momelinebones-blog · 6 years
Years before, Adeline would have described her home as the place where she was most comfortable. She would regularly sit with her babies, reading them stories and fussing with their hair until they were old enough to leave for Hogwarts. The house became significantly quieter then - Adeline couldn’t bear it. She yearned for holiday breaks, as the house seemed to get more and more packed every year. Adeline became a mother to many, but the time seemed fleeting and it went by so fast. 
She would bury herself in her work, forcing her way up to the top. Lately, people were disrespecting the law more and more - with supporters of Grindelwald and Voldemort being ousted here and there, letters about suspicious-looking folk constantly being sent to the office... Adeline was swamped. 
Then – Hogwarts took another family member away, with Edward leaving to secure the school. It was for the greater good, so Adeline couldn’t say much, but every time Edward had to leave on a trip, she worried they would be her last goodbyes. 
In the bathroom, Adeline took a glance at herself in the mirror, letting her hair down. As soon as she heard the familiar voice, she felt like she was young once more - running straight into Edward’s arms and allowing herself to be engulfed in his embrace. “Oh, you smell lovely.” She sighed. 
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Home. How long had it been since he’d been here? Edward Bones stood for a moment on the front porch, looking about his yard. The grass was wet from a recent rain, the sky above still grey with the perpetrating clouds. The vast trees were bare, their leaves stripped away from winter’s harsh snow, with only a few that had been trapped under ice sill plastered to the slick grass. Though Edward knew the moment they dried and a strong breeze rolled through, they too would disappear. The last time he’d been here, those leaves had still clung to the branches, though brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow indicated they wouldn’t stay for much longer. It was a harsh reminder of just how much time had passed. 
Pushing his way through the front door, Edward paused long enough to kick off his shoes, a flick of his wand sending them into their rightful place in the cupboard. He took a moment, breathing deeply through his nose, to take the rare opportunity to experience the smell only noticed by strangers and those who had ben away for too long. Before he knew it, however, his memory seemed to recall the smell of his own home and it was as if it vanished, once again a mystery to him. Part of Edward hoped that it was something he’d never notice again, as to do so would mean he’d been away for too long yet again. 
The rooms he passed through were dark, some obviously untouched for months, and a sudden wave of guilt washed over him. Adeline had been here alone in an empty house for far too long. The house was lonely enough when Edgar and Amelia went off to school, but at least Edward and Adeline always had each other. While Edward had no doubt his wife was more than capable of fending for herself, that didn’t mean she enjoyed being neglected for such an extended amount of time, and Edward determined he would make it up to her. 
It wasn’t long before Edward made his way into the kitchen, his favorite room of the house. His hands ran over the smooth surface of the counters, clean as the day he’d left them. Oh how he couldn’t wait to cook again. Hogwarts’ meals were some of the finest he’d ever had, but over the years Edward Bones had come to appreciate cooking for himself and his family. He was eager to return to his regular routine. And goodness knew it had been much too long since his wife had returned home to a good meal on the table waiting for her. 
Checking his watch, Edward wondered where she was now. It was late enough on a Sunday that she should be home. “Adeline?” He called, shrugging off his trench coat and tossing it over the back of a kitchen chair. “Love? I’m home!” The words felt foreign after being away for so long, and Edward smiled sadly as he tugged at his tie, loosening it so it fit more comfortably around his neck. 
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momelinebones-blog · 6 years
Edward Bones was a tired man these days. Ever since the Acromantula attack, he had struggled with his stamina. He felt older than he’d ever felt before, and the worst of it was he was growing weary of his station at Hogwarts. Months of investigating and playing the part of security guard had done little to prevent the tragedies from unfolding at his beloved alma mater and he was becoming quite frustrated at it all. The team of Aurors were stumped to say the least and as Head of the Department, Edward took responsibility for that. It didn’t help that Edward was growing tired of staying at the school as well. How many months now had it been since he slept in his own bed? How long since he’d last had a moment to spend with his wife? Even tonight, he had promised to be back at their quarters as soon as his rounds were complete but instead he found himself holed up in his office combing through what little evidence his team had collected and reviewing updates from his office at the Ministry. Before he knew it, the hours had flown by, hours he’d much rather have spent in Adeline’s arms. She would understand what had kept him, she always did, but Edward still found himself preparing an apology as he trudged back to their room.
As he rounded the corner of the corridor where his room was located, however, Edward found his steps quicken as he noticed figures collected in the doorway. He recognized his children immediately, he could spot them from a mile away, and knew that something was wrong. It wasn’t like them to stop by their parents’ room in the middle of the night for a chat, and they risked getting in quite a lot of trouble for being out of bed after hours. Even in the dark corridor, Edward could see the tension in their shoulders and the way Amelia was breathing unevenly, had she been crying? “Edgar? Mia, love, what is it? What’s happened?” He quickly closed the distance between himself and his children, dropping a hand on each of their shoulders and peering into their faces with concern. They were dressed for bed, what had gotten them up in the middle of the night? He glanced over at Adeline, wearing only a robe and clutching her wand tightly. It was clear she hadn’t been expecting them either. “Come inside, all of you.” Edward said quickly, ushering his family inside and shutting the door tightly behind them. “Is everyone alright? What’s going on?”
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The entire way up from Ravenclaw tower to the corridor where their parent’s room had been housed, Amelia had run through every possible scenario in her mind and aimed to plan for each one. All of the planning in the world couldn’t account for the knots that were starting to eat at her stomach the moment her mother had opened the door. In mere seconds, Amelia’s mind had gone completely blank. “Mum - “ Amelia began, fighting the urge to apologize for waking up her mother and showing up at her door at this late hour and that this was nothing, absolutely nothing was wrong and that she and Edgar had nothing to say good night. She swallowed those words down, a feeling of dread rising in her gut. Amelia opened her mouth to speak again but was soon interrupted by the arrival of her father. The hand that had been placed on her shoulder in an effort to comfort her felt like a literal weight on her shoulder, a physical manifestation of the guilt that twisted inside of her.
Normally, when it came to matters like this that involved their parents, Amelia was the more silver-tongued of the two. By the time the two Bones siblings were caught committing any kind of mischief, Amelia would have prepared at least half a dozen different excuses, all depending on from how angry their parents were. Now, it felt as if someone had switched every thought, every word with air and Amelia found herself at a loss.  She turned to her older brother, a brief look of concern crossing her features. It was a look that the two of them were both familiar with, that Amelia rarely employed, that said: “I need you to be my older brother right now”.  She thought that she could confront her parents, that she could tell them of the letter, but the moment her mother had opened the door she was ready to retreat back into her bubble of fear and denial. How could she face her parents? Moreover, how could she face the inevitable disappointment they would feel? All her life, Amelia had wanted nothing more than to make her parents proud. Her slip-ups where thankfully rare and it was rarer still that they would come before her parents, but this-this was not a mere test grade or a lapse in judgment. This entire year, Amelia felt as if she was disappointing her parents - the masquerade ball, the amortentia fueled Halloween party, the choosing process for youth rep to the Wizengamot, and she could only imagine the blow this secret would be on her parents.
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It was Mum who had answered the door, looking as if she had just gotten out of bed to do so. Edgar briefly mused that they were probably an interesting sight to see, all hovering in the cool castle air in their robes and slippers. She looked confused to see them standing out there, and he wasn’t surprised by that. It had been years since either Edgar or Amelia had visited their parents late at night, not since they were little children who got a little too scared of dreams and darkness. What’s the matter? Well, that was the hard part. Where was Dad? He peaked over his mom’s shoulder, eyes flickering around in search for his father. He must not be here, Edgar mused, or else he would surely be standing right here too. It wasn’t like Edward Bones to stay in bed when his children came knocking. For a brief moment, Edgar felt a wave of stress roll over him. Where was Dad? Not for the first time in his life, Edgar wished that his father wasn’t an auror, so he could be around whenever he might need him. It had been a long time since he had thought that, it hadn’t crossed his mind since he was a little boy upset that his father was gone on Christmas. But he felt it again. He took a deep breath, steeling himself slightly. In times like this, he needed to be strong, especially when his dad wasn’t there. After all, he had to look out for Amelia, right?
Just as Edgar was about to pull the letter from his waistband, his father’s voice broke through the tension. Despite just telling himself a moment ago that he didn’t need his father for this, he felt relief break the tension in his shoulders. What’s going on? Dad seemed to understand that something serious was going on, even if he didn’t know what. Edgar felt that strange feeling one felt when someone was trying to make eye contact, and instinctively, his head turned to face Amelia. They caught each other’s gaze, and an unspoken bit of communication passed between them. He needed to do this, for her. He took a deep breath, letting his father guide him into their chambers. The door shut with a loud ring, and for a second, uneasy silence settled between the members of the Bones family. Edgar blinked hard, then swallowed. Man up, Edgar. It’s time to be a man. He inhaled, released the air with a long sigh, and then reached into his robes. The letter was still there, tucked into the waistband of his boxers along his right hip. He pulled it out, unfolded it, and then glanced towards his Mum. Despite his anxiety, his voice was strong, and he knew it. He gave his Mum a slightly apologetic look, because he knew that she wouldn’t see this coming, and then he looked over to his Dad. “Amelia found this letter on Mum’s desk, back in the summer when she worked with her.” His eyes flickered to Mum again, and then back to Dad. “I think with everything that’s going on, it’s something we should all talk about as a family. And–” He stepped to his father, making eye contact with him as he held it out, “And in order to do that, you’ve got to read this, Dad.”
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As her children were ushered inside, Adeline glanced at both of their faces. She loved their faces, but at this very moment, she was petrified at what she saw Amelia looked as if she had been crying. Her son looked like nerves were getting to him, or as if he was upset about something. Adeline racked her brain for what the problem could be – perhaps it was a girl problem? Could it be something about that sweet little French girl that had approached her? But, Adeline lamented, Amelia was upset too. Maybe the attacks and horrors that were taking place at Hogwarts had finally caught up to them. Adeline’s face dropped as she prepared to open her arms up and bring her kids in for a hug. She was prepared to give them whatever they needed – she would let them stay in their room all night long, if that was what it took to help them feel better. 
And then Edgar took the letter out. Immediately, Adeline turned stone cold, looking up at her son and crossing her arms. She looked back at Amelia, her nostrils slightly flaring. She knew she wasn’t in the right to be angered over this, but this was clearly taken from her personal things. Still – Adeline hadn’t given the letter much thought, and she presumed that it wasn’t important to bring up to her family. She watched as Edgar held out the letter to his father, shaking her head. But her attention went back to Amelia, and her eyes softened as she took in her daughter’s appearance. “Amelia...” She said, quietly. “You’ve been holding onto this since the summer?” Adeline sighed, crossing her arms. “It’s really nothing to be worried about. Go ahead – read it.” She said, briefly glancing at Edward.
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the letter (closed)
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
It was very difficult, getting alone time with her husband – especially when he was meant to be working. It was difficult because there were attacks happening here and there, students getting hurt, professors murmuring about what could possibly be done. Adeline Bones was tired, and as such, she was spending her night in bed, with a book, desperately making an attempt to ignore the world around her. She would patiently wait for Edward to return to her side, having her book as her only company. 
Then came the knocking. Adeline made a face at the door, slowly shutting her book and putting it to the side. It was loud and abrupt. Edward wouldn’t have startled her like that, and he would have opened the door straight after knocking – it would only have been done out of courtesy. Adeline rushed to put a robe on, covering her undergarments up. She slipped her hand into the pocket of her robe, casually bringing her wand between her fingers. Making her way to the door, she clutched the wand tighter, but let out a relieved sigh once it had opened – it was just Edgar. “You scared me! What is it, what’s the matter?”
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the letter (closed)
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Since he’d arrived, Edgar had heard quite a few things about one of the bartenders. Apparently, he was being more than sleazy to quite a few of the female attendees, so when Edgar saw his mother approaching the bar, he followed suit. Mostly to defend her honor (although she didn’t really need his help by the looks of it) but also because he had yet to have a moment alone with her since her arrival and he was in dire need of it. By the time he caught up to her, she had already exchanged words with the bartender, but since he was still looking at his mother in such a way, Edgar couldn’t help but to say, “Hey, back off, mate, or I’m going to make you!” He looked to his mother a moment after, and a warm, boyish smile appeared on his face. “You look lovely, Mum. Is that why Dad isn’t around? You killed him with that dress?”
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The bartender had disappeared right after Edgar appeared. Adeline made a note to mention a more in-depth background check for those who would be hired to work at Hogwarts. It wouldn’t hurt – perhaps there was something she could do from work, as well. “Thank you, dear,” Adeline said, gently. She looked over her son’s shoulder, searching for her husband. “I haven’t seen him yet, but do let him know that I’ve been waiting for him if you spot him. I mean, do you see what I have to put up with here?”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Edgar laughed, pulling away from his mum. He shook his head, “The girls my age don’t hold a candle to you, Mum.” He smiled kindly. “Besides, a girl my age just dumped me, so I’ve had enough of the fairer sex for a few days.” He disentangled from his Mum, moving over to the couch that was against the wall in her quarters. He dropped down onto the cushions. He hadn’t really spoken much to his mother regarding Narcissa, at least in person. He’d sent her a letter when he and Narcissa had first got together, but he was unsure if she had ever received it. “Would you like to get breakfast with me?” He asked warmly, “It’s not often I can catch you without Amelia or Dad around.”
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Listening to her son talk always gave Adeline such a sense of pride – how did she and Edward manage to raise such a charismatic boy? She nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Oh, you don’t have to ask, I would love to get breakfast with you.” But food could wait for now. She knew her son very well, and trusted his choice in women – but she was wary of Narcissa. Adeline sat down next to Edgar, crossing her legs and folding her arms. “Go on, tell me what happened with the girl.”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Taking a break from chaperoning the ball, Edward searched the crowd for Adeline. He had promised her a dance earlier this evening and he was not one to break a promise to his wife. Not to mention, she looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress he had helped her zip and while the vision had been a beautiful one he thought of as he made rounds about the Great Hall, it was nothing compared to the real thing. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only man in the world to find his wife alluring. Edward had caught many a man eyeing her over the years. He was hardly the jealous type, she was his and he was hers and nothing in the world would change that. However, he did not like the way it made Adeline uncomfortable. He quickly slid into place next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and giving the younger boy a glare. “You heard her, and I’ll ask you to kindly respect my wife.” Edward turned his back on the boy, effectively shielding Adeline from his view and wrapping his other arm around her waist. He had to tilt his chin to his chest nearly to look down at her with the usual, dopey, loving smile he had when looking at Adeline. “It really is a shame so many people miss out on how beautiful your eyes are.” He murmured.
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Though the two had gotten ready together, Adeline was smitten at the sight of her husband. She’d always loved seeing any good-looking man in a suit, but something about Edward in a suit made her feel like she was a young girl at Hogwarts again. She rested her side against Edward, as he came to her rescue from the young, staring boy – “Thank you, dear.” Adeline said, planting a kiss on his cheek. She batted her eyes at him, giving him a good second to fully appreciate how beautiful she looked. Adeline was a confident woman, and who was she to deny her husband of some eye candy? She reached her hands upward and ran them through the sides of Edward’s hair. “Look who’s talking, my dreamy lover.”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Adeline had been defending whoever she assumed was a Hogwarts student, or a family member – anyone who didn’t have those bloody disgusting skulls painted on. She knew, for this attack, she would have to be fighting for two – poor Edward, she glanced behind, furtively, thinking about how her husband was in serious danger. And the kids, for Merlin’s sake, where were they? She’d spotted the attackers using Unforgivable Curses – Adeline resolved to make her way to her children, but she was interrupted by two slightly familiar faces. They had to be someone’s parents, and Adeline was not one to refuse help, not when her husband was struggling to keep up. She nodded along with Edward’s instructions – Merlin, he was always thinking on his toes, even when he was in such bad shape.
Adeline sent a hex at her opponent, when she heard a stunning spell fly past her. She quickly whisked her head around, trying to make sense of the situation, and gave her husband a smile. They were good at this, as awful as this was. “Thank you!” She shouted at the Wilkinsons, turning her attention to them. There was a little girl scurrying around with her hands covering her ears, shouting at the top of her lungs. Adeline pointed at the girl, her eyes filled with horror – “Keep the children safe!”
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Who: Ruby and Sawyer Wilkinson and Edward and Adeline Bones When: January 4 Where: Hogsmeade Village
Ruby had her wand out, up in a defensive position as she moved through the unfamiliar streets of Hogsmeade; the village that had been so charming and quaint a few hours ago was now a trap for someone who had never been here before. She didn’t know what was going on, although she had appraised herself of the political situation before they came. At the moment, she couldn’t recall the difference between the groups - and it was unimportant. She needed to find her husband, her children, and a way out of this mess. After splitting up with Sawyer earlier, she wanted nothing more than to see him and the children again - and there he was.
“Sawyer!” Pulling up the hem of her dress, she ran in his direction as relief flooded through her. As long as they were together, she had absolutely no worries about their safety. Her attention wasn’t solely on him, and as she ran, she spotted a familiar couple beyond him - Edward and Adeline, she remembered meeting at least Adeline at the Christmas ball. It didn’t look like Edward was doing well, and while Adeline was more than capable, Ruby knew they couldn’t just leave the other couple. As she reached her husband’s side, she pointed behind him. “We have to help them, and then find the children. Are you hurt?”
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Sawyer had been separated from Ruby, taking in the unfolding scene with absolute horror. It’d only been minutes ago that he was going into one of the flower shops, eyes set on buying his wife something to brighten up the winter weather. It was then that he heard the screams… they sounded like war. He’d burst through the doors, wand in hand. Sawyer was a skilled wizard, cursing some white cloaked henchmen set on attacking a child. Immediately he scanned the scene for his family. God, where were his kids in this mess?! Were they alright - he had to find Ruby. Sawyer ducked as a fire curse hit the building next to him, setting off towards the street. He had to find his family.
Time felt like it was passing at an abysmal pace, and the worried only grew in his mind. Was this what Hogwarts was like? He knew of the climate, the Dark Lord and Grindelwald… but he never imagined that they would have the audacity to attack students. Children, some not much older than 12. His wife’s voice broke him out of his mind, terror and relief rushing over him. “Ruby!” He shot a deflection curse, blocking a stray, haywire spell. He had to hold her, to make sure that she was real. Sawyer’s arm shot out to touch Ruby’s face. God, she wasn’t hurt. Not that he could see. He would have to thank his lucky stars. Her words brought his attention to a struggling couple, not too far ahead. “I’m fine- you? Are you alright?” His mind whirled a mile a minute and he grabbed Ruby’s hand pulling her in the direction of the couple. There was no time for introductions, not in their given situation. “What can we do?” He yelled over the screams that came from down the street. His eyes looked on the man, then to the woman. This was a nightmare.
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Bloody Acromantula venom. It had been weeks since the attack, and still Edward Bones didn’t feel back to his usual self. He tired much more quickly and even the wound on his leg was taking an eternity to heal. Hobbling through the thick of the fighting in Hogsmeade, he felt like an old man. He didn’t like that feeling one bit. Hurling curses, hexes, and protective spells, Edward Bones had a duty to not only protect his wife, but everyone else in the streets as well. It was his duty as it was for every Auror stationed at Hogwarts and those that would be making their way here as word of the attacks spread. Edward had been sure to send for backup the minute the attacks started, but so far none had showed. While Edward took his job seriously, he regretted that it meant searching for his children could not be his priority. He prayed that they were safe. 
Standing back to back with Adeline, Edward Bones had never felt safer in a duel. He trusted his wife with his life, not only due to their mutual devotion and love for one another, but because of her skill as well. It was a shame she was behind him, he quite liked to watch her duel, but in his state he could not afford such a distraction. His mind felt sluggish, along with the rest of his body, and he cursed the Acromantula that had taken a bite out of his leg. Still, he wasn’t completely incapacitated. Edward noticed the couple running to meet them, and pointed is wand away from them. He recognized them as parents visiting for the holidays. As long as he could still discern between friend and foe, he was good to go. He was grateful for the offer of assistance, being that Edward didn’t see any of his Aurors close by. “The people in white with Grindelwald’s symbol. We need to stop them and clear the village of civilians.” Edward instructed, letting the couple decide for themselves where they would like to help. Glancing off to the side, he noticed a figure clad in white aiming for Adeline, but her head was turned toward another opponent. Edward threw a stunning spell, hitting his target squarely. 
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Adeline felt herself being engulfed into a tight hug – she immediately recognized the feeling. Over the years, countless hugs had been exchanged between her and her children, so she’d developed another sense for them. Adeline could be blindfolded, her ears plugged and her nose pinched, and she would be able to tell anyone when either Edgar or Amelia was hugging her. Right now, it was Edgar – Adeline inhaled deeply and smiled, closing her eyes. She pulled away, grinning at her boy. How had she managed to have such perfect children? “He’s doing his duties at Hogwarts, which do not involve having you or your sister trail around after him.” She said, still smiling. “I’d think you’d like to be spending more time with ladies your age, not your mummy!” Adeline joked.
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WHO: Edgar Bones and Adeline Bones  WHEN: January 2nd, 1978. 9:30AM WHERE: Adeline Bones’ quarters
“Mummy!” Edgar tossed both of his arms around his mother, comically hugging her tightly. “I feel like I’ve barely seen you since you’ve been here.” He complained, pulling back a little bit. He’d decided to come and see his parents before heading down to breakfast, but his father was, unfortunately, not in the room. “Where’s dad?” He asked curiously, glancing around as if his father might be skulking somewhere around him.
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Edgar rushed into the arms of his mother, letting his head fall against her shoulder, not even minding that it hurt his neck. Amelia, to his surprise, was right behind him, and he made room for her in their mother’s embrace. It felt so good to be hugged by her. He had missed her so much, especially with everything that had been happening around them. The interaction was cut short – far too soon in Edgar’s opinion – by their father. Dad yanked Mom away and into his arms, and the next thing that he knew, they were kissing like they hadn’t seen each other in years. Edgar rolled his eyes slightly and looked to Amelia to share a knowing look. The sight made him happy, though. He felt like he was at home again, if he weren’t actually.
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Amelia was so happy that her mum was here. Ever since Amelia was little, she idolized her mother.  And especially now, with everything going on, Amelia was so, so happy that her mom was here. The hug was sadly cut short in favour of her mom and dad to kiss like teenagers. Here we go again. Amelia met her brother’s eyes and shared in his eye roll. But she was smiling. Any real feelings of annoyance soon dissipated when Amelia remembered that her parents, her family was here, at Hogwarts. At it wouldn’t just be for a Quidditch game, but they were staying for the whole of Christmas Break! “Ahem. Your two teenage children here.”
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Edward bent down, making it easier for his wife to wrap her arms around his neck as he wound his own around her waist before straightening to his full height and pulling her with him. He had noticed she wore her higher heels and smiled into the kiss. Whenever she wore those heels, he knew to expect more kisses. They brought her close enough to his own height that she could more easily reach him, and Edward didn’t mind carrying them for her if she eventually grew tired of walking in them. It had been far too long since he had last kissed his wife, and he kissed her slowly and passionately, making up for the lost time. Amelia clearing her throat broke him from the moment and he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against Adeline’s. “It has. I’ve missed you.” He whispered before pecking her forehead and glancing over her shoulder at their children. “You’re not the only ones who have missed Mum.”
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The height difference between the two was annoying at times, but the heels – as painful as they were – were immensely helpful for Adeline to get the one thing she craved most in the world. She began giving him soft, quick kisses, then kissed her husband deeply and strongly. She could feel herself giving into him, her eyes also closed as they lightly pressed their foreheads against each other. “I love you.” She said, opening her eyes to meet Edward’s. Adeline kept her gaze on her husband, happy that the two would finally share a bed again. Without glancing away, she said sternly, “What? My two teenage children can’t enjoy a beautiful depiction of true love?” Adeline smiled and finally gave Amelia a wink. “Just wait until you’re married.” 
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
“Oh - thank you! Emmeline and Dorcas helped me pick the dress.” The three girls had spent the better part of the day getting ready. “Do you mean Lorcan? We’re just going as friends, mum.”  A look of confusion crossed Amelia’s features. She wasn’t sure what she and Lorcan were going as. Friends? Or something more? She even know if the two of them were still keeping up with the whole fake-dating scheme either. In short, Amelia was very confused. “At least, I think we are.”
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Adeline nodded graciously, her eyes roaming around the room once more, searching for her other girls – where were Emmeline and Dorcas? They hadn’t even stopped by to greet her yet! “Lorcan,” She repeated, her attention returning to Amelia. “Friends – are you sure about that? You know the story of your father and I – we hated each other at first.”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Amelia crossed over the dance floor once she spotted her Mother, but upon further inspection realized that she was in the middle of telling off a pervy Gryffindor boy that she had found copying an essay last week. Amelia appeared before her mother, fixing a glare on the boy as she crossed her arms. “Thomas - I still haven’t told Professor Flitwick about the incident regarding your essay. I can remedy that very quickly.“ As the gangly fourth year scampered off, Amelia’s stony expression quickly grew sunnier as she threw her arms around her mother. “Mum! You look amazing.”
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“Yes, Thomas,” Adeline was pleased to see that her daughter had matched up to her when it came to telling off her peers. She watched him scurry off, then turned her attention back to her daughter and brought her hands to her mouth. “Me?” She waved her hand – “This is nothing, but you – you look incredible, my pussums!” Adeline returned the hug happily, then narrowed her eyes, while keeping a smile on her face. “So,” She began slowly. “When will you be introducing me to your date?”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Ruby was leaving the bar with a glass in hand, when she heard the other woman speak, and looked up just in time to catch the tail end of the conversation. “He’s certainly old enough to know better,” Ruby said, stepping up beside the other woman and frowning. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, young man. That’s no way to treat a lady.”
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Adeline nodded, showing that she was in full agreement with the woman. She looked at her, then back to ogler. “Listen to this woman,” Adeline pointed at her, her eyes angrily squinting at the boy. “Go find someone your age and ask them to dance, kindly.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to Ruby, now smiling as if the interaction had never happened. “Thank you – Adeline Bones.” She extended a hand out towards Ruby.
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Otto had lingered near the bar, which meant he’d been present for most of the extremely flirtatious bartenders’ advances on the female students and some of the adults, too. Now, he seemed to be checking out the bosom of Adeline Bones with no shame whatsoever. Someone really needed to fire this guy! “Miss Bones, isn’t it?” Otto stepped in, leaning his back against the bar to block the bartenders’ line of sight. “He’s been harassing women all night, it’s a miracle no one has hit him for it yet.”
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Adeline did not need someone to rescue her – she was perfectly fine handling those who ogled her on her own. The good-looking man who stepped in seemed like a decent person, so she handed it to him. “Yes, Mrs. Bones” She answered cautiously. “Though I can’t blame him. How are you, Mr. Bagman?”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Pinky had been caught, unfortunately, but she had always been very good at covering up her mistakes. She hadn’t been able to help herself, not when this woman walked in looking like that. “I’m so sorry!” Pinky exclaimed, “I just– your dress is so. cute.” It really, really was. She found herself looking over the dress once more. “Where did you get it? I love it.”
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“Thank you very much, little one,” Adeline winked at the blonde girl, setting her drink down at the bar. “It is custom-made, but I can put in a word with the designer for you – if you tell me all you know about the Bones children.”  
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Gabrielle had gone to get a drink while Edgar was off with one of his friends, and was making her way back to the dance floor when she heard a woman’s voice, sounding fairly angry, ringing nearby. Taking a slight detour to investigate, she watched as a rather sheepish looking younger student walked away, before taking a spot at the table with the woman, setting her drink down for a moment. “Fourth years and below really are awful about that kind of thing. Are you okay?”
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Adeline smiled gently at the girl, and turned to face her. “Oh, lovely,” She waved her hand, then gestured to her chest. “When you’ve had these for as long as I have, you get used to it – but never act complacent, then they’ll think you haven’t noticed.” She paused, then extended her hand out. “Where are my manners – I’m Adeline Bones, and you are...?” 
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
Adeline peered over the crowd, in search of her children and their dates – she wasn’t too sure if they brought anyone to the ball, what with the current drama that was going on in their lives. She sighed, remembering when her days were full of silly Hogwarts’ drama, and not work issues – Adeline took a swig of her drink and set it down on the table behind her. She noticed someone looking directly at her chest and did a double-take, trying to get their attention. She waved her hand, signalling that she was watching, but they continued to stare – “Hey,” Adeline exclaimed, not believing this. “My eyes are up here, understand?”
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momelinebones-blog · 7 years
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Adeline Bones at the Christmas ball
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