mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Totally. I mean, nine-ish months of creating a human is all worth it when said human is in your arms.
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I'm more than ready. I'm already eighteen weeks, and I need a time turner to rush time and see my little one already. How far along are you again, babe?
All this pregnancy stuff is all so wonderful and fun right? 
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No. I’m just ready to see the baby! 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Bug? That's a new one. Silly me, I've just been saying baby number two. God, I can't wait for our appointment, I wanna give this little one a name to call it. I'm not blaming, only mildly complaining. Cuddles from either of you are one of the reasons I smile on a regular basis.
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Everett’s definitely got a lot of me in him, that’s for sure. Which means bug in there will look just like you. And you can’t blame a guy for wanting to cuddle with the most important woman in his life. It’s not my fault your an awesome cuddler.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
One of the many traits you passed down to our son. That and some how waking mommy up at the most god forsaken hours to cuddle.
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Because I’m cute.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
And somehow I fell in love with you. I have no clue how that worked out,
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Sex is sex, m’dear. Regardless of if there’s kisses or cuddles afterwards. But, I get your point, and you’re right. Sex would not be as enjoyable if there wasn’t any cuddling afterwards. Well you know me. I’ll only agree to do anything with a girl with a pizza face if there are mushrooms on this said pizza. Mushrooms and lots of them or it’s a no. 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
But what's sex without the kisses and cuddles afterwards? And would you really want to do anything with a girl who has the worst pizza face ever?
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The one and only sarcastic Darren at your service. No kisses or cuddles, hm, alright. But you didn’t say anything about sex.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Is that sarcasm I hear in your tone, mister? Hm, guess you're not getting any kisses or cuddles from me tonight.
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And I love that you support me. Makes going to work everyday and leaving you at home or at the studio that much easier. Hey, Luce. Remind someone to pick up the paint for the gender reveal so that we don’t actually know what it is until we actually do it. 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
I support everything you do baby, it's my job, but I love it either way. Oh, by the way, remind me to ask someone to pick up the paint for the gender reveal. I don't want to know until we actually do it.
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I don’t mind it, babe. I really don’t. I’m actually quite flattered that you’re so supportive of the show and enjoy it so much that you dance around the kitchen like a crazy woman. If Everett thinks your anything, I don’t think crazy was one of them. 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
I can't help it, everything is so catchy. You guys really worked it this season, for sure. And I'm sure Everett thought I was a crazy lady for singing like I was.
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Well maybe not quite five minutes, but, it felt like that long. And he did, but you were so into it that you weren’t paying attention. I thought it was adorable actually. 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Were you really standing there for that long? My goodness...I'm surprised Ev didn't notice you.
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It’s even more entertaining whenever you’re literally standing behind them for at least five minutes before you notice. 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
And now you know how I felt, Benzo. Well, now I'm in for a second round, but it's mostly gone. Now I'm breaking out like crazy.
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Being sick? Never fun. I’m so over this morning sickness.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
That awkward moment when your boyfriend catches you singing to songs from his show to your son while making dinner and still in your pajamas.
Aka, my evening thus far.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Yeah, it has. I couldn't ask for a better day. I have both of my buys, and that's all that matters. How bout you, darling?
Happy Mothers Day Everyone!
Happy Mother’s Day! Really? How sweet. Has it been a good day for you so far?
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Darren, thank you so much. This just made my day. I'm so lucky to have you and Everett in my life. Every time I look into your eyes, see you playing with our son, or giving me just a simple beck on the cheek, I fall in love with you all over again. Thank you for your persistence in making me your significant other, and for being the best father to our son and baby number two. I know that as soon as he or she gets here, you will still amaze me with your kindness. I love you, Darren Everett Criss, always. 
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Private || Lucy
Happy First Mother’s Day to the love of my life! You’ve taught me more about myself than I could ever imagine possible. Thank you for everything you do for me, and more importantly everything you do for Everett. We’re lucky to have you in our life, and baby number two is lucky to have you as their mother. We love you, baby.Forever and Always. 
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Happy Mothers Day Everyone!
Especially to the new mommies and mommies-to-be. Lucky me, I fit in to both categories.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
My mom always thought that with as much as Ev kicked, he would be a soccer player when he got older. And I agree, it does hurt sometimes, especially when they want to kick you knowing that they have limited room in there.
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You know, sometimes it hurts like hell but it’s the most amazing feeling in the world. I love it.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
I love when that happened with Everett, I was emotional as hell. Sadly I still have a while before this little one can kick her mommy in the ribs. 
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One of the best things in the world is feeling your baby kick while you’re talking to it. It turns you into a bit of a crying mess, but it’s still incredible.
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mommalucy-jfc-blog · 10 years
Yeah, I could imagine. I wouldn't know what I would do if they cancelled PLL. 
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The Carrie Diaries has officially been cancelled..
Yeah I’m alright.. it’s just sad. I loved working on the show.
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