monifrappe · 1 year
…The way this didn’t age well coz he turned out to be a cheater 😂😂😂
So i went to see the Love Yourself Tour film today. I was gunna go on my own because i have no kpop friends (😂😭) but my boyfriend was like hell nah ill come with you. He sat through the whole thing, with full attention and even talked to me about it the whole way home, who his favourite member was, the best outfit and song and how inspirational they are.
Ladies and gentlemen, i think i got myself a keeper 😍🙈
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monifrappe · 3 years
you’re not falling behind. you are still young and have a whole life ahead of you. you have enough time to explore things u love and experience your life and make your goals come true and find reasons to live. take things one day at a time and don’t let the fear of falling behind stop you because life isn’t a race.
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monifrappe · 3 years
‘Stop running for nothing my friend.’
I can literally not even begin to express how important this simple sentence is! 👌🏻🙌🏻
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monifrappe · 4 years
he brings me so much joy it's ????
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monifrappe · 4 years
serotonin boost 🥺
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monifrappe · 4 years
Okay but how is he real? Like....
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monifrappe · 4 years
I am literally broken 🥺
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im not okay guys ❤
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monifrappe · 4 years
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[Part 1: The Sugar Club]
- I don’t even know where this is going if I’m honest so anything could happen at this point...Enjoy 😅
The song pumping in your ears was awful. You didn’t know who had written it, recorded it and decided to play it in that club but you wished with all you were that they hadn’t bothered.
Truly, it probably wasn’t the songs fault and any other time you would have been indifferent to its chaos and auto tuning but it was only adding to how fed up you were.
You’d promised your friend a fantastic night out after yet another break up and now there you were, the arm of a stranger around your shoulders and the feel of cheap leather beneath your thighs.
‘Babe!’ Your friend drunkenly screamed into your ear, a sound that you were sure had burst an ear drum. ‘I’m gunna go dance. Are you okay?’ She shot the man sitting next to you a warning look, before you’d even answered. You nodded and waved her off, knowing you could stick up for yourself if anything went down.
But as soon as she was out of sight his hand was a little too high up on your leg and his face was a little too close to yours. His breath stunk of far too much alcohol and stale cigarettes and it was all you could do to hold the wretch of your stomach at bay. He wasn’t a bad looking guy and you were sure with the absence of the cheap, legal poison running through his veins he was probably a perfectly lovely human.
He was trying to say something but his words were scrambled and his mouth was too close for you to even attempt to lip read. You’d picked up words like ‘sexy’ and ‘kiss’ and honestly, you weren’t sure you even wanted to know anymore. You moved away trying to put some distance in between you but the grip on your thigh only got tighter and your heart rate began to spike.
However the next words that reached your ears were laced with honey and fire and they hadn’t fallen from his lips.
‘Here’s your drink sweetie.’ You looked up to see a tall, handsome man stood at the edge of the booth you were sitting in. His arm was extended so that a pink drink was at your eye level. He squashed himself into the booth beside you and placed his arm across the back of it. ‘Whose your friend? He bothering you?’
In that moment you weren’t entirely sure if you had managed to get yourself in more trouble or not. Was this guy trying to help or was he just a far more coherent version of the other stranger.
‘He’s erm...’ You stuttered, too confused to speak.
‘Leaving.’ The first man groaned and quickly, clumsily left. You watched him go, taking a deep breath and finally managing to regulate your heart beat.
‘I wish I could ban guys like that from coming in here.’ The new stranger sighed, following your gaze with his own. ‘I’m Namjoon.’ He added, almost as an after thought before turning to face you better.
You looked down into the drink that you’d taken from him somewhere along the line. It appeared to be one of your favourite cocktails, a signature of this club.
‘Y/N.’ You mumbled, shy, embarrassed and still completely bewildered. ‘Thank you.’ You added, after a moment of mustering up the courage to look up and smile at him.
Your eyes caught his and immediately you realised you had under estimated how handsome he really was. You blinked hard, trying to figure out if you were dreaming. He grinned and looked down, suddenly seeming shy himself.
‘You come here a lot don’t you? I see you most weekends.’ He asked as he looked back up at you. You took a sip of your drink and a drip of confidence found its way into your system.
‘Yeah. I haven’t seen you around before though.’
‘That’s because I’m usually up there.’ He pointed to a spot just about the DJ booth, a reflective square was cut out of the wall. Rumour had it that this square was actually a one way window and behind that window was the club owners office. You followed his finger to it and then quickly shot your head back to him.
‘You’re...’ You didn’t even finish your sentence before he was nodding slowly. ‘So the rumours are true? That is actually your office?’
‘That it is. I can show you if you like? I have a little proposition for you anyway.’ He boldly bent forward and took a sip out of your drink.
Your heart plummeted into your stomach again. What was he expecting? And was it really a good idea to go into such a private place with a man you knew nothing about? Was he even telling the truth or was this all just some weird lie to get something out of you? ‘Just trust me.’ He added as he waved a man in a suit with an ear piece in over. ‘Tell her friend she’ll be back and to wait for her before she goes home.’
‘Yes sir.’ The man said before quickly wandering in the direction of the dance floor down stairs.
Before you knew it you were following him, your hand in his as he elegantly swept his way through the crowd to a set of private stairs. He still didn’t let go of your hand but rather led you up with his fingers still tightly encased around yours.
‘I should tell you I don’t make a habit of following strangers into dark stairwells.’ You joked, trying to relieve some of the pressure in the air.
‘And I should tell you I don’t make a habit of bringing girls into my office.’ He looked back at you, from one step above you. How was his jawline so chiselled and perfect even from such an angle?
Your breath hitched in your throat when you entered his office. It was the exact opposite of what you had been expecting.
One wall was completely covered with a large library and the others were decorated with art from across ages. His desk was thick oak wood and the sofa in front of it was a deep brown leather. You made yourself comfortable there after being asked to do so. As he poured a drink from a small table in the corner your eyes scanned over his book shelves, it did not go unnoticed that thrown amoung the classics and modern best sellers were some of your favourites.
As he sat at his desk in front of you, your eyes drank him in fully for the first time since meeting him. His eyes were sparkling, brown pools swimming with something akin to curiosity. His cheeks were deeply dimples in a way that gave off a much more childish side that his jaw line would have led you to believe. His hair was pushed back and slightly longer at the back, dyed a colour that was not quite purple but not quite silver either. His suit was the only thing throwing you off. It was old school, something worn at the turn of the 20th century. A pocket watch chain slung from his waist coat to jacket pocket. You briefly wondered about what may be attached to the end.
‘So, your proposition?’ You asked. The change of location had sobered you up but your sharp, liquid confidence had remained.
‘A group of my friends and I are looking for someone to....fill some of the emptiness in our lives. There’s 7 of us, all rich, powerful, famous or infamous in our own rights but each of us has something missing. I want you to fill that missing piece.’ You heart dropped into your stomach but something about his words forced you to carry on listening. ‘I picked you because from what I’ve seen you have a way with people, a calming nature that makes those near you come closer, a personality and intelligence that makes everyone want to be near you.’
‘So what exactly do I have to do?’ You managed to stutter, suddenly completely unsure of yourself.
‘Each of the seven of us will be allocated a day of the week, on that day we take you out, show you a little of our lives, spoil you, treat you like the princess you are. All you have to do is talk with us, show interest in our interests and as I said, fill the missing gap in our lives.’
‘So, your asking me to be a hooker...basically?’ You blurted our, anger starting to bubble a little in your veins.
‘No. Not at all. I never said a thing about anything sexual, I mean if it leads to that and you want to then fine but I can assure you that isn’t what any of us are looking for. We are simply looking for a beautiful soul to share our wealth and life with. All I’m asking is for you to let seven on the worlds most beautiful men wine and dine you.’
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[Part 2 - Coming Soon]
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monifrappe · 4 years
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Coming soon....
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monifrappe · 4 years
this video = day made
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monifrappe · 4 years
My trip back in June just got cancelled and now I’m feeling this pain all over again 😭 f you covid-19
This time last year i had just landed in Busan and proceeded to have the best 3 months of my life in South Korea 😭 I wanna go back!
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monifrappe · 4 years
This gif set will never not ruin me 😖🥺
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oh my god
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monifrappe · 4 years
“I have this strange feeling that I’m not myself anymore. It’s hard to put into words, but I guess it’s like I was fast asleep, and someone came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again. That sort of feeling.”
— Haruki Murakami (via goodreadss)
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monifrappe · 4 years
So I ordered a signed GOT7 album from a legitimate website and I’m not sure whose signature is on it. Can anyone please enlighten me? 😅
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monifrappe · 4 years
‘I don’ t give a shit, I don’t give a fuck.’ - Min Yoongi
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monifrappe · 4 years
Okay but....maybe this era 😂😂
What if this comeback we’re going back to an old era because this time Jin managed to go back…and actually succeded in saving them all 🤔😭😱
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monifrappe · 4 years
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Having a shitty day and you’re the only thing keeping me together ❤️
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