monadocyclone · 13 seconds
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monadocyclone · 16 minutes
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This year, on the 31 March, we lost Gilbert Baker, gay artist and creator of the gay pride flag. Today we would celebrate his 66th birthday. Let’s remember him as the wonderful person he was.
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monadocyclone · 17 minutes
"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"
"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"
"-but you can trust me when I say-"
"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"
"I don't care for you at all."
"Well, I… oh… I love you too."
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
surely it's not just me who finds those fucking "be nice, I'm in charge of the pills" pins you sometimes see doctors and nurses wearing in pretty bad taste right? like the *point* is a stand against being mistreated by patients but like...yea you are in charge of the pills and can arbitrarily deny care to people, not really sure why that's something to gloat about? like the number of stories especially of black women being totally denied painkillers in hospital and stuff because the nurses were assholes it's like....maybe you can have your snarky pins when you're not in the position to medically torture someone? idk
like you get people rushing to defend it like "you don't know what it's like working in a hospital" but like...i do sure as hell know what it's like being mistreated by medical professionals. I'm not even getting paid to be here. it's kinda fucking evil when you think about it for more than a second.
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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pick one you bald genderless idiot
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
so lame that despite being a country with little gun control that *japan* has had a political assassination more recently than the us
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
So I recently saw a video where a wild dolphin comes out of the ocean and gives a human a fish. I did some googling and found out that it’s one of those fish the dolphins use to get high. So this stoned ass dolphin is like “wouldnt it be funny if I passed the blunt to those weird lane dudes?” And went and did it.
Anyway if someone told you a dolphin came out of the ocean and handed you a fish, they’d never fucking believe you. Like it’s lucky this guy got it on video. Imagine if this happened in ancient times.
“Peleus says a dolphin breached the sea and bestowed upon him a poisonous fish”
“We all know Peleus to tell tales!”
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
Got permanently banned from a subreddit for saying law enforcement shooting someone dead in the street was still a bad thing even when the victim was a violent right-wing fanatic.
Gotta say, I did not expect that to be such a controversial statement. So repeating it here: law enforcement shouldn't kill people. Even violent assholes have a right to be taken in alive, and it's a failure of practice and policy when someone is killed in the process of an arrest.
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
Why are people always getting mad at transbians? It’s literally increasing the number of overall lesbians that’s an unequivocally positive thing
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
The boundary between the material plane and the astral plane is thinnest during E3
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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(tweet 1) (tweet 2) (article)
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monadocyclone · 4 hours
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