momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
THIS IS HOW I SEE YOUR HAIR!! It's So Totally YOU!! Love It! Let's Do It!!!
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
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#ootd Fly like an eagle.
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
I am so Proud of my Baby Girl who turns 25 on Friday 2/22...hey, @KIRAPLATINUM FANS Wish Her A Happy Birthday!!
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Red lipstick to make my momma proud. Haha. @momma_j
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
So, You (& Amy & Rory) ... Are just going to be waiting for The One True Love to come & Sweep You Off Your Feet & Live Happily Ever After!!?!! OK.
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
Yea!! Forrest & CCs' BABY, and Mine & Ricks' BABY!! What a fun Princess Party!! Happy 4th B'sue!! I Love You!
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Happy 4th Birthday, Betty! (Taken with instagram)
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
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Tuesday Tornados Attack Texas! (the Sun shines in the distance, the American Flag Flies in the foreground!)
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
View from my window!
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Tornado watch. Hopefully it’s passed Lewisville!
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momma-j-blog-blog · 12 years
Question...are you and your family OK?? Answer... YES!!! Thank you All for asking!! We were way lucky... And BLESSED! KIRA, JERRA (and The Bun) and I were having brunch in Southlake Town Square with our FAM-Friends CC & TARI; we are all studying JOYCE MEYERS' book- BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND, when JENNIFER and RICK both called to tell us to "TAKE COVER!" now, JESSE had taken a break to come say hello, hearing this, he made a fast trek back over to APPLE, then, text KIRA that they were all "running to the Court House Basement to take cover!!" All of that really put a damper on our Day Out together! But, we wound it up, and all headed home in three different directions!! North, East and Southeast! JERRA and KIRA rode with me, so we needed to go pick up DANNY'S & JERRAS' dog MEGAN before we all made it back to MERRITT MANOR, where my Furr Baby-EDEN was anxiously awaiting our return! CC and B-SUE rode with TARI and The Twins, to GATEWAY MOMMIES DAY OUT Program, and met us across the street. They had to pick up three four year olds and then figure out how to get SONORA (in Euless) and DANNY (in Arlington) home from school. Meanwhile, RICK was "counting pills" at TOM THUMB (as usual) in Southlake; while JERRAS' DANNY was "unreachable-in The Field-with TEX-DOT in Denton." Turns out, he was "Evacuating a neighborhood where he had discovered a gas line had been compromised by a contractor!". That was amazing that he was there in time to go door to door, and save lives totally unrelated to the crisis at hand; but it didn't help JERRAs' nerves to know "The Buns' DADDY" was out of reach! He later took cover underground, but by then, there was no cell service there! I am So Very Proud of my eldest daughter JENNIFER, and her two young sons! They each were on "Lock-Down" at their schools, and JEN works at McKinney High School. (She and her boys have a super tight relationship,) so, she left her Counselors' Office desk neat and in order, Clocked Out, drove to the Middle School to pick up WILL; She was detained at the door for a minute, listening to the rules of the "SCHOOL POLICY" when, she had had all she could handle, about being told "NO!", she Whistled, (a "Secret Signal" that RICK had done with me and all of our kids, so we could definitely find one another in times of strife!) Well, WILL heard JEN, (I can only Imagine how it echoed down an empty hallway!) WILL came out of a dark classroom, opened a door and said "MOM?? Where's TAY?" She told him his little brother TAYLOR was still at his school "we have to go get him!" and get home to TEX, (their prize Bulldog) WILL said. "Have you talked to DAD??" They all three made it home, got TEX, and got in their closet to wait it out. WILLIAM was working with a gym full of students at COSMIC JUMP in Allen, until it all passed over. Meanwhile, in Arlington, all hell was breaking loose around them, and TARI was fighting her own battle to have the school release five year old DANNY to be with her and the TWINS. Husband LUIS was at work at MICROSOFT! CC got SONORA and she and BETTYSUE took cover! Her husband FORREST had to go to work Clearing Cable Lines!! I tried to call everyone! But, our iPhones kept getting busy signals, answering machines, and a few Dropped calls! We gave up on all on the trying to make contact!! Started instead to pray for one another, watch the radar on our MAC & IPads and I told the girls how many TORNADOS we had weathered together in a bathroom!! There were two big ones that hit Lubbock, and Plainview; one in San Angelo, and the smaller one of two that devastated Paris. The only one they both remember was the BIG ONE that hit in the eatly 90s' in DOWNTOWN FORT WORTH!! RICK & I were at The Convention Center; the girls were with other kids & a sitter at a hotel on I30 & Collins/Cooper, ? I don't remember. It came right through there, completely took the third floor rooms right next to theirs OFF (like slicing a cake) BUT, they were safe! Our cars on the other-hand, were totaled! (we had taken a Shuttle) WOW! Strange how all of this works... 12 SEPARATE TORNADOES touched down yesterday in the DFW METROPLEX, and Sirens blasted for 4 hours!! It really was pretty spooky for sure! "They" took the tops off a few trees, broke one tree branch off, but WE didn't even get any fierce hail Here!! Because we were in "Our Sweet Spot-where The Lord has His hands on Us, and everything else around us is going crazy!" There was So much deviation around us-all within a 60 mile radius!! There were Two Cell Waves that went from Denton to Hillsboro -each about ten miles wide and 10 miles apart; and close to 100 miles long- north to south-- Memories were scattered everywhere!! (just south of us!!) It was so sad to see the faces on the people that came home to Nothing! There was another one that was just southeast of us. So many Semi Trucks were flying through the air-also, several Cars, and Mobile Homes! They looked like HOT WHEELS !!! One Tornado hit a nearby Nursing Home; super scary for them I'm sure-it was 35 elderly peeps. One was scratched, treated, and all were relocated in one piece. A little girl got smacked with a cabinet door, she's ok too... One man & his girlfriend were having lunch when sirens went off, he walked outside-"to look around-" yelled back at his girlfriend "grab the dog & run!" they dived into his closet and shut the door and hung tight to each other praying. Once the noise (like a freight train up close) and the BASEBALL SIZE HAIL quit hitting the windows - they opened the closet door - to find - it was the two of them, their dog, and the tiny closet they were hiding in - was the Only Thing left Standing of the 2000 sq ft home, on its' foundation slab! The neighborhood was gone! One lady couldn't find her car, she saw it on the news, in someones' living room about 30 miles away, it was beaten up so bad that the only good thing left about it, was her Insurance and Registration was intact in the glove box! NO LIVES WERE LOST & NO ONE was Hospitalized either!! (Praise God!) So here I am, surrounded by Love and fighting the fact that I need to sleep but I am too focused on Giving Thanks to My Lord and Creator!! I will answer many more questions tomorrow 💋 Thank You All again for your prayers!! Goodnight My Lovelies! ps... Today it is BEAUTIFUL. This is the day The Lord hath made. REJOICE and be glad in it!! Amen. I LOVE YOU ALL!! ~j.
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
One of the great things about Tumblr is that people use it for just about every conceivable kind of expression. People being people, though, that means that Tumblr sometimes gets used for things that are just wrong. We are deeply committed to supporting and defending our users’ freedom of speech, but we do draw some limits. As a company, we’ve decided that some specific kinds of content aren’t welcome on Tumblr. For example, we prohibit spam and identity theft. Our Content Policy has not, until now, prohibited blogs that actively promote self-harm. These typically take the form of blogs that glorify or promote anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders; self-mutilation; or suicide. These are messages and points of view that we strongly oppose, and don’t want to be hosting. The question for us has been whether it’s better to (a) prohibit them, as a statement against the very ideas of self-harm that they are advancing, or (b) permit them to stay up, accompanied by a public service warning that directs readers to helplines run by organizations like the National Eating Disorders Association. We are planning to post a new, revised Content Policy in the very near future, and we’d like to ask for input from the Tumblr community on this issue. Here’s what we think the right answer is: 1. Implement a new policy against pro-self-harm blogs. Here’s draft language we are planning to add to our Content Policy: Active Promotion of Self-Harm. Don’t post content that actively promotes or glorifies self-injury or self-harm. This includes content that urges or encourages readers to cut or mutilate themselves; embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or commit suicide rather than, e.g., seek counseling or treatment for depression or other disorders. Online dialogue about these acts and conditions is incredibly important; this prohibition is intended to reach only those blogs that cross the line into active promotion or glorification. For example, joking that you need to starve yourself after Thanksgiving or that you wanted to kill yourself after a humiliating date is fine, but recommending techniques for self-starvation or self-mutilation is not. We aim to begin implementing this policy next week. Of course, we will allow any affected blogs a grace period in which to edit or download your content. 2. Start showing PSAs on search results for related keywords. In addition, we plan to start posting “public service announcement”-style language whenever users search for tags that typically go along with pro-self-harm blogs. For example, when a user searches for tags like “anorexia”, “anorexic”, “bulimia”, “bulimic”, “thinspiration”, “thinspo”, “proana”, “purge”, “purging”, etc., we would show PSA language like: Eating disorders can cause serious health problems, and at their most severe can even be life-threatening. Please contact the [resource organization] at [helpline number] or [website]. So that’s our plan. We’d like your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions, please email them to [email protected].
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of...
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
To: JERIAN MERRITT ATA CAMPAIGN JERIAN , In 2011, people like you proved the potential of people-powered organizing. In 2012, we're going all-in to make you, JERIAN , more powerful than ever. Soon, Change.org will be available in 50 languages, so that anyone, anywhere, can start and win campaigns for change. We're hiring expert organizers in 24 countries to provide crucial support to promising campaigns. We're quadrupling our press team, so that your petition can capture the attention of local and global news media. And we're investing $10 million to create the world's best online tools and keep those tools completely free. We believe that the Internet is the most powerful tool in human history for ordinary people to make positive change in communities large and small. 2012 is the year that we prove it together. Onward, Ben Rattray Founder, Change.org To see some of the amazing victories we won together in 2011 -- be sure to visit: http://www.CHANGE.org
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
Dear MommaJ, "Earlier this year we reached out to online supporters just like you. While Polaris Project pushes for long-term solutions to human trafficking, we also work directly with those who have survived the trauma of being enslaved." TIFFANY and CALEY are two Polaris Project clients, and we’re currently helping them rebuild their lives. Tiffany and Caley were both victims of sex trafficking and had endured unspeakable acts of violence at the hands of their traffickers. Often times, the survivors of human trafficking escape their situations with very few possessions. Polaris Project provides new clients with basic necessities, including clothing, shoes, blankets, cooking items, and household furniture. We set up an online wish list for Tiffany and Caley in the hopes that our supporters would be able to help us fulfill these needs, and they did. I share this story today to remind you that you have the power to make a true impact on the lives of the survivors we serve. A moment of genuine success for our clients is when they go from surviving to thriving. Your support can help all of our clients reach this threshold. Please make a tax-deductible donation today. In solidarity, Johanna Olivas Online Communications Specialist Polaris Project Action thru Awareness/AtACampaign Proudly Shares Information from Polaris Project! We wish you well in your endeavors to rid the US of Human Trafficking! momma~J~merritt 817-437-6988 Founder 🔑 Advocate ACTIONthruAWARENESS.org "The AtA Campaign"® Combating Human Trafficking "We're Just A Phone Call Away!" National Hotline:1-888-3737-888 "for I can do all things thru Christ who gives me strength" Phil:4:13
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
I Have, I Want, I Am, I Do, I Can...
I Have, I Want, I Am, I Do, I Can...Do ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH! (Phil. 4:13) I have discovered that in life and ministry things become really hard when I "have to do them" and really easy when "I want to do them." When something becomes a necessary obligation, it takes the fun out of anything and everything. Think in the Positive State of mind.. I have decided that in 2012 I don’t "have" to do anything; I "want" to do what God has called me to do: I have a great marriage. I am a great mom. I want to be a fun Grandma. I want to have a strong, healthy team. I want to help rescue and restore the victims of human trafficking. and domestic violence. I want to travel. I want to release a new book and curriculum to help more people. I want to be fit and healthy. I want to become more like Jesus in every area. I want to grow in the fruits of the Spirit. I want to study and learn and grow. I want to be a better leader. I want to embrace change and progress. When you "want to," your spiritual disciplines are not a burden, obligation, or religious ritual. You want to have time with the Lord. You want to read the Word. You want to go to church. You want to serve. You want to tithe. You want to witness. You want to see miracles. You want to see people saved. You want to see Human Trafficking come to an end! Today, choose to turn your "have to" into "want to." then, see what happens! Suddenly it becomes "I am" and "I Do". (Thanks Christine Caine for your love, support and guidance, and your daily example and inspiration! I Love You Lady! You Have Gods' Blessings... Always!) ~j.
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
I Pray to The Good Lord when an AMBER ALERT has been issued. I rejoice to hear a child is found and returned safely, when it gets Canceled! I'm sorry to hear the Amber Alerts when it is a childs' Mother or Father that did the Taking! We don't always know what the situations are with child custody cases. Having your child taken from you is an unbearable pain. The same rules apply to the parent that lost custody because there wasn't enough money for Lawyers after the divorce; other times, child abuse, drugs, or both are the reasons. The way a parent treats a child is public is so often judged by everyone in the store when you hear a child crying, or screaming and pitching a fit! The parent could actually be drug off in cuffs for the way they choose to 'discipline' that 'stubborn' child. I know what I do if I hear or see 'bad behavior' that would have gotten my tail end busted if I had acted that way in public. But, "That's not acceptable in the 21st Century!" So many times I have rounded a corner to see a child having a "meltdown"... and an embarrassed mother at her wits end trying every trick in her book to regain control of the "situation". (That's what Store Security calls it too-a SITUATION!) If you look in her eyes, you can usually tell if she is/was raising a child with "disciplinary measures at home-different from those in public" and she really isn't going to, or has ever, "abused" that child. But, what does one do? There isn't a "Time Out Chair" in the corner of the grocery store! All of this frustration is usually caused by one or more reasons... Traffic was to slow, causing the line at the bank to move even more at a snails pace. This is usually what the case is... The child is hungry, wet, or Needs a nap. But the Mom needs food for dinner! The afternoon crowd is usually had lunch, and a nap and are on a "you can't stop me now rage" and it's the mother needs the nap. So, "I'm gonna tell your Dad when he gets home!" is really an empty threat, because the kid knows they are already in trouble, so why stop now? Or, Mom forgets to tell Dad-while making dinner, or Dad just gives "the warning speech" -and makes the necessary group apology and they get off Scott free...again! I didn't mean to ramble on quite so much about the screaming kids--this is more of a "How to React To Screaming Children" in the grocery store or mall or any other public places. Why? For the pure and simple fact, that they may be fusing and fighting because they are Being TAKEN! and not always being little brats!! I know this first hand! My daughter Jerra was almost Taken. Praise God I grabbed her feet as soon as I turned because of her screams and fit! That was in a Walmart. She was four. Jerra actually "SAVED" a little girl a few days later by telling me that her little friend was "Being Stolen" right out from under her mothers eyes. How was "the Bad Man" doing it? By nabbing a little girl, taking her into the closest quiet bathroom/changing room/utility room... Taping her mouth, Cutting off her long hair (quickly), shoe polishing her blonde hair dark, putting her in little boys clothes, and attempting to head straight out the door with the screaming, fit-throwing "little boy" in his arms saying, "all right Son, I know you're tired. We're going home, just as soon as we find your mother! Now Hush!" I asked Jerra if she was sure? The answer was "Yes! That's The Bad Man Momma, get her back!" I went to a red phone on the pole and told them to "Lock the doors! A man has kidnapped a child and is headed out the front door!" He was passing the front desk as I spoke! So, I screamed: STOP THAT MAN! He was trying to run, there was a white panel van at the door waiting for his escape. He was apprehended, and the little girl was Saved! it was in Penny's! Jerra is almost 30. She adores children and she and her husband are planning their family now. They are both a huge part of ACTION thru AWARENESS, the AtA Campaign to make people AWARE that Child Sex Trafficking is not only in third world countries!! That Child Abuse is all around us and most of the time, you would never even know it!! It is Our Mission to Inform the Public of HOW this happens, how YOU CAN HELP STOP IT! And The SIGNS of a TRAFFICKER to look out for! Jerra and her Dad were having lunch one Saturday at the Stonebriar Mall in Frisco, TX back in the late summer. They were interrupted by what they saw happen right before their eyes: two young girls, beautiful, 14 & 15 (dropped off for the afternoon) arrived alone and dressed in Way to short of shorts, baby tees and flip flops. Totally into their Plan for the afternoon, they were Totally UN- aware of their surroundings, when a very handsome young gentleman, dressed in slacks and a button down shirt with a tie, rounded the corner Into the Food Court. He passed the two girls, turned totally around and said, "Excuse me, but you are gorgeous!! Has anyone ever told you that you could be a Model??" (the girls giggled) He continued, "well, I do! And I am a Scout for (a well known Dallas Agency) here's my card! I'd love to sit down with you and discuss it further if that's ok?" Jerra noticed that he was only directing his comments to one young lady, but both were just as pretty as the other. He went on to say, "did your parents come with you today, I'd like to meet them?" They told him "No! They were alone." to which he replied, "I need to make a phone call, but give me a minute and we'll have a coke and talk about it..." (he spotted Jerra and Rick and walked away.) Jerra immediately went up to the girls and introduced herself, asking them, "Do you know that man that stopped you?" they said "No. But he gave me his card." and very enthusiastically told her what all he had said. "Do you mind if I see his card? My sisters and I used to model there too! I might know him!" (they showed her.) "Girls, you are Both Beautiful, and there's no doubt you could get on with (this) Agency. BUT... (looking @ the cards) THESE are Not Business Cards from ____Agency. They were printed on a home computer, not even cut straight and THIS is Not their Logo!!" Jerra told them that they should have their parents call The Agency, they would have to go with them anyway because they are Minors. But, from all of her TRAFFICKING TRAINING, he thru up several Red Flags and she didn't want to scare them, but she Had a Strong Feeling that made her approach the girls. The feeling was one of Urgency! We also work with a sister Campaign out of Austin that my Daughter in Law KRISTIAN & Son HEATH are spearheading. They had just told us the day or two before how the Traffickers there are approaching young teens with the "You Could Be A Model" line and offering up Business Cards -get ready- covered in a powdered form of chloroform that smells like the Handsome Guy that gave it to them; causing the girls to hold onto the card, Becoming lightheaded. Then he genuinely shows concern by asking them, "You look like you don't feel well? What's wrong? Maybe I should drive you home-I can talk to your parents about Signing You while I'm there!?! Come on, I parked right here by this door! Don't bother getting your Mom out to come get you, I don't mind really. It will give us a chance to get better acquainted!" THEN THEY ARE GONE!!! TAKEN!! You most likely don't have "a Dad with a Special set of skills, who will hunt for him, and kill him if he hurts you!" Like ~Liem Neesons' character who was ex Black Opps in the movie! We have got TO MAKE TEENS AWARE THAT THERE IS DANGER OF BEING KIDNAPPED AND SOLD INTO TRAFFICKING/PROSTITUTION EVERYWHERE...NOT JUST IN 3rd World Countries...BUT HERE, IN DFW, TEXAS, USA! WE CAN HELP!! Now, if You, Or anyone you know of that might be in jeopardy -of ANY kind- want more information, want Help, have questions, or want to turn someone in for stuff that makes You uncomfortable, Let Us Know!! CONTACT US @ 817-437-6988 or [email protected] ACTIONthruAWARENESS.org The NATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE is 1-888-3737-888 OUR MISSION STATEMENT: ACTION thru AWARENESS The AtA Campaign We are Advocates out to SAVE the INNOCENT, to Prepare and Caution, before dangers present themselves on the young women of tomorrow. Knowing that if Education is Key; and the Key is Awareness, then, Awareness is 80% of The Battle toward Freedom! From there, we are sharing The Word, Restoring and Rebuilding the lives of all those who have suffered Domestic Abuse and Human Sex Trafficking. Again... (The National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-3737-888 answered: 24/7) "We're Just a Phone Call Away!" GOD BLESS! Momma J
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momma-j-blog-blog · 13 years
New Year! New Train of Thought!
I am OFFICIALLY OVER drinking Dr. Pepper!! TA~DA!! (I never should have started back after quoting them 7 1/2 years ago. I was "clean" for the first five, but went back to them--and gained back the weight I "released" and then--Doubled It!! BIG MISTAKE! Since that was the Only "soda" I drink, if you Know Me--That's saying a lot! This means: I'm 3 days "sober". Straight up H2O here we go!! (well, ISAshakes OJ, and Milk occasionally, and Green Tea & Coffee...?!) I've still gotta learn how all this "Weight Watchers" stuff works! I just signed up and I feel like I'm In School, so much to learn about actually Being Healthy! I am now being Held Accountable...To Myself, and to "My Partner In Dine" - JERRA! I've put this off for Way too long now. So, Since a Need to "release" a Whole Person weight-wise...I need Tons of Prayers and Encouragement! (This on top of the Two/Three Surgeries I am facing. All are Necessary!) "I CAN DO THIS! I HAVE THE TOOLS TO COPE WITH WHAT EVER HAPPENS..." and "WINNING!" ~Alan Harper, Two and a half Men Better still... "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST, WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH." ~Philippians 4:13 LET'S DO THIS TOGETHER!!! Can I Get an AMEN?!! Who Else is IN IT TO WIN IT?! ~Momma J PS...Join us on our FB GROUP: THE BIGGEST LOSERS OF THEM ALL!!!!
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