molnosildiko · 5 years
I come to realize that in order to make your dreams come true one has to take action, has to do everything in his/ her power to achieve the results wanted.
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molnosildiko · 5 years
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molnosildiko · 5 years
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Botanical garden
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molnosildiko · 5 years
Old days
Last week we made a visit to Cluj/ Kolozsvar with the school I teach at. And I nostalgically thought of my students’ years- which was not at Cluj. I travelled day by day by train to Brasov - “probably the best city in the world”- and than back home. It was OK by then but nowadays I realize that I missed those wonderful, adventurous students’ days that my friend experienced in big cities. Living there, finding new friends, feeling the pulse of life...this is something I can’t get back, can’t do anymore ( as being 20 or something)
So, the thing is that if you have the chance , experiment, get new experiences, try new places, travel, and then you can decide where you’d like to live your life.
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molnosildiko · 7 years
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molnosildiko · 7 years
New creative myself. Wish I’d had more time to express myself.
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molnosildiko · 7 years
Deci, schimbăm limba , pentru proiectul INDUCAS, de azi , majoritatea postărilor vor fi pentru o perioadă de timp, în limba română.
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Back home
The last day of the ICT course was very challenging- we had to think about and present a project -for using those learned during the week- in an hour or so. We had a hard time to focus on the task but thanks to Anca Mile, we managed in the end.
I think I miss those days, now being back home. Not complaining, but I have more than half of the classrooms without a socket ( let's talk about ICT!)
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molnosildiko · 11 years
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10 posts!
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Day 4
I think this was one of the most interesting days this week-maybe because I've already worked with google docs and liked it. The afternoon felt harder work because I haven't done major project-base activities and felt a little lost, same feelings about prezi-although I liked the concept, I was struggling with the steps of making one.
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Day 3
A little bit more London today than on the days before- obviously working-but in a more interesting way than on the other days, extending the boundaries of our learning space, making a video about, connected to London and us being in London. A challenging task I'd say. 
On the afternoon, our technical abilities were again put on an "exam"- we made an audio material and a lesson plan using that audio exercise. Silvia had brilliant ideas connected to it, making use of the different linguistic styles of the students.
see lesson plan in a post before this one
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Social bookmarking tools are an emerging educational technology that  offer knowledge sharing solutions and a social platform for interactions and discussions. These tools enable users to collaboratively underline, highlight, and annotate an electronic text, in addition to providing a mechanism to write additional comments on the margins of the electronic document.
I think I could use social bookmarking to remember/find more easily things that caught my attention on the internet
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Hivemind is when two or more people come to the same thought at the same time because of the same circumstances but do not know each other beforehand (i.e. it cannot be an inside joke). This usually happens on internet message boards, and is especially noticeable when the thought reached is not a meme. The name is reflective of insects who act in unison with their hive (or nest) mates.
  Twittersphere- postings made on the social media website Twitter, considered collectively
  The blogosphere is made up of all blogs and their interconnections. The term implies that blogs exist together as a connected community (or as a collection of connected communities) or as a social network in which everyday authors can publish their opinions. Since the term has been coined, it has been referenced in a number of media and is also used to refer to the Internet.
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Level: 7Th grade - intermediate
Objectives: - the students work with material from multiple perspectives
-          students gain additional practice and learning opportunities
-          Students create personally  meaningful  learning experiences 
-          students become better consumers of multimedia
-          to revise antonyms of specific terms
-          to revise conditionals
Warm up:
Students are asked if they know any jokes in English and if so, give a few examples.
While listening activity:
The teacher gives students slips of paper with the jumbled  sentences of the joke they  are going to listen to. Teacher plays the listening twice.
Post listening activity:
Students are grouped according to individual learning styles.   
Group 1: Students are asked to draw a poster inspired from the joke. 
Group 2: Students are asked to turn the text into a poem.
Group 3: Students change the text, using antonyms, into its positive counterpart.
Group 4: Students are asked to do a grammar activity, namely chained Conditional Clauses Type III.
Group 5: In order to revise units of measurement, students are asked to introduce as many units of measurement in the text as they can (e.g. height, weight, time, surface of the bar etc.)
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molnosildiko · 11 years
RSS (Rich Site Summary); originally RDF Site Summary; often dubbed Really Simple Syndication, uses a family of standard web feed formats[2] to publish frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video. An RSS document (called "feed", "web feed",[3] or "channel") includes full or summarized text, and metadata, like publishing date and author's name.
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Quotes by Marshall McLuhan( 1911-1980
" The new media are not bridges between man and nature; they are nature."
Technology does not mean just a connection between people and the world; they are one and the same, part of our life.
" We shape our tools and afterwords our tools shape us."
" Education must shift from instruction, from imposing of stencils, to discovery- to probing and exploration."
"And it seems to me the best way to oppose technology is to undersatnd it. Then you know where to turn off the buttons."
"Any person who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment, doesn't know the first thing about either."
We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us. Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/marshall_mcluhan_2.html#9pgipB20Zid8f7EG.99
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molnosildiko · 11 years
Day 2-over. Two different sessions, two different people, two different styles. I forgot-now remembered - the days of the highschool, class and teacher-always changing.
I liked today's sessions, the topics made me reevaluate my internet-based professional work, think about sites I use/could use in a more efficient way in the future.
The afternoon session was all right, too, raising a huge question in my mind/soul- is it ok to think "I did everything I could, it doesn't depends on me, it's up to other people"- probably not...
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