monicameiblog · 5 years
You are all of the things you love. You are the cluttered bookshelf that is piled high with worn, tired books. You are that delicate tea-cup that you have to clean by hand when everything else goes in the dishwasher. You are the moon and the sun. You are the flowers speckled with rain. You are the Earth and the people that live on it, with hearts of gold and diamonds in their eyes. You are the things that make you happy, that make you smile, those moments where time stops and you are left alone in space. You are all of the things you love, and if that's so, it means you love yourself, because you are yourself.
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monicameiblog · 5 years
the word lover is so infinitely soft. So universal. So timeless. Two girls with awkward, hungry hands. A boy and a girl in the dark. Two men in empty light. A marriage of 40 years. Letters over eons. Sappho’s poems. The corner of a mouth. Lovers, lovers, lovers.
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monicameiblog · 5 years
The loud and gruesome sounds of bones breaking and flesh ripping, should have left you shuddering and sick to your stomach in disgust and horror as they echoed through the air. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately however, you were quite use to such horrifying sounds, a mere grimace of disgust being your only response.
Once the worst of it had finally stopped, you sighed, carefully stepping around the corner where you had been hidden and gingerly making your way through the carnage, attempting to avoid the worst of the mess. With gore painting almost every surface however, it was definitely easier said than done.
Coming to a stop before the cause of all this, you let your eyes roam over their body, relieved to find no signs of wounds, even though you rationally knew that anything they received, would have vanished in seconds anyway. Your display of concern for their well-being, was enough to shift their vicious grin into something much softer, their towering form finally turning to face you in full as the tension started to drain from their shoulders.
It was only the gentle brush of their fingers against your cheek, that ended up breaking you free of your musings, your worried eyes lifting to meet their own as you unconsciously leaned into their reverent touch. 
With your attention now pulled away from your anxious thoughts, your companion took the chance to look you over as well, the relief visible in their eyes, once they had confirmed that you were untouched. 
For someone considered such a cold hearted monster, they were always so loving and kind when it came to you, always so concerned with your safety.
Letting a small tired smile slip onto your face, you reached up and gently curled your fingers around their own, squeezing them gently, both as a comfort to yourself, and to them, as you did your best not to look at the death that surrounded you, no matter how used to such scenes you were. 
Sensing your discomfort, they swept you in closer to them, gently pressing a kiss to your forehead as they wrapped you up in their arms, as if to shield you from the world around you. Gently, they rubbed soft soothing circles against your spine as they rocked in place, their words a tender murmur as they spoke against your skin, bringing instant relief to your stressed mind, despite their simplicity, as if it was finally starting to sink in that you were both alive and unharmed thanks to the sound of their voice.
“Let’s go back home, no one can hurt you now.”
Silently, you simply nodded in response, trusting them to care for you as they always had. You knew they would keep their word, even if the whole world turned against you.
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monicameiblog · 5 years
As a fic writer, i need every reader to know that:
I don’t care if your comment is coherent. I know what you mean and i love you
I don’t care if you ramble. I read every word and i love you
I don’t care if you leave a comment on a fic from four years ago or leave comments/kudos on like ten of my fics in one go. This isn’t IG, pls stalk my AO3. I love you
I don’t care if you mention the same thing in your comment that four other people have already mentioned. It’s actually really useful to know what resonated with people and I love everyone who takes the time to tell me they liked a particular turn of phrase
I don’t mind if your comment is super long or just a couple of sentences, i love them all
I love you
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monicameiblog · 5 years
I love hurt/sick characters sleeping. The way they’re more vulnerable, more at peace, relaxed, healing etc. But even better? When they’ve been hiding how bad they’ve been feeling or downplaying it where yeah, the team knows they’re not doing so hot but then they fall asleep too soon, or too fast, or in a situation where they normally wouldn’t. Maybe they snore a little, or their breathing is wheezy and shallow. Maybe their cheeks flush as their fever builds overnight, their nose runs, they cough, they whimper in pain, have a nightmare… the possibilities are endless and I love it
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monicameiblog · 5 years
Tag Yourself as 18th Century Art Movements
read Percy Jackson & now thinks they know everything abt Ancient Greece
probably owns a sword or two
really dramatic but like. silently.
likes to stand on things to be impressive
runs a pastel fashion blog
probably a secret weeaboo??
snapchat story is full of the dog filter and pictures of picnics
adorable but hella fragile
*dramatically looks into rainstorm* Life… is meaningless
didn’t get the memo that being emo isn’t in anymore
probably an english major
claims to like thunderstorms but will 100% hide under the bed when it thunders
that loud and obnoxious kid in your class. u know the one.
claims to be the perfect christian
really dramatic and definitely not silently
will climb onto dangerous things just to be taller than Neoclassicism
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monicameiblog · 5 years
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monicameiblog · 5 years
Why do you write? Three motivations— none bad, but all yield different results in timing, pacing, energy source.
For myself
Writing because you wanna, because you need a stress reliever, because it’s freakin fun. This is where I started, and I updated when I wanted and how I wanted and couldn’t have given a shit about opinions on my stories
For others
To bring joy— or angst. To relieve their boredom, spread love for an OTP, share happy with the fandom. This is where I migrated when I got addicted to comments XD Engaged but needy— wanting to be seen, getting easily discouraged. Wanting to stop writing at times.
For the characters
To breathe life. To free them from your mind and ink them into immortality, however known or unknown, they’re out there no longer chained to your imagination but able to run, to breed in other’s minds, to capture. This is where I hope I am now. In love with my characters, driven to write daily because they need a voice. Their story must be told and I am their pair of thumbs and a screen.
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monicameiblog · 5 years
I know we all love friends to lovers and enemies to lovers because they’re awesome. But you know what’s an underrated trope? 
Friends to enemies.
Give me two people who grew up together. Who know each other’s secrets. Who’ve held each other while they cried, laughed together, seen each other through all the milestones. Give me two people who are so close they can’t imagine being anything else… then rip them apart.
Show me how they drift away from each other because of duty, or obligation or difference of opinion. Show me them using all their knowledge and memories to hurt, fight and betray one another to the point where it’s not possible for them to find their way back to each other. And show me that through all of it… there’s a part of both of them that still cares for the other.
That. Is. My. Shit.
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monicameiblog · 5 years
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monicameiblog · 5 years
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monicameiblog · 5 years
Fanfic writer: Stops posting. Disappears. Is never heard from again
Fanfic readers: Are you okay? Did you die? I hope you’re receiving my reviews. Please be alive. I miss you
Fanfic writers: Rising from the grave after 1.5 years. “I’m back, bitches. And guess what I have in store for you... that’s right, absolute hell.”
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monicameiblog · 5 years
I’m still not sure how to explain to non-writers that sometimes characters can just do things without your consent or foreknowledge and there’s not a lot you can do to stop them. 
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monicameiblog · 5 years
Shoutout to all the writers out there who do worldbuilding on a small scale.
Big, sprawling fantasy worldbuilding for an entire original universe tends to get most of the attention in this community — for a very good reason! A lot of people do it, and it is all seriously interesting and impressive.
But this post is for all the people who do small worldbuilding too. This is for all the people that worldbuild original cities in a modern setting for their story. This is for all the people that put a lot of care and attention in creating a shop, restaurant, school, building, and come up with really cool backstories that may or may not make its way into the actual narrative. This is for all the people that discovered little details to weave into a culture on a smaller scale — like a local community, a school, a family, a person. This is for all the people that do worldbuilding — but a different type of worldbuilding than the kind we typically associate with that term.
Worldbuilding on a smaller scale is so cool and I really love seeing it! Every detail you guys include are so interesting and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Keep worldbuilding you funky dudes, it’s all super awesome to know that so much love and care was put into the small things.
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monicameiblog · 5 years
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Lucky bird
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monicameiblog · 5 years
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Writing by Yung Pueblo (@yungpueblo)
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monicameiblog · 5 years
knowing that someone actively ENJOYS the things you create.. is an absolutely wild feeling. like, my entire chest is just full of warmth rn because i was able to make someone’s day just a teensy bit better ya know? catch me in the corner, gently crying
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