momijis-bunny · 3 years
As requested 😁 Yuki and Machi 🐁😍 one of the cutest Fruits basket couples
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momijis-bunny · 3 years
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It’s scary to be on your own.
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
okay but if you don’t think these two are friends, i am unironically asking: did we read the same manga?
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
i don’t know if i’ve reblogged this already but yk 
tired: yuki sadly accepting "defeat" and helping kyo and tohru get together while neglecting himself and falling into a sudden relationship within the last 2 chapters because of compulsive heterosexuality
wired: yuki beating kyo over the head with a stick screaming "ask her out ask her out ASK HER OUT" because he has to live in this house too and it's becoming unbearable. meanwhile he's making steady progress getting to know this girl he might like and not waiting three(3) whole ass years before holding her hand, kYO
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
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THIS. THIS here is the reason Momiji’s dad is near the very top of my ‘shitty fruba parents’ list.
I’ve always instinctively hated Momiji’s dad, but not been able to dissect exactly why, so here’s my attempt:
First of all, I don’t really blame him for going ahead with the decision to erase his wife’s memories, it was definitely a difficult decision, but seemed like their only option at the time. But his actions after - god, they make me think he really is the scum of the earth.
Before he allows her memories to be erased, he promises this to Momiji:
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But!! What do we know that he does? He ditches Momiji to the main estate (Momiji is said to have been raised by the main estate people and occasionally Hatori), and warns and presumably berates Momiji every time he is even WITHIN SIGHT of his mother and Momo.
How DARE he say he loves Momiji!!! Are these the actions of a father who loves his son?? You BET if I had to do something half as devastating as derive a boy of all his family EXCEPT ME, I would spent EVERY SINGLE SPARE MOMENT trying to make up for it. But what does Momiji’s dad do? He is so desperate to cling to his “happy family life” that he sees his son as nothing more than a “threat”, and ONLY interacts with him if it’s to warn him away from HIS OWN MOTHER AND SISTER.
It’s also extremely disgusting how he uses kind words to guilt trip his son. All these words about how he “loves” Momiji and is “really sorry” serve only make MOMIJI feel terrible about his actions, and NOT because his dad actually means any of the stuff he says. Most of the parents in fruba are shitty, but they’re shitty in obvious, outward ways. Momiji’s dad is shitty in a way that garners sympathy from both the viewers and the in-world characters, when in fact he is JUST AS CRUEL for essentially abandoning and neglecting his kid, and guilt tripping him for even WANTING a relationship with his family. He’s cruel in a way that doesn’t allow Momiji to retaliate, because the poor kid probably doesn’t even realise his father is mistreating him, just because of his carefully chosen, placating words.
I just can’t STAND watching this bastard have his perfect home life whilst he offloads all the burden to his fifteen year old son.
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
I’ve always wanted an outsider perspective on the dynamics that kyo and tohru (to be fair all of the sohma dynamics in general) have in school, and seeing kakeru just go “ah yes they’re dating, right?” makes me want it even more
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
Kyo needs someone to see the good in him and accept it, and Tohru needs someone to see the bad in her and accept it, and that's what they give each other
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
thinking today about how tohru looked at someone who had done terrible, terrible things to the people she loves and found a person worthy of redemption because she saw an echo of her own mother in akito.
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
kakeru encouraging yuki to talk to machi because he knows she'll open up to him and then sitting outside to listen. fuck. FUCK.
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
Buckle your seatbelt cause you're in for a RIDE and it's an EMOTIONAL one
Okay, wait a minute....
Is Momiji like.... in love with Tohru?????
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
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“Become an older brother who’s split a watermelon.” — Hatsuharu Sohma
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
The last transformation:
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This is the last transformation that we get in the series (and I sincerely doubt that the reboot will change this). Even though this image is quite large, the actual panel for this is small. The transformation itself is show to be cut off and can be so easily missed. Tohru hugging a transformed Momiji is largely hidden by downpour rain and the mood is somber. Looking at this very small, brief moment, it really does feel like a good-bye to this previous aspect to of the story - the cute, gimmick of people transforming into animals. It’s subtle, but poignant and really reflects how, from this point on, the story shifts to a much more prominent character study. It comes at the end of the Beach Arc, after Akito - after we all know who everyone is and the “role” they play - thus closing the book on the “introduction” of those Cursed by the Zodiac spirits, as well as the false sense of “cuteness” and “humor” through which the Curse initially presents itself as back in Chapter One.
(For reference, this is from Ch. 65).
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
i like yuki because he is a silly little trash man who is always two seconds away from beating someone to death
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
Just noticing the way Kyo pays such close attention to Tohru is clearing my skin. He’s learning her body language, her isms, he’s comprehending the way she communicates, and when she speaks, he doesn’t just listen but actually absorbs the information she willingly offers about herself. Everyone thought she was swimming well, but Kyo knew the b wasn’t breathing and went to give her a floaty to chill tf out on. He jumped in the water for her and dragged her toward the others. And let’s not forget the soft as shit LOOK he gave when she laughed and apologized that he’d gotten wet, and then he spun her so she’d laugh again! The day after Hiro brings up Tohru’s dad and she visibly falters, Hiro thinks she’s just overly cheerful, but Kyo is around for thirty seconds and picks right up on what she’s concealing. She hides behind this wall that she decorates with distracting smiles, but Kyo can already see that wall for what it truly is. It’s simultaneously stressing me tf out and feeding my soul comforting ice cream. And THAT is how I know I’m in danger. 🙃
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
why didn't they just try removing akito?
she was so psychologically unstable and abusive, it would make sense for someone to undeniably hate her. this is a stretch though because shigure is loyal to her, curse or otherwise, but like, removing akito somehow was never a question asked. the only question asked was how do you break the curse?
is it because of the curse that no one could just pull a knife on her? or better yet, the sohmas have the financial capital— why didn't they just hire someone to help them get her into a mental institute? or is it because of japanese tradition custom things?
i could just be overthinking, but pls help, chapter references would be nice too !
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
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here are all the troubled birds~
icon files below the cut, because why not?
part one
part two
part three
Keep reading
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momijis-bunny · 4 years
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fruits basket + enneagram
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