use every Muggle Studies student he can get these days. And I’m happy to answer any questions you have if it helps you come to a decision.”
Molly could tell Lily still had doubts, which was completely fair. She wasn’t going to push it, at this point all she could do was wait. 
She nodded her head slowly as Lily continued. “You have a point.” Molly smiled at the brunette, it was genuine. “Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.” Her voice trailed off, she flashed another genuine smile to Lily.
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
“Now look here, Millicent. I’m s’just tryin’ to enjoy a night out with my favorite team. There’s no use in pointing your sausages around and accusing nobody of nothing.”
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“Who is Millicent?”
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mollymacmillan · 4 years
Dawn knew why. It caused her instantly to become annoyed. Clem was not her last name, she didn’t deserve to be punished for that. So she arched a brow slightly, feigning ignorance. “No, I can’t actually.”
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Dawn’s annoyance didn’t go unnoticed of course but frankly, Molly didn’t care much about it. “Well, that’s on you then. If you want your head girl to be a murderer’s daughter, be my guest.” She shrugged. “I do not want that.”
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