mondaemonday · 5 years
hey, if you wouldn't mind I'd love to see your analysis of a cat, I love reading all your animal analyses
Here you go! That’s my ‘cat’ tag, since cat can mean so many different things after all
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mondaemonday · 5 years
Also here on twitter.
It’s just a teaser trailer so far, so seemingly no daemons (might still be in CGI production?) and just a lot of clips - but the attentive viewer/reader can probably recognise a lot of these scenes from the book!
Spread the word! Tell us what you think! 
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mondaemonday · 5 years
Hey there~! Do you know what your daemon's name is?
nope! I’m terrible with names. My imaginary friends growing up never had names either. I tremble with fear over what’ll happen when I have a child haha, maybe I can just go with “TBD”
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mondaemonday · 5 years
It's been a while but rereading your character analyses is still super fun omg
awww thank you
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mondaemonday · 5 years
Hello there~! My name is Sam, and I do have a couple of requests for you, if you don't mind. Given the most recent seasons of Supernatural, I would LOVE to see what kind of daemon Mary Winchester has, as well as some thoughts as to John's daemon. I of course would also love to hear your thoughts on my own daemon Simunek's form, but that's not too important to me. As of right now he's a mule deer so, sometimes a bat or a penguin lol. Thank you very much~!
sorry, I stopped watching SPN when they killed Charlie. Now I mostly just watch the show tumblr tells me about. Apparently Cas and Dean have a teenage son they’re raising together, and it’s very cute. I DON’T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ELSE, LET ME JUST HAVE THESE OCCASIONAL FOND THOUGHTS OF DOMESTICITY 
Previous SPN analysis here, and although I didn’t do a straight up interpretation of bats or penguins I did do character analysis on people on who did have them so you can check out the fic about Artie Abrams from Glee with the penguin or the post analyzing Jane’s vampire bat
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mondaemonday · 5 years
Could you do a daemon analysis for me please. I’m so confused about what form my daemon could take. A little info on me. I’m female, introvert, into psychology/reading, big lover of nature (forests, lakes etc). I’m quiet. Have a dark sense of humour. I’m very indecisive about small things. I worry a lot (overthink ) I’m petite but fairly strong. I’m very organised and I’m a perfectionist. My mbti type is INFJ-T.
sorry, I don’t really do things like that anymore especially not specifics. I simply can’t know you well enough, when there are so many millions of possibilities. There are lots of daemon quizzes you can take to get a general idea, and then you can look into those animals and see if they feel like they fit.
I would guess some kind of small mammal, likely a prey animal that relies on being quick and out of sight rather than numbers to stay alive, based on the worrying, introversion, and organization/perfection. If that feels like it fits, you can google around for those types of animals and see what makes you go ‘yes that’s it’
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mondaemonday · 5 years
so, what exactly is a daemon, if you don’t mind me asking?
It’s an idea based off of the Philip Pullman series His Dark Materials. Essentially it is an animal that represents who you are internally. When you’re young and your personality is still forming it can change shape, however around the time you hit puberty and your personality is pretty settled then so does your daemon’s shape.
A dog for super loyal folks for example, which in the original series meant most of the servant characters had dogs.
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mondaemonday · 7 years
I'm kind of curious, with all your star trek daemon analyses, would you ever (or have you ever) considered the daemon of Seven of Nine? I imagine her having been a Borg would affect things considerably (do Borg even have daemons? can daemons be added to the collective? are the separated demons if they do exist?) These questions really bug me sometimes and I figured if anyone could answer them, it'd be you.
well, in my headcanon humans are the only species with daemons so for a long time it didn’t matter. It’s one reason that the Borg were interested in humans! more diversity to be assimilated 
I think that the daemons are horrifically affected by the implants, screaming and bleeding Dust as their humans are assimilated. Eventually, once the human is fully assimilated, the Dust that make them up drifts apart. They can only exist as long as their human has an individual mind that keeps them together. Individuals are sublimated by being exposed to the hive mind, trillions of voices all at once drowning out whatever used to be there. Seven, once un-assimilated, misses those voices partially because they served almost like a daemon does for humans - constant companionship.
Once former borgs are un-assimilated, Dust once more starts forming around them and eventually reforms into a daemon. Whether or not it’s the same daemon is a philosophical debate, up there with whether or not it’s really you that exits the transporter.
so yes! Seven does have a daemon. I think it’s unsettled though, at least for vast majority of the time we see her on Voyager. She’s still, in a lot of ways, a child at that point and her daemon reflects that.
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mondaemonday · 7 years
Your blog is amazing, I love how you analyze fictional characters :)
thank you so much!
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mondaemonday · 7 years
Any thoughts on Discworld daemons, if you don't mind me asking?
Vimes has a mutt.
There’s really not a nicer way to describe her, a bow-legged cross between a terrier and a feral sewer rat, mostly the color of dishwater. And she doesn’t really clean up—it becomes more embarrassing after he’s married Sybil, whose pygmy hippo daemon can go from placid river god to defensive bellowing ferocity in seconds flat, and might as well have stepped from the Morpork coat of arms. But even freshly cleaned and trussed in a gold ducal collar, his daemon looks like it was dragged backwards through a nasty bit of the Ankh.
she’s a patient tracker, though, and a rat-worrier and a sheep-herder and a snarling, protective beast—there must be some wolf in that mongrel of yours, Wolfgang tells him on that snowy plain, and Vimes figures it’s pretty likely, he’s got a wolf in him too.
Vetinari has a golden orb-weaver, who only occasional deigns to make an appearance—usually resting on the back of Vetinari’s hand, as if to make a point. (There are heads of guilds with enormous bull daemons who shiver in fear of that little spider, on that pale hand.)
Carrot has a frankly impressive lioness, whose presence made the whole watch-house fall silent the first time Carrot walked in. Vimes had been a little taken aback at the sight of her, gold and somehow not of their world, standing in their grubby and undistinguished midst.
(No one has ever asked Carrot about her, not even Angua, who has her own lovely wolfdog daemon.)
Moist has a mockingbird who perches on his shoulder, the same color as dust and utterly forgettable. (In his old glory days, he would sometimes bring a turtle or mouse with him, hiding her under his hat—sorry, wrong daemon is not an ironclad alibi, but it’s enough of a distraction to run away.) She gets along well with Spike’s terrifying peregrine, though she’s a little too excited by the feeling of being snatched out of the air in Moist’s opinion.
William de Worde has a hedgehog, who immediately curled up in a ball when faced with Sacharissa Cripslock’s ermine. (It took a while to get him to relax.)
Witches tend toward cats—or women with cat daemons turn out to be witches, they never quite decided that one. Granny Weatherwax has pure grey cat, utterly unremarkable in every way but that. (She has always been privately disappointed in him, for it. She would have preferred something a little more imposing, more obviously witchy—which, of course, is ridiculous, it is choosing that makes a witch, not her nature. But still.)
Nanny has a fat piebald cat whose amorous adventures with other daemons rival Greebo’s—he’s been known to slip off for days, only returning when Nanny is called out. Magrat has a cream shorthair who looks very handsome beside Verence’s—slightly excitable, a little graceless—hare. Even Susan, though technically not a witch, has a cat daemon, a sleek black thing that likes to play with the Death of Rats when he’s bored.
Tiffany is among the few witches who doesn’t have a cat daemon—hers doesn’t settle until she faces the hiver, until she ushers it through the black door to its death. Afterwards, Tiffany Aching knows herself to be a witch, and walks the downs with her sheepdog daemon at her side, her hat full of sky.
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mondaemonday · 7 years
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mondaemonday · 7 years
Girl reading with her pet deer in Beverly Hills, CA - 1927 / source: Marta Carallas on FB
a girl and her daemon
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mondaemonday · 7 years
“penguin was just a small, wobbly headed magpie chick when my son, noah, found her lying injured on the grass after being blown out of her nest. she was very lucky to survive such a horrendous fall but without immediate care would have died within a day.   
“we built her a simple nest and kept her warm with a tiny blanket. noah immediately named her penguin, due to her black and white plumage.  it is not easy to look after any injured wild creature [so] we undertook a great deal of research about magpies and were extremely grateful for all the specialist veterinary advice we received, especially in regard to penguin’s diet.  
“while getting penguin to eat was a real victory, her recovery remained touch and go. but over time she grew in both stature and confidence. 
“as penguin’s strength grew so did her curiosity. we never locked her inside any kind of cage so she was always free to venture outside the house. it didn’t take long before she started to forage for her own food in the backyard and it was clear she was becoming increasingly independent.  
“despite being free to leave she still chose to sleep inside the house for at least six months. fortunately there is a large frangipani tree in our yard that penguin always felt comfortable in, so that became her home. however if we ever leave a window open she’ll fly inside the house at sunrise and scamper down the hallway to one of the bedrooms and jump into bed.  
“australian magpies are known for their beautiful songs and penguin began singing short songs during the day from a very early age and would eventually sing for hours and hours at a time. whenever we’d pull up in the driveway she’d let out a loud and melodic warble to welcome us home then flap her wings with excitement and run straight to the front door to be let inside.  
“while she will always be a part of our family penguin does not belong to us. the world is hers to explore and she regularly travels elsewhere, sometimes for days at a time. we won’t see her for a while and then, without warning, she confidently walks in the door as if nothing has changed.” (source, edited for length)
a boy and his daemon
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mondaemonday · 8 years
Hi, I just found this blog and it says it does fictional characters daemon analysis in the About? I was wondering what daemon you think Luffy or Law of the manga/anime One Piece would have. Feel free to ignore if that's not what this blog is about or if you're not familiar with the characters.
ooooh man I would love to help you but the last time I read One Piece was back when I was 13 and all I remember now is Do Not Touch The Hat and magic fruit
I’m pretty familiar with some other manga though, especially CLAMP stuff, if that strikes your fancy!
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mondaemonday · 8 years
ahhhh, it went to the wrong blog again. STOP IT TUMBLR
This is so detailed! Thank you so much!!
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mondaemonday · 8 years
Hey! Have you got anything about wolf daemons?
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mondaemonday · 8 years
Golden eagle daemon analysis, please?
I did that for Benjamin Sisko!
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