molscol · 1 year
Uhhh so, I was working on the second chapter when I saw my results from the previous poll had come in. This would determine the way I would do things in the next chapter but uhhh...
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molscol · 1 year
Hey guys! So the first chapter is finally here!
I haven't wrote things like this in years- the last time being when I was in the BNHA fandom, and trust me, it was truly a nightmare.
Now remember this is all just for fun! I'm not an expert writer by any means so if you have any tips that would be greatly appreciated!!
Also I inspired the Mechanic guy off of the Mechanic from the Lego Ninjago Series! I found the Mechanic to be a silly character but he definitely contributed to many bigger villains.. wonder what this Mechanic will do..
Chapter One: The Mechanic
The rise universe as we know is much more vibrant and colour than their previous counterparts worlds. The Nighttime streets are filled with Lights and people.
This is all the brothers had known, they loved their city very much and would do anything they could to protect it.
After the event of the kraang, the brothers were clearly affected, Donnie often suffered pains in his back, but as usual he stubbornly kept to himself in his lair. The only one he'd allow to come in was his Younger brother, the sunshine of the Family, mikey
This led to the leaderous Duo, Raph and Leo, to often help eachother with problems, Lwo clearly suffered with self doubt when it came to his leading skills, but Raph, the previous leader in red became the backbone to helping Leo gain confidence in his journey to being the leader his team needed.
And as much as the brothers split into their secluded duos, they all loved eachother dearly, no matter how much they fought or argued, they'd have eachothers back...
~The present Day~
The turtle brothers were out on another stealth mission, it wasn't a footclan situation though, they had been disbanded after the events of the kraang invasion.
"Hey Donnie! You got eyes on this new guy? Raph doesn't think recognise him.."
Raph had questioned his genius brother as he was flying through the air with his Tech.
"Why thank you raph for questioning my great skills of observation he says sarcastically"
"Well looks like someone is grumpy today ay hermano? Don't worry Raph! Ol' Neon Leon's got it!" The leader in blue teased his twin as he hopped from roof to roof, pulling out his twin Katanas to teleport to his desired spot.
A flash of blue light opened up and Leo hopped into his portal, landing right infront of the culprit.
The Mechanic stopped and turned around to escape, however he was stopped by Donnie and Raph.
"Nowhere to go now huh Amigo? This would be a great time to hand in those stolen parts!"
But unfortunately and as usual, the bad guy never give up that easily do they? The Mechanic didn't give up his precious parts.
But after one glance at the turtle brothers, who looks unusually intimidating.. he ran away- leaving all the parts behind.
"Who would want all this junk? It doesn't make sense on why that guy would steal things like this.." Raph picked up one of the stolen parts.
"Hey Donnie could you have a look at this when we get back to the lair? If anything you might know what it is"
The eldest handed over the more undamaged pieces of the metals and parts to his genius brother, hoping that he could have a further look at what the mechanic could possibly find..
Soon the turtle brothers return home pretty much unscathed, Raph and Leo wondered off to get something to eat while they left their brother in purple to hopefully figure out what the parts could be for.
"Tell me again why we let mikey go ALONE with Baron Draxum? I mean he threw me off a building!" Even after all this Time, Baron draxum still made Leo uneasy.. especially the fact that his younger brother was the only one with him..
"We've been over this Leo! Mikey and Draxum are in the hidden city to hopefully help mikey control his Mystic hands better" Raph sighed after he spoke- he also didn't like the idea of mikey being with draxum.. but if his baby brother was happy then he considered it to be alright.
The two brothers continued there small talk before they were interupted by a very dusty looking Donnie-
"Uhm Donnie- why do you look like you've been through the mines?" Leo questioned his twin before he was shushed by Raph, who was hoping to get an answer quicker
"Well my simple minded brother- I have finally done it! Mikey and I had been working on this for a while now.. I've finally made dimension hopping a reality beyond your nimpo!"
Ooooo wonder what that part contributed too... :)
Well there you have it folks, it seems portals are a common thing in this family- but anyways! Hope you enjoyed this! You will be seeing much more of Mikey in the future chapters! But I just wanted to bring the story in without a lot happening!
I also wanted to introduce that this is after the kraang invasion. I didn't do it too much but in later chapters, the brothers trauma will be more looked into later!
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molscol · 1 year
I've gotten to the start where the Rise boys (specifically Donnie) have made a portal that is similar to 2012! Dimension X's portal.
But I'm not sure what to brothers should fall into their world first 😗
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molscol · 1 year
Hello everyone!! I'm pretty new to tumblr but it has definitely fueled my tmnt content thirst
So I've decided for the first time in several years I'm going to write a cross-over between the rise! Turtles and the 2012 turtles!! I'm hoping it will turn out more comedic than sad as there's always a sad theme with them.
It's so hard to find funny ones that I've taken it upon myself to make ones for you guys to enjoy too!!
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