moneymakaz · 6 years
doesn’t belong here, just a note
8 button dance dance w/fingers, garbage from internet comes flying at u, choose cats, etc., surfer on markee, bartop
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moneymakaz · 6 years
A way to make money off the fact that every time you look something up, ten dudes are already trying to make it.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
“I would buy that”
A place to pitch ideas for movies, books, and shit like that. Trailers, synopses with mocked up covers etc. could be voted on, bid on and even developed by the community. A pure Kickstarter. Could be as simple as “A remake of Waterworld where Takeshi 6ix9ine plays every role” or a fully fleshed out plot with concept art. Or even a script!
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moneymakaz · 6 years
gnome 2.0
Cast concrete playsets for children that live in your garden.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Cheapish, modular, networked, suntracking reflectors.
A mirror or parabolic reflector that reflects the sun to a focal point all day long. Reflectors can be added in any number to a network(one way, not a real network) and they respond to simple commands - focal point shifting mainly. I’m picturing something the size of a desklamp. How do you program focal points? Maybe you don’t...maybe it should be “dumber”...
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moneymakaz · 6 years
I just remembered the old synchronized dollhouse idea. Dollhouses that are sold as a set. They jump on your network and there are various lights and “states” within the house that are mirrored in the other house. Limited interaction might be possible. So, when a kid turns on a light in a room or moves something around, it turns on a light or moves the thing in the other house. By “move the thing” I mean, there could be some limited toggles that can be actuated or at least indicated. Obviously they don’t need to be sold as a set, they could be registered  or some shit. Should maybe combine it with the modular idea.
 Could be fun.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Little modular shadow boxes for kids...stackable, with interior lights, various features like doors, turntables, things, like that. A modular mansion. Maybe use magnets for alignment. Maybe other structural elements, too.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Police gangs
In some cities, the police force seems to behave like a gang, albeit one with the blessing of the state.
What if other gangs could be contracted to do police work. What if the city paid the crips or whatever to do security and gangs were competing for those contracts? What if the LAPD had to compete with gangs for contracts in residential areas? Perhaps a balkanization of certain police duties would be a good thing...
never mind.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Deer/Vole guard, quick and easy
A deer and vole guard that collapses, with a built-in sheet mulch ring. It could include an embedded seed/cover crop seeds and the sheet mulch cardboard could be infused with some sort of amendment or fertilizer. The guard would have a fine mesh above and below and have pins to secure it. The sheet mulch would decompose...basically, this thing would cost 20 bucks and you could practically throw it down like a frisbee. Ideally they would have germinated tree seeds with little cones of peat moss or something...you  make a divot in the ground, unfold the guard and stamp in the anchors.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Pregnancy Advent Calendars...This idea requires no explanation. The little doors can contain vitamins, so a pharmaceutical company can buy this idea. And they are sold in trimesters and tell you shit about your baby at specific points in their development. Slam dunk because people are always buying useless shit for pregnant people and this actually seems cool.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
meshi sharepoints
It's basically a service that helps organize things like load balancing and channel boding for home internet consumers. It does this for stability, speed and to lower costs. A consumer level mesh network. Here is how imagine it working.The other day I was at a friends house who was having trouble with his internet connection. He lives in town and I was surprised at how many access points were visible, like 25 or something. There were all secured of course. What if one of those access points had a special name, something like SHAREPOINT2567. In this scenario, there is a physical box doing the work, someone bought it and put it inline with their modem/router. If I have an internet connection, I can log into this thing, make an account, and provide it with authentication for my router. Now I have access to the unused bandwidth of any other user at that sharepoint, and possibly others. Traffic between users and the sharepoint is encrypted. I will never get less bandwidth than what I pay for from my provider, and I will almost always get way more. If my internet goes down temporarily, I will still have internet access. And, every month, I will accrue credits that I can use at any sharepoint, anywhere. If I don't subscribe to an ISP, I can just log into that sharepoint or any other with my sharepoint account. If I have credits, I use that connection for free. If I don't (I'm a student, I have never even had an ISP) I can pay sharepoint LLC something super cheap (10,15 bucks a month?) for internet access, or maybe just buy credits. Those credits could be distributed to the users whose connections are actually providing the bandwidth, (but the LLC keeps the money? Hmmm, probably not. Ideally they would go back to the person providing the extra bandwidth as a dividend. How would that work? Maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe we forget about credits...). Ostensibly, this money could be said to cover adminsitrative costs or maybe even some kind of hot VPN, action, I don't know. Then the other selling point of this system could be security and privacy. The VPN could also be an extra paid service for people that can't/won't deal with a software VPN but are worried.
You know what, don't even think of it as a traditional product/service. Think of it as simply giving consumers the tools they needs to make their own off the shelf mesh network. And clearly, make it so that the thing is public or private/invite only...so you and your 2 buddies with fiber can set up your own crazy little mesh network, or you can just plop the thing down and throw it to whomever is interested. So in the former situation you wouldn’t have to worry about situations were there were too many leechers.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
A painting of the deep sea diver from the intro to scooby doo where he has seawed on him/her.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
actually not garbage
What if you take a show that is formatted in such a way that it is 90% filler and approach it more cinematically...a netflixification of something like American Ninja Warrior. It’s not longer necessary to structure shows as if they were simply flat surfaces to attach advertising to.
Just an hour of dogs catching frisbees in slo-mo?
An advertising campaign that packed an hours worth of drama into a carefully choreographed 30 seconds, the screen divided into 8 sections with concurrent events unfolding requiring many successive viewings to understand. New chapters would be released monthly. I mean, when you think about some of these car or cologne commercials it’s not much of a stretch, and now companies are trying to actually make money from hits on their commercials...fucking hire a real director.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
A site that functions as A) A simple buyers club for making wholesale purchases but more interestingly as B) A way of connecting local growers and consumers. I envision a site laid out in two columns- asks and offers. 
-Fred grew lots of garlic but doesn’t want to deal with selling it at the co-op. He’s will to drop it off somewhere if it’s more than 100 lbs. and in 20 lb. boxes and it isn’t that clean. and he’ll sell it cheap. He makes an offer of 300 lbs of garlic with 100 lb minimum, 20 lb increments for drop off. Other users purchase the garlic, once the limit is hit Fred drops off the garlic at the local nexus, which ideally has a cool bot. 
-Maria has a ton of horseradish in her garden but she is 135 and doesn’t want to dig it up. She makes an offer- “come harvest horseradish yourself.” There is no dropoff, so no money changes hands up front, I guess. Same lady has an apple tree, just wants someone to come pick them. 
-Jerry needs some dill, he asks for it. The ask is for X amount of dill. 
-Phil sees that and thinks, I have dill. He makes an offer, “I will drop off that much dill at the nexus for 20 bucks”. It’s not a reply to Jerry, everyone sees it in the offer column, but ideally, Jerry gets a notification.
-Jerry think it over and decides it’s too expensive. However, Jan sees the offer from Phil and picks it up. So  do a few others. Phil is paid for the dill. He harvests it and drops it off on the next drop-off day.
-The site has user accounts. All accounts can be seller or consumer.
-I guess all bids are stored in SQL. There are forms for offers and asks. If it is being used for buyers club shit, maybe dropdowns are used or an agreed upon catalog- regional access or something. How do you get actual wholesale prices?
The offer form must include: item, quantity, dropoff or no, location if no, dropoff date, minimum quantity for dropoff, price per,portion increment and (portion flexibility? I see this as the main problem with offers, consumers who want a different portion), notes on method (organic, biodynamic, conventional, whatevers...), notes on condition(harvest date, pest damage)
The ask form must include: item, notes on method, desired price???, willing to pickup from dropoff or other
-A function for reconciling two similar asks, which an approval system for the consituents.
I see it as two columns, information dense- visually you can interpret a series of colorcoded icons to mean: Garden grown squash for drop off this Saturday at Nexus, 80 cents a pound in bushels...that kind of thing.
Other users are putting together group buys on cashews, rice, popcorn.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Asymmetrical board games
A board game where one or more young players can compete evenly with adults or more advanced children. Donkey Kong, for instance, just threw barrels and had lots of fun doing it. He created a challenge for Mario, and usually won. Maybe the youngest player is the king of the mountain and can play cards that spring traps and stuff, to prevent older players from ascending- they can employ complex strategies to deal with more powerful, simple strategies.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Broadcast MIDI
A streaming MIDI service with standardized parts, patch suggestions, and drum configs for insane synth owners. A “radio station” of MIDI data for knob twiddlers to feed into their setups. I would love having 4 channels of ambient MIDI data on tap to plug into my Yarns when I want to play with sounds but not sequences. It would bring things to life a bit, too- if people are interested in randomness, generative melodies etc. why not a river of MIDI.
Could be encoded and decoded from audio, so terrestrial radio or traditional internet streaming services could be used (with appropriate software bridges)?
OR: Alternately, a simple protocol could be written. This system could be used for long distance hangouts and collaborations as well- one dude could set up a server and others could utilize the stream. Sync and stability would be issues but I bet you could sacrifice one for the other. Forget about sync, The MIDI buffers a bit and then get's synced to a local clock that matches it approximately. 
?? Users can upload appropriately formatted MIDI to a server and it loops through all the files, but the more files there are the longer the loop. That way you don't have to worry about keeping it going 24/7. Maybe there is a way to grab the file that is playing if it strikes your fancy, if sharing makes sense. It would be fun to try to rejuvenate MIDI a bit as a way of sharing compositions.
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moneymakaz · 6 years
Toilet 2.0
An alternative to a sewer system, a chair that encapsulates your shit in a biodegradable package. No plumbing, no water. The package could be, basically, mailed to a facility. 
In the future we cannot shit into water and the burden of sewage management is great when it comes to construction, can't stress that enough, it basically determines where you can live and can double the cost of building a simple home…people could live in places where they couldn’t previously-stacks of containers in the desert, also way underground. Gray water can be dealt with in situ and doesn’t require even a leech field (codes are out of date when it comes to gray water).
A full capsule could be buried if desired (by people like me) and a tree could be planted on top (seeds could be embedded in lid? silly but evocative.), or more likely the capsule could be collected and taken to a facility where it could be composted or turned into fertilizer- no water treatment. When you consider the costs involved in sewage management all down the line (from home to water treatment and including environmental costs), our budget for an odorless seat, R&D on the capsules and transportation are quite large. The seat is not a simple commode. It’s more like an piece of industrial machinery…it’s heat sealing a capsule, deodorizing…probably needs to be ventilated. They might be like 800 bucks or something. It’s fancy. It could still have a Japanese toilet seat if it is hooked up to supply, the extra water would not be a problem. The guts of the thing, the heat sealer or whatever, should be modular, easy to replace if necessary. Al this would still be better than conventional waste removal. Cheaper machines could be produced for developing areas. Sanitation-wise, it is safer and easier to have solids isolated than solids dissolved in water. This solution is for both developing and developed areas. 
Urine would be in  separate capsule? The urine could go straight to one of these places that reclaims drugs from waste. We're running out of phosphate for ag purposes and urine is loaded with it. Amazon could get into the shit business. They are already coming to my house daily like the milkman. Capsules need not be taken far, although it seems likely that at some point there would be a market for the capsules as fertilizer, biogas fuel or the like which would require transportation. It seems to me that at some point any truck that delivers goods is empty at some point when it returns to its facility or point of origin. I don’t think moving these things around would be a problem if they are designed correctly. Consider, people are already doing this- with diapers. People are already doing it with stool samples, too.
I wonder if there are anaerobic microorganisms that could be introduced to the capsule before it is sealed that would improve its usefulness.
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